Do you thank your husband for doing things around the house?

I help him and he helps me, period!

Read the book “The 5 Love Languages”…

If he does then do it. But don’t let him have dinner or clean clothes or anything you do for him without a thank you. Hell see the stupidity in the actions or you’ll know to file for divorce.

Sometimes, but not always

I thank my old man for almost everything and he does the same. Makes for a happy relationship when you feel appreciated.

sometimes if it’s something that he doesn’t do on a daily basis .

NO. Thats ridiculous. Why should someone be thanked for taking care of their own house that they live in? Its his job and responsibility to take care of his house. Does he thank you for cooking? Does he thank you for cleaning? Does he thank you for raising kids? Does his boss thank him everyday at work for doing the job that he is suppose to do? Dont think so.

I thank and get thanked

Yes and no. As a person you should say that thank you cuz it’s a right thing to do but if he demands a thank you for doing shit that he is supposed to do cuz he’s a person that lives there and cuz he’s your husband, he’s an ass lmao

We thank each other but some people like appreciation, or crave appreciation for stuff because they didn’t have it before. There shouldnt be a fight over it but just a thought. I am one of those people but I don’t get all tied but because he didn’t.

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We say thank you all the time because we appreciate each other and what we do for each other whether its with the kids or the house whatever it may be raise each other up show that what we do matters and that we are valued

Sometimes words r not necessary. Give him a random hug and tell him u love him.

We thank eachother and work together.

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I say thank you yes. I also say thank you to my kids when they do their chores. Positive reinforcement goes a long ways. You want them do it again? Make them feel good about doing it. Let your ego go.

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If it will make him feel better and keep me from taking out the trash, heck yea… I don’t see why it’s a big deal. However, my husband and I always tell each how much we appreciate what the other does.

I am a stay at home mom and i do the house work and school work with the kids all day my husband always helps me when he gets home from work whether it is cooking dinner or doing dishes or jusy whatever things need to be done in the evening he appreciates the fact that i stay home and i appreciate the fact that he goes to work and still comes home and helps me we always say thank you to each other

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No cuz he maybe helps once a month when I do it everyday

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Yes especially if it’s a task I don’t like doing he always does em and I appreciate it (hes a you cooked I’ll do the dishes type) but I also thank my kids for everything too like “thank you for eating” “thank you for brushing your teeth”

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Yes we both say thank you to each other all the time. it’s to show we both appreciate each other. Small or big things


We don’t praise each other for household tasks.
Thanking him would imply it’s my job and he did it for me. No. Just no.


It’s polite so keep doing it…don’t stoop to his rudeness.

I do when he has the time and is able to do things around the house we both work a lot and add in a toddler

Yes. I appreciate what he does. Even if its only trash.

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You treat people how you would want to be treated regardless of if they do it in return. Makes you the bigger person. But still have a convo about both of you showing you appreciate each other. That might help.

We both thank each other :woman_shrugging:

I thank him in the most sarcastic way
I think he appreciates it

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Always! Appreciation is the key to a successful relationship

I’m not understanding why it’s so hard to be respectful to your spouse?
I say thank you to strangers, employees, my kids, & yes my husband, even after 18 years.

We work, & we watch our 2 year old grandson in the evening. The house gets WRECKED but we have fun, we clean & we thank eachother for any & every act of kindness, yes even cleaning a toilet, feeding the dogs & taking trash out! But especially for entertaining the ball full of energy that destroys our house nightly :rofl::rofl:

It cost nothing to be kind & appreciative & noone deserves it more than the people you love.


Appreciation on both sides makes a world of difference.


It’s not a bad thing for someone to want to be thanked when they help out. Are you upset because he’s asking you to thank him or because he doesn’t thank you?
Maybe be an adult and communicate that you also want to be thanked instead of assuming he doesn’t appreciate what you also do.

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Yes i say thank you. It is his responsibility as it is mine but I like to feel appreciated too so yes i do say thank you.

I thank my husband for everything he does all the time no matter what it is even if it’s leaving his jeans on the couch instead of the floor thank u for not leaving them on the floor lol :joy: my husband does a lot though and I regularly thank him because it feels good to be appreciated

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If it’s a mess I and the kids made that he had no part of, then yea. If it’s a mess that he and the kids made then no.

Yes. We both thank each other. The more appreciated you both feel, the more likely you’ll continue cleaning or doing things around the house.


Yes I do. Especially around my children. It is showing a great example to say please and thank you. if I need something I say will you please go get the clothes off the line and when he does it I make sure to say thank you. He is the same way with me. If he asks me to help hold up a wall so he can screw the screw in there he will tell me thank you. it’s not just respect it’s also showing your spouse that you are appreciated for the things that they do! now if I’m aggravated in mad and I want it done like now because I’ve been asking that’s typically when I don’t say thank you. But that’s only cuz I’m mad and I say thank you later!

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Yes. Definitely since my pregnancy has been so hard and a lot has been on him.

Well… the thank yous should be going both ways.
My ex use to take pictures of things he cleaned to me while I was at work it would DRIVE me nuts!! So I would just reply " star on the chart for you!!!" Lol Bless his soul. It’s been almost a year he’s been gone. What I’d do to be able to give him lots more " stars on the chart "

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I think you should be thanking each other

Id tell him its a two way street to thank each other. Let him know how you feel

We thank each other. We both work full time jobs, parent, and look after the house. We make sure to thank each other so that the other knows they are appreciated.


If I ask him to do something to help me out I thank him. He doesn’t do anything around the house on his own lol. But in his defense he works over 12 hrs a day and we have teenagers that do chores to help me out so he doesn’t need to.

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Absolutely, I thank him everyday he leaves for work, I say goodbye I live you and thank you for all you do for us. I thank him for any help around the house, anything I would thank anyone else for. Hes my best friend I love and appreciate him. He thanks me as well. To often we become resentful to the ones we love the most, kindness and sensitivity goes a long way and hold a relationship together.

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No matter how big or small or who made the mess I always say thank you babe I appreciate you! He needs to know always that I appreciate everything he does for me

Yes. I thank him for everything he does so he knows he is appreciated and loved.

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Not with every task. That’s a bit much. The fact that it’s expected that you thank him every task is a bit much as well especially if he’s not thanking you. Your partner doing things aren’t favors and you doing things shouldn’t be expected without any appreciation.

We always thank each other even in the simplest task/chore we do at home. We usually say it every after the other one finish doing it. And it feels good hearing it and saying it also. :sparkling_heart:

We both work full-time and say thank you to each other for doing things

Lead by example. Maybe he’ll catch on.

I certainly do…my husband has medical issues so at times it is quite painful for him to do tasks but if he knows I am having a rough painful day or if something I cannot do needs to be done, he does it.


Yes I thank my husband and tell him how I appreciate him and everything he does for our daughter and I. It’s called showing appreciation because not all men are as willing to help do things around the house so I’m blessed to have a man who actually helps me when he can. :two_hearts:

I think that both of you should expect to get a thank you from one another- def a team effort :slight_smile:

It should be mutual between the two of you

Sounds like he’s complaining about appreciating. Maybe you guys can write 10 things you appreciate about each other and discuss it. Then thank each other for everything you do and MoveOn

I thank my husband because you should always show appreciation for what eachother does… then i always get mad when he dont say it :unamused:

I do say thank you as does he. I make dinner, he says thanks. He does something , I say thank you. It works both ways.

All I know is I give what I want in return , even if I dont get it. This is one of my favorite saying to live by .The sun never said to the earth “you owe me” look what a love like that does, it lights up the whole sky -rumi

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I say thank you! It’s just not worth fighting over… yes, we both work, but his job is very physical demanding & he works long hard hours to provide for us. I appreciate anything extra that he’s willing to do. A little appreciation goes a long way

I say thank you but that’s one of my husbands love languages so it’s important to him and he knows and fulfils my love language too :heart:

Yes. We thank for literally every little thing with both eachother and the kids. It takes 2 seconds to show appreciation, even it’s something they should be doing. Nothing wrong with making someone feel better for doing things.

I do even with my makes them feel good and appreciated and more love that I do that for them and I get it in return from them for even the simplest things…

I always thank him because I truly appreciate the help. He works long hours, so the fact that he helps me too is very much appreciated.

Yes ! I do, because he doesn’t have to and I appreciate that he does!-- There are a lot of jobs that are considered men’s work that I do not do. He does that, and I do not thank him for that.–Maybe I should. There are a lot of deadbeats in the world and their wives cannot count on them at all. I am thankful that mine is not one of them! —Heck, Isay thank you and excuse me to my dogs, and even assure them when Ileave that Iwill be back,and ask them to be good while I am gone. Istarted asking Mindy to be good while Iam gone when she was a puppy because she would always get toilet paper and shred it . Believe it or not she stopped doing it.

I do, but not because it’s expected or because he’s special, but because I always thank people when they do things. That being said, while not in this post, but I’ve seen many comments worded this way…it is not “help” for your husband to be a grown man. He’s not helping me when he does things around our house, he’s being a grown up who is taking action to keep the home he lives in, as well, running.

I always look at it this way you are in a partnership with this person. The chores always need to be done whoever’s decides to do them. If you have the time to do one then do it if the other can they do it. But appreciation is always welcome in many different forms

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Yes. Maybe not every time, but it’s very easy, cost nothing and doing something nice for someone is good for the soul. Treat people how you wish to be treated, not how they treat you.

Why is this a question? I say thank you for everything because it’s BOTH our jobs to keep the house we BOTH live in clean. Manners were so instilled in me that it doesn’t cross my mind not to say thank you for something someone does to help. If he doesn’t say thank you, so what. It’s not tit for tat. Be the bigger person and lead by example

do you work??? If you are stay at home, that is your job so getting thanked for everything doesnt make sense. Why do you feel thanking him for helping is not right?? There is more to this than you are saying…

Everybody should be thanked in the household. Otherwise known as loving and caring and appreciating each other.

My husband always notices what I do and will make comments like the house looks good. We thank each other always

If he helps give him a thank you so many men do not help !

Sure ::showing appreciation makes them want to do MORE ::: Gratitude is the way to go .

We thank each other for all we do to help each other every time! :innocent:

It’s my boyfriend, Yes I say thank you and I appreciate you.

Doesn’t matter who it is. Thank everybody!

It depends, sometimes I do sometimes I don’t.

Of course! I wish he would do the same.

Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Yes, I always say thank you

I thank him because he likes it. I told him never to thank me because it feels condescending. Not the way he says it at all, but like… don’t thank me for cleaning up my own shit. I’m supposed to do that and I feel patronized if he thanks me. NOW thanking me for doing his laundry, finishing a chore he started but got sidetracked on, or anything he perceives as “his job”, that’s fine.