Do I have to communicate with my ex husbands new wife?

She better get over her self. She has many years to go.

Not at all! I refuse to speak to his girlfriend about OUR child so, he knows absolutely nothing about his kids for the last 8 or 9 years! I’m not even supposed to have his number so fuck both of them! I’ve got mine!

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If she wants to be like that, ignore her. I’m very blessed that my husband’s ex and I are sometimes like sisters. She has always been welcomed to holiday meals and even helps with prep work. My husband and their son do the dishes afterward and insist we sit and relax. I feel bad that she lives on a shoestring budget so we get her gas cards for Christmas that she thoroughly enjoys.


Dude what is up with the g/f or new wives always getting between the bio mom and dad? I don’t understand it really. But I’ve been through it. I just told the gf that my son is not her son and she wasn’t going to come between my son’s dad and I when it came to swapping weekends and taking care of him. I made it point blank clear I was not interested in taking my son’s dad back .exs are exs for a reason. I was only interested in my son getting the best of both worlds .Being able to see his dad and have time with him. I thanked her for taking care of my son when his dad was at work. Thinks got better after that. You just gotta put your foot down.


nope. not wrong. she is wrong and so is your ex for allowing his new partners attitude interfere with his child’s education etc


You have to honor the fact that he is no longer a single man. Its not jealously it’s covering your husband. Now she must be civil because she married a man that was a father before they were married. No woman should have private access to your husband. Why should she? There is absolutely nothing that you have to say to him that you can not say in her presence or without him. They are one. The private conversations give you too much power to start confusion (and we know that is the real issue). The loss of power.

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You did your best to coparent. You want what’s best for your child. More than likely your ex is making the new wife uncomfortable with comparisons or making you sound like a bad parent for sympathy and alliance. Look back and see if he has the above in him from when you all were together. Explain to the school that there is a communication issue right now and to please include both parents in the correspondence. That way your child gets what they need and you are not stressed out dealing with the drama.

No, you are not wrong. It is not ok for her to disrespect you and you do not need to put up with it, why would you? You are not a doormat!

Will and Jada Smith along with the mother of Wills 1st Child created the BLENDED FAMILY because ultimately it’s ALL ABOUT THE CHILDREN.
That woman needs to grow up and quit making waves.

You’re not fully wrong. I’d require a sit down with them both and have a mature zero bullshit discussion because it’s obviously affecting the daughter. Tell them it’s going to court if they can’t make a chioce. Ya’ll are adults but only one is acting like it, there should be no other concerns then for the child and if she has other problems she needs to sort it out if she wants to be apart of a relationship that has children from previous relationships. She really should’ve gone for someone with no kids with how she’s acting. If she doesn’t have any of her own then she really has zero idea what it takes to raise a child and really should keep her opinions herself. However I rarely know of any relationship that has respect on all sides so this may be a forever thing. Usually one, the other, or all involved are immature on one or more accounts, parsay the reason that exs are exs and being friends with their new partners is such a rare occurrence that many are trying to normalize. As nice as it would be it’s just not feasible for everyone to be able to grow up and get along when children are involved. So trying to have an adult conversation with her or the both of them may never happen and you should really take it to a lawyer. With custody no matter if its 50/50 or 80/20, or whatever agreement you have, you are legally obligated to communicate with the other parent when its about the child. If an outside party is preventing you from doing so i.e. ex’s girlfriend is not allowing him to communicate, she can actually get into some trouble and so can he. If abuse is why he’s not replying, she’ll get into even more trouble. So in short, legally no she has no right and better shape up quick, however it may be a forever thing so I’d take it to court rather then relying on a sit down conversation to really set it in stone for her that she’s not the parent and you intend on raising you and his child with or without her, or them both. Obviously he doesn’t care enough for the wellbeing of his child, the court may grant you full custody. No matter how you put it, take it to a lawyer. Let that bitch know you’re not fucking around with immature shit and want the other person who helped make this child take care of it. Isn’t that hard but it certainly is for many but having a court tell them they only have this or this option it seems to remind many where their place is.

Are you being a little helicoptery?

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Nope! She needs to stay in her lane.

Just remember he chose her not you.

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No YOU are not wrong.
F T B.

Mine won’t talk to me because of his live in. Tried being nice didn’t work. My kids are adults now and they only tolerate her for their father sake. Daughter bought a new home I have an apartment downstairs and can’t come visit his own daughter because I am there. She is one petty jealous immature person. It’s his loss.

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Bitches are stupid to decide to be with a man who has a child with someone else and gets mad over it. Like what? YOU CHOOSE THIS! The mother will always be there, she will always be a part of his life because of the child they share . Sometimes it’s not the biological parents who make coparenting difficult, it’s the significant others they are with that do. Like think of the child dude :woman_facepalming:

Nope she is probably jealous of any woman…