Do I have to send my son to see his dad if he doesn't have a house?

Where’s the eyeroll emoji when we need it

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Send him.It could be an adventure.
My kids father used the excuse of not having his 3 kids as he lives in a 17 ft caravan I’m his parents yards.
He showered inside and used the toilet.
The caravan had aircon,a fridge and a stove etc.
He had enough he’d space as we’d been camping in it.
As far as I’m concerned he could have put up high mattresses in the parents loungeroom or brought a tent and put up in there yard.
If he wanted his kids he would have sorted something out.
If your trying to use this as an excuse for dad not to have the child then I think it is petty too.
Let them use it as an adventure.The child won’t care as long as he spends time with dad

Let me start by saying, I’m not trying to be hateful. There are so many children who have a parent who wants absolutely nothing to do with them while they are growing up…. I was one of them. Please do not do that to your son. They have access to all the basic needs and shelter. Let him see his daddy…. They need each other❤️


Can he stay in the house while the child is there?

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I would let him go and if you feel it’s severe enough to bring attention then go about it the right way. I see your point but if he lives in mom’s driveway and has access then I’m not sure if that’s horrible enough to not let him go.

If you lived it in before with him and now since you aren’t together you see an issue, I can see why his mom calls you bitter. I know you’re looking out for your son but go about it the right way.

You have to follow the court order. If you feel it’s unsafe i can only assume you will have to go thru the courts. But like mentioned by others, it’s like camping. Your “hostility” towards the situation will only make it worse for your son. He’s gonna pick up on the friction, just treat it as an adventure, and let’s your son see his dad, as apparently ordered by the courts? If you have such a problem with his unfortunate situation, you’ll have to take it up with the courts. And not decide on your own what is “allowed” or not…

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If its court ordered you can’t not let him go. What exactly is unsafe? The camper he’s sleeping in may not have running water but you’ve stated they go in to his mother’s for what they need that’s no different than having an extension to the house but needing to go into the main part of the house to go to the loo. I see no issue here. it seems like you’re just trying to find reasons not to send your son. Feel glad for your son that he has a dad who wants to see him my ex has seen his once in the 6 weeks kept telling me he had to check the rota then never got back to me then we bumped into him in a park playing happy families with his girlfriend and her neices and nephews I pointed out his kids miss him and now suddenly he wants to see them again my poor kids don’t know wether they are coming or going. My nephews dad is the same he hasn’t seen his boys this summer neither just full of excuses. You’re son is very lucky please don’t come between him and his dad over petty things

Let him see his kid sounds like u need to grow up what if was the other way around

Talk to his mom. Work something out. If he is a good dad, then let it go. We all struggle


It can be like an adventure.

Your child deserves a dad. And if he is a good father, let him go. It’s for a weekend.

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If he’s a good and active Dad in your sons life please dont keep your son from
Him. If his Mothers house is right there it should be ok. Many kids wish they had their “Dad”

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Yes. There is running water, a kitchen and showers inside his house. It sounds like he is down on his luck. Don’t try and make it harder on him.


Stop looking for faults if your kids happy at seeing your ex and your ex is wanting to see kid then what’s the problem. My kids dad used too have nowhere suitable to see his kids and I used too allow him and his gf too come to my house and sleep over with kids and I would go out and stay over with my cousin too allow them this time together even when I didn’t want too. Some kids don’t have a dad who wants too see them so if dad’s trying then leave them be and let them get on with it.


Sounds alright to me if he’s in his mothers driveway. We used to sleep in a tent (or just on the trampoline) outside when I was a kid, can’t be that bad. Sounds like dad has fallen on some hard times and is doing whatever he has to, he shouldn’t be punished for this. In my opinion anyway


You are sounding pretty bitter :woman_shrugging:t3: your acting as if they can’t stay inside with the grandmother…


You do sound bitter. I’m sure they spend the majority of the time outside the camper/in his mom’s house. Stop being petty. You should be grateful he has a dad that wants to be involved at all. It’s little girls like you that give women a bad name.


You are just nit picking if your son and his father want to see other then that is the main thing

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Contact your lawyer they should be able to answer this or atleast know what you need to do.

Follow your court ordered plan. If you deviate from it you are in contempt of Court and in some cases the Judges don’t mess around. You might find yourself with visitation instead of custody.

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But use lived in it when you were together ? But now your not it’s unsafe ??


It doesn’t sound unsafe, it sounds uncomfortable and it sucks. But he still has running water and a kitchen. Pretty sure grandma doesn’t lock them out the entire time, if she does then maybe there’s a problem.


I would let him go. The mom can let the boy sleep.inside

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As long as he’s on a property with accessible bathroom and kitchen(mothers property) nothing you can do or you will be in contempt. Technically her house is a safe option if camper becomes unlivable. You could always suggest him sleeping on the couch in mothers living room

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I don’t think you’re bitter. When my husband and I split, all he could afford was a semi converted garage with no bathroom. When my daughter had to use the bathroom, they had to wake up the front neighbors and use theirs. It is not unsafe but more an inconvenience. I wasn’t happy about it but I didn’t refuse to send my kids.

He’s in his mom’s driveway there is working facilities there. You are being ridiculous


Definitely being bitter. It’s not like he’s in the middle of nowhere, and I’m sure Grandma is expecting them to be going in and out of the house if not staying in the house during his visit. Either way, he’s in his son’s life, and it should remain that way, even if you don’t like his current living situation. It wouldn’t be fair to him, as he’s just as much a parent as you, and it especially wouldn’t be fair for your child. Never stand in the way of that.

Also, it’s not your call.


You’d he winging if he dint have the child… atleast he’s having him, get over yourself

What’s up with him using his grans bathroom, shower ect? Sometimes I mothers are very bitter :confused: also the type to complain they don’t take the child :roll_eyes:

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Why can’t they stay in his moms house the weekend he has them? Compromise :blush:

It’s only for the weekend, let him go (if there’s a court order, you really don’t have a choice) and see how it goes. If there are no problems, you can relax. If there are issues, document them and go back to court. My guess is that they will be spending the bulk of the time in Mom’s house.


If you have a court order, yes. However, it would be worth the trip back to court to revise the order until he can prove he has a suitable living environment.


Yes you have to let your son have a relationship with his father without micromanaging everything. Control issues much?

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He still has access to a bathroom and running water. If you do not send him that will be contempt and a judge will not see the reasons you have as acceptable


I see nothing wrong with that. You’re supposed to let him have visitation. That is your child’s father. Only punishment this creates is towards your child.


Follow the order I’m sure the camper in his MOMS driveway is perfectly safe :expressionless::roll_eyes:


I lived in a camper for 2 yrs with my daughter. We went to my aunt’s down the road to shower.
My daughter is 19 now and actually misses living in the camper.

Think of it as camping with dad.
Would you have an issue if dad had a great house but took the kid camping for the weekend?


Damn, why can’t you just let him be a dad and let your kid spend some time with him, it’s pretty wild that women want to alienate kids from their father over something that has nothing to do with his ability to be a good dad. Gross.

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Does your son want to see his Dad? Forget all the other pitiful stuff :woman_facepalming: don’t stand in the way of a Father Son relationship or once your son is old enough you will lose him :cry:


He should still be able to go see his Dad. In all of the items you mentioned, none are sounding unsafe. It’s kind of like camping. Your mutual child might like seeing his Dad.


Why can they not stay with his dad mom in her house

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Sad we can’t be more understanding , life is hard especially for people with one income. His moms property sounds right close whi has facilities. I think you should be grateful he’s in your son’s life and doing his best.

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He will be seeing his father and thats what matters

Font keep him from his dad because of when he lives your sons grandma is there uf he needs her

Yes he should still be able to see him. As long as yr child is safe. If not document & take back to court for revised order

Wow just wow cranky much

My parents currently live in a camper and it’s not the best either but my kids (especially my 4yo) LOVE going over. He is still providing a roof over his head and has access to necessities. You sound like the type that would also have an issue if he were to be living with a new GF and has your son there :upside_down_face:


It would be the same as your child going camping with his dad every other weekend. Leave them alone and let them bond… even if they have to go inside grandma’s house to use the toilet :roll_eyes:


It’s still better than camping. He has access to his grandma’s house. Get over yourself and let that boy see his dad.

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yes you are wrong yes you will be held in contempt of court and who knows what they will do to you. you are acting very bitter.

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There is nothing wrong with that. Yes you are being bitter.

If he is safe and loved by dad then nothing else matters
My dad or mom could have lived in a box and i would still want my parent

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Send the kids cause it doesn’t mean he is going to keep the kid in their.

If he’s on the property with access to a bathroom and running water then I think it should be OK because he’s with his dad and Safe

I’m gonna go with the dads mother is right. Unless you can actually prove that it’s unsafe. There no reason he can’t go. They have access to a bathroom and shower and everything else.

Nope. That is not a good reason to withhold visitation. I actually had to live in campers with my kids for several years because my home flooded. We had to shower at other people’s homes. My ex husband was not able to use this against me in court during our divorce.

Send him…if he’s in mothers driveway he’s close enough!

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If by law he has visitation rights you by law CANNOT keep him from seeing his kid. As for you STOP using your kid as a PAWN and grow up.


It’s like camping…
At least give the guy a chance to clean it up or whatever, it’s just for a weekend twice a month.

SOoo you laid down (probably in the camper) and conceived a child with a guy who lived in a camper in his mom’s driveway :eyes: and now that you’re no longer together you don’t want him to be a father because he lives in a camper in his mom’s driveway? But you chose him though :joy:


As long as your child has access to utilities within a reasonable walk, I don’t see the issue. As long as dad is a good role model and trying, I see no reason to keep your child from him. Everyone falls on rough times, as long as the child is loved and cared for that’s what matters. I won’t say you’re bitter, because as a mother I get wanting the best of the best for your child but my child can’t see her bio dad due to him living in heaven. With that said, I’d love for her to be around her bio dad even that meant he was living in a camper not to my “terms” in his mother’s driveway. As long as the kid is loved and cared for!

I loved when my dad didn’t have a place and we went camping ever other weekend. This is still to this day my fondest memories. What matters is he is spending time with his Dad.

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Sounds fun, what kid doesn’t love camping?


It’s not about you it’s about that kid.


Maybe your kid will learn a little bit about love and acceptance watching his dad keep contact with him even at his low points


If you two have a parenting plan and he has visitation then no you can’t keep your guys kid from him. If you don’t then technically you could but that doesn’t sound right… you lived in it with your kid when you two were together but now you’re sayin it’s unsafe? Don’t you think the dad can keep your kid safe? I wouldn’t keep the kid from his dad just cuz you don’t like his camper idk this post is kind of vague as to why you think it’s unsafe

Let that child see his kid smh fyi to women out here it is not just your child it is 50% yours and 50% his you dont have all the say so!!! You do sound bitter and childish


And if roles were reversed, you would EXPECT your son to be in a shitty camper because he is with you on your time. Check yourself, baby mama.

This should not even be a question. Time to look inside yourself and work on the real issue. I hope you find some peace.

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You have to send him. He can take you to court for not allowing court ordered visits and in some cases, even end up with primary custody. You don’t want to risk it.

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Yes your wrong and seem bitter. Do you know what my child would give to see her dad , she could care less about where she saw him . But he has no contact with her , all his choices. Your sons father wants to be with his child , no different to camping , but they get to speak time together


Let him have that experience. It just may keep him grateful for what he does have and make him do better in life so he doesn’t end up in a situation like his Dad. Never keep a child from the other parent unless the child is being abused. Get over yourself.


You’re bitter. Let the kid see their dad.

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I agree with u sorry but it’s true . The place sounds unsafe .

Stop it. Let the kid have time with their other parent.


When you were together and the camper was crappy did you stay in it with the kids ?

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Most mother’s would be grateful to have their children’s fathers in their lives. Though I don’t see why grandma wouldn’t let the child stay in her house while he’s there.


If the camper is the only thing you have an issue with, please let it go. If your son is uncomfortable in the camper he can walk up the driveway and sleep in his nana’s house. But little boys often love “spooky” camping. This is probably super fun for him, and he needs his daddy.


Please don’t be that type of mom :woman_facepalming: let him go.


Let that child go spend time with his dad…long as he’s safe and daddy is good to him nothing else really matters…it’s not like they don’t have access to the necessities…

Unless he’s legally homeless no you cannot file and injunction to postpone the child’s visitation.

I promise your son would rather be with his hero in a camper, than not to be with him at all!! It sounds super fun to me, I know a child would have a blast with his daddy in it! Oh the memories they would have !! Yes…you are wrong, shame on you, the child wouldn’t even think about it being a camper if you hadn’t pointed it out!!


This is probably an unpopular opinion, but if he has no running water or useable bathroom, then OP absolutely has a right to refuse her child go there. She can go the courts, make them aware, and perhaps provide alternate visitation sites.

With that said, maybe his mom would allow the child and his dad to stay inside her home on the days that dad has with the child? Or maybe dad can have day visits which do not include his camper. There can be a solution


Omg! Let your child see his Dad! Don’t do that to them. You sound bitter

Get off your high horse. That child needs to see their father. He’s going through a rough time just like lots of people right now. It doesn’t make him a bad parent.

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So he’s going to be camping for a weekend? Sounds fun! Send marshmallows


Well I would let him go because you don’t want to have issues with your order . I mean Grandma is right there so chances are that’s where they will be. You can always ask your child how it was afterwards and go from there.


It sounds like his camper is parked in a safe space and he could take him inside if needed.

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I think you were right to come and ask this question. Ask your lawyer before not sending him. He should have running water and a working bathroom at least.


I doubt they will be in the camper all weekend. I’m sure they will be in the house with his mom. Regardless, yes u need to send the child to the dad bc he has rights too. Stop looking for excuses. It’s about the kid and I’m sure he will be happy no matter where they are.


I would not make him go and would contact the court immediately about the safety of the child. Sounds like dad has some mental health issues going on causing problems.

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It’s up to the child not your decision…it’s not like they in the woods he at his gmom he can go in the house anytime he wants


It’s not a normal situation so you being concerned is a normal mom thing but if you have been camping then what’s the difference?? Let him go it’s only a weekend and as long as they have access to what they need it is fine.


Let him see his son! It would be no different tenting in the woods ffs. :roll_eyes:


Okay. Let me get this straight. A camper in his mom’s driveway of her home. Seems like a good visitation site. Water, food, necessities, etc. Stop being bitter and let his dad have his child. Kid can easily sleep in grandmas house during visitation. Recommend alternate spots also.


Sounds like u used to live there too so why keep ur child from their father if they have access to a bathroom and such. Maybe ask if the child can stay in the grandparents house


Would you let your son go camping? There’s no toilets no running water in tents. There is no reason why he can’t go see his father as long as he’s got a place to use the bathroom and have running water you did say that it was in his mother’s driveway so I’m sure she’s got running water and toilet in her house unless the father is unfit for the child to be around other than that I don’t see any reason why he can’t go there


Why would you not send him?
What if they were going camping? Your child would be out in the woods without a working bathroom. Only difference now is that he can walk 2 minutes into his grandma’s house.

Stop being bitter and let that baby have fun with his dad.


Ask your lawyer if you would be held in contempt over this

Ok, so what is actually unsafe about it? He has access to a bathroom and shower. Living in a camper is not unsafe. If he was a roof over his head, has access to food and water, is loved and can use a bathroom when he needs to, I don’t see a problem

And if there’s a court order, no you can’t just not send him