Do I have to allow all neighborhood kids in my house if I allow a few?

Just explain. Your routine has changed so has the house rules.

Lmfao! It’s your house. Nobody can demand you allow their child into your house and she’s out of line for demanding it. It’s not mean. Don’t let her bully you into being a free babysitter for her kid.


Your house your rules

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Your home, your rules. Nothing wrong with allowing the respectful and responsible ones to stay and sending the others out…you can’t always supervise the whole lot when you have things to do.


Your house. Period. You’re not running a daycare, it’s your house. I wouldn’t be letting in random kids either. #boundaries


Omg it’s your house, it’s your choice who you let in. They can jam it


Tell that mom to let all the neighborhood kids hang out her house.


Nope, not wrong of you at all. Your house, your rules. Both Her and her children should learn to respect others’ rules. Sorry not sorry :woman_shrugging:


NOT WRONG lol. I live in an apartment complex and there’s lots of kids hanging outside… I talk to all of the kids every chance I get when I’m outside but I’ve had kids literally ask if they can come in and play and I say ahh not right now because usually I’m trying to clean or my kids are napping and they STILL try to open my door and come in. I told a little girl 5 times she can’t just walk into peoples houses. She actually made her way into my living room where the toys are and had a smile on her face when I told her she can’t be inside my home at the moment an kept grabbing toys out :upside_down_face: So now, I leave my doors LOCKED at all times lol. I don’t care if that sounds hateful lol and I do not care if a parent was to message me and go off about it lol. It’s my domaine. I say no, that means NO. :smiling_face:


No, your not wrong. It’s your home. You can allow whoever you want to. The mom is mad because you were her free baby sitter. I know. My house was always the hangout for the neighborhood kids too. Just stand your ground. I had to get to the point where I really didn’t give a crap if the moms were mad. What were they gonna do, stop sending their kids to my house? Lol! I didn’t care & I’m pretty sure that you won’t either

I would ask her if she’d like to be the neighborhood babysitter and provider of snacks then?
Hell no to all that lol she’s delusional.
Literally no one has a right to be in your house unless you want them there, at any time, period.

She’s wrong and the kid was too

your hour, your rules. However, whats wrong with this particular kid?

I’d much rather have the kids be at my house because at least you know you who your kids hanging out with.

Just set some basic ground rules.
For the kids. If they don’t follow them then they can take they behind homes. Or go elsewhere

It’s your house tell her F off lol