Do I have a right to be mad at my mom for not coming out with us?

There’s a thing called I don’t feel like shopping :shopping: :shopping_cart: I don’t see the problem and besides she’s not in the mood sometimes that’s how I am. I wanna stay home :house: clean up :broom: my house are whatever I just don’t wanna go out.

Get over it :woman_shrugging:t3: your mom is a grown woman and she can do whatever she damn well pleases. You really don’t know what’s going on with your mom on the inside even if she looks physically fine trust me she may be going thru depression and she may be having anxiety also. And honestly I think you’re being selfish also cause with covid going around you want to expose your child and your grandma to do some Christmas activities when you could be at home watching this game or making cookies doing some crafts etc with grandma and your son also where your mom can join but instead you want to go out there exposing them cause you’re being selfish?

Your Mom sounds a lot like me because I don’t do anything on Saturday but watch football. So don’t ask me to go anywhere or do anything, I am not doing it. You can check back with me on Monday

Just let her be who she is. I wouldn’t want her to go if she’d rather stay home. Maybe next time.

The amount of people shaming her for leaving her house during a pandemic that’s been going on for almost a year now is just unreal. Y’all are silly :yawning_face:

Go shopping and leave her be. It’s obvious she does not want to go Christmas shopping or participate in Christmas activities.


Why do you want to be with someone who does not want to be with you.

Go and have fun.

Do not get upset. She prefers staying home this time. Simply ask if there is anything you can bring her back. Maybe next time. Okay?:thinking::two_hearts:

She probably feels safer staying home. Give her a break. COVID is no joke.

Oh for goodness sakes shame on you. She has a tight to do as she pleases. Only you can control how you react. Quit reading more into it than there is and for gosh sakes leave your son out of it!

Wait! This is pandemic time. Everyone feels differently about it. Please understand that. Do your thing and let anyone do their thing. One thing you should be concerned about is that, you are all observing and practicing the covid guidelines. Enjoy and stay safe.

She may feel better and safer at home, which is perfectly fine, watch the game with her if possible, have some food items enjoy the day, do your shopping later or activities on another day, truthfully she just may not feel up to a shopping trip or going out and doesn’t want to say it’s just not something she’s interested in doing, don’t take it personally. Enjoy your shopping trip.

She is a grammy. Don’t you in life at sometime reach an age where you can say no without being vilified? She wants to watch a game. Let her do it. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you or your son. If you want time with her, stay home and watch the game with her. Why don’t you do what she wants to do?

Maybe the big OU game is a tradition for her. Maybe you and your grandma and Son should sit with her and watch it with her instead of going out and risking getting covid

If she doesnt want to then she doesnt want to. Maybe she is a little down in the dumps and doesnt want to bother anyone about it right around the holidays.

This is a hard time for everyone I think she just feels safe at home.

I would be upset if she didn’t go because OU was playing but if Nebraska was playing I would stay home with her and watch

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I don’t blame her why would anyone go out during this virus pandemic, and why would you take your son and grandmother out among the public you are just jeopardizing their health also. Holiday or not just stay home.

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My BF watches every football game even they are on but I have had to put my foot down a few times because family time is more important than football. However, I would never do that to my parents. They can make their own decisions on what they want to do. Honestly, she could be worried about the Pandemic and this is her way of dealing with it. Maybe she’s an introvert and doesn’t find the activities fun and they stress her out. It’s not your call to dictate her life. I would ask her what she would like to do with you and your son. At the end of the day though, you can’t get upset about her choices if she chooses not to do something.

Sometimes bc I am 87…we just enjoy some quite time all alone and simply do absolutely nothing…except go to bathroom

Since I don’t know if this is on the now with the pandemic or not I can not say …But now in the pandemic it is safer for her to be home

Remember the reason for the season, try watching the game with her as a family. It doesnt matter to kids where time is spent, as long as your all together.

she right untill the pandemic is over i will not do stuff with my family untill this is over

That’s on her. She’s the one missing out.
Or maybe she doesn’t want to be around you or your grandmother? Maybe someone complains the whole time? Or just simply annoying ?

Shes either sick or depressed and flat tired. Go on out and play without her !!

I think she can have plans too, certainly you can do Christmas activities around one game, geez.

I wouldn’t over analyze this. She doesn’t want to go. Leave it at that.

Why would you be mad at your mother? She loved and raised you now she can do as she pleases. If she wants to watch football leave her alone and let her watch it lol

With Covid 19 she is being the smart one.

Or maybe you could go after she watch the game, Somethines both side need to give a little,

Her lose don’t let her damper your Christmas spirit.

She could be using that as an excuse to stay safe during COVID.

It wouldnt be good for your Mom to be out shopping anyways. The risk is to bad for her. Mad at your MOM, amazing how she raised you. Now your Mad at her. How about bring some game food and go sit with her and watch the game. Cherish her, she will be gone someday and you will regret the being mad at her.

As we get older we dont seem to want to go anywhere as much.

Grandma is taking care of herself so she can be around for Christmas this year and many more. Also when you get older the cold affects you in many ways younger people don’t realize. Getting in and out of cars and stores in the cold isn’t pleasant for everyone .

Why can’t you make arrangements for another time to do Christmas activities. Watching a recorded game is just not the same!!!

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Your mom wants to watch the game. Let her. If you want to do something with her, watch with her. If you can’t do that, know that she feels the same about Christmas activities as you do football activities. People are different. Let them be.

I’m sorry football never ranks family and that said could be fear of the flu could be football ranks high

Was she planning on watching the game before you made plans? Just make plans for another day, the important thing is being together, not specifically what you do. I always throw together last minute plans with my family, we’ll go hiking, bike riding, kayaking, fishing, board games a family field day, a movie marathon. My daughter & I live 50 minutes away from my Mom, brother in law and 2 nephews (4 yrs ago I lost my Dad unexpectedly & 1 year ago December 16, I lost my only sibling, my younger sister unexpectedly), so we’ll just randomly jump in the car & drive to my family & be like let’s do this or this (did the same when my Dad & Sister was alive) & we all do it, sometimes it’s not enough warning so one/two people might not be able to participate so we’ll catch them next time & we share photographs with them so they’re not completely left out. We do things that require planning but that takes making sure everyone is available before we plan something. The best thing to do is talk to her and find out her reasons, even if you don’t agree with them at least you’ll know and it’ll help you plan better for next time. This life is too short to be mad (especially when you’re mad at someone you’re wanting to make memories with), so go enjoy the time with your son, take some photos and share them with your Mom & make plans for another day, don’t waste time you could be making memories being mad.

It could be she is not comfortable in stadium seats. I know that I am not. I have arthritis.

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I mean y’all are assuming they are just going out to around crowds maybe they are driving around looking at Christmas lights.

I think it’s her loss. :woman_shrugging: You can’t force someone to care. Focus on yourselves and y’all having a good time.


What if she just didn’t feel well? But didn’t won’t to say.

Well honestly, i am a huge Dallas Cowboys fan and I do everything. In my power to watch every single game. And those who know me, understand that it is literally the only thing in my life that I insist on doing. And watching a recorded game is not the same as watching it live. So if she is a huge fan and u are expecting her to choose going out with u at the exact time then u are being selfish. U could literally choose any other time, a different night, whatever. But don’t expect people, especially your parents, to just leave things that they like behind just to appease u for a couple of hours. It’s pretty messed up that people actually think this way, especially if it’s a big game which is what it sounds like.

My husbands done that our whole married life, February will be 50 years.

Your mom might not be very comfortable in crowds, especially around Christmas shopping crowds.

What type of activities are you talking about? Baking cookies, riding in a car to look at Christmas light, shopping or are you talking about being around lots of other people. There is a huge huge difference you know.

If she gets covid from being out with you for your activities, are you going to take care of her?

I would not want to go shopping either plan to stay home and watch the game with your mother go shopping online or before or after the game , and maybe you just get on her nerves

During college football and college basketball our lives was scheduled around Ohio state games especially football.

So sad personally. 4 generations that may not be here Tomorrow let alone next year. I feel for your grandma. PLEASE SPEND as much time So your son will know his great grandma! Best to you all, hugs and prayers!

Why do you want to expose grandma to covid?

Quit your whining. Maybe she doesnt want to go…get it?

Just a thought, maybe with the pandemic she isn’t comfortable going out


Well depending on her age i am 77 and i don’t want to do what other people want anymore. I want to do what i want don’t like tough

Have you never done something that others have wanted you to do. Just saying think about it.


Ummmm…maybe she’s trying to be safe. We are in the midst of a pandemic.


Sit and watch the game with her, then go shopping.


She’s entitled to do what ever she wants . Let her be .

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Just go with the flow, no drama just enjoy time with her. Let her do as she wants, probably just rather be at home. Merry Christmas

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Let her enjoy what she wants. It’s not about you want. It’s her time too

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Let it be she is a grown women

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You’re mad because she doesn’t want to participate? What world you living in?? OMG!!! Selfish much…


This year she may not feel comfortable going out in public and taking the chance of getting Covid.

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Shes just looking out for her personal safety she might be more afraid then you think

It’s her loss. Just go have a good time.

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Yeah maybe she just wants to be alone. Really not a big deal.

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No, leave her alone. She may be scared to go,out and afraid to tell you.

Maybe she doesn’t want to get Covid.

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If she works she most likely would like to relax on day off

All I can say is life is too short and if she’s happy that’s all that counts

She is an adult… She can do what she wants

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OMG let her do what she wants. You invite her, let her make a decision, and let it go

Look, she has finally reached a time in her life where she can do what ever she likes. After raising a family and being on call 24/7 she deserves it. leave her alone and just except that she is happy doing what she is doing. You will get there some day too, lol


Be grateful you still have a mom.

Seems to me Grandma is depressed

Apparently she wants to do what SHE WANTS to do. Leave her be.

Stop being a Sooky la la, she is entitled to do what she want,s.

A game over family is never a good thing. You’re never promised tomorrow.:innocent:

Maybe she’s afraid to go out

I would be mad as hell, family comes first . Bad grandma.

First of all, you sound like a 5 year old child having a tantrum . Secondly, maybe she’s just taking precautions to protect herself from covid. She’s a grown woman and has the right to tell you no and do as she wishes. Lay off her.


she is tired. maybe a check up is needed.

Totally agree with Josie King.

Personally, I like being at home doing what I like to do

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I’m with your mom. At 70 I’d just as soon stay home where I’m comfy and content. Never make/shame older people do what don’t they want to do. I’d bet your mom, since you were a little girl, has always stepped up to do what you wanted to do. We’ve paid our dues, done it all, let us do what we want now…it’s our turn.

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Maybe mom is hurting or depressed. Stop being a brat and let mom be.


These days with Covid raging all over the place, it’s best to stay home anyway

It really is her loss, one day she may wish she had spent more time with y’all. I would go and just have fun with your son and grandma and not worry about someone that doesn’t want to be there.

Maybe she just don’t want to let it go move on and do you

We are in a global pandemic… don’t get mad at anyone for not going somewhere with you…


Might be the virus stuff

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Quit being a big baby! If she doesn’t feel like going, so be it!

Maybe it’s depression.

If your mom doesn’t want to go she doesn’t want to go. I have friends who don’t like going out shopping or going out to eat. I have friends who are afraid of Covid19. She has a right to choose what she wants to do. When the Bengals play my friends know I’m watching the game and not going anywhere. Get over it and move on. Go do your own thing.

You have no reason to be mad.

People who are addicted to tv usually have an underlying reason. I have a friend who watches it from the crack of dawn until they go to sleep. That is so sad when there so many other great things to do. Being with your family is at the top of the list.

Don’t know how old your Mom is , but maybe it’s exhausting for her . I know it is for me & I’m 65 .

Used to love shopping, don’t anymore. :frowning:

Scratch your mad place and get glad there bucko … she didn’t want to go !!!