Do I have a right to be upset that my ex gave my engagement ring to his new girlfriend?

I think it’s says more about her than you realize. Your position is not a bad one to be in. Just sit back & watch the show. :heart:


Why do you care what he and his girlfriend are doing it’s not any of your business


Is she aware you wore this ring ?! I would be telling her … and no you are not wrong… that is something between you and your ex … I’m sorry that happened to you I would be hurt … not mad or jealous… hurt

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If she doesn’t know it was yours I’d let her know. If she’s ok with that, she has problems and I’d let it go. Sometimes it takes us time to get over sentimental items but it’s really healthy to let them go in situations like this.

Post a pic with the ring on your hand. Let the world see it was yours first. Lol. Kidding , but it is funny.

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I would be mad if I was given a ring that my ex’s fiancé wore.


You should have kept it, I turned my wedding set in for something else when I got divorced. You had that 20 years you earned that ring


Clearly it’s about money :joy:

Funny, but it’s what I would do…

I’d have to say be careful with that ring, I almost ripped his balls off with it, she will never want to wear it again , seriously though if she knows and is willing to still marry a cheapstake , that’s her problem


“Do I have the right to be upset that my ex…”anything


Theyre your ex now.

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She should be upset :joy:


How hard is it to read a post before leaving a comment… all these “did she know it was yours?” Or “maybe she didn’t know it was yours.” SHE LITERALLY SAYS SHE KNOWS AND FLAUNTS IT.


If anyone should be upset it should be the new fiance.


So she doesn’t value herself enough that she have to settle for a ring that was already been worn for years by his exfiance?
If he really loved her he would buy a new ring, that means something for them.
Lazy ass guy, and stupid girl.


:woman_shrugging:you gave it back, it means nothing but a failed relationship.
Let it go.


Feel sorry for her, bless her heart, she’s thrilled to have someone’s leftover, and you know just what she’s getting.


Nope. Just means he didn’t care enough for her to try and find her a new one


As the girl, I would NOT be okay with having my Man’s ex’s ring. He is cheap AF and has no respect for either of you.


Lol! I wouldn’t be mad. She got hammy downs​:rofl::person_shrugging:


No I don’t think your wrong… I would probably feel that way too , but me personally if I knew it was his ex’s I wouldn’t want it!

Isn’t it bad luck of some sort to have it anyways? Since it was a failed not happily ever after.


You should have kept it to begin with


Laugh in both their faces. He brought that ring for you, not her. Hahahahaha

If I were the new gf I’d flip over this. Your ring is supposed to be sentimental and it obviously doesn’t mean anything to him if he just recycled your ring. It won’t last between them, I can tell you that.

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Also I’d feel like it’s a bad omen.

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Wtf wouldnt care myself as his an ex but if i was the new girlfriend i knew i would kill him

No but she should be haha

If u wanted the ring u should have kept it…but to be honest she should be upset cause he should have gave her…her own…even if it was brought at a pawn shop. I wouldn’t wanna wear baby momma ring…does she even know…girl is tell her. Look out for ur sisters. She might not know. …

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Hahaha my ex gave my ring to his new thing I laughed in her face when she was bragging about her ring I said to her how’s it feel to be wearing my ring and walked away still laughing about it.

I can see how you would want to give it to your children when they are older. I think its tacky they both are okay with using the same ring. I would definitely want my own. I would be reminded every time I (“the new fiance”) would look at it.

It’s definitely tacky but now he’s her problem to deal with.

I wouldn’t want to be friends with them anymore if shes gonna rub the ring in your face.

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Let it go she rather have a guy that doesn’t put effort into finding her a ring for her so she can’t be that special to him just laugh about it

Get her drunk and take your ring back! Game over.

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So I only got to the first line and no appsollutly not I would be furious more so if I was his new fiance that he couldn’t be bothered to get me a new ring? Count yourself lucky

Um. Now I know why you aint with that man… Lmao let it go…

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Does she know it’s your old ring?

Just mention it when they are both standing in front of you like: oh you gave her my ring, why doesn’t she deserve one picked out just for her?!?:joy::joy:


Okay I understand, but if the ring itself meant something why give it back. What he does with it once he has it, is up to him, as trashy or sucky as it may seem. If it were for you or the kids, it should have been set aside for that. You are all fine, & you know her, she knows you, you had children. NOT really trashy for her, it’s a ring, he is going to marry her, wants to… if it were about used & it being trashy, she is with the guy, if it’s NOT trashy to be 'WITH HIM"… A RING IS JUST A THING, meant something to you, I get that, I do… my rings put away (with me), waiting to give our kids. Cause they symbolize 16 yrs… what they do with it, up to them. And, as far as the girl, if he had proposed with a cracker jax ring she’d be happy, it’s NOT the ring (or it’s NOT for the good ones) it’s her man wants to marry her. I am sorry, that it’s bothering you… understandable. But, putting so much meaning into material things… you gotta let it go. If you’re fine her, being 'WITH HIM" that is the only thing that should if ever be something, fact that it’s not, great… And sweetie she is engaged, of course she is going to flaunt it… that’s what engaged women do.

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It should have been a different ring for both sides of the story, it’s like getting someone’s leftovers from a restaurant because they ran out of what you ordered, just wrong and gross

If i were her i wouldn’t have taken it and if i were you i wouldn’t talk to them unless its just about kids anymore then. Thats disrespectful asf. (Unlesssss it was like his grandmas ring and it stays in the family or something)

If me and my man ever split im keeping my ring idc.

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Personally I could not wear a ring that my husband/fiance once gave to another woman. Its tacky and I dont think that says too much for me if he did. Now would I be mad if I was in your shoes, no. Because by him giving his new girl your old, it looks like hes missing you or maybe trying to make another you. Embrace it, dont be upset.

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You should never have given the ring back. You cannot do anything about it now. They both have bigger problems her for flaunting the fact that she knows it was your ring for 20 years & him for giving it to her. Move on (in time) & let that heart of yours heal. Sit back & watch the shit show! Enjoy it & laugh it up. They will self destruct trust me!

That relationship won’t last very long! :laughing:

If you gave it back, it’s his and he can do what he wants with it. :woman_shrugging:t2:


I think I’d feel sad about it in a sense but I wouldn’t say anything. It’s actually kinda weird since you genuinely wore it and it wasn’t a proposal where you said no. If I was her I think it would be awkward for me.

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I think it’s weird. If I were her I’d rather have a cheap ring than his ex fiancee’s. As far as your position on it, let it go. If it was for you to keep, it should have stayed with you. Too late now.


Imo, you gave it back and therefore lost all right to say what happens with it.


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I think it’s tacky and what’s wrong with her that she’s okay with the ring.


Did she accept it?
Men are so cheap sometimes.
My husband asked me if I wanted his old fiancee ring I definitely did not!!!
Men are strange sometimes
It’s their matter anyway so don’t worry about it.

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The ring and the drunk that goes with it are hers now, good riddance.


I had an ex do almost this. We didn’t have children, but he did end up giving her the ring he originally bought for me. I look at it as giving old stuff to the less fortunate. Hes now stuck in a miserable marriage (signed a prenup) and begging me to be his side chick. I’m laughing internally because I knew from the get go she was only out for his money.


I think thats awful that ring symbolized the love u both once shared for many years and the two children that u share together why in the world would he think it would be ok to give to another women im sorry but i find it heartless and insulting like your relationship was nothing he should have gotten the new woman in his life a different ring . Does the new gf know it use to be yours ?? Im sure if she did she might not like the idea of it isnt that bad omen ??


I’d be highly offended if I was her. You should just sit back and laugh honestly


My ex gave me a ring (probably his ex wife’s ring), then gave it to the girl after me, and now his current wife. All within 3 years :rofl: I wouldn’t worry about it.

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I feel more sorry for the new girl! I would hate to get a ring that was bought for someone else!!! I wouldn’t be able to accept it :frowning:

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Does she know? Bc I wouldn’t be cool with that if I knew it was yours first. Absolutely would not be cool with that. Too late now though! I’m sorry you are dealing with this.

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Ooooo. Id feel kinda bad for HER! JS. Like sloppy seconds n not bought for her. Like a filler. Its sad really…


I’m sorry but I would want my own ring not someone else’s. something is wrong with that picture.He must not think much of her to get her, her own ring. sad really.


It was not yours unless ya’ll got married…

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I say don’t stress about it anymore

Yes it is tacky. Very.

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I’d be more upset if I was her knowing he gave me his exs ring

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I couldn’t get past the first sentence. She accepted a ring that wasn’t originally purchased for her? A regifted engagement ring :thinking::joy: girl forget about that bum, let her have him.


He’s a broke arse punk. Have a laugh about it and move on. You have the most precious thing…your kids.


I’d feel bad for the gf, no way I’d want a ring he gave to another woman…so gross :slightly_frowning_face:


My ex proposed to my step sister (they had an affair when I was pregnant) with the same ring he gave me, on the same day he asked me, and they picked the same date we had picked lol. Some people just don’t have an original thought in their head and some like being sloppy seconds. Just keep telling yourself you dodged a bullet and you deserve better than someone who can treat someone they “love” like that.

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Id be pissed you guys have kids together it should have stayed with you or your sons


Tell her the ring was yours. Problem solved. :joy:


It was tacky of him to give it to her.


It’s tacky all around. It looks bad on both of them. You have a right to be upset!


Of course. Everyone is entitled to their feelings. I certainly wouldn’t do or say anything about it if was me.


I would feel bad for the new fiance, and not upset at him. My ex husband gave me his ex’s promise ring (did not tell me until after we were married) and then gave my rings to his new wife.


If I were you I would feel upset. Almost as if there is no sentimental value to him! And if I were her I would feel upset because it’s almost like he didn’t want to put effort into something new !


Yeah if she knows you wore it and still flaunts it, then tacky as hell. If it’s not a family thing, I’d ask for it back to make that necklace. Ask her for it and tell her how you feel about it. It represents your kids to you.


Was it a family ring?

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A symbol that clearly was not meant for you and him. It is an object of a failed relationship. Has nothing to do with your children. Zero. If you 2 remained together & married, divorced, totally different story. In the divorce, you keep the ring, therefore becomes a Heirloom. You are taking it too personal.


If I was with him for 21 years and it didn’t last couldn’t care less what he did with the next woman. I wouldn’t have given the ring back anyway. What did you expect him to do with it, return it to the store?


You are a smart cookie. All your feelings are right for you. Make sure she knows it was your ring. That should be for your son that gets engaged first if he chooses to use it. That’s my two cents. It should be in your jewelry box for you to decide what to do.


Tell her it was your ring. I promise you she will give it back to you. Then she. Will rip him new one a new one


Ummm…she knows and doesn’t care?! What?! What?! :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:


It’s bad taste on his part for sure


That’s just Tacky all around.


I feel sorry for the new girlfriend wearing the ring you wore for years I would tell her and I don’t think much of your ex with not buying a new ring with a new relationship

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I mean it’s tacky on his part, but you have no right to insert your feelings into his new relationship. He is your ex.

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Pretty tacky lol. But its done, and you shouldnt lose sleep over it :heart:

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Lifes too short. Forget about it and move on…shes (new girlfriend) is dumb enough to wear it.

Forget the ring. I dont get how the fiance is not mad.


You have a right to be upset for sure. I always say you can’t apologize for how things make you feel. But for real…that poor girl :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:

I wouldn’t wear another woman’s ring to symbolize my marriage unless it was a family heirloom… but you are also too attached to a symbol of the good times in your marriage… those days are over honey😞 he’s making new memories with someone else now so if I were you I’d let go completely of what was and focus on what is. And you really shouldn’t want to give your sons the ring because your marriage with their father didn’t last! Besides that ring is now a symbol of their commitment, so if they have children together it should go to them or she can just wear it til she dies and will it to whoever she wants… super tasteless on their part though! They should’ve at least sold that ring and used the money for another one🤦🏻‍♀️


She’s super tacky if she knows and flaunts it. Yuck. I wouldn’t want it, personally. You’re not wrong, but don’t let it nag at you. Find peace with it, embrace it, and let it go.

Was it an heirloom or inherited ring passed down in his family?that’s the only way I see that scenario making sense


That’s weird imo. New lover new ring :woman_shrugging:t3:

Idk why anybody would want to wear a ring from a previous failed engagement?


I mean she should be more upset then you because if a man gave me rings he gave his ex then I’d give them back to him


If my ex asked for any of my rings back including my wedding ring I would punch him. My wedding ring is mine and idc what happened between us, I plan on making a different ring out of it for our daughter when she is 18 and responsible. For him to use that on a new girlfriend is tacky as hell and I being a woman wouldn’t be showing that off, I woulda left him. :woman_shrugging:t3:


It’s just a ring just like he’s just your x so why get your self upset unless you still care

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You should laugh at it outwardly though. How … yuck. Does she know its “used”?

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