My childs father is currently living in a tiny camper in his moms driveway… the camper has no running water, the bathroom is broken…so they have to go in his moms house to use the bathroom and shower and stuff…this camper was crappy when we were together and its nothing that i want our kid in…but he is supposed to get our kid every other weekend…i just feel its unsafe and his mom is calling me “bitter”…am i wrong for not wanting my child in this unsafe camper? can i not send him?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Do I have to send my son to see his dad if he doesn't have a house?
Is there a reason they can’t stay at grandmas on his weeekends?
Yea, there’s a house on the property for water and all
As long as he has access to running water then the courts won’t say much
Why can’t they stay inside the house while he’s there?
Oh let the kid bond with his father . I take my kids camping in a tent for a week at a time
To my knowledge, if it’s a court ordered visitation, you have to send him.
I mean… how is it “dangerous” exactly? How old is your child? Honestly it sounds like fun to me, lol.
you really making a big deal when it’s in the moms driveway ? yeah you kinda do sound a little bitter. it’s not like they don’t have access to anything
No difference than camping
You would look really petty if you refused
Report to family services and have them come out and look. They can make the determination.
No different then camping.
It’s not against the law too live in a camper
Yeah, you’re bitter. The dude is living in his mom’s driveway. It’s not like there’s no access to running water. Get over yourself.
You have to follow whatever the agreed upon custody plan is.
If you aren’t happy with the current plan you would have to go back to court to change it.
If you refuse to send your child on the father’s custody time, you could get in trouble.
You are not being bitter and you have the right to keep your kid safe go to the courts and or call dhs and ask them because if people wanted to be bitches and call dhs you both could lose your child
If they have access to the house with running water then let him. Stop being petty and bitter
If has visitation and a roof over his head you have to send him
I am sure that when your son is there, they are inside the house with the grandmother, Youa re making a big deal out of this, Now if he lived in the woods with a tarp over his sleeping area, then I can understand, but not in the driveway of his mother’s !!!
Why can’t they stay in her house while your son is there
As long as he’s being fed I don’t see a problem with it.
Man if you don’t stop being
THAT mom and let that child see his daddy!
It’s his dad absolutely he has to see him
I mean… I’m sure he will take son in mom house for those needs that his camper is missing. At least he’s in his mom yard and has that opportunity. Dont keep child away from dad.
That’s something you need to ask your lawyer. He could get you for contempt otherwise if there is court papers
I recommend you let that child see his father until a court tells you you don’t have to.
Let him go see his dad.
How old is your child? If he’s not old enough to be able to come and go to the house then I would say no. I would ask the grandparents are they letting my child stay with them or is that bad too. Welfare of the child always.
He’s camping. Stay at Home Moms
If your babies dad has a new girlfriend & you won’t let him see his children anymore… you are BITTER. If he can’t afford child support but wants to spend time with his children & you won’t let him… you are BITTER. If he doesn’t wanna be in a relationship with you anymore but wants to be there for his children & you won’t let him… you are BITTER. PERIOD:bangbang: Y’all really think it hurts him… the whole time it’s hurting the children at the end of the day.… reposting
OMG really!? It’s like camping and all he had to do is go into house to use btrm shower etc let the boy go!
Prove her wrong- call her and say, He’s welcome to come if you can assure me he will be sleep inside your home where there is running water and working toilet.
Yes you are wrong and you definitely sound bitter
Yes you fuckin do… how trashy to use that
If there is a court order, you don’t have a say where he stays, unfortunately.
Probably couldn’t afford a place like your - he is paying child support so
Maybe offer for him to keep him inside his moms house while he has them on the weekends?
There’s nothing you can do unless he was staying in it without heat during winter. My son’s father has stayed in campers on and off and shacks in the woods, same thing applys. It’s not full time so no one bats an eye.
Thee father WANTS to be involved. Let him. Theyre right at the grandmas…
Life is tough right now. Everything is soo expensive.
He has a roof over his head in a safe area. So yes you should let your kid go. Running inside to use the bathroom is the lowest of my worries as a mom that my kid would have to do…lol
Are you sure you’re not just now deciding it’s “unsafe” because you don’t want to send your kid? He has access to running water even if it isn’t IN the camper so you really can’t use that against him.
Well ladies, it depends how bad this camper is. It could be nasty. We don’t know. But I see no problem with grandma letting him sleep in her house
I’m sure he will be fine.
I think the most important question is your kids opinion. If munchkin feels uncomfortable, then I wouldn’t send him.
That being said, I know it’s hard to let things go with the ex. I tried controlling a few aspects of my ex’s situation once we split. It doesn’t help anything and it only makes any future relationship harder. You got this, momma. You have to trust him.
I say let him see his dad.
If his dad isn’t unfit or on drugs don’t keep him from his dad.
What exactly makes it unsafe?
Unfortunately a judge will not look on you kindly if you refuse to send the child for visitation. Unless you have a court order barring visitation then you have to send him.
If it’s court ordered theirs nothing you can do until you go back to court violating a judges orders is a good way to lose custody
You don’t have that option. Why was it ok when you were living there too but not ok for him? Sounds like you’re bitter n trying to cause an issues I’m the farhers relationship with the child
Dcfs will say they can go in the house for the water and other things. Unless it’s diff for each state. It’s sad.
Send him to his Dads. As long as he is fed, has a place to sleep he will be fine
Something is missing in this letter,
Send him is the right thing to do
Yes, you can’t keep your son from his father for a reason like this. It’s hurting your son more than it would anyone else!
Be grateful he is trying to be in his kids life. There are many out there they don’t even take the time to call their kids. If he is safe and loved leave it be. Check up on him at night before bed.
How do you know they won’t be inside the grandmas house, did you even ask?
His moms house is right there! I’m sure he’s not gonna spend his whole time in his dads camper… let the child go🙄
Can’t you guys meet up elsewhere
I have a camper in my ex fil land and we have to go to his house to potty and it’s fine for my 10 yo
Would you let him take your kid tent camping? Similar situation to me.
Don’t deny your child his father!!!
Let him see his dad, it’s his child too. Just because he’s hard up doesn’t mean he loves his child any less not to mention he’s parked at his grandmother’s which means he has running water a bathroom and everything else needed right inside the house. He’s fine! The child is the only one that would suffer keeping him away… I hope you do the right thing!
If he is a safe, loving, and attentive father then yes. Alienation from a parent is so damaging on children.
Unless there is a real safety issue with the trailer, there is no reason to not send your child for the allowed visits.
I’m sure if the camper was that bad his mother would allow the children to stay in her home. Do you know for a fact they’d be staying in the camper & not that he just stays in the camper when he doesn’t have them?
It’s just like camping
I mean , sounds like it was ok to have when you were together and now you’re not it’s a problem.
I’m sure grandma won’t let him go with out come on now
This group does nothing but hate on every post. I most definitely would not send my child to a place that has no running water and no bathroom. Tf… if he is willing to actually sleep in his mom’s house it would be different. But that camper is not liveable if everything is not working.
So your Ex had this camper when you were together? It was OK for you THEN but you’re complaining NOW? How do you know they aren’t spending their time with Grandma? Be realistic.
Do they have access to the home at all times such as if the child has to use the bathroom in the night? Access to food / somewhere safe to sleep? I see where your coming from but if it’s not a safety issue I think you may wanna talk about the issue with dad / courts instead of just not sending him.
I doesn’t matter if they sleep on the backyard floor if your son is HAPPY send him with dad
If mom/ grandma is fine with them using her bathroom etc then BY ALL MEANS YES send him to his Father !!!
You don’t really have a say if it’s court ordered that he go to his Father …
Don’t keep a child away from their father I’d they are willing and wanting to spend time with them. That’s just not fair.
Call cps and file for emergency custody.
His mom’s house is literally right there. So he clearly has unlimited access to it
If he’s a good man, doing the best he can, then yes absolutely! A father in a child’s life is just as important as a mother!
Child will be fine be glad his dad wants to spend time with him a lot don’t.I have a 6 yr old who’s never seen her dad.I have tried to get him to,but he said he had two other kids that was all he could afford.
Sounds to me like you are the type of person who would find something wrong with anywhere his father lived. If you don’t let him go then you will be defying a court order and you likely will be living in jail, a truly unfit place for a child to have to come visit his mom.
You haven’t provided any examples of it being unsafe- he has close access to bathroom and shower so as long as he has somewhere to sleep it’s fine
I mean it could be a crackouse I don’t think this is unsafe, especially if he’s at his grandparents lol
Depends on the court order… and if you that concerned… bring it back to court and explain to them his living situation… however if they have access to the house the court may still be ok… not really all that different from camping for a weekend… would you not let your son going camping?
They’d be camping every weekend. Lol And grandma and dad probably wouldn’t make the kids be in the camper during the cold months. Leave it be and let them enjoy the time with their dad.
Depends if you have a court order - if you do you gotta send him
Surely his grandmother allows them to use the house for baths and such. Dont deny your child access to their father. If your child is in no real danger allow them the right to have an active role with both parents.
Grandma’s is right there so it’s not that bad. He can still use the kitchen, take showers and use the bathroom. If he wasn’t allowed to use the amenities in the house it would be another story. Almost like camping with dad, could really be some good memories they make together!
Sounds better than a camping trip. I’m sure grandma won’t let anything happen. Sounds like your privilege is showing.
You are being very petty and bitter. He has access to the house. Just stop.
He has access. Let him go.
What is unsafe about it if he has access to running water at his moms ?
Don’t alienate a child from his father because his living conditions aren’t up to par with your expectations.
Is there a court order in place? If yes… you can’t refuse. With that said, if not… if the camper itself is in an unsafe condition, yes you can refuse. If you only want to keep the kid away because they don’t have running water in it, no… you can’t keep the kid away. If you have a court order, you will have to take it to court to have the order amended and you can have the conditions that the child is housed somewhere else during visits other than the camper. That is… IF the camper is truly UNSAFE and uninhabitable. You will have to show proof to the courts.
Everyone struggles. Is he a good father? It’s like camping I the wilderness and there’s everything needed in the house. If he’s good dad let him go otherwise bitter is accurate. If he’s a neglectful parent then I understand but court ordered visits have to be obeyed or its on you. If it’s not safe you have to report it.
His moms house is literally right there, where there is running water, bathroom and etc. You DO sound petty, at least. He’s going for a weekend. Let your child see his father.
All I’ll say is kids love camping, and it’s not cold out yet …
Better than using an outdoor prevy.
Why not arrange a deal, the kid stays in his moms house? Regardless the dad should be able to see his kid so work out a deal that will work. I don’t see a issue if you can ask for your son to stay in his moms house. Remember the kid comes first, the kid deserves his dad
Is the camper really “UNSAFE”?
Sounds like you just want to keep your son away from his father. If his granny has a bathroom . The camper would just be like camping out
If it was good enough for you to live in when you were together why are you causing a scene about it with his son?
Sounds like somebody is bitter they got dumped,