Do I have to replace the airpods my dog ate?

I am the house that all of the kids gather at and I do not mind as it allows me to keep an eye on my children and always know what they are up too…my issue is…when these kids come over i alwasy warn them to keep their personal belongings up and in my kids room with the doors closed as I have a young pup who LOVES chewing everything…i have replaced crocs, and clothing cause of him lol. But this time, he got a hold of airpods because the child left them on the bedroom floor and did NOT shut the door…I feel bad but I have given them more than enough warnings about keeping their items out of reach of my pain in the butt dog…they want me to replace and I honestly am not wanting to do this so they learn a lesson…thoughts?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Do I have to replace the airpods my dog ate?p

Do not replace them you warned them they chose to not listen . This is the repercussion for not listening


I guess it depends on the ages of the kids. You did warn them but are they old enough to understand? If they are then I wouldn’t replace them. If they aren’t then I probably would. Although I guess I would have to ask why someone so young would have AirPods lol


Kids are responsible for their own items when they enter your home. However you need to manage and train your dog. If you have already warned people then you can’t be responsible.

You Warned them. it was on them tonkeep their stuff put up.


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Not replacing them.may cuase tension between the child and your kid? They may not want to continue to use your house as a hang out if things keep getting destroyed.


Yes!!! Your dog which is your property destroyed someone else property…train your dog better


Make them earn their own money to replace them to teach responsibility

They came to your house, you have a warning. You shouldn’t have to buy them.bc if they was worried about any belongings they shouldn’t have came to your house with the. Besides why does a child have a name brand pair of airpods?


I’d def not be getting them another pair. That’s their parents responsibility… they need to teach their kids to be more responsible with their stuff

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I wouldn’t be buying new ones. I’d explain to the parents that you warned them multiple times, and if they don’t like it, don’t bring expensive items with them when visiting.


Your dog ate them … you need to replace them


You warmed them….kids need to learn to responsible for their belongings


No you do not have to replace what the dog ate. If they were put away like the children had been asked and to close the door the dog wouldn’t have gotten them. I suggest the kids work for pocket money to replace them, show them nothing is for free.

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Nope if the child can’t take care of them themselves why are the parents allowing them to take them out​:expressionless: I wouldn’t buy them, they are really bad for little ones to be using anyways so they can thank you if anything :grin:


AirPods definitely aren’t cheap and they knew your puppy was a chewer :woman_shrugging:t2: after already being told repeatedly, and already having items replaced, should have told them something. Yes, it sucks and ofc you feel bad they’re freaking AirPods lol but maybe this will teach them to keep their things put away. My 3 yr almost 4 yr old dog still likes to chew on things that aren’t his and my 2 year old knows not to let the dog have her toys or they’re gone lol

I would replace them your puppy damage them.

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Yeah your responsable for your untrained dog. Replace the kids property, train your dog.


Depends on the age of the child in question teenager. No. Personally you did give them a warning. Puppies chew everything. Can’t blame it on the dog when their just teething.

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Normally I would replace them in a freak accident but you have gave multiple warnings and they made the mistake of not keeping their belongings up and closed away. That’s their mistake. Not yours. I wouldn’t replace them in this instance.

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My dog my house enter at your own risk . Period :sunglasses: unless it harms a child physically you are not responsible


It’s not your job to teach someone else’s kid a lesson. And it sound like the dog needs training as the dog has chewed a bunch of stuff. They were in the room, it could have been any of the kids who left the door open.


You should not replace. You have warned them all, many times and they were aware. I too am the home that all the kids are at, all the time, and I wouldn’t be replacing it if I had warned them on more than one occasion to not do that


Nope. Parents should know if their kid is responsible enough to take care of their things after leaving home and if something happened to those things then it’s on the kid.

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some dogs are just chewers…take it easy people :roll_eyes: but no I wouldn’t replace them. if they don’t want stuff lost, misplaced, possibly chewed then they shouldn’t be taking stuff to any friends house


It’s your home, your puppy. They brought their items over there. I wouldn’t replace it.

It’s a personal choice. You will get some that think you shouldn’t replace them and some that think you should. I feel like you should. It’s your dog….your responsibility.


I wouldn’t replace them. Sounds like the warning was there

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Put up a sign or two reminding them to BE AWARE etc. But no, I don’t think you should have to

My parents would have said why did I take them there in the first place


Personally, I don’t think it’s your responsibility. If it were my child who had his EarPods eaten, and he was warned, I would not expect you to replace them. However, I think In your case (depending on age of children) it might have been thoughtful to have messaged the parent/parents and warn them about your puppy who likes to chew and caution them to not let their child bring any well loved items over… if this is a teenager situation, obviously this is different.


If I could afford them, I probably would just replace them. Is it required? No. But peace around me is priceless. And I would make it clear to that child that those air pods are the last thing I am replacing for that kid.


Any kid 4 and up can understand my dog chews everything, if you don’t want your stuff destroyed then make sure they are not where he can get them, airpods should not be on the floor, in a bucket or a bag and I doubt a 5 year old would have something like that and if so the parents of this child are taking a risk qith such an expensive item. This is not your responsibility to replace them when you gave warning. Hard lesson to learn but it is not like he needs airpods to live his life everyday, they can replace them

No way!!! Thats not your job!!!

No… it’s the kids fault for leaving them out after being warned.

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They are kids, it was an accident! that poor kid a new pair!


As a parent’s perspective, I’d say you would have to replace them. If this parent takes you to civil court over it, you’d most likely lose. So I’d talk to the parents and see. Some parents will say don’t worry about it and some will take it to another level and sue you.


As a parent, if my child went to someone’s house and their dog chewed up something they left laying around I would 100% not even think to ask the parents to replace that item. My child is responsible for their own stuff. The kid should have kept his stuff out of the dogs range.


Hes a child they will do child things.

That being said if my dog ruined something of someone else’s yes I will be responsible as I am responsible for my dog.

Kids are kids , we forget things all the time so do kids


We bought 3 of our kids the new airpods for Christmas last year. They are 14,11 and 11. When we gave them to them we told them all that if they lose them or break them they are THEIR responsibility and we will NOT be replacing them.


Nope! They were warned. If they can’t follow the rules then that’s on them. If you replace them then the kid learns nothing besides no matter what it will turn out good in the end.

Replace them since ur dog ate them or I hope the parents can press charges if there the pair that’s over a hundred bucks u are responsible since u can’t train ur dog to not chew on stuff puppies are easy to train to not chew stuff it’s just lazy owner that do t do everything they can to teach them to stop


This happened to my daughter at a friend’s house. She dropped 1 airpod and the dog ate it she said. I told her she shouldn’t have taken them with her and it was a lesson learned. I would not expect them to replace it nor would I replace someone coming over to my house.


My 3 year old knows to pick up his toys so our puppy doesn’t get them.

But it wasn’t your kids air pods… it was another kiddo who doesn’t live there and isn’t used to your pups boundaries or needs.

Go 50/50 maybe on them …

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When I was a kid I wasn’t allowed to take my expensive things over to friends houses for that exact reason. My parents told me if I took it out of the house and something happens to it that it’s my fault. I would offer to pay half since it was your puppy that chewed on them, the kid needs to take responsibility for not taking care of his property.


I would pay for b then, then never allow them back in tbh best way

Nope it’s not your responsibility

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Definitely keep a better eye on the dog next time and buy the child new pods


if YOUR dog ruined any property of anybody’s, it’s on YOU to replace it. if it went to court, you’re going to be told the same thing.


Actions have consequences.
They shouldn’t have brought them in the first place & if they did, they should have kept better care of them.

I don’t think I’d replace them.
But it depends on the child’s age.


Yes you technically are responsible

No you dont. The child should learn to look after its own stuff. Why do they need airpods at ur house anyway…tell the kids and tell the parents if their kids come to your house you will take no responsibility for their belongings…leave them in one room and the door must be shut if they are not in it.

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Nope you are not. It would be different if it was at someone elses house.

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Idk its your dog. Your supposed to be watching your dog also… this can go either way. Teach them a lesson but if its a friends airpods I’d say yah replace them. If its your kids airpods then I wouldn’t replace them. Because you’ve mentioned more times than not to close the doors and such.


Personally …no. I wouldnt replace them. If they’re old enough for expensive items they’re old enough to look after them.


Not your responsibility to replace, kids must learn responsibility.

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They left them in the bedroom of a room they thought was shut. If he would of left them in open room I would say yes but in a kids mind he probably thought they were safe in a closed bedroom. In this case I would say you need to replace them. As far as lesson to teach it needs to be the dog.

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Yea, I’d replace them.


I’m sorry but if my kids at your house he or she goes by your rules! And if they know the rules then they are out air pods!
But then again you have parents that will take it to the extreme and sue you. So this is a hard one. Good luck mama!


I would not. If I have warned you multiple times and you choose not to listen then that is your consequence. If the parents don’t like that then too bad. They need to teach their kid to listen to and respect the rules of another’s house.


They need to leave expensive items at home if it’s a concern. Most of us can’t afford to replace every item that gets ruined.


Technically, yes but it depends on age of the child too. Over 10, nope. Under that, split the cost but they don’t come back to the house.
And nobody would be bringing anything into my home until the dog is either trained or put up.
I’d advise training before you have real problems.

You could perhaps offer to pay half.
Kids are kids after all, you can tell them 20000 times and not hear one single one of them…

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1 you bette take your dog to get check out bc that is a forebody in there and it can cause complications in him/her.

  1. It’s the kids fault maybe he should have out it away like he was told.

But have you talked to the parents about this beforehand because honestly the rule should be “don’t bring expensive items to my house I have a dog who likes to chew things” to the adults…


I’m curious why a young child would have AirPods if they wouldn’t be responsible for them? If you brought the dog to their house then yes, I would say 100% it would be your responsibility. But if the child and their guardians knew the temperament of the dog, still allowed the child to go over, AND allowed the child to have these expensive accessories while over there… it’s not your responsibility.


Nope u warned them lots on them now


Yes if your kid or dog ruins something you pay for it.


How old is said child?

Nope! After that many warnings, I wouldn’t, I have 5 dogs, one specifically likes to try and chew shoes, everyone is warned as they come in the gate to bring their shoes inside, if not, that’s on thwm

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I would Feel Responsible to Buy The Kid A New Pair if My Dog ate Them…


I would not. My parents never let me tKe valuable items to friends houses so it’s the other kids parents fault.


I wouldn’t. It’s their property it’s their responsibility. Especially sir they’ve been to your house before and you’ve told them to pick their stuff up away from the dog do it doesn’t get eaten. Why was the bathroom door open and why were they in the floor :joy:


I’d feel bad because kids will be kids. Truth they should have been careful but puppy should be watched as well. I’d go 50/50, it would suck but…seems fair to me.

It’s really 50/50… you’re really supposed to train your dog to not chewy anything. But on the other hand kids supposed to know how things go in your house. So If you wanna be the bigger person I would get him one airpod only left ear preferably let them get the right ear.


I wouldnt replace it. You told them to pick the stuff up they didn’t… Cause and effect… Life lession if you ask me.


Nope. I would be upset if it were my kids’ air pods, but I wouldn’t be upset with you. When my children take person belongings with them, I always let them know that it is their responsibility to take care of those items. I actually usually try to convince them to leave their stuff at home.
I don’t think this is your mess to clean up/pay for. Especially if the child had already been warned.


My dog chewed up one of my dads AirPods and we replaced it. I personally would replace it….


I wouldn’t replace them

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Children are children. The dog is your responsibility too and you have replaced other things in the past because of your dog what makes this any different? Oh right because of the price. I think you should replace them. Or just tell the kids to play outside wherever the dog isnt. No more extra kids in the house. You need to set these boundaries. Regardless of the fact you think you know where your kids are.


I feel like if you allow your kids to drag expensive things to other people’s houses then you are taking that risk. I encourage my kids to leave their expensive stuff home and if they don’t then it’s my kids fault if it gets ruined.


Let me put it to you like this I totally get where you are coming from… but as a parent I bust my tail for everything and if the roles were reversed would you want them to replace your child’s stuff? AirPods aren’t cheap… and If you’ve replaced other items why stop now? Is it the same child’s belongings? Or is it because it’s a more expensive item? I get learning a lesson but what If that child did shut the door and someone else left it back open?


They left expensive ear buds on the floor!!! I have ,2 pairs of them they’re expensive.i build and painted for mine.if he’s spoiled enough to ignore what you said then his mommy can go get him another WARNED everyone your puppy eats things you told them to put things up and shut the door!!! If you replace them tell them they’re not allowed to bring anything else into your home.period!!! You’re not an ATM for anyone who doesn’t listen or follow simple rules.:100:


We say the same thing at my home. except I have very young kids. Rules still apply.
You’re not wrong. I wouldn’t replace them.

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The kids shouldn’t be bringing expensive items to your house. Leave things like that at home. I would not replace them . The minute that kid took them our “THEIR” front door , made it their responsibility to keep them intact and not lost or damaged


I would not. They knew the rules, and the risks. Door open AND on the floor…nah. They shouldn’t be putting something expensive like that on the FLOOR to begin with. Call it a lesson. not your fault.


Nope the kid needed to be more responsible

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Tell the parents they can buy AirPods and you will pay the vet bill since their child didn’t listen to the warnings you’ve given multiple times.
I would let my son learn how to earn his own money to replace them.


I would ask the parents of the child if they’re paying for my vet bill if the dog gets sick from eating their child’s air pods.


Stick to your guns Possibly post rules and have kids initial them so there is no excuse from them for not knowing and take responsibility for the own stuff.


If the child just left them laying on the floor, they could have very well been stepped on, lost and so on. They were the kids responsibility and a risk not only the child took but his parents took by letting him take them outside of his home in the fordt place. The child failed to take proper care of them. Regardless of if your dog ate them or not, the dog would NOT have ate them if they were laying on the floor like they were. Maybe the kid will learn to take proper care of their belongings. To me, this isn’t on you. It’s like you drop your airpods while walking on. The street qnd someone steps on them. You can’t ask that person to pay for them! YOU dropped them. Just doesn’t make sense to pay for them to me.

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It should be a lesson learned, why?
1 - you always warn them to keep their belongings somewhere safe because of the pup
2 - what kid takes his airpods to a friend’s house? If you’re hanging out, they aren’t needed right?
3 - you’re not responsible for keeping their belongings safe, they are.
4 - your house, your rules and by the sounds of things, they can’t seem to follow them.
You shouldn’t have to replace them :woman_shrugging:t5:

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I agree with mama especially if you have already warned them that your dog chews up things.

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Depends on what their parents expect. You have already set the precedent that you will replace what the dog destroys.

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I would not pay for them. If the child is old enough to have airpods then they are old enough to keep them in a safe place. I would take this as a lesson learned for the children and the parents.


I wouldn’t obviously the kids have been warned, there old enough to have air pods there old enough to take responsibility for them… I wouldn’t be replacing them


I wouldn’t replace them.

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The kids know not to leave stuff on the floor. And if the parents felt the child is responsible enough to have AirPods, the child should have been responsible enough to keep the AirPods off the floor after being warned about the dog.

Replacing the AirPods teaches the child that someone else can deal with the consequences of their irresponsibility.

My step daughter lost one of her AirPods on vacation a few years back, and we didn’t replace it. She had to use one airpod until she could save up her own money to replace it or just buy a new set.