Don’t know the background to this other than what’s been posted, but a couple of options that stick out to me straight away are can’t you all just go? Given that it’s an amicable and peaceful environment between you all… Or could he just not get his own room if its causing this much drama? Again I don’t know the circumstances beyond what’s been posted, but they’re the first things that come to mind
I think this just brings to light the greater issue. He is still married to her. Even after being separated for 4 years and with you for 2. I think it’s time to have a big conversation about your relationship and where it is going. Even if they were divorced them sharing a room together and you not being invited would be weird, but they are still married.
You lady’s are always screaming cheating. I’ve had to go to family events and my ex went to and we shared a room with two is possible to be with an ex and not be cheating
If you are asking us then you already know. You don’t need us to clarify it for you
Sounds like you have trust issues and thats on you. Not on him, and you should feel bad for acting psycho about it. It never involved you, so it seems you had to make it involve you. You seem pretty toxic, so my advice would be let him find someone who will let him coparent without going insane at the thought of him and his ex wife in the same room alone. OH NO ALONE ONLY ONE THING HAPPENS WHEN MEN AND WOMEN ARE ALONE.
I mean, do you sleep with anyone of the opposite sex youre alone with? No, why would you except that from people who choose to leave each other? It’s honestly ridiculous.
My parents have been separated for 20 years and are still married, it’s a very expensive process but also my parents are on very good terms and just don’t care to get divorced they haven’t seen each other in person but 1 time this year because my moms boyfriend of 16 years passed away. It’s normal to me to not really care about it, but my parents wouldn’t share a room, and they get along great. That’s just weird
He has his prioritizes fucked up from the get go girl! He’s STILL MARRIED! He thinks it’s ok to date and be in a relationship for a whole 2 years while still being married!!! You should be more upset he’s still married and with you for 2 years then sharing a hotel. He doesn’t care about being married still, ain’t no way he cares about sharing a room with his wife!!! Emphasize on WIFE!!!
He can’t get his own room?
And. If she is still his wife why are you with him.
The things I’m reading in these comments really show that some of you aren’t living in 2022. This isn’t the 18 or 1900’s🧐
It’s definitely shady
Nope, the fact they’re separated after 4 years and still no divorce is enough of a red flag for me
You go with him! And if he doesn’t allow you to go, I’d dump him on his ass! In no way is it appropriate that he is even around his ex without you there, no matter what occasion it is! Ask him how he’d feel if you stayed in a hotel with your ex! But omg, normal people don’t stay in hotel rooms with their ex’s when they’re in a new relationship! And also, pay for his divorce! Then he has no excuse not to get divorced!
It got weird when you say sharing a room with his wife. I mean you even refer to her as his wife. Separated or not the title hasnt been separated and just seems weird to me altogether
My question is why is he sharing a room…if he cant afford his own room then he shouldnt go…
Looks like a convenient set up for this guy!
They have no business sharing a room. Its not needed. not about trust for me it would be respecting all parties involved. He should def go, he doesnt need to sleep in same room to support his daughter. Seriously though, after 4 yrs with no divorce, I would be questioning what he wants to do before I would move further with that relationship
Well they are obviously on good terms and want to share moments together with their daughter not separate. You’re being insecure. The man better not miss his daughters thing because of your insecurities Jesus.
Why are Y’all so quick to judge? Unless you walk in her shoes don’t tell her which path to travel.
Me, personally, have been separated from my husband for 5 plus years. I’ve been living with my bf for 2 years. We have personal reasons for doing it this way. Until you know the whole story don’t judge. Be respectful. Be kind. Be human
Why couldn’t he ask you to go with him and the two of you get a room
I felt okay about it until you said the kids will all be sharing rooms! I mean obviously nothing romantic can happen with your teenager in the room and it would make sense he would want to share a room with his child but not solely with his ex. After 2 years, its odd you weren’t included until you got upset. Im not sure what your guys budget is but if he can afford his own room, he should absolutely do that. And you should go too. It sounds like fun and im sure you’d want his daughter to know you support her sporting competition. I would absolutely feel insecure and upset just like you do.
If after 4 years and still not divorced I would think that it isn’t that important to your boyfriend to get a divorce. There are lawyers all over the country that will let you make payments to represent you for divorces. I’m sure they could have found one by now!!! Move on girl!! Stop wasting your life on someone that really doesn’t care that much about you!! Sorry but stop accommodating him to have the best of both lives.
Tell him to get a divorce already, really!
sorry separated or not maybe you shouldn’t be with a married man that has children. His kids (and their feelings) should come before yours. Also I find it hard to feel sorry for you that’s still his wife . Clearly they not divorced yet for some reason. I think you should of thought this through before staying with him for two years.
Why can’t he just get his own room and you go as well? My husband wont even go pick his daughter up without me there because of stuff his ex wife has said
I don’t think this situation has a simple answer. I think there’s a lot of things that could have it go either way.
If the circumstances were legit, I would let him go. They have a child together and will always be in each other’s lives if they choose to be good parents to the daughter. but if he always seems sketchy with her then I could see there being a concern. Have you seen them interact together? I’m a believer in going with your gut but also want to have faith that they are both just trying to be there for their daughter and save money(?). I know I would stay with my hubby for a night even if we were separated to save money lol
Honestly I would feel weird to share a room with my kids father. If it was a suite with a pull out couch maybe. But I still think I would feel weird. I definitely wouldn’t want to
Wake up. You’re nothing more than the side dish.
I wrote a long text about what to do I say kick him to the curb is wrong it will get worse
This is just weird lol
If you have been together for 2 years and you have a good relationship with his daughter than why are you NOT going? You say he just offered for you to go… that to me is weird that you have to be offered to go to his daughters function. After 2 years together you should automatically be included in all children’s activities. You and him should get your own room and his ex her own room. If you choose to not go, I still think he should get his own room.
I think it depends on your relationship with him and her and his relationship with her and if it’s separate beds and if it’s purely for financial reasons.
My husband has no issues with my ex husband staying in our home for a week when he drops off my son. But we all get along and have been friendly for years for the sake of our son.
Get your own room and he can sleep with you
So go with and share or get a room for just you 2. Yes you can be insecure but don’t let it get the better of you. The focus should be on the daughter. Go support her or stay home and trust your bf.
Girl go with him problem solved. If it’s notnwerid to him to share a room with her it won’t be for you all to lol
Where is the relationship between you & him going. If he passed away in the morning, she would be his widow, and you would be his …well nothing. Time to be respected. No divorce…no relationship…only respectable way to go.
Hell to the no. That would be my response.
I am so sorry, I couldn’t be with someone who was “legally” married to someone else. He and his daughter didn’t invite you. Who’s paying for the room? The daughter will be with her teammates. Husband and wife (you didn’t even call her his estranged wife, you gave her the whole label of wife) sharing a room. Not sure I would want to be in your shoes. You are in charge of your happiness, are YOU living your best life with this man?
Legally separated for 4 years wtf is he waiting for? Either go with him or trust him. Or … tell him your out. No divorce no go. I wouldn’t be alright with that.
They are still messing around, the end.
Nah, he needs to get his own room.
It’s still his wife, separated or not, that should tell you something
Why are you dating a married man. The first lie a man tells us that him and his wife are separated. When are you woman gone to learn ask to see the divorce papers.
Don’t ever get yourself involved with a married person. He’s still legally married to his wife…
Andre Moore look at this one
Man you crazy asl
Nope!! I think the daughter is old enough now to understand mom & dad are no longer together. No need for them to be sharing a hotel room. Why the hell didn’t he ask you to come along. Time to leave the relationship.
You’re worried about them sharing a room when you’ve been with a married man for 2+ years?..
You have far bigger issues than room sharing. If they wanted a divorce surely one of them would have went though with it in the last 4 years.
Save yourself the headache and leave the shit show.
Is $ the issue? I mean, he is still legally her husband.
Whatever you do, just make sure you think about his daughters feelings FIRST
My husband and I have been separated for 7 years. My daughter has epilepsy when she goes to the doctor we’d stay in the same hotel room.
Well it’s his wife so you may as well be upset with yourself for dating a married man
Married means married. Separated equals still married.
Why did he not book his own room?? Why are they not divorced after 4 years? Maybe you need to rethink your relationship!! I for one would be gone!!! He should be apart of the child’s function but that don’t mean he needs to share a room with the WIFE!!! Good luck
I agree with the divorce but you gotta trust him or your relationship will always be full of tension.
That’s still his wife duh
You are a spare tire
Is it a 2-bedroom hotel room? Will they be sharing a bed? Is it 1 room with separate beds?
You’re allowed to feel uncomfortable or upset, but has he ever given you a reason to not trust him?
I mean tbh… I would go if it’s feasible… but also at the same time if it’s truly bothersome, I’d just get MY OWN room with my SO and call it good…. If you choose not go, I would express your concerns and listen to what he says and then make a decision on how you feel about it. If you can both afford it, I would ask him if he wouldn’t mind his own room.
He needs to get his own room and why the hell are they not divorced yet? That’s a long time to be separated
Legally it is his Wife, either you trust him or you don’t. Either way the Kid comes FIRST. If she’s happy to her Family unit happy and getting along then that’s what matters most. I’d trust my Husband in a whole room full of naked women. If he finds something better more power to him . Eveyone deserves to be happy.
Your boyfriend is married… Hello???
That’s bullcrap that he would stay in her room, get rid and him for even considering it!
This man wants his family back.
I’m sorry, I couldn’t get over your boyfriend sharing a room with his wife part. You have been with this man for 2 years and he’s still not divorced. Hun, you have bigger problems. You’ve been with a MARRIED man for 2 years. A married man who has such a good relationship with his wife that he’s willing to share a hotel room with her. You’re worried about a trip I would be more concerned about wasting my life with a married man.
If you have a reason to be worried…that says it all. Either he can’t be trusted or you’re jealous, insecure, and controlling.
Um I’d be concerned on why they have been separated four years and have not actually legally divorced…I personally would not put myself in a position of dating someone who is still married
What the actual F?
Why does he not just say that he will get a seperate room?
Doesn’t have to cancel altogether… just be decent and fair