Do I have to communicate with my ex husbands new wife?

Sounds like she senses some feelings between your ex and you are unresolved. Their marriage won’t last. Jealousy is a fickle b*tch.

When the new wife married your ex she knew about the you and his child with you so SHE needs to grow up and either be involved in a positive way or back off and let you and your ex commacate.

Remind BOTH of them to put the needs of the child first.

All 3 adults must act as adults .

You do not want the innocent child harmed emontally of this .

You are not wrong but your ex is and so is his partner.
I suggest you and your ex meet with a therapist or mediation to discuss how his wife’s no contact order affects your shared parenting agreements.
If he doesn’t see the light maybe supervised visit will.

Your daughter’s physical, emotional, spiritual and social health are must important. It’s up to you to safeguard it.
Do what you need to do.

Only if their are children. If no children from first marriage., than no

No you do not have to communicate with the new wife, yes it would be awesome if the 3 of you can because it makes co parenting so much easier, however it seems she is not willing to even try, so all I can suggest is direct all communication to your ex via group chat and only about the child, nothing other than a hi this is blah blah needed thanks, my husband ( we are still currently married although awaiting our divorce to finalize) he was a twat in the begging and got a vro on my so we where forced to only be able to communicate about our children it was great in a way because it made sure nothing else was spoken about, fast forward myself, my ex and his fiancé coparent amazingly, and I love his fiancé, I believe if it wasn’t for the vro it would be completely different, so I suggest if they aren’t willing to communicate and its affecting the child contact a lawyer and go via them

Sounds like she’s insecure and worried you’ll try to use the kids to get him back.

Only if you care about your daughter being well adjusted

Nope your not, keep her blocked, shes obviously not mature enough to have a relationship with you, maybe jealousy, speak to you ex

Be civil. Avoid in-person meetings as much as possible. And try to find out how your child feels towards her.

Hmmm… So first things first… As women we always feel the need to be the accommodating party… Welcoming the new wife/partner… The truth is this though… It is not your place. Just like you feel it’s not hers to parent/communicate or weigh in on situations that you feel aren’t her business… But you’ve gone & muddled those lines… You see by trying to make her feel “a part” of the dynamic you gave her opportunity… It is not your responsibility to do that… Just like you feel you didn’t have a child with her, she didn’t marry you either. It is your ex husbands responsibility to set the tone with his wife. It’s his job to make her feel included and to help foster a relationship between his new wife & child. When he married her clear boundaries needed to have been set. Rules: who will oversee Healthcare appointments, attend field trips, sign permission slips, enroll her in extra curricular activities… All of that… unfortunately trying to change the rules in the middle of the game causes a major upset… Now I’m not judging, Please know that I’ve dealt with my fair share of ex’s… I’m just trying to get you to see where this is going… Now there is never an excuse to be rude to eachother when it comes to the children… But there are sometimes extenuating circumstances such as maybe the parenting is falling in her lap instead of the father’s. Maybe he doesn’t want to deal with you and he puts it off on her. Men are known to hide behind their women. You have to remember the kind if parent he was when you were together. Was he hands on or did he let you run the program? You aren’t wrong for wanting or needing change… However you need to grab your ex by the collar (so to speak) and iron out some clear boundaries… On another note you don’t need her respect. The respect you need is from your ex regarding your parenting plan… You do not need either ones validation… What you do need though is room to grow in this process because your daughters needs will change and that only comes from her parents being on the same page. Also I’m not sure where you stand as far as any family court or agreements being actual orders but we use this parent communication app called AppClose. It records the entire thread and you can not erase any txt messages… Family courts recognize the app as a parenting tool. It’s free and you can print the thread if needed. Good luck.

How old is your daughter?

Nope. Contact should be through the other parent. She needs to get over herself

She has the issue you’re child comes first.:pray:t3:

We had to have it in our court papers she wasn’t allowed to talk to me! :woman_shrugging:t3:

You’re not wrong at all.

For all you woman that says the new wife is the problem (jealous and insecure) and should have no say in what goes on…
How about paying attention to detail. First sentence “my HUSBANDS new wife”. First off he isn’t her husband anymore.
Maybe she is the one being insecure because the new wife wants to be involved. Maybe the husband is tired of her telling him how to handle their child in his home.
When parents separate they may form a new life with someone else and when they do (especially if they get married) then the new wife becomes his new family.
Your lives are separate. There should be no need to tell the ex and his new wife how to raise the daughter in his home. You are no longer a part of that home.
Talk to your child about your expectations with school work or anything else that she needs to be responsible for.
Normally a step mom will want to keep the peace but not if she is tired of another woman constantly sticking her nose into their home life.
You mind your house and let him mind his.
It’s fine to be considerate of the others expectations but only if their expectations aren’t constant.
He is not yours to boss around anymore and his wife is a permanent fixture in the parenting scheme.
That is something that YOU have to accept.
It says a whole lot if he is ignoring your direct messages to him.
You are not all that innocent if you have the new wife pissed off already.
Stay in your lane and out of their household.


Just remind your daughter that no matter what, she is to be respectful, use good manners and be pleasant. She can act better than her step mother and you do the same. Teach and lead by example. Remind your daughter not to bring the bad attitudes she sees home with her

I agree with you. It’s one thing to have a healthy and civil relationship with his new wife. It’s another for her to be rude and think that she has a lot of say with your child with the daddy. Sorry but I wouldn’t go for that. And I would make it a point to let him know straight up that ultimately your daughter is his and yours. And he is the person you need to communicate with regarding your child, her needs, school etc. His wife needs to be more respectful and you don’t need to put up with that crap. That’s his problem and he needs to fix it.


Ok 1st thing 1st, nobody has the right to disrespect you. Why do you have to her to be in your and your child life. That goes to the dad also. If they don’t want,live them. Do your best for your kid. To hell with other people

Take them to court she has no rights of your daughter

The joys of splitting up and the other find some1 just like that

Go with your gut feeling about this

It would be wrong to have your daughter as a go between with the conversations you 2 need to have when it comes to your daughter…So sad…might be a good idea to inform your X to communicate with you about your daughter in a civilized manner without the new wife making things difficult… if nothing else have your lawyer do the communicating and if the lawyer has to do it ? It will cost him $$$$ n she’s deff going to learn to respect you with the A-B conversation C your way out !!!

She needs to grow up and has some serious insecurity issues. You need to coparent and communicate with your kids father. If shes that jealous then she should’ve never gotten involved with a man who has a child. Period.

If you have a custody agreement I’d explain it to your lawyer for a 15 minute consultation. Well you know who wears the pants in his nee family!

Dad’s job, not yours

She’s the new wife. You’ve tried. She’s not the new mom. He’s dad. Simple if she can’t play nice then she can’t play at all.

Your ex needs to start acting like a father.

You only need to deal with the father lol they can go to counseling over their insecurities instead

no. you aren’t wrong. you tried to be nice and civil and that’s really all that you can do.

No you aren’t thats your and your ex’s not hers

Nope. Stick to your guns

I wouldnt have anything to do with her. And if he cant respond to you, his loss!!! He will learn!!

You are obliged to co-parent the child you have with him.

You don’t HAVE to be buddy buddy with his family.

If she disrespect you its a sign u stop getting connected to her. Do wat u can without her

New wife is very immature. She should understand the guy has a kid and he has to communicate with the ex. At the same time he needs to stand up to new wife and really make her understand the kid comes first.

You’re not wrong in the least bit. To me, it honestly sounds like pure jealousy. And I’m not that woman that just assumes that all women are jealous of their children’s mothers. In this instance, it seems as if there is no real reason for her to be treating you this way. Shame on her for behaving so immaturely, and shame on your daughters father for allowing her to.

No you are not. You clarify face to face next time “I’m not confrontational but i will say that i did not have my child with you. I will speak to her father and address him only when it comes to her. If there’s a problem with that, we can take this back to court to make more solid boundaries. I am here to make HER life easier and comfortable. Not yours.” No big attitude. No loud tone. Just stern and straight to the point. And make sure you respect boundaries as well.

So. Back before cell phone and messaging, I use to send notes with my daughter, in her back pack. And the x would send them back. His new wife was extremely jealous of me and I told her where to go and how to get there. That these were our children together and decisions needed to be made between us. The children come first.

You’re not wrong. The stepmother…however…is being a immature selfish self-centered brat.

Heck nope. Nor do you have to communicate with her. You need a mediator. This has gotten toxic for sure. Need to figure out something before it gets way worse. Good luck.

Nope not at all, jealous nasty woman not someone I would want my daughter around.

You do not. If she is gonna act like that then no. The only one you are obligated to communicate is her father. Go back to your lawyer. Get it resolved cause the child will be the one to pay.

Ask her out for lunch, or coffee, just the 2 of you- do it in the group chat so nothing gets twisted. Tell her you feel like there’s some tension between you & you want to be on good terms for your child’s sake. It could be that she genuinely feels threatened by the fact you and your Ex are in contact frequently- especially if she’s had situations in the past where her BF cheated with an Ex. Talking to you one on one might help her chill out.
If trying to be the bigger person gets you nowhere, have a one on one convo with your Ex and ask him to intervene for the child’s sake.

Nope you don’t. If she’s going to bite your head off or disrespect you than just block and live your best life.

go to court you can have it stated that stepmom does not need to be involved or talking to you in anyway shape or form

Not at all stand your ground!!

Nope I’d tell her to pull her head in or go get some help cause she clearly needs it

Beat her and watch her change her tone :woozy_face::joy:

Not unless there are kids involved

You are the better person. She is the bi@tch. My ex’s wife is like her, I., needlessly jealous

You can be cordial if you want but you don’t have to do anything more!!

The ex-husband is a coward! And, she, the wife, is totally out of order, and very insecure. Ugh!

No. She’s jealous and insecure

No you are not so many women with ex husbands are complete bitc*es, some are not. The husband should grow some balls and stand up to her, his obviously not thinking about his daughter.

Highly inappropriate

Woooooow…she’s a total C U Next Tuesday and needs to get tf over the fact you and your ex are trying to do a healthy co-parenting relationship for your daughter. You don’t owe that bitch anything and honestly, you don’t have to tolerate her nor communicate with her. She’s not the mother of your child. She’s not the father of your child. That woman sounds like a dumb jealous bitch :woman_shrugging: she’s an asshole and needs to get a grip on herself.

Maybe she’s mennopausall!

Hmm lord mate self is a fool choop

One simple answer. Hell no !

honestly I’d take him back to court and put it in the custody order that you only speak with him. shes being rude and disrespectful to you and that’s not ok. shes supposed to be a bonus parent not your boss nor your husband’s when it comes to the child.

No. I Am a step mom and even tho me and my sons mom may not always see eye to eye we always respect each other. We communicate mostly through a group text and I honestly encourage my husband to communicate with here but when he doesn’t I try to do that she doesn’t feel ignored.


Id take them back to court if they cant behave like adults. The girls education will suffer and that cant be allowed to happen because she’s a jealous witch

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My ex husband wife is like that…I ain’t got her on block, but I won’t open read her stuff either too where she knows I’ve read it… I’ve done used half of it for court… keep coming girl… lol


Nope, the other chick should know her boundries. Its you and you exs kid, not her.


Ignore the group. Whatever he says to you in the group chat, respond privately.

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It seems absolutely silly for people to say take him back to court. I am a step parent and I am also on the other side. Sometimes it’s not always her being crazy. I think that you texting them to reiterate you need to work together could come off as you think they are incompetent. That may be why she got snippy. Is it OK to be snippy maybe not but that’s where communicate and all three of you sitting down and talking could fix that. Whether you like it or not she is part of your family. People really underestimate the power of family meetings.


Let me see those conversations screenshot… because you didn’t add any… there’s probably way more to the story then you’re letting us know…

But as far as what’s going on between them two, that’s between them to clearly he’s done something, And she don’t feel comfortable. It doesn’t matter if you’re the one who made the child with him, I’m sorry she’s the wife she still has an opinion. It effects her life as well and it’s not her fault that you and him didn’t work it out, so now you have to deal with the stepmom, smh Just like almost all the other vague ass questions on here, you tell your side of the story only to get everybody to agree with you when you don’t show any proof of anything… in all honesty it sounds like you guys need to sit down and have a conversation stop this texting bullshit. Everyone can say I’m wrong all they want but my grandchildren have an amazing coparenting system!

No your not wrong, I would have done beat her ass, but no you didn’t make a child with her, it’s between you and him, you better put your foot down before it’s to late, nobody should be disrespectful to you and your kids shouldn’t see or hear anybody disrespect you

If it can’t be civil then let it go…she may need your help before you need hers in the future then you’ll see a different her!!!

If theyre married then put your big girl panties on and deal with it.


Nope block her if he can’t communicate with you about your child maybe they don’t need to see the child until they can grow up.

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Literally one of my biggest fears. My ex and I coparent so well I would be damned if a woman tried to ruin it. I don’t have any advice unfortunately besides talking to your ex about this

No… stick to ur guns… she is obviously an insecure dickhead

Id kindly remind her that my kids did not come out of her nor did I have kids with her. Her insecurities are not your problem. Sit down and have a talk with your ex. If problem resides then go to email only conversations with your ex and you if she continues to disrespect you or interfere with what’s best for the kids take them to court and show the judge.

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My ex husbands first girlfriend after me was like this. He dumped her after we found out she was bullying our 5 year old daughter behind our backs. His new girlfriend is great. She and I get along very well. And he gets along with my new husband great as well. Even though it’s not like we are all best friends, we all make it work for the sake of the kids.


No she sounds crazy. And jealous. And this Is why some women can’t get with men that have kids. And thats fine. If they could only accept that fact. You can’t be with a man with kids and then expects the kids mother to deal with you instead of the dad. Ridiculous.


I’m a step mom, and I still don’t think your in the wrong at all. Next time you see your ex in person tell him it’s time to grow up and communicate with you without his new girlfriend or it will be time to go back to court. No one deserves to be disrespected, you your ex or his new girlfriend, especially when it comes down to making sure the child is doing well.


Me n my ex husbands current wife and I communicate from time to time it was the ex that had the issue

What’s best for your child? Seriously. He’s obviously immature, she’s got jealous and insecurities… who is going to rise above for this kid? Let’s hope it’s you.

I would. I’d be nice as heck. That kid wouldn’t see a single negative emotion from me in regards to Dad or the step Mom, I’d do my best to put her guard down and include her since I’d have to deal with her. That’s the kindest thing you could do for not only your kid but your SELF.

Level up :fist:t3: it’s good exercise for your character. Your kid will thank you for it one day.

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If I have to communicate with my ex’s wife I do. If I have to communicate with him I do. There’s no group chat etc whatever. If she has insecurities it’s her problem. Let them deal with whatever involves your child when at dads. If an assignment is missed so be it. If teachers call you up give the fathers number and have them deal with him. Let go. What happens at dads is dads responsibility (unless we’re talking about abusive behaviour) the rest just let it go


You tried. Now it’s her problem. She doesn’t sound real secure in her marriage.


You’re not in the wrong and I hope you update us all on this and tell us that you told the new wife to butt out if she can’t be respectful or you’re taking it to the courts.

Go back to court and get a mediator, that way all communication is through them.

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Absolutely not. The only reason you’d need to communicate with her is if the child is left with only her and there’s an emergency.


She sounds insecure and jealous.


Go to court . My step mom always struggled w staying in her place it took the judge to make her realize she was not my parent & she hAd ABSOLUTELY no rights to me. Therefore put in your court order you are to speak w & only to your ex husband abt your child & that is it

She sounds Iike a fucking twatbag.

Absolutely not! You tried your best! She messed up period. She has to earn your respect, she showed her real self. Except that and do not let her in until she comes clean like a real woman. You owe her nothing. Must be intimidated by you :ok_hand:. Sad!


It’s obvious that she’s not mature enough with you talking to her husband. I know all about it I went through that with my ex husband’s new wife. 17 years later and she’s still jealous of me. I finally gave up and just ignore her now, she’s the problem not me. I’m much happier not going out of my way trying to please her.

Nope, I’d keep her blocked and try communicating with your ex. If he still won’t respond then take him back to court since he can’t and won’t keep communications open between you and him

Nope. If you were ok with communicating with her and vice versa, that’s a different story. But the fact that she can’t be civil and he’s not allowed to talk to you, then oh well, guess he’s not gonna get anything he asks for til he starts talking for himself

Nope I’d do the same. Only talk to him and if he ignores it because it’s not in a group chat with her then let the judge know he’s not communicating. Also make it clear to him as well that you won’t deal with her childish behavior.

His wife needs to grow up. She should understand that her husband needs to communicate with the mother of his child for the sake of that child. If you get involved with someone who has a child you should expect that they will need to communicate with the ex for the child.

I RARELY communicate with the father of my child. I communicate with his girlfriend, she’s the one who pick up and drops off my daughter on their weekends. Maybe it just comes down to her being the more responsible one. I honestly don’t mind it at all, she plays a role in my daughter’ life and has been in her life for years. I can depend on her.


The fact that this chick said My Husbands new wife says a lot about who the problem might be… Its about making his wife happy not you…

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If they want to act childish like that then take it to court. It’ll be an endless battle with her if boundaries aren’t set and abided by.

Nope , same thing happened with me. She started harassing me I had to make police reports 2-3 times ! I finally decided to put an end to it and make sure I put it in a court order. SMH some people .

Your right shes wrong and she is a insecure b word