Do you nap with your baby?

I loved holding my babies while they slept. Just becareful about it.

I still lay down with my 4 year old at night till she falls asleep and let her crawl into bed with me if she wakes up in the middle of the night. Snuggles are my favorite and with having teens as well I know it doesn’t last long so I’m going to soak up as much as I can while I can

yes i used to. nap with me slept in crib at bed time

I only do when I accidentally fall asleep with them :rofl: otherwise I need my free time!!!

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I did when my kids were little. Miss those days!

100% YES! And don’t let anyone tell you it’s wrong! Nothing beats cuddle time! :heart_eyes:

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Awwww I’m co sleeping as we speak with my 5 year old, I’m not scared of mom shaming honestly I dare someone to give me a hard time because I’m comforting my child. Kids will let you know when they need something, my parents always let me sleep in their bed and I did leave the bed lol


When my 2 1/2 year was a baby he napped in his bassinet or his little cradle thing, I napped beside him. As he got older we napped together and still do. Done it the same with my now 8 year old. wouldnt have it any other way.

I did for awhile when their father first got out of the military and we were staying with his parents. There was no room for a crib, only the playpen. My son slept in that at night for safety, but for afternoon naps, I would pile down on our mattress on the floor with the babies so they would stay there and nap. That way I could rest too.

I’ve always napped with my babies

Nap with them momma forget the haters I go against all standards lol my babys are happy and healthy

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Always have slept with my daughter and nap with her, cuddle in my bed every day, and she still sleeps with me about twice a week :slight_smile:

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My son is almost 3 and we nap together in my bed . It’s the only way he will take one and during the night he will come climb in bed with us about 3 am lol .

I napped with my little girl and still do there is nothing wrong with it

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Awww I napped with my girls when they were little…

Don’t let anyone shame you. Little one snuggles are the absolute best. I used to go sleep with my son. He’s six now and sleeps on his own obviously. I’m pregnant with my second child and I’m so grateful I did all the little things with him. I took him to the park on Saturday and when we got home he was so tired and wanted to snuggle. He fell asleep which he never naps anymore and it was so special to me because soon he won’t be my only baby.

I have a 5 yr old that I still take naps with twice a week… as a baby I’d nap with him everyday. I can also remember when I was little and would stay at my grandmoms on weekends she would take a nap with me and my cousin who lived with her. Naps are a good thing for all ages and also creates the feeling of safety for the little ones that someone is right there to protect them from any harm.

I remember and miss those baby snuggle naps. My oldest would not sleep unless he was on my chest for a long time. I got all sorts of shit for it but never had someone offer to take him so I could sleep. Has no problem sleeping on his own now either. Just try to be cautious. I guess I knew he was there even subconsciously because I would wake up exactly how I fell asleep, every time.

Just make sure you do it safely! No blankets above your waist, make sure their head isn’t too close to your pillow, make sure there’s plenty of space for both of you so there’s less chance of either of you rolling into a bad spot, don’t sleep on a couch or recliner because there’s a much higher risk of suffocation.


Cuddle that baby as long as you can. Sometimes you will have chores to do and can’t. Eventually the baby won’t nap. Hold them as long as you want mom.

I don’t co sleep or nap in bed with my toddler but we take naps together. I turn the fan on, dim the lights and we will nap in the same room together.

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My youngest had a lot of anxiety when she was a baby so she would not sleep unless she was in the same room with me where I could touch her. Us moms have to do what we feel is the best thing for us and what works best for our kids. You do you! Don’t worry about the mom shaming. You are going to get unsolicited advice for the whole of your baby’s life. You just have to do the best you can with what you know. Don’t worry about other ppl- you know what your baby needs better than anyone else.

co sleeping can cause infant deaths and there are risks. I dont recommend it but every mama does their thing.

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Yes I did. I miss their lil hands holding mine as they slept. Do you momma. Who cares what others think. Mine slept with me too. And they are wonderful , sweet hardworking young men now. Don’t blink :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

Soak up every last moment with her. Housework or whatever will always be there. But she’ll only be small for a little while. :heart:

My youngest is 5 and she’s asleep in the bed next to me tonight :purple_heart:

Cuddle that bubba for as long as you can! :purple_heart:

I napped with both my kids and loved every minute of it. Mine are now 23 and 13, I miss cuddles.

Yes, still 2.5 years later. I nap with him on weekends.

I never missed a nap when my kids were little & nursing.

YOU know what’s best for you and your little one(s) PERIOD

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I have it with my first daughter when she was ababy

We, as moms, know what is best for our kids. My middle child had horrible nightmares when little. I would go get her and hold her to my heart. Calmed her down to where she could go back to sleep.

Gosh I wish my 4 year old took naps I would nap w her :brown_heart:

I do. I just move all pillows and blankets off the bed and I’m a super light sleeper so any time she twitches a wake up and check on her

I napped with my son he’s 4.5 now and no longer naps I miss those snuggles … get them all in now before they are too busy for snuggles

Cuddle and nap all you can!

It’s incredibly sad that you felt so strongly that you would be shamed so you posted anon. This world has become such a hateful place. I used to nap with my first born all of the time. They’re only little once so Ill take any cuddles I can get now.


I take naps with my little sometimes too. We both are always happier after. We love cuddles

It is great that you are napping with your baby. It will give you a much needed rest and give her the bonding she needs to make her teenage years and the rest of her life a little easier. Never be sorry that you are taking the time to cuddle your child!

When my son was about 2-3 months the only way I could get him to sleep was him snuggled into my boobs. Literally the only way. After he would fall asleep I would put him in his bassinet. He could still breathe so don’t come at me. I never fell asleep. I loved it now he’s 10 and won’t snuggle. Soak up them baby cuddles as much as you can they won’t last forever.

Yes nap when she naps! Clothes can wait. Dishes can wait. This time is priceless.

Whaaaaat? You lay with your baby when YOU want to. Everyone else is irrelevant.

My mom always said sleep when your baby does you need the rest too

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Awesome, DO NOT let anyone Mom shame you over this

I snuggle and nap with mine all the time. He loves to cuddle and YES, they are only little for a short time. Soak it all in and have no guilt or shame whatsoever, Mama! :heart:

I noticed when I nap with my little girl she wakes up happier, she opens her eyes and sees me and has a big smile​:heart_eyes::heart:

Who cares what others think. Be you and the heck with everyone else. I napped with my girls and their all teenagers now. No shame here.


I have napped with all 4 of my kids, my last can’t pull an all-dayer yet but is nearing the end of nap time… I will literally cry when that day happens.

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Snuggle up, cuddle your baby. I swear it’s the best feeling in the world. There are times when I’m overwhelmed and my body is screaming for me to slow down cuddling with my baby is what helps me

I did with my first not with the last 2…

I never did. I always did house work or showered when they napped. It was usually the only alone time I would get to do things since husband worked 12 hr night shifts

No because it’s my time to finally be alone or clean lol

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Yup both kiddos I’ll cuddle and take a nap with. My oldest not so much anymore cuz she doesn’t nap during the day really but when she was little yes all the time and my little man yes when I’m home I’ll get him all snuggled up and take a nap. Both my kiddos sleep better that way and being a mama is exhausting.

Mom’s should absolutely nap with their little ones nap and don’t feel bad for napping with your child more people do it than you think. I did for 1-2 years with my daughter.

I get it’s nice but ya it’s super unsafe and you really shouldn’t risk anything like that


I coslept with my babe until he was about 4 months old. I also napped with him for as long as he would let me.
I’ve also taken naps when he was napping, and said screw the housework
your mental state is FAR more important. you can’t take care of your babe. without taking care of yourself


I do it all the time with my now 5 month old and with all my oldest 4 when they were babies. Who cares what others think.

I didn’t with my kids because I didn’t have the time. I did with my grandkids because it’s the only way my granddaughter slept. Sitting up in the recliner was safe for her. Take the precautions and enjoy the time. Believe me, it goes so fast. You can’t get the moment’s back

Nap with your baby hun. My daughter is going on 7 and we still take naps together.

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You both need naps… what better time ?? Go with love

I’ve slept with my 6 month old since the day we brought him home, we both sleep better that way and I love the cuddles! You do what you feel is right for YOUR baby.

Do not feel ashamed for taking a nap with your child. Idk who’s telling you to not do that, but they are wrong. Nurses and drs even tell you to nap when baby naps due to sleep deprivation. Keep taking those naps Momma! Because you’re going to blink and those opportunities will be gone :revolving_hearts:

Sleep when baby sleeps

Nope. Cosleeping is dangerous. I know a child that died cosleeping. Then on his 1yr bday, his mom shot herself in the head. Its cute till u wake up next to a dead baby

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I started holding my son to sleep after he was a year old. Once he’s asleep I’ll cuddle him for a while and get up. He’s 3 now and will still snuggle to sleep. :sparkling_heart:

I would sometimes and other times I’d try to get things done around the house. Enjoy your cuddles momma! They don’t keep that small forever. Before you know it they are 12 and too cool for you. (Aka my daughter :rofl:)

I used to snuggle with mine…nothing wrong with it

do what you want with your little one


When I have my granddaughter I take a Nannie nap with her done it with all 4 of my granddaughters x

I personally didn’t because it was my time to get things done around the house, but to each is their own, and do what makes you happy.

Ive coslept with both my kids since they came home from the hospital. It was the only way we were getting sleep. I still cosleep and they are now 3 and 2. I normally sneak out of their room after they are asleep but they end up in my bed and we all sleep together. Cosleeping is not wrong. You just need to be sure you create a safe space were they cant fall and you are aware they are there. When you cosleep you help babe regulate their breathing and heartbeat. Not to mention the amazing bond. I have no plans on stopping my kids until they stop themselves. Time goes by fast and i want to soak in all the cuddles and bonding before my kids decide they are to old to be crawling into bed with mama.


I always did with mine! They’re 10 & almost 8. They have their own beds, but if they come get in mine in the middle of the night I allow it. I still nap with my youngest sometimes!

Babies are exausting.use every opportunity to rest❤theres no such thing as to many baby cuddles.

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I nap when I can. My littlest is almost 2 and we got up early and took the older kids to school, we then can back home and napped until 11. It was wonderful. I have missed our napping window this morning. But any chance I get, I take a nap with her

I snuggled my babe and let her nap on me but I was always too scared to sleep with her.

Napping with your kids is a mothers choice. Do it if u want. Kids love it​:heart::heart::heart:

Do what works best for you as long as it’s being done safely. I injured my back so I can’t rock my son to sleep anymore and I can’t put him in his crib so now I nurse to sleep and he naps on me while I’m on my phone

I do nap with my grandson

My mom had 8 kids my sister had 8 kids I had 2 we all took naps with our kids was the only way to keep up :rofl::joy:

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Yes. Napped with all my babies :slightly_smiling_face: I have 3.

Where are the comments?

Enjoy your baby to the fullest at every stage your bond will only continue to grow congratulations :two_hearts::smiling_face:

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Don’t let anyone shame you if that’s what you feel is best for you’re child so be it because guess what none of them pay your bills or take care of your child so they can keep it moving

Probably about to piss a lot of ppl off but I’ve cosplept with mine from day 1… they are happy and healthy… 15… 13… and I still cosleep with my 5 yr old. Please don’t anyone waste your breath… NO I’m not going to stop. I will say it’s not for everybody and I’m not encouraging it but it is what works for me.

Bonding with the baby is :100: your choice!! I napped with my babies (not all the time) but I didn’t give a flying f about backlash… if I was tired and they were ready to go down I saw nothing wrong with napping with them!

I napped and co slept with all 3 of my children.

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I nap with my kids as much as I can. In MY bed at that! We’re all comfortable and get the rest we need. 6y (not so much napping for her anymore) 4y and 11mo

Mom shaming is ridiculous. All moms are different. I napped with my boys till they were almost 2 then they napped in their own toddler beds. You do what make you comfortable. As long as baby is safe in your arms that’s all that matters

I have always slept with both of my kids

Does she sleep alone at night? Or does she need to sleep with you?

My youngest ( and last) is 3. He doesn’t nap, but I lay with him til he falls asleep at night. And I do it for both us, he’s the last little I’ll ever have and between working full time +, commuting, our farm , my other kids and 4h, I know how special it is. Do what’s best for you, and the next time anyone has an opinion, kindly ask them which bill they’ll be paying of yours that month!

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Young one, don’t listen to the negative- you are right- enjoy these precious moments they are gone in a blink of an eye. My Momma took naps with all of us-(10 kids plus a few cousins​:wink:) we are a tight biggo Native American / Mexican familia. You just hold your “cuddlebug” all you can, my dear.:v:t4::sunflower::heart:

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I just fell asleep putting my toddlers down for a nap. Lol Enjoy it while you can momma!

I love it especially now that I’m off I can’t get enough of her

I think it’s lovely to have that special time

Yep. Napped with all 4 of mine. Still nap with my youngest that is almost 2 sometimes.

Girl I always slept at every nap time with my baby. My son breastfed through the night every 1-2 hours until he was 2! I snuck in sleep literally anywhere I could and I enjoyed every second of it. My son is 5 now and although during the week at school he doesn’t nap he goes to bed early but on the weekend we ALWAYS nap. Me and him will literally lay down around 1pm and wake up at 3pm. I personally believe everyone should nap!

I still nap with my 4yo :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: my oldest doesn’t nap so when my fiancé is away at work we have sleep overs! Kids LOVE that one on one time and honestly need it.

She needs to learn to be independent in every way.

depending on her age u should really stop cuddling with her while she sleeps or she may depend on this even when she grows older which will be a hell of a lot harder to get her out of this! she needs to learn that mommy can’t always sleep with her at nap time - so what i would do is let her sleep in her bed at nap time and close the slightly. this way she will know that mommy can’t always sleep with her at nap time or any other time! and no it doesn’t make u a bad mom for doing this!