I would never speak to her again!!!
You should ALL STAY HOME!
You’re being incredibly selfish.
Will with covid going on your childish and selfish.
Gently remind her how much you all love her and miss her when she begs off. The memories later down the road when some of you are missing because you have passed on will bring joy and comfort at the Holidays. I would never miss a family outing even with masks or distancing, it is such a rarity in today’s world of tv, laptops, and smartphones. But she is your Mom and if she still doesn’t want to come, respect her wishes and tell her again you love her. Kindness is often shown to total strangers before it is given to family members. Have a Blessed Christmas and I’ll remember your family in my prayers. <3 +++
I bet your mom CAN’T tell you the reason why she doesn’t want to go. How unpleasant do you make these outings for her? Do you belittle her? Put her down? Talk hateful to her in front of her grandson? We can’t just assume you’re a loving daughter.
I don’t think you should be mad at your Mom for not going with you, Grandma and your son to do Christmas activities. She wants to see the game and would rather do that than go to these activities. Let her. Its her right to do as she pleases and you did ask and she chose to do something different. We cannot make people do what we wish they would. I hope for your sake and hers that she will do stuff with you all another time. Sometimes we read into something- something thats not there…
Instead of being mad at her, tell her you’d like her to participate in making special memories for you & your son.
I’m sorry. I hate holiday shopping. People are mean. Fighting over items. Running you over with their carts. This year with the virus. No way would I get out there!!!
I’d be offended too. Her choice is a sad one. .
She may enjoy some alone time
Well I’m a Gramma and would go out with you anytime my dear
Stay home …stay safe
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I would respect her decision.
Keeping distance is best right now.
It’s her loss just go have fun
Her loss. You can’t force her to do something she doesn’t want to do. You can be upset with her but it’s not going to change anything.
I mean it was a championship game! We are big OU fans too! So we would have planned for something after the game. It’s an early game so plenty of time left in the day
I’m not depressed and I would rather stay home and watch TV than risk Covid. Maybe suggest she bake some cookies or do some crafts AT HOME.
If she wants to miss out then that’s her problem.
That’s her business to regret later on.
My mom is a drug addict and gets mad because I refuse to let her be around my son at all. Then she moved in with my aunt. She knows I will not not go around my great grand mother is who’s currently on the last little leg of life.
She suddenly acts like I forgave her and constantly asks to watch him and everything. Out of being nice I haven’t told her because she’s lives there it doesn’t changed. She stopped trying while she was living somewhere else. Then all the sudden she’s dying and that’s perfect time act like nothing ever happen.
No, you were high when I did trust you, and have been to jail 3 times that I know of since. She can go to hell lol
Seems that your mom might be dealing with depression. Try talking to your mom instead of posting your problems to strangers.
OU game? Sooners? Woman has taste Good choice. Enjoying a great football game safe at home.
I would let it slide. There are many times I’m just not in the mood to do things.
Her loss. You invited. She chose to watch the game. Go and have fun. She will be the one sitting with regret later when she wants the relationship but the kid doesn’t have time for a woman who didn’t invest time into him. I feel your frustration because I’ve been there. But it didn’t do anything but ruin MY TIME with my kids. Find peace and let her be.
here come the covid nazis:woman_facepalming:
Sounds like she’s depressed
Sounds like depression. Try doing things she’s comfy with and showing compassion instead of anger.
I’d be annoyed but it’s not worth the fight. Maybe she’s going through something. It’s also a sign of anxiety/depression for some. I’d just take pics and move on
You have a perfect right to be mad. She has a perfect right to stay home and do whatever she chooses. The question is: Is this the hill you want to die on?
I would be upset too. I would be having a conversation with her to explain my point of view and see what her side is. See if time can be planned another day with you and your son aside from the game. Give her the benefit of the doubt: if not, her loss. Enjoy yourselves and make certain to be busy next time she asks for your time- remind her of this moment and how disappointed you were.
Personal my u would go and talk to aka grandma… she might have issues but I need to express yourself to her. She needs to hear and know what your feeling. . Communication is key… merry Christmas and be safe
Well, rather than concern ourself with grandmas preferences that you clearly do not agree with, we’ll look instead at some control issues that you seem to be struggling with. Maybe she doesn’t want to have fun your way, because you do not listen. If your the kind of person that has to dictate everyone’s movement and activities, I can see why your invitation did not appeal. Maybe just let people be. I certainly would not be pleased with someone trying to make decisions for me. Once you get those control issues resolved, perhaps you could work on recognizing emotions in others, or understanding other’s feelings.
I am 82 years old and I agree with Mom!, There is COVID out there!
Maybe there is a health issue she isn’t informing you of. Maybe walking distances bothers her, or you are walking too fast for her to keep up with. Sometimes as we age, it’s hard for us to admit we can’t do the same things we use to.
the game will be there if recorded when she gets back and any time she wants to see it but the grandson will not always be there or willing to do things with her and she cannot live her life being afried of pandemic ieither
Maybe she is concerned for her safety going out in a pandemic. Some people have a REAL FEAR of it. She might be using the game as an excuse!
Could be depression. Or anxiety about going out in public due to covid. Dont be angry until you know why.
You can do your Christmas activities another day . Football is really important to some people and only happens once a week . Give a little!
I’d rather eat glass than go do Christmas activities. It’s not about the game. This time of year is depressing and exhausting for some people.
I hate tv. I love going out but when you ate too dizzy to bend or walk. through. A store sorry I have to regnig.age catches up some times just when you dont want it to.youdont know how some one feels till you are in their shoes. I hate sitting home but the virus has ruined all our lives. My family has caused a lot of it mom stay home mom dont go to church mom
I will buy your groceries . mom dont let. Any one in the house . mom ! did you wash your hands . mom ! Mom you are not old ! You are only as old as I.think you are !! What a funny life we live! All was well before the virus. It sure jerked us all off our rockers…
There is a little thing called a PANDEMIC going on right now. I think you are the selfish one. Bring the game day party to her if you want to watch the game and celebrate with her.
Perhaps she has a medical condition that saps her energy.
Most likely she is covid conscious.
I dont feel like ninety. But I guess I act it some times forgive me for getting too old. Its the worl D
Im afraid of not you all
Grow up! Honor her wishes she earned them!
Life is to short wish my mom was still here
Maybe she has health issues.
Watch the game with her,
With this coronavirus everyone is getting so use to staying home and watching T.V.!!she might be a little depressed and afraid of getting the virus if she goes out!!Have patience that’s all will end-soon!stay safe !!!