Dont be a dick. Let the boy see his father in the cool camper. It may be a piece of to you but for your son, Im sure its the bees knees getting to camp out with his dad. Let go of ego. Surrender to letting love lead the way for your sons sake. As long as he is safe have no fear bc gramma is near.
Let the child see his father. It’s not like he’s homeless. And Grandma’s right there.
Petty Betty let him go. Hell your kid will love it. Its like his very own camping trip.
Nope. You need to send him or her. He or she can wash and change clothes when he or she gets home if that would please you. He or she would still love his or her dad if he probably just lived under a bridge.
Really let him go see his dad because IT IS YOU YOUR CHILD WILL RESENT
Your kid will decide if he doesnt want to go.theres a washroom steps away.whats the big deal? If hes a decent father(not on dope or too much alcohol) let him see his father!They need each other.
It is bitter
You could easily tell him to stay in his mommas house if it’s that bad…
I would not want my child to sleep in a camper in a driveway. No way. I would agree if he slept in the grandmothers house though.
Being concerned about the environment your child is in isn’t petty. File a court petition to have a home investigation into the safety of the environment. You will likely get a restriction that the child can not be in the home without running water. States take kids from homes without working utilities. If his mom has space & is suitable for your child he can use her home for visits. Get that in an order.
Just because it didn’t work out with you 2, don’t take it out on your son. As long as Dad is not on drugs, an alcoholic or abusive, let your son spend time with his Dad. I’m sure Dad will make sure he’s taking care of. Quit looking fir reasons to hurt the Dad, you are hurting your son in the long run.
Yes your wrong- for thinking of taking a willing fathers right to see his child because he doesn’t live in whatever’s circumstances you think are appropriate - what if he took him camping in a tent for the weekend…. Would you think the same? Or is that ok?….
You definitely sound bitter. Grow the hell up and let that man see his child. Atleast he wants to see him. Alot of guys don’t have anything to do with their kids. I mean hard times can fall on anyone so I guess if you fall on hard times he should take your child and not let you see him? Kids are not dumb either and your child will definitely resent you. The man was good enough for you to lay down and have a baby with so now let him be the father he’s trying to be. I never understood keeping a child from a parent just bc they arent together anymore. People definitely need to do better by their kids.
You’re not petty for not wanting your child in that home. States take kids away from parents because of lack of utilities. You can apply for a home safety investigation. The state will investigate both homes for safety & cleanliness. Even when they find the father’s home unlivable they will allow him to find an alternative like his mom’s. Men get chances, alternatives. If it was your house you’d be seeing them 1 hour supervised per week with no decision making power or knowledge of what’s going on with them & they’d expect you to be thankful for that.
The dad of my kids lived in a caravan and they loved it and it gives them the chance to see their other nana witch place a important role in their lives
The dad can have visits with his son at his mom’s house or he can also take his son to a nearby park or even take him out for Ice Cream and spend time together.
Let the baby see their dad for their scheduled visitation.
A man that wants to see his child and your bitter self wants to ask Facebook strangers if she should let him go see his dad. How would you feel if the tables were turned? Stop it maam
Kids love crappy campers and time with their father. If it’s really that dangerous they can go in the house.
Yes you are bitter. He has a roof over his head and food in his belly and like you said they can go into the house for whatever they can’t in the camper. Grow up and don’t separate a loving father just cause he can’t live the way you want him too… My fiancés baby mama used to call us bad parents cause I would have the kids eat an actual dinner instead of candy cause “you don’t tell my kids no!”… don’t be THAT baby mama…
If he’s a good man and your child is not in any danger, than the father shouldn’t be denied to see his child. He still has access to bathroom/wash area in his grandma house whats wrong with that? Don’t cause a issue where it doesn’t need to be. If your child chooses they don’t want to visit said person (father) than that is a different story for child and father to talk about with each other.
I think your asking because you know the answer.
If the camper has mold or something harmful then I’d ask if he could stay inside the grandmother’s house, if it is over using the bathroom and just going to her house for that then let your child spend time with his Dad! At least he’s trying to be a part of that baby’s life!!!
Well can’t said child stay inside with grandma for bed? I think there’s more to the story then being said! And if this is truely just about the camper in mom’s driveway then yes your being bitter. I wish my kids sperm donor wasn’t a pos and on drugs I would love for my kids to have a relationship with there sperm donor but nope. Weigh your odds. Bc you’ll regret it at the end!
Just because of the living situation isn’t a good enough for the judge unfortunately. Homeless parents that live in tents are 100% able to keep their kids and dcf can’t do a thing about it. A good parent would offer to meet somewhere or if you’re so better off pay for a hotel for them for a night. ask for advice and then don’t like the answers WOW!!
If it’s court ordered visitation then you don’t have a choice. He has to go unless you have CPS investigate and it is deemed unsafe. At that point he would either have to make alternate arrangements for when he has his child, or forfeit his visitation.
As long as the Courts know . Than yes he has to go.
If you feel it is unsafe than you need to do a health check or go back to court
His mother’s house is right there your child’s gramma loves to see your child too.
Let it be and your son will one day love you for it.
You are being bitter. One day things will get better .
This just sounds silly
You are wrong. A father is about more than a camper or a house. A child should see life and be educated by it regardless. You haven’t said anything about his life style that leads me to believe he is a danger. Maybe he is okay with a simple standard. Maybe you want more.
Unless he is a real danger why are you so judging? That is a free babysitter who is the kids father, and grandma… Good deal
Did you let the courts know how you feel about his living situation? I bet not because they would most definitely send a social worker to check and make sure the condition of the home is appropriate if you addressed it to thr judge or magistrate. Btw if the visits are court ordered you cannot just stop his visits. You need to NOTIFY the court.
Pretty sure the kid and his dad would be spending their time together at grandmas.
It’s not ideal but let your kid go see his dad they are right in the driveway of his grandparents house, I’m sure everything will be ok…its his kid too, just because he is having a hard time financially dosen’t mean he isn’t a good Dad, don’t get caught up in the weeds of your relationship with your kids dad, you want to nurture that relationship so your kid has a relationship with their dad because kids need both parents. Kids don’t care about the same things we parents do…do the right thing and don’t make it a big deal.
Yes he should see his Dad you using your reasons as excuses for him not to
Idk, but as a kid that grew up without a dad, it’s shitty to intentionally keep your kid from seeing their father. Try to find solutions that maybe don’t involve preventing your child from spending time with their dad.
The camper was good enough when you were together ?
Grow up and think of your son.
Check the parenting plan
Yes, grow up, your son has a right to see his dad
If he’s a drunk or druggie don’t send the kid.
Screw any judge on earth that makes u!
Speak to an attorney ASAP! Do not under any circumstances assume that you have the right to withhold your son from his father just because you don’t agree with him for any reason. Depending on where you live and the conditions of the the custody order, you could find yourself in jail for withholding your son from his father for any reason. Your ONLY option is to SPEAK WITH AN ATTORNEY, and find out what you can and can not do. Posing this question to a public forum could cause you to get in a lot of legal trouble. Custody laws very from state to state. You can’t assume any of the answers in here apply to you unless it is to SPEAK WITH AN ATTORNEY!
What makes the camper unsafe? Interesting that grandma allows them in to the house to shower and use the facilities. Yet he stays in the camper. Well my dear, you had a baby with this man that stays in a camper next to his momma’s house. That is the man that you chose to father your child. The child has the right to refuse to go. You do not have the right to refuse court ordered visitation, unless there is a danger to your child. You have to prove the danger to the court. It would help to have a social worker visit if there are noxious fumes or unstable structure to the camper. As long as it is livable, your little bundle of joy can visit.
I’d like to know the child’s age. Is he able to make a decision (like maybe 7/8/9)? If so ask your son how he feels about his father’s living conditions. Unfortunately, if you choose not to send him (with court ordered visitation) you would be the parent in trouble with the courts. One thing you don’t want in your life are the child services group and the court.
Aren’t you blowing things out of proportion?