Do you get annoyed when your husband plays video games?

Yes my husband does it and it and it pisses me off

I do. My husband was always a gamer, but before we got married he focused on me quite often. Then we had our son and he was great. Then we got married. Now its like games in all hus free time. We just had our daughter and I told him to devote some time to us and help mr some or I will be done. If I’m gonna be a single parent then I’m going to be a single parent. The past few weeks hes had a Balance and it’s been nice. He’s been a lot more helpful and I’ve been a lot nicer and less stressed.

This is a parody group right? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

All depends. If it is done in moderation and his way to unwind sure but if it is in the way you are describing hell no! Lol

Nothing wrong with playing games. But definitely should prioritize some for sure

It’s not the video games u have a problem with its his lack of personal responsibility to the kids he helped create. It’s one thing to come home and want to relax for a bit its another to completely ignore responsibilities

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