Do I have a right to be upset that my husband never brings me food?

I’m 36 weeks pregnant right now and I would be so pissed if my husband did this to me for reals! I’m hungry all the time too, you absolutely have a right to be angry!

That’s very rude. You need to say something.

Confront him! Tell him he either brings you something or he can sit in the car and eat it before coming Inside the house. My mom always taught us not to bring temptations into the house if you didn’t bring enough for everyone.


My Ex did that all the time,I didn’t care about me but the kids

You should of already ate… You and yall son. Get yo ass up and cook. Sound like you don’t cook if he ordering food before coming home.

That’s not ok mine would never do that he always calls and asks me if we want something just as I do him. You aren’t being overly emotional I would bring it to his attention.

Nah sis, he ain’t it


Stop cooking for him

I’m pregnant and angry for you hun.

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Your a grown woman, he probably assumes your capable of getting what you want, when you want it. The man is hungry after work…don’t be angry about it.


What an arsehole, that’s mind fucking.

Next time he gets home and pulls it out, give half to your son and you take half too.

I would leave mine if he does this and he knows it lol

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Okay… so he works nights… so he thinks everyone has already had dinner… … damn girl… if you want food… ask…


Have you spoken to him about it and told him you’d like him to bring you something if he’s grabbing something for himself? If you have then I agree that he’s being a bit of a dick but if not then chances are after a night shift he’s just tired and hasn’t thought or just assumed you’d be eating at home x

Thats not nice hes just thinking of himself u know like some men do

Maybe he’s just hungry after work and doesn’t want to buy a whole family meal.

Rude as hell sorry I’d put him in his lane


Just that fact your expecting he should definitely bring you something. I work a 2 to 11 shift n hardly ever eat dinner so before I leave tha parking lot I call my 21 year old son to see if he wants anything…then again I’m a woman.


Whether your pregnant or not he should just call or text and ask if you and kid hungry especially if he gonna stop grab some food like who does that

Pregnant or not- I’d be mad as hell!

Throw the whole man away.

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Its rude, no doubt about it,BUT maybe you should let him know how your feeling about it…:face_with_monocle::thinking::thinking:


That’s rude af to do in front of ANYBODY! I was raised you don’t eat in front of anyone unless you have enough to offer. Who raised him?!?!

Id be angry. 9 time out of 10 my husband brings us all food. Or if the children have eaten hell bring me something due to he knows i dont eat during the day.

Unless you don’t cook

Selfish A-hole what kind of husband is he, why would you put up with that. I would say something and let him know if he don’t like it tell him to PO. I’m not married but my partner never treats me or my son like that. And he’s a step dad to my son.

That’s rude. My fiance bring me something if he goes. Even if he stops at the gas station. He always gets me something I like.

Just text him and say “ hey on your way home could you get us something to eat too!” Men don’t ever think! There’a a reason women are the brains in the relationship❤️


It’s definitely nice to ask your other half if they want anything but he might just be not thinking about it. A little communication will go a long ways. I mean we’re talking about chicken nuggets here lol


Rude and inconsiderate.

I do think this is quite selfish on his part but men need to be specifically told what you are asking


Nope, that rude af! Only time I come home without food for my hunni is if he’s telling me he’s eaten and doesn’t want anything. Hell, sometimes I buy him something anyways so he can take it for lunch the next day!

Ask for it, and once in a while tell him he doesn’t have to stop and buy it because you save some for him at home. What goes around, comes around.

A man who does not provide for his fsmily is worse than a cheater who’s an infidel. If he cant feed u when ur pregnant, then I think he couldnt possibly care if he cant even feed u. He may see u as not a human but an object, good for one thing then when ur hungry he doesnt see u as a human w needs.

Ummm……why don’t you just tell him something? I’d be pissed, pregnant or not, it’s just common courtesy he grab you all food as well!!! It’d be a war if my husband did that to me, I’d waddle my pregnant ass over to him, grab his food and stuff it in my mouth lol!!!

Do the same see how he likes it

I would be pissed and my ol man would be pissed if I did that to him. Shit I get mad when he eats at places I love when he is at work :heart_eyes::joy:

Maybe he thinks you guys have had dinner already? Or maybe he’s just being rude. Either way, I’d let him know it bothers you and either he needs to atleast offer to bring you something or eat it in the car.

Very rude and selfish


Thats rude asf and you should leave him fr. I wish a mfkr would not bring his own child some food much less his pregnant Wife hes very selfish

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You’re not being emotional. I would feel bad too. Have you talked to him about this? I would mention how it makes you feel. While I think it totally sucks he doesn’t think to ask you- since he works nights I assume he comes home on the late side so maybe he thinks because it’s night time you guys wouldn’t be interested or hungry because you’ve already had dinner etc. at the end of the day- as much as it sucks he can’t read minds. I would totally bring it up. Not defending his actions, just trying to look at this from a level headed un biased point of view. I wouldn’t be petty or “go off” on him (esp if you’ve never discussed with him). That’s how arguments start and resentment festers. Just sounds like you need a lil communication :relaxed: (sometimes easier said than done of course).

Well what time does she usually get in the house for ? If it’s very very late like past midnight he’ll no i wouldnt expect him bringing me food lol I would have eaten hours ago ha if he finishes at day 8pm then yeh a txt to say do u wmat anything wpuld be nice but again I may have already eaten by then if not I would txt or call him and ask him if he was calling in anywhere to grab something he wnt know untill u say men are thick like that theyare wired diff

Ew, that’s horrible behavior. How selfish of him, especially with you being pregnant. That’s a huge red flag girl!!

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If my fiance EVER did this he wouldn’t be a fiance anymore.


It definitely is rude & inconsiderate. But i do believe you should let him know how u feel about it.


Tell him how you feel. If he still doesn’t bring you anything he’s an ass. Closed mouths don’t get fed, literally.

So you at home and didn’t think to cook you or your son anything? He’s picking himself up something to eat after work key words after work. You are just being petty. Pregnant or not you being petty. If you wanted something to eat then call or text him and let him know what you want if you don’t then how would he know?


How Inconsiderate of him!!!

Maybe say something like “Hey, next time you stop to get food on the way home would you please get me a ___?”

Thoughtless & selfish …

No that shit is rude.

He may not even realize he’s doing it if it’s something he’s always done it sounds like you need to talk to him and he needs to be more considerate that you are expecting in that women get hungrier at that time of their life and explain to him that he should offer

He is rude AF…i would never bring him food whenever you eat out!

Definitely rude. He could at least ask. He’s obviously tired, working nights suck. And I can see him forgetting to ask once in a while . But every single time … not nice .

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Rude af…my boyfriend would be like nahhhhh then I have to deal with Patricia, so I’m bringing you food.

It’s rude. You should talk to him about it. If he’s going to give you a attitude, then he’s not the best life partner for you.

Hopefully, he starts to bring you and your son food as well.


Has nothing to do with you being pregnant…that is rude as hell!!!please talk with him about how you feel though. Sometimes unfortunately men just don’t get it (even when it’s obvious).


Very rude. Next time he is home and you make dinner just cook for you and your son and eat in front of him .


It’s rude. But also, have you ever said anything?

Since he works nights what time does he get home?


No that is not acceptable!!!

That’s absolutely bs! My man nor myself would ever consider doing that! It’s supposed to be a relationship with communication, love and effort. Be considerate of one another and feelings. Maybe have a chat about it and if he doesn’t change, I’d leave and find someone who considers his own family as well as his self. But also is this an every day thing? If you’re home do you ever cook dinner so he doesn’t have to spend money on fast food?

Tell him how you feel!!! Communication is key to a really good marriage. Men aren’t all that bright you need to tell him as if he was a child. Send him a text before he leaves work telling him you want food too.

Nah that’s rude . That has nothing to do with pregnancy hormones. I’d be mad too

Sincerely praying for you and your son and unborn baby. I understand where he worked maybe stopped for a bite you pregnant avoid you cooking for him. But to stop bring food home to eat with you your son he is not rude he is showing proving thru his actions I hate to say it but facts are facts it’s horrible ABUSE he doesn’t give a crap about you guys. It may take you awhile to see the facts for yourself but you addressed it here already so knowing how this sort history plays out I will keep you in prayer as you have a larger journey and things your working thru. Bless you and your children.

Inconsiderate a* hole is what he is

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Please only comment and have an opinion if you’ve actually been preggo. Otherwise may not apply since no first hand experience. I feel like it’s honestly just common courtesy regardless of if your pregnant or not. But would definitely upset me more if was pregnant.

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Hahaha, the things women put up with. My husband wouldn’t do that to me, and I’m 36 weeks old pregnant too.

Doesn’t matter, he should bring something home for you. He could text and ask u!!

He wouldn’t eat either if he were my husband. Id grab that food and throw it in the trash… if my son isn’t eating, no one eats.


That’s just rude. My husband has worked second or third shift the majority of our relationship and he’s always asked me if I wanted something if he stopped somewhere on the way home. He will text me to see if I’m awake so he doesn’t wake me by calling.

I’m sorry but if my husband ever did this to me and our kids…… he would be at the nearest motel 6 for the night. Not completely about the food, but the lack of consideration for us. So sad. I’m so sorry. :sob:

My husband knows better​:joy::joy::joy: And if he didn’t he would have after the first time he did it​:joy:


Get rid of him!!!

U should only make dinner enough for u and ur son and eat without him all the time


I think that’s rude. I ALWAYS think of my man and kids if I am bringing food home, I could NEVER sit and eat in front of them! But there has been many times where my other half doesn’t take us into consideration and it really strikes a nerve!

The fact that you’re pregnant too he should know better!


That is rude he should at least ask you if you and your kid wants something he selfish

I laughed out loud at your last line “I’m just hungry, okay!” :rofl: love that you’re trying to keep perspective and also light hearted. It is rude…but sometimes men just don’t think. Tell him how you feel. :smirk:

Nope !!! Not in my home !!

Have you said anything? He sounds like a selfish dink.

Nah he thats rude af! Just start throwing it out since he’s being inconsiderate :triumph:

Im not pregnant, have no kids (he has some that we have part time) but he ALWAYS brings doughnuts home. Even when we don’t have them so i have something to eat in the morning on my way to work.

Time to throw him out and get a new one. He’s broken.

That is rude! My husband even said that’s rude as shit!!

My husband will always call me if he is planning on stopping for food.

What time does he get home, and how long has he been doing this?


That’s rude. Even if he thinks you guys might have ate already it doesn’t hurt to ask if you want something.

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Open your mouth and say something. Refuse to cook for him.


My husband works 3rd shift as well and if he comes home with food he ALWAYS gets some for all of us. He will literally wake me up and tell me to come eat. Your hubby is being inconsiderate.

To me I think it’s rude

It is rude, im not condoning his behavior but you mentioned he works nights…sooo maybe he thinks you and your son will be asleep by the time he gets home. :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:. If it bugs you that much say something…you know his schedule…text him before hes off and mention youd like a snack or something. If it bothers you that much speak up!

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Hes rude, u dont eat food in front of people and not offer

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Pregnant or not… he has been working and maybe he is tired, hungry and frustrated because no food was prepared for him. I had 4 Youngsters and l prepared food. Nothing wrong with using a crockpot for delicious meal! He would appreciate that. Don’t mean to be harsh!


Why don’t you just say hey if your planing on getting take out tonight do you mind getting me and are son some.

Not overreacting! That’s rude af. I’d cook dinner for me and my kids and let him watch us eat :unamused: Oh, you’re hungry too? Go buy yourself something then.

Its not about the food its about being thought of and it is rude!

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Id divorce over that

He is rude, do you make dinner for the family? rude

I agree I would be upset too :exploding_head:

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