Your not pettying my dear. Your protecting your children from this monster who will take a roll as a step mom. We as mothers know what’s best for our children, shame on your husband for divorcing a lovely women like you!
Hell no it’s not petty.
My daughter had it put in her son’s visitation court order that there was to be NO corporal punishment from his father or his wife.
They only “visit” so there is NO NEED for hitting during the few hours they have him…
No, you do not have any say in it. If she’s abusing your children, you can report to the proper authorities but that’s as far as it goes. I’d get your kids into therapy to discuss it if they need.
There’s really not much you can do but document it. If the kids are old enough you can record them right when they get home
Until they get married she has no say ,mothers forever, girlfriends come and go and yes I am a step mother and a mother !
I would say theres rules every where your children go ur sayin shud u let the step mum discipline I say yes as other wise ur children are gonna think it’s right to do naughty things all the time when there in her house there are rules it’s like goin to school they get disciplined at school if did wrong so wats different
Well if she doesn’t do anything for the kids and your husband is marrying her what does that say about your husband and he has visitation at his house I’m assuming that don’t say a whole lot from him he’s going to stand around and watch her ignore his children
Incredibly petty in my opinion, there will be times in your child’s life when your ex has them and maybe has to go to work or to the shop etc leaving her to look after your child. Is your child just to be allowed to run riot because you said she can’t discipline them?? She is going to be your child’s step mam and you need to trust that your ex has chosen someone capable of stepping into that roll.