Do I have to allow all neighborhood kids in my house if I allow a few?

No. It’s YOUR home. You choose who is allowed inside.

Absolutely not it’s your home


I have 6 children that are mine and about 20 bonus children/ young adults. I would have up to 15 teenage boys that would come over almost everyday. I didn’t mind cause then I didn’t have to worry about them out doing stuff they shouldn’t. You will miss things like this once they grow up.

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You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. You don’t even have to respond to this woman.


It’s YOUR house. Invited guests only & that includes kids.


You dont say how old they are but personally I didnt allow young children in my home when I didnt know the parents
Suggest they all take turns with the kids at theirs since you now work from home and cant have them all in all the time.

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No, you are not. Your house, your rules.

Make your house look like a dungeon .I bet she won’t let him go near it!

Your house your choice

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Your house, your rules.


Definitely your home, your rules, explain that to the parents. BUT, I would make a rule of no kids in the house until a certain time so you can concentrate on work. That way no one is left out if theyre all together. But that’s just me.


NTA at all. Tell the mom that if your kids are outside playing, her kid is welcome to play with them in your yard (though explain you won’t be supervising), but since you are working from home now, you need a quiet environment, so only your kids and your surrogate nieces/nephews are allowed in your home during working hours.

Tell her it’s nothing personal against her or her son, you just had to set this boundary in order to create an environment conducive to working efficiently. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Not a hope wouldent have anyones kids run around my home not a chance its ur home u say who comes and goes put ur foot down

I’d say no, iif they are all together, t’s not nice to be excluded…especially if you go through the group n say only you, you n you…kids don’t deserve to feel that way…maybe just have them all stay in ur yard…n not in ur house…I just couldn’t do that if they are all playing together…but your house ur rules.


It’s your house, do what you want

Suggest to the mom that texted you that she should open the doors to her home between the hours you work​:joy::rofl: it’s your house!! It’s great that all the kids want to hang at your house and very kind of you to allow that but nothing wrong with setting your boundaries if it’s interfering with you providing for your family. Girl you don’t owe anyone an explanation unless they are paying your bills. If you have to explain that to another adult chances are they are looking for a free babysitter or they would understand.


Nope. If youre working from home and need peace absoutley not. Just another karen mom who thinks their kid is the most special and everyone should treat them as such.


Nope not wrong. It’s your house and your decision. Sorry for that mom and kid but it is what it is. Tell her you work from home nowadays they ways things use to be are no longer how they are and she needs to explain that to her child.


You’re not wrong at all. You do get to decide who is allowed in your house or even who is allowed to play with your kids at all. I’m concerned about the mom’s reactions for a few reasons. First why would you allow your kids in a house of someone you don’t know well? Second why would you want your child to be somewhere they aren’t wanted. Third why would even think about telling an adult who they should allow in their home? There seems to be an alternative motive here.


Personally, I’d tell her to smd :woman_shrugging:t2: you’re working and even if you weren’t, you’re not obligated to let her child in. You can tell her you’re working if you want; or you can just say something like “we cannot accommodate extra people in the home at this time. Your child is not being singled out or being treated poorly”. Personally after a message like that, I wouldn’t even want my kid playing with her kid anymore because of her entitled attitude.


When I was married, our house was the hang out house for the neighborhood kids…we didnt even have kids!! But when they were bad or said crappy stuff, they were not allowed to come back! Our “kids” asked us to chaperone a few school dances, had other kids come up and said they knew who we were and could they come over for movie nite… Told them Id have to get back to them as I didnt know if they were really friends with the core group. But they all knew certain things woild not be tolerated… Need to set boundaries.

Absolutely not, maybe she or any parent should make an effort to get to know u & form a relationship !!!
*before EXPECTING Any1 to be invited inside !!!


It’s YOUR house. I wouldn’t allow my kids in random houses, nor will I allow random kids in my house.


An explanation would be nice just for the kid to not feel bad. Children can be affected forever by something like that. You don’t owe the mom crap. It’s just nice to do. You don’t have to let anyone in the house. (Except your kiddos. You should probably do that) :rofl: good luck.


Maybe she should let alllll those kids hang out at her house then :woman_shrugging:t2:


Your home your rules send all the kids to her house to hang out and see how much she likes it🤷🏻‍♀️

Sounds like to me the lady is mad because she wants free childcare


It is your house and your choice who comes in and when. Try walking into her house.

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If you let some in the others may feel left out remember they’re kids not adults and may not understand


I would have ignored the text and went about my day. Still wouldn’t let her child in :smiling_face:

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I would let in the kids you feel comfortable with, I did the same with my kids let their closest friends in, no feelings were hurt…

No you’re not in the wrong. You’re a lot more generous than I ever would be. I wouldn’t want a bunch of kids in and out of my house, I’d tell that lady all those kids can come hang out at her house then since it’s so unfair.


Your house your rules momma!


I have the neighbourhood hang out house. But to this day, kids are 13 and 18, my kids ask about having friends over and tell me who is coming. If they want to free for all, there are these wonderful things called playgrounds that are made for kids to respectfully hang out.


Your house your rules. Simple as that. If they’re so keen on having all the kids then they can open THEIR home :woman_shrugging:t2:


So first talk to your kids and make sure they know who is allowed in your house or not. 2) And no, you’re not in the wrong for not allowing every single person in your home if that doesn’t make you comfortable. I kinda get it from the other moms perspective - but depending how that text was too - I’d reply back that for 1) you do not know this child or the mother (which again, depending on how she went about her text can now prove wether she handled the situation or talks to you mature like or not), 3) it’s your house your rules, 4) it’s rude to me for her to expect others to always host, she can offer to let kids back at her home - if she doesn’t like it then mention your new job and how you also need to start getting your kids to play outside more rather than in the house - but even then you don’t need to explain your reasons to anyone (just may help her understand that her child isn’t being singled out like that but you’re having more on your plate than others realize)

On the one hand: it absolutely is your house and you are absolutely allowed to set rules about who is and isn’t allowed in at the various times. It’s not unreasonable at all

On the other hand: you set a precedent by allowing them over/in whenever… and have changed recently that precedent.
If you’ve never spoken with the child nor really spoken with the parents… then you haven’t explained the reason for the change.
So you’ve got a child…who was allowed to be over and who no longer is but is seeing other kids being allowed.
Yes. I’m sure his feelings are hurt.
He went to his mom.
His mom is seeing her child whose feelings are hurt who hasn’t had anything explained.
She’s wrong for making assumptions about you and your motives but at the same time, this honestly could have been prevented if you had just taken the time to explain why the rules have changed.

Which is what I would advise you to do now.
You have started a job working from home that requires a quiet environment (some even require privacy for HIPPA), that it is nothing personal and not because you don’t want them there but because part of the requirements for keeping your job is quiet private atmosphere.


Lmaooo nope. Your house…your choice.

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I think it’s rude that she texted you to be honest. How dare she

If you let one in then you let them all in. Kid rule


Nope. You’re not wrong at all. The kid probably took it as you being mean because he/she saw the other kids still going in your house. I would just explain the situation to the mom and why her kids can’t be there while you’re working. I also work for home and have had to do this with certain kids before because they don’t respect when I’m working and are loud. The parents typically understand why once I tell them about me working from home.

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Omg…parents are ridiculous! Life isn’t fair…you don’t run a zoo.


No you’re not wrong. What is wrong with the mom who feels like you’re supposed to be her kids free babysitter? But maybe talk to your kids and ask them what was said to the kid that said you’re being mean to them. It’s likely that them not being allowed in the house was conveyed in not the nicest way. Kids don’t just pull accusations like that out of thin air


Not in the wrong at all. It’s your house. I’d be fuming if some entitled child thought it was their right to be allowed in. The mother should be teaching the child to respect others and to only go where they are invited instead of having a go at you. Sounds like she cba with her own kid and wants someone else to look after them for free. I’d be embarrassed if any of my kids felt they were that self entitled


No if you don’t want kids over then tell em to go.

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My house was also the house that ALL kids on the street and around the corner hung out at. This was when all kids played OUTSIDE tho, and didn’t come in until the street lights came on. LOL. They had a “record player” out there and danced for hrs. Most were girls as mine were. There were usually from 18 to 21 kids out there, and I LOVED watching them dance and listening to them laugh. At least I knew where my girls were!

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It is your house and yes you allow who you want in it. BUT you have a child that’s been in your house just like the others and now that 1 child can’t come in. Wouldn’t you think that childs feeling were hurt? Explain to the child and mom that you have a new job and can’t allow a bunch of noise while working. That he can come over on certain days to play. You done it all the wrong way. That baby thinks your being mean to him and as a mom myself,I would have messaged you as well. So put your big girl panties on and text that mom back and explain your reasoning.


I would have texted back to her that it is your home and you can allow in who you want. If she wants to have an attitude I’d remind her that UNLESS invited the kid is trespassing and you are not a babysitter for her kid. Period.


You went about this wrong. You should have contacted the parents of the kids first and explained that you have a new job and can no longer allow the neighborhood kids free reign to come in and out of the house. Honestly, this should be across the board. No special treatment for the kids you think of as family members. Make a hard and fast rule: no neighborhood kids hanging out in the house while mom is working. Then stick to it. By treating some kids differently than others, you are setting yourself and your kids up for failure.


Your house your rules, my son has a few friends that come in that I know their parents. I’m not allowing the whole neighborhood kids to come in my house. If the parents want to come at me sideways I will tell them it’s my house my rules. I can allow who I want and who I don’t want in my own house. It’s simple as that!


l get paid over $197 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18036 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

Maybe get a sign for the door that says when you are working and when your not so kids can be aware.


I personally wouldn’t allow some if I didn’t allow all. I couldn’t treat kids differently that just want to play with my children… but that’s just me.

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Tell her just that. That you didn’t even talk to her kid BUT that you work from home and can’t have a house full of kids making lots of noise. You don’t have to allow anyone in your home.


No, kids need to learn respect and the word no.


No. You’ll learn more about this after your stuff gets broken and stolen.

l get paid over $197 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18036 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

Why don’t you ask her why don’t she have at her house?


Do what u want. She can open her door too!!It’s YOUR house, YOU pay the bills, YOU clean the mess.
You are not wrong at all!! I used to deal with this also

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The fact that they’re mad about that… Is so fuckin stupid to me. No you’re not wrong

Your not wrong. Tell the Mom who complained to let the kids come to her house.


When my son was little, the neighbor hood kids all played in my yard… which in was fine with, however a rarely let them come inside to play… which all their parents agreed with. If they were hungry they could go home and eat and come back. This way it was fair to all…


Once u start something it’s hard to stop it!

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Send all the kids to her house


Its your house period.You do not need to explain anything to anyone.The mother that texted you apparently feels just as entitled as her child does…


First, you don’t have to allow anyone in your home that you don’t want to. It’s your home. :person_shrugging:
With that being said, I understand why you let some kids in, because you have a relationship with the parents, but are the other kids noisy? If they’re disruptive, rude, noisy, etc. I understand why you wouldn’t want them in your house, especially while you’re working. But if they’re not, don’t punish the kids just because you don’t have a relationship with their parents. Not everyone has parents that have time for a social life, let alone the simple fact that not everyone has great parents.
As far as your neighbor texting you goes, I would just explain that you work from home & you can’t have a bunch of kids coming in & out. Also explain that you never even talked to her kids. If you’re okay with them coming inside, let the mom know what hours you’d be okay with it (if you’re home, & your kiddo wants to play, of course).

Nope, let them all play outside together unless its to hot and bring yours in to relax. You can always send all the kids to this neighbor house that was complaining. But you just can’t let your kids go over and in anybody house these days. The trust isn’t there now


It’s your house, you can let in whom ever you want…the other moms don’t like it then they can let their kids stay home with them…


your house, your rules!


Not wrong. It’s your house. Period.


It’s your house do what you want


Text that mom back and let her know you are a working from home mom with regular work hours and need to limit all the noise and activity so that you can work and pay the bills. Add, no, her kid was not singled out, in fact, you did not speak with her kid. If she wants to host your kids from time to time, let her know you can certainly reciprocate outside working hours.

You must have an awesome home. It is wonderful you share what you have with others.


You’ll miss those days in 15 years, when there is not longer a pile of shoes at the front door, that being said maybe try limiting the amount of kids you child can have inside at a time


Just say I’m working from home now sorry but then say If I choose to have kids in my house it’s my choice then say it would be nice for a change for other mother’s to have kids in there garden for a change and house .


Tell that mom to pay your mortgage and then she can have an opinion


Nope - your house - your rules.:sunflower::v:t4:

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No, girl. It’s YOUR house. The neighborhood kids can chill in the front yard in the shade. They can play in the sprinklers. If any kids need to use the restroom, let them go home to their house and use it. Maybe one day a week, you can give the kids a hot dog and a popsicle stick. It’s $2 to make 8 hot dogs and it’s about a dime for a popsicle stick. If someone doesn’t like it, they can go home to eat. You’re not a short order cook. Tell that Mom that’s blowin’ up your phone to keep her child at home because you’re not running a Free State Preschool for Feral Kids.:person_shrugging:


l get paid over $ 175 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 22040 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

They’re in the wrong.
They could ask you WHY, but overall they need to respect the wishes of the home owner. Not just demand little Jimmy get all he wants and roam into your house despite you saying no.

The other parents need to get over it. It’s not being rude or mean. They can play outside just fine.

It’s called boundaries. F them kids they ain’t your problem🤷🏻‍♂️


Your house your rules


Nope. No one is coming in my house if I don’t want them to. Kids or not.


Nope, your house, your rules.


When she starts paying your mortgage she can start talking about her kids being in your house


The entitlement is insane. Tell her to go fudge herself and block her. She’s weird.


Tell her to keep her kids home all will be good your nnot her kids sitter


No you are not wrong. Ask her why she won’t let YOUR kids in her house. You are not a baby sitter.


Not wrong. My fiancé had a friend that the parents didn’t allow anyone in their house. All the kids would hangout outside and my fiance growing up was one of the only kids allowed in the house.

Send em all to play in their friends houses I’m sure their mothers will soon have summat to say about that then.


No how dare they, why cant all the kids go in their houses if it bothers them that much


It’s not bad bc it’s your rules but I would probably make it so no kids are allowed in at all, that way nobody complains. But that’s just me

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As someone who always has other kids at their house, I can completely understand where you’re coming from! I love having a safe place for the neighborhood kids to go, but there are a few that just can’t follow very few, simple rules. I had similar issue. It’s so hard for children of all ages to realize that every household have different rules and expectations. I finally just printed out a small rule poster for front porch and simply said if they can’t follow them they can’t come in. And put a cooler with small snacks and drinks. Once they were gone, they had water. But I wasnt working from home either. With that, I’d say you need privacy and quiet. No one, not a single parent should ever fight you on your lively hood! I would ask her to open her house a couple days so you know you have those two days to be free. If she can’t offer it, then she has no business demanding it from you. I’d ask her,”Why are you asking something of me that you yourself cannot do?” It takes a village, so if you and another mom or two could rotate, everyone could share in the responsibility, safety, food/drink, noise, etc. i personally know how hard and how fun it is to be the neighborhood house, but I think you are 100% correct on this one. You have every right to draw the line and only allow certain ones. I’d also detail the kids disrespect or unwillingness to follow rules. Make her very aware that her child isn’t allowed because of these reasons. No need to be rude, but you’re NOT wrong here.
Best of luck to you!

Tell her she should open her doors to all the kids instead if she has an issue :rofl::rofl:


You’re house and your rules. You don’t have to justify it. If it needs to be justified in your eyes then explain that you now work from home and if her kid can be quiet and respectful then it will be allowed.

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You are not wrong. When my daughter started to school it didn’t take long for the entire neighborhood to figure out I was the only mom who fixed breakfast for my child before she went to school. Every kid in the neighbor hood showed up at my door for breakfast. I had to absolutely stop letting them in. Because they were eating us out of house and home. Everybody’s feelings were hurt but I had to stop letting them in. You have to do what is best for you.

It’s your house, do as you please. My parents had the same rules when I was growing up. Just the way it was.

Your house
Your rules

Put on your big girl panties and tell
Them to bugger off
And not to come back


your house your rules no matter what, do what makes you happy

They can get over it. It’s your house. You call the shots. I wouldn’t even feel the need to explain myself to her, but if you feel the need then just let her know you know those kids and you work from home and it’s none of her business. If she doesn’t like it she can help her kids find new friends.

Send her a bill and tell her when she pays it weekly you will allow her kids to come and go. Be sure to add food, your hourly wage, mortgage, gas and electric etc.