Wow. He’s cheap. End of story.
The way you feel is so understandable. But it let it pass. Its lame for him to give the same ring he gave to you to the next woman…its an insult to her as well.Consider yourself lucky he’s not your responsibility anymore. I think its immature.
Wow i think its sooo weird ring is suppost to represent the relationship with the person it was given to. Id be embrassed if i was the other woman. But my opinion
I would be hurt by that too. And if I was your friend/ new fiancée I wouldn’t be comfortable wearing the engagement ring.
You should of held on to the ring and not given it back to him when you guys broke up. He gave it to you, you wore it for years…it was yours to keep.
Be proud she has got him and not you
First I wouldn’t have given him the ring back… Boom problem solved…
I’m not sure whose more tacky. Him for giving it to her or her for thinking she got something so special. Smh.
Does she know about the ring being urs?
Why would she wear it😶
Why didn’t u keep the ring🤔
Hes so cheap!!
He didnt even buy a new ring for her. Wow.
Ur not missing out.
My ex bf keep my wedding ring my ex husband gave me.
It took an obligation attorney to get my ring back.
Loser at its finest!
I promised my son I would give this ring to him. Is the only reason why i wanted it back.
Honestly I’d rather off myself than wear somebody else’s ring lol. I just means he didn’t care enough to buy the new girl one or was too cheap. Either way it sounds like you dodged a bullet hon let her keep the ring and thoughtless boy.
I agree with you Angela Sofia Griffith, how romantic… NOT…
No. He’s your ex. And not your ring anymore.
Eww…id be pissed if I was the new girl
The gf should be pissed!
I highly doubt she would be okay with wearing your former engagement ring of so many years?? Does she even know it was yours?
My ex did the same thing she can have it. But none of us are friends due to them not wanting to be Vivian adults. They can keep their ring and their problems.
To be honest I wouldn’t even be wearing a ring that my mans ex wore.
Unfortunately if she already has it on it’s hers now . You can speak up if it bothers you to him. However never never never give the ring back unless it’s court ordered, my opinion.
After 21 years and 2 kids you earned that ring. I would have kept it and sold it and spent the day at the spa and salon and a new outfit and spent a night out with friends.
Says alot about how he feels about her. Gave her a used engagement ring??? You have every right to be upset.
Does the new girlfriend know that was the same ring you wore when y’all were together?
It makes it clear that she is his second choice.
How is this even a question?!? Yes you have all right to be mad!! I’m not going into why or what reasons bring to this conclusion but wtf?!!!? He’s a POS && you should of kept your ring!
Personally I think he should have bought a new one. That engagement ring is now “cursed”. Not saying that in a bad way, more of a, “it was used in a relationship that failed” way. So whether or not you guys are friends, the relationship karma is stuck with the ring
Can understand the hurt, but realise she now has to deal with his cheap and ugly ways. And if she’s happy to accept someone else’s ring, so sad for her. He’s yr ex for a reason, just know you’ve raised your standards and deserve better.
If ya’ll failed taxes together and he listed you as his spouse that makes you comman law married. He will have to get a divorce and pay child support. Check with a lawyer. I was with my bf/common law spouse for 42 years. He passed away in 2017.
She should be upset lol the new girlfriend!
I mean id be pissed if I was the NEW girl but I dont see why you should be. Y’all arnt together, you gave the ring back. So i mean hes free to do whatever he pleases with it,
Oh wow thats complicated and weird all at once. Our memories are always stored in a good place it should never be combined with materialistic things to bring about value because things fade away or be handed down to other people like in this case. I did mention how weird this is right. Anyway no woman in their right sense with ever be comfortable with hand me downs especially if its belonged to his previous relationship his ex in this case you the mother of his children. Your kids will always be that reminder of that beautiful love yourl shared. But maybe seeing as yourl are good friends you should mention it to him and how uncomfortable it makes u feel and leave it there. Life is to should to hold on to things that has no impact in your future.
She has the right to be pissed
When something is given to you its yours to keep legally you didnt have to give it back to him, if i was his girlfriend i wouldnt have accepted the ring belonging to another woman, yes id be upset especially when you discussed keeping it for the kids.
My husband and I broke up for a year… we had been engaged… the girl he was dating keep taking my ring and shed come into the store i worked at and tell me he gave it to her… when he’d call me (cause he called everyday begging me to come back) I’d ask why he gave her my ring to which he would get pissed of about and take it back. He ended up buying her one just to keep her from taking mine… so what I’m saying… you gave every right to be upset, and does she know it’s your ring? Cause I wouldn’t want a ring that was bought for another girl… wtf is wrong with him?
I can’t imagine how ya feel girl, but the fact that she is okay with flaunting a ring that belonged to another woman is just super lame and says a lot about her character.
What a cheap bastard. I’d rather no ring over a ring from a relationship that didn’t work out
Who cares really.
It’s just an object.
Says slot about them both! I’d never want an ex’s engagement ring!
Personally I wouldn’t want my mans ex’s ring… why isn’t she mad about that? That is YOUR ring. He got it for u it’s actually yours to do what u want with it. Idk that seems odd of his girlfriend to accept ur ring. U are not wrong at all.
It’s completely weird that shes okay with that
I would be upset given the fact that you and your ex had discussed what to do with the ring after you broke up. That was meant for your kids possibly and he went and gave it to her.
The fact she flaunts the ring, knowing it was yours seems really bizarre. I’d want my own ring! Her attitude towards it seems toxic, and his just seems cheap. You have every right to feel upset, but just let it be a clear indication of what kind of people they really are.
I can understand being upset since you had amicably spoken about giving the ring to your children. But girl, just feel sorry for the new fiancee that she’s ok with sloppy seconds.
Maybe keep bringing it up to her passive aggressively how that was your old ring. & Maybe she’ll get the hint and give it back to him and he’ll give it back to you.
That is super tacky on his part.
I would tell her, maybe she doesnt know. Maybe he shouldve saved the ring for your children especially if you were together that long. Seems more like your family ring, then an engagement ring.
100 Hundo tacky. That’s considered bad luck really, and after 21 years with you and it ended, my buck is on the bet that they don’t last either.
Wow just wow.
It shows 1 who he is as a man to do that
2 who she is to just joke about it
3 who they are as a couple to accept this type of love hahha used rings and silly jokes…grow up
Id feel bad for her for his inability to make her feel special and do their love story the correct way…and if u r at all reluctant to just let it go around them then u may have to deal w it longer because she obv thinks its funny. Just ignore it. And buy urself a pretty MOM ring.
I understand why your upset especially when you talked about what to do with it, but once you gave it back to him it’s technically his to do what he wants with it,I cannt believe that he would give “your ring” to another woman and that she would accept it knowing it had been yours.
No but she should be upset lmao I’d let her know it’s a handy me down and or sloppy seconds. Good riddens, be happy not bitter
Guess if it’s over, it’s over. If you don’t see her. Put it out of your mind. Too much info on him if you know that. If friends tell you this stuff, tell them not to. It doesn’t help a thing.
The ring obviously doesn’t have much sentimental value to him. Sorry if It’s painful ( I get it ) but I wish you well in letting go of it. You are the bigger person for it.
That’s so awkward - she knows you wore the ring?!? I can’t believe she is ok with that. Is it like a family heirloom from his side?- I’m over here trying to figure out why he would do that and it being an heirloom is honestly the only possibility where I might consider it an ok thing…
If you didn’t have the ring in your possession then it’s not your business. If it bothers his new fiancé (which it should in my opinion) that’s still their business and not yours.
Well, you gave it back to him!
a ring represents the contract you will marry him. once decided not to it is given back to him. now him giving to another woman is so cheap on his part unless it was a family heirloom. as for her why would u accept a ring u know his ex wore just tacky and desperate on her part
I mean he should have gotten a new ring for many reasons. I’m not saying I wouldn’t accept a ring, but an ex’s ring? And what kind of thought is put into that??
Yeah I wouldnt want to wear a ring that was given to someone else before
I would be upset too i get it its the
Point but hes either to cheap to get her her own which she also deserves or he just wants to get rid of it either way i hope you find all the happiness in the world
I’m sorry that’s just tacky as hell. I wonder if she knows and how she feels knowing she got a hand me down engagement ring. My now husband was engaged to his h.s. sweetheart too before we met and he used that ring for a down payment on the ring for me. Two totally different styles of rings for two totally different people.
No it’s tacky it should be your ring if I got a divorce I would not give it back it’s my ring.
Not at all you wore that ring for years, but am disappointed that his new girlfriend accepted the ring as I feel that is disrespectful of your memories, also i feel he isn’t giving the new girlfriend any respect, in a sense she is the second hand rose in his eyes.
Depends on the ring. If it was bought for you then definitely tacky. If it was a family heirloom then no.
No, it’s not your’s if he had it. Not your business.
You gave it back it’s no longer yours he can do what he wants
Your gain her loss
She’s stuck with him you can giggle to yourself for the rest of your life haha let her have the bloody thing
While it is weird, it’s his ring to do with whatever he wants.
Why would she want something you wore for years! Sit back and giggle. It’s on them. If shes flaunting it, lol is all I can say. Makes him look very cheap.
Ohmygod hell yeah I would be fucking pissed! Because that shows he never gave a fuck about me or the kids he helped make and is now playing favorite to his new love life and someone’s kid. Fuck that guy
You should have kept your engagement and wedding rings. You had a legal right to them, because you were married. I don’t know why your ex’s fiancee would want your rings, but I wouldn’t let it bother me.
No! Let it be her compensation for taking your headache and saving your life!
Absolutely tacky without a doubt… cheap girls with cheap tricks will forever flaunt and try to be your friend …I’d say something to her in front of people, really make her look as cheap as the low crap they pulling and him look like a clown .
Personally I’d look at on her hand and laugh
Thats so tacky on his and her part. And the fact that she knows is sad. Imagine not feeling good enough for a new ring that another woman wore for years! While you did give it back and you dont have the right i guess to complain about it, you are 100% justified in your feelings!
why is she happy about falunting a second hand ring that you wore? is she jealous of you? or is she showing that her new boyfriend has no money to buy her a new ring?
I say it’s weird as in a sense that I’d not wanna wear a ring that my lovers ex wore but as long as she’s okay with it then that’s alright. If he had it, then he can do as he pleases.
I suggest to save up and buy yourself a ring girl! You don’t need no drunk mans memories to make you feel down you got a whole life ahead of you make new memories with a ring you can buy yourself
Someday she will be told and will definitely get mad. Just let it go, my mom told me to give my old toys away.
Do you want him? It is strange, but why do you care if you are X. She should be the one upset. Let it go.
Ummm… I’d be pissed he gave me a ring he gave his ex… that’s crazy and I would not feel anyway other than sorry for the new chick that she isn’t good enough for him to buy her her own new ring, she’s getting his ex’s
Hell no!
Let it go. It’s just a ring. What matters is you both have a good relationship for the kid’s and he is a good father and is there. You guys are no longer together. Let it go.
It says a lot about him if he can’t even buy the girl a new ring .I somehow feel down the road she’ll find out and won’t be happy. Remember when your finger was in it and the reason you took it off now he’s her problem smirk to yourself and praise the Lord
She’s prob trying to show it off like she had what you once did. Like I got him you don’t. Yea because you threw him away lol. How old is this girl ? Maybe she doesn’t know better ? Maybe she doesn’t have any self esteem ? Was it a family ring before you ? Like his moms or grand mother’s ?
Imagine how she feels lol why would she even want to wear that ring
I think it was tacky pass the torch for you it burned out a long rime ago good.luck
Does she even know it’s your old ring?
Not as upset as her. Imagine getting an exs cast offs?!
You are jealous… If not you sho be happy that a ring you wore for years that you decided not to go on with it that somone else is putting it on… My ex broke up with me that I’m not caring enough but I still see her with necklace and watches of some of stuff I bought for her then… It makes me happy because I expected her to have someone who buys her new ones and upgraded ones but she sticks to mine and that justify if I did my best
Does she even know it is your old ring? If I found out I was wearing a ring of an ex I’d be livid. Too cheap to buy me a ring of my own
Does she know? I’d be pissed as fuck getting a ring worn by someone else omg no.
It’s weird as fuck that she knows it’s your ring and flaunts it! Is she all there…like in the head???
Personally I’d rather wear a piece of string before I’d wear another woman of 21years ring!!!
Yes he should not ever give a ring that belonged to another women to someone that’s just lazy and unethical
Its really tacky. And I say he doesn’t value her as much as she thinks.
That’s ridiculous!!! And she actually accepted it!! That’s bananas!! Was it a family heirloom of his?
Hell nah, he should’ve gotten a new ring for her
If you had intentions of passing the ring on to one of your kids then you should have kept it. Once your ex got it back it’s his to do with as he pleases…
The fact that SHES willing to accept that says a lot. Just saying
I think that’s so weird! What a cheap ass! He really couldn’t buy her a new ring?? I would not want a ring that his ex had.
I think you have every right to feel that way but if I was here I would be pissed like you just don’t give a ring that you picked out for a woman you previously loved and wanted to marry to the new woman your with. He bought it while thinking of you. If I were her I wouldn’t except it because it’s like he is only giving it to her to save money from buying another one. Does she know it was yours ?
Wow does she know it was yours? I can’t help but laugh
It’s tacky on his part but no sense in you being angry about it. It’s his to do with as he pleases.
Does she know that it was once your ring?