Do I have to send my son to see his dad if he doesn't have a house?

If they can use the bathroom inside and shower I’m not sure what the issue is. It’s no different than if they were to go camping. At least they are able to shower and have food in their belly and a bed to sleep on.


You sound bitter. If he has access to a bathroom and running water in grandma’s house, let him go. It’s not like your ex is living on the streets with no food and water.


I wouldn’t send him until he got his crap together


Shower him before he goes an when he comes back, give him some fresh water bottles…

If ur child complains to his dad that he hated it then maybe dad may need to rethink how to spend weekends.

But don’t get between dad an child spending time together


Why is it unsafe? I didn’t hear anything abt it being unsafe just things that don’t work and there is a house that everything works fine


You’re bitter. So what many live in campers it’s not the end of the world. Besides just bc he’s in the camper doesn’t mean he would t have his child in his parents house especially if he doesn’t have heat. I lived in a camper with 3 kids on purpose for 3 yrs. They had their own room and individual spaces. It’s not a big deal nor should someone be shamed for living in a camper! That’s rude an disrespectful to judge someone by how they live just bc you don’t think it’s something you should do. So so many ppl live in campers an TV’s with their family all over the country. Just bc the camper don’t have water or a working bath it still has a roof an walls an I’m assuming heat otherwise he probably wouldn’t be out there himself. They have access to water and bathroom facilities so you’re being completely bitter over it. Send your child. Stop using your kid as a pawn against your ex bc the one you are hurting by keeping him from his father is your child not the other parent. Grow up. If he was to be in actual danger by being there then fine but he is so get over it.

Hes in his moms driveway with access to a bathroom, shower etc… u do seem bitter,


It’s literally a camper, in the driveway of a house. When we go visit my mom in the summer we sleep in a camper in her driveway. No running water or toilet lol because the house is right there.


I think any kid under 10 would find that incredibly fun!


You do sound bitter.

Why can’t your child stay inside his grandmothers house while he is there and sleep there. Also what condition is the camper. If it’s a new/clean one than no problem that it isn’t hooked up to water or anything as a house is right beside it. If it’s a little run down, okay I would see if there is anywhere safer for the kid to stay like, the grandmothers house that is literally right next to the camper.

He can still see his Dad and is inside a house that has everything he needs. Also the Dad could stay inside the house while the son is over as well.

Just seems like an excuse not to let your son see him.


If he wants to go then let him go. TF?

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Let the man see his child. Sometimes seeing our children are the only things keeping us sane. As long as the child is happy and taken care of there should not be any problems. This may be all dad has at the moment and the high light is seeing his kid. We never know the whole story.


Hate the way you call your son, “kid”. How about child? Maybe your son could sleep in his Dad’s Mother’s house and spend the days with his Dad .


Hell no and everyone else in this comment section is trippin saying you sound bitter :joy::joy: I would NEVERRRR my kids don’t go visit their dad overnight for similar reasons. Your not bitter, you want what’s best for your kids and that’s not it. Maybe see if when your kids visiting they could sleep in the house instead? Otherwise your not wrong for not sending them for overnights.


As long as he is safe with his dad and has everything he needs then the important part is that he is having time with his father. That should be the focus. Some kids would even find it fun. Like camping.

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Yes your wrong. You sound bitter.

How is it unsafe exactly? Okay, no bathroom but there is one right there. Not like there isn’t one at all. Man, I remember living next to mom and mine went out and I had to go next door to hers. How horrible was I for using mom’s? That was totally unsafe…lol. He is visiting, not living there. His grandma is right there. He will be fine. Ya’lls son will let you know all about it when he gets back home.

Ehh? Given the fact its parked outside a house probably iffy legal footing.

If there is a legal agreement id follow it because it can be used against you and id consult some legal counsel for specifics


So basically he stay in the camper to really just sleep it sounds like, so he probably treats it like just another room. It’s most likely so he has his own space. Really don’t see the big deal here. If the house has everything he needs I don’t see the problem in him going at all. Obviously the grandmother is trying to see him to and you are just being bitter about it.


Tiny campers can be fun, especially for kids. The child’s safety should top priority by all adults, so if grandparents are supportive with a safe spaces, additionally, I’d say send him. Kids need to navigate their relationships with their parents, and the messy comes with that. I’d support your son and talk with him to gauge his comfort. And pivot as needed.

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Is this not parental alienation. You should send him.

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If the visits are court order you better send him if you don’t you could lose custody


What if the roles were reversed?


Let the dad see his kid :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4:


IMO as long as father wants him you should allow it, to often guys DON’T want to be around,and sure this is good bonding time for them! As long as there is No infestation of bed bugs and or other insects. Let them enjoy each others visits and time together.While they can There may Not be a tomorrow!!! Yes it does sound like your bitter,its not about you its what is best for your child.

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Pffft…you’re looking for excuses🙄. Be happy he wants to be in your child’s life.


So it was crappy when you were together but you were ok when you lived there, but now that you’ve left it’s crappy and not good enough? You definitely sound bitter. Be thankful your kid has a dad who actually wants to be in his life!


You’re definitely wrong. It actually sounds like a fun experience for your kid and you are taking it away from him.

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So he has a house to use the bathroom in and shower. I’m sure they make meals in the house too. Let the man see his son.


At least he’s making an effort and has a roof over his head. Let dad see his child.


I’m sure that the kiddo doesn’t mind and is just happy to be with his dad. Yes, you should send him. <3


If there is a court approved document for.visitation (ie. Dad granted visits by custody agreement signed by a judge. NO you don’t have a choice unless you want to go to jail for contempt. You can however call your lawyer and DHR/CS/ child services and ask for a welfare check and let them make the call.

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You absolutely are NOT bitter. Call your lawyer and see what they advise. They may tell you to notify DHS and they may say it isn’t an acceptable place for baby to be.

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If the camper is safe then yes, if it’s only used for sleep, your son will tell you if there is something wrong, or atleast should and for all you know, when son visits they may just be in the house those days? But also the amount of people that are saying “Well atleast he wants to see his kid” is a horrible message to give a mother… like hey, he can sell drugs, be an addict, live in a tent in the woods or you know he beats/assaults women but “aTlEaSt He WaNtS tO sEe HiS kIdS” ik this isn’t an extreme case like my example but it’s used all the time, I see it all the time, so many people expect women to over shadow big red flags because Hey he still wants his kids. No, just stop that, you’re setting a very unhealthy precidant.


Send him , He’ll be safe he’s with his dad and he still got all he needs . Sleeping in a camper nothing wrong with that .

Let the kid see his dad


What type of person is he? he caring, protective of the child, loving father, a good person that has been hit with bad time s?

This is a temporary situation. Don’t even give the Grandma’s opinion a second thought. It’s your child and your child’s father to consider here.

You need to go to court if you have concerns. But it doesn’t sound like anything will warrant him losing visitation. A camper isn’t a reason to lose out on visitation. And having a dad that wants to exercise his visitation is best for your child. If your son is loved and cared for by his dad, you better encourage that relationship.


How old is the child and how does he feel about staying there.does the man have a job.ìf the father doesn’t drink or do drugs then the boy needs to be with his father.


No, you cannot send him. Even though your ex’s living conditions aren’t exactly what you prefer, you son does have access to his grandma’s house. Please be happy that your ex is in your son’s life. In this way, your son is truly blessed. Please be happy for him and not burden him with your disdain.


Your son needs to have a relationship with his Dad & his grandmother—YES he needs to go!!!


You need to send him he is at his grandmas house. Any time you deny courts will make you give up your time to let the father see him.


You’re bitter. Yes you are. Camping out with dad will be fun. And bonus it’s at grammas who obviously has running water, facilities, and a kitchen.
Stop being a snob. Let dad spend this time with his boy. Your boy will think it’s cool to stay in the camper. My parents use to back ours up to our patio and let us have our friends over. And they never hooked up the water. Why would they? There’s water and a bathroom in the house!


I understand you want the best for your son. If he’s working…then I would be wondering why he’s not in an apartment. If he’s unemployed and is feeding…bathing…spending time with him. Keeping him safe. Then I would say to back off a bit. And be greatful he’s in your sons life.

It’s just a place to sleep no different than camping send him or you will get contemp charges. All you can do is file in court to try to stop visitation I’m not sure if a judge will stop them just cause they sleep in a camper.


Grow your ass up. At least he wants to be with your kid. :roll_eyes:

How old is your son?I’m sure the grandmother will give them access to her home for the weekend.Young boy’s should have their father’s in their life. A lot of father’s don’t even bother with their kids.I agree with Tiffany and Barbara.


If the dad wants to see him and he takes care of him an protects him and loves him then he should :100: be able to have him with him


Absolutely yes !!! His living conditions are not a impediment to be a father

Yea I agree with others , it would be pretty much like camping! As long as he has access to the bathroom and running water I see no issue. I think you just don’t want to let dad be a dad for you’re own selfish reason’s!

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The man is in a camper in his mother’s driveway. This means she is your child’s grandmother. The man has the right to see his son and so does his grandmother. Let him go. When he gets home ask him how it went? Ask him if he had fun, what did they do together and did he get to sleep in the house or camper? They need to be together. So what if his dad lives in a camper, let him see his son!

If its court ordered visitation, you don’t have a choice, if you dont send him you’re out of compliance with a court order and your ex can call the police and report you. Judges frown upon that. If where your husband lives is an issue, take it to court, I doubt a judge will side with you.

The fact that the trailer doesn’t have water or a working bathroom doesn’t matter because the main house does, which the child will have access to,


It is amazing to see so many mom’s in support of co- parenting even in temp situations. It is not an ideal situation but is not dangerous and as long as he has food and a bed it’s fine. My only thoughts were if he were staying some random place all the time or in the woods, but his mom’s driveway, let it be and let go


I certainly don’t have running water or a bathroom in my room. Who cares! They have access to one. This is reality . Nothing wrong with teaching a child skills to survive. The Dad has rights too. You can’t control him anymore.Don’t make a big deal out of it, and your child won’t. We all fall on hard times.Be grateful, not hateful.


What is unsafe about it? The ablution block is close by. Nana is on site. Child gets to see his Dad. Is Dad okay or is he a drunk, dope smoking abusive loser? If it’s the latter then you need to advocate for your son’s safety otherwise adhere to the custody arrangements and have a nice weekend.


You were fine sleeping in the camper while you were sleeping with him. :speak_no_evil:


It’s every other weekend for gods sake. He barely gets to see his son as it is, and it’s not like he’s living there and I’m certain they spend majority of the time in mom’s place when he’s there. Is this any different then camping in the woods in a tent? He has the bathroom, running water an everything available to him a few feet away. I feel like you’re trying to knock a man out when he’s already down. Maybe lend a little grace and understanding.


Yes its a camper just to sleep in not travel his mum has all the essentials in her house which they can use!!! There is no reason wby he cannot go


l Get paid over $113 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19345 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

By the sounds of it he’s only using the camper to sleep in he would using his mums house for everything else. No reason to keep the child away from the father


Like jamie said just be thankfull because there will be a time when he wont want to go there or the father give two shits about him. (Speaking from expirence) so even if its a twnt in his moms back yard and he wants to go let him… if he begs u not to go then tbats a hole different story. Ask him why and listen. P.s my childs father left me for a chick in alberta came cack to manitoba lived in a camper outside non of there relitives place but a friend of a friend and i still let her go cause she wanted… Dosent matter what they live in as long as they have a bond with each other. I wish mine had with hers. But she dont and thats her disicion not gonna force her thats for sure.

I think you should do what you do when his with you, and if his father is harmless pls let them be… Exhausting energy that makes a person miserable to things that’s avoidable… Let your kid see his dad…


Yeah you need to follow the courts and see if maybe he can stay in the main house for the most part. Now if your son is truly upset then take him back to court. As long as the dad isn’t doing drugs and cleans it up and has clean place to shower and eat (even if grandma’s house then he should be safe. Don’t coax your kid into feeling uncomfortable but just have basic conversations with your child. Believe me they will tell you what you need to know if there is anything to talk about. Good luck.

No, you can’t just not send him, that would be contempt, and violation of visitation. Also, its in grandma’s driveway and if they can come in to use the bathroom as you said I’m sure they are in and out. Also if grandma is calling you bitter then she likely wants to see her grandson too. You say crappy camper but other than no water how bad is it really? What makes it so unsafe to you? Let the kid see his dad if he himself isn’t unsafe. Maybe you are looking for excuses… which would seem bitter.


I’m most states, people aren’t allowed to live in campers on other people’s property. In a lot of places, you can’t even get permission to put up a tiny house on someone else’s property… even if it’s a parent or child. I would check with your lawyer, but I would just about bet that even though he’s sleeping in the camper, since the camper is in his mom’s driveway, you have to let your son go because there is access to suitable housing nearby. I would stipulate to him that your son is to remain in his mom’s house for safety reasons. If they call that bitterness, so be it. But I would tell them that if your son is going to be staying in that camper… and you can have the police check… he will be coming home early from visitation.

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Advocate for your son but in the meantime send him. Go with your gut. No one else in this thread knows your situation but you - and if your son needs you to fight then fight. But don’t break the order unless he is in harms way. Good luck.

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Let your kid go see his dad, I wouldn’t care,he’s being a dad the best he can,at least he’s not sleeping under a bridge


If he took your son camping every other weekend on his time would you still be this “worried about his safety” it seems like you’re reaching and just trying to not pick. He is only a mere hop/skip/jump away from all essentials. Be more reasonable.


The camper was good enough when u were SLEEPING w him in it though?! You sound like ur bitter n reaching .stop. there are so many men who don’t care to b w their kids n u have one that does. Appreciate him n his family for loving ur child despite what happened between u n dad. Let him b loved .

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Women should never weaponize children. If you can’t get along with your former spouse, that’s on you. Don’t make your child(ren) have to suffer because of your inability to be a mature adult.


If your that worried about it, invite him to stay at your house every other weekend and visit his son.


Get over your self ! You are bitter ! He is utilizing the only space he has left to call his own space .his mom and the boys grand mom is right there with everything they need .yes he is fine with his dad and will grow up with stronger values in life by building strong bonds with his dad .
Ps let me guess you took him to the cleaners for allimony and child support garnished his wadges and left him in the poor house to begin with .and now want to bitch about his sitchuation

This would be a question to ask the court or your lawyer


If your son his happy to go then let him,and I’m sure the grandma would make sure they are ok


Yes you do. Stop being this way


Smh :woman_facepalming: and this is why us GOOD baby moms get so much backlash, if the father is doing all he can to survive in this shitful Ass world we live in and still making the time and effort to see his son, Karen your the problem not him :fu::fu::fu::roll_eyes:

I’m sure grandma won’t let her grand baby be un safe I’m sure it’s fine. Long as the reason he is in a camper isn’t because he is on drugs


On the bright side, the camper is in a driveway and in close proximity to a house where they can go for any basic needs. So even if you think it’s unsafe, there’s a safer option just feet away :woman_shrugging:t2: No, you can’t just not send your son to visit his dad if it’s in a custody agreement. You’d have to take it in front of a judge.


Sounds like a bitter petty witch get over u weirdo

Women having kids with losers. Why? Just why?


So how is it any different than camping?

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Yes you do it doesn’t matter if his camper does not have running water or not long as he has a place that him and the child can go take showers at or get water from that’s all that he needs

My son and I lived in a camper like this for 2 months in my parents front yard when we moved from Texas to Oklahoma, we survived just fine. It isn’t that big of a deal. Be grateful your son’s dad wants his visits and wants to be part of his life.


As long as he access to bathroom facilities…what’s the problem?

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He can use grandmas bathroom / shower … an grandma is right there if they need anything … there is nothing wrong with that , be thankful he wants to try to be involved …. and for heavens sake let that child go with his dad if they wants too ! Sheesh , stop being bitter ! if he’s not unsafe there is no reason to be this way :woman_facepalming:t3:


No. You can’t not send him just because he sleeps in a camper in his mother’s driveway. Long as he’s not doing drugs and being unsafe while your child is there there is nothing you can do. Keeping him away does more harm

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No, you can’t withhold because of this. You said yourself they can use the water at his moms.


Your child can stay / sleep in him Grandmother’s house while visiting his father. You should feel grateful his father wants to spend time with his child. Theres a lot of fathers who just don’t give a crap about the kids they make. Stop being a bitch !!

Your kid might like it. Make him feel like he is camping out with dad. Kids like stuff like that. It could be a great bonding time with dad. As long as dad is not on drugs there is no harm.

Perhaps some day you will be down on your luck think of that


Question. Have you and the father ever slept together in that very camper? Because if so maybe you want to rethink your decision? You can’t deny him the visit if you guys we’re getting knocked up in it🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m sure the father may stay in the home with his parents for his visit.


Just stop and let him see his father

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Agree^^ all kids need both parents, Let him go.

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Sounds to me like you’re looking for excuses.


Sounds like you’re just looking for excuses….I’m sure there’s a couch inside the house in case something goes wrong with the camper….it will be an adventure :sunglasses::sunglasses:


I guess you never grew up poor. He’ll be fine for 2 days so long as he has access to running water.

A lot of dads don’t even see their kids. If dad isn’t an alcoholic, a drug user, or abusive, let your kid spend time with his dad.


I’m sure the child will be in the house. So he will be safe. Quit trying to cause trouble.


His mom’s house is right there, right? So no you can’t withhold your child from his father, sounds like you’re bitter and trying to make excuses! Sorry but you asked :woozy_face:


No because he’s access to all needed at his mums. So you really have no reason not to send.its every other weekend so not like it’s alot. I’d say your ex sounds down on his luck without you withholding his kid for no real reason.


Sounds like you’re a bit entitled, and looking for a reason for him not to see his father.