Do kids need to go to preschool?

I never put my daughter in preschool. However I think it depends on the child, if your kid don’t play well with other children it is a great learning experience before kindergarten. If the child is a wiggle worm and don’t like to listen, or has a hard time following 2 step directions it might be a good idea to enroll him. Preschool helps teach children how to behave in class and learn the required letters,shapes and numbers that they like kindergartners to know when starting school.

Unless you are consistently working with your child and having some time of social outings than I would. Kinder is optional where I am, so the children that miss pre k and kinder, are usually behind (not all cases). Kinder is usually the “catch up” year to get them acquainted for 1st grade. I will say that it can actually weigh on a child because if they are behind and they see everyone excelling, than it can effect their self esteem and willingness to learn. There are also some parents who have children go to prek and than they are bored during their kinder year because they are “ahead”. And I will say that soooo many parents think their kids are “ahead” kinder year and their children are “geniuses” but it doesn’t last long because come 1st-2nd grade their kids are on an “average” level with the other kids. My best advice is make sure you’re working with your child and teaching the basics at least (colors, numbers, letters). Our youngest didn’t do prek and he’s up to speed as a 3rd grader, and he absolutely loves to learn still.

I taught my children before preschool but i did put both my kids in preschool (Not headstart) for the social aspect and to get them ready to be in an actual classroom. The preschool my kids attended was a like a low key kindergarten. They knew most of the things they were taught before going in bit they did learn some other things I hadn’t taught them. It also really helped them with understanding how to make friends, play with others and how to sit and listen to another grown up who wasn’t me. But honestly the first month or so of kindergarten they are really understanding of children learning the routine so it’s not a big deal not to put ur kid in preschool and if ur child is behind in the basics just try to focus this year on catching them up. It is your child, u know what is best for them so follow ur instincts and do what u think benefits them most.

They do not NEED it as long as you teach them basic things like their name and abc’s before kindergarten as well as keep them social. My oldest didn’t go to preschool so I taught her how to write her name and kept her social and did stuff at home. My youngest will be going to preschool though

None of mine went. I think it helps them get used to school. My daughter is a senior with a 4.0 gpa. It’s your choice. Start teaching them how to write. At lunch time teach them they have about 20 mins to eat. Because teachers can’t always help them open things.

I think it really depends on the kid. My kids are grown now and I know it’s different but I had 15 years between oldest and youngest and watched the evolution happen. All those people saying kids “need” preschool aren’t wrong for the reasons expressed, but once upon a time- THAT was what kindergarten was for. At what point do we stop making “school” start younger and younger? I enjoyed teaching my toddlers things as they were growing and they all did well in school- made friends, advanced academically…
I’m more bothered by the statement that your husband’s family is coming at you for your parenting decisions about your child. Discuss pros and cons with your husband, do your research on the opportunities for your child based on your child’s needs and make your own decision. At the end of the day- you are the mom, your husband is the dad and you will make the right decision for your child

Nothing. My 27 year old daughter didn’t go to preschool. She was reading by age 3, knew all her numbers, letter’s, shapes and could write her first and last name by 4. She could also use a pair of scissors well and safely, people don’t realize how important this is. If the child is taught what they need at home they will do fine. My daughter was in play groups for socialization as well. It’s recommended kids attend preschool, but it’s not a law

I believe they do, kids just like adults grow quicker in a social setting

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If you can find a school that gets them ready for Kindergarten it’s probably going to benefit the child in the long run unless you’re going to homeschool. Kids need to learn how to socially interact in school settings too. It’s just my opinion, but I think all kids should be in some type of day care/ school setting by 3 and 4.

NO. Nothing happens to your kid :roll_eyes: only 1 of 7 of us went to prek n that’s only cuz he had speech problems. We all had great grades

4 year olds are little sponges and want to learn & need to have structure. Plus it gives them a head start and not fall behind their classmates. If they have a summer birthday they will be youngest in their class, some parents keep them in Kindergarten twice (maybe in a different school). Then they are better prepared for 1st grade. All totally up to parents or guardians.

I’m glad I did because the growth I seen in them that year was amazing! They needed it. But not all kids do.

I sent our son because he was very introverted and wouldn’t talk to many people besides his father and myself. Our daughter was very social so I didn’t bother. Both did fine in kindergarten.

Nothing. My kid didn’t go to preschool and is one of the smart kids in 5th grade

Absolutely nothing will happen. My kids didn’t go to pre school. They learned life at home. Learning is an everyday life lesson. As your kids grow and learn at home they become better ready for learning new skills. Let your kids be kids.

You probably need to be doing some reading and writing skills but otherwise kids don’t need preschool. I planned to keep mine out until age five but we were close to killing each other by age three and a half so we enrolled in nursery school. I would advise the reading/writing and any other “learning” you can do together as it’s an important learning window but go to museums or the market instead.

My kids only went to school I stayed at home with them I don’t trust any day care pre school or anyone with my baby’s to much happens

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I didn’t go, neither did my husband and almost everyone in his family didn’t go either. We all do fine🤷‍♀️

Facts… it is not shown to be of any help whatsoever

They don’t need need it. You can always teach them yourself. Just find your local kindergarten checklist and teach him those things. But if your not going to teach him then preschool would be a great thing. Nowadays by the time they get to kindergarten if noone worked with them and they didn’t go to preschool they will start out behind

It’s not a requirement for a reason.

If you don’t want to send them, you don’t have to. You can teach your child everything that preschool would… at home.

I never went, and I remember only good things about kindergarten!

No. In my personal opinion, kids should spend those years with their family and play with their dog and build dirt mounds and shit. They will have 12 + years of schooling after age 5

Your state might not even require kindergarten.
Just work on writing her/his name, letter and number recognition and your child will be perfect. They need more imaginative play and space to run, play, and explore more than anything.

That depends… a kid does need freedom to socialize. That way you as a parent can properly observe and advise, while allowing them freedom to be themselves.

If your kid has many play dates and friends, preschool may not be a huge necessity. Although it is still a great learning tool, for you and your child.

Mine went because he was SO ready to go to school and needed the socializing. I’m really glad he did, we were able to get him on his IEP before he started regular kindergarten so it wasn’t half way through the year when his services started. He went to private pre-k and taught himself a lot of stuff (math, he loves math) and now he’s excelling in kindergarten, has little anxiety right now because he already knows most of the stuff they’re doing.

I 100% think kids need that little boost before kindergarten where everything is thrusted at them. But that’s just me. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I sent my son to pre-school (2 hours a day), he was so far ahead of other kindergartners, that it bored him. He started reading at 4, while others where learning their letters.

Kindergarten now they are already required to know letters numbers and shapes they even start doing spelling sounds and some easy math plus they have to draw cut and use glue and stuff too. Preschool gets them ready for that. I was shocked when my two oldest were doing spelling tests. My youngest is in 1st now and he was doing math in kindergarten and now doing the spelling tests on Fridays and has to read for AR goals. If you don’t want to send to preschool then work on the skills at home