Do you thank your husband for doing things around the house?

No…not all the time…he sure as hell never thanks me…30 yrs of marriage!

Yes I do but he does as well. Its more of a hey I appreciate u type thing.

Just acknowledge it. “Thanks for that hun” “living room looks great baby” “smells good in here, thanks love” it won’t cost you but a few seconds

We almost always thank each other

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What wrong in doing so if words of affirmation encourages/pleases him.

Yes. I thank him all the time for any number of things because I’m thankful for all of the things that he does.


They always need a gold star!

My wife and I share responsibilities and we thank eachother.

We thank each other for doing stuff around the house.

No ma’am does he thank you for cleaning toilets buying groceries changing diapers etc. your are a team

I do, because I appreciate him and what he does :slight_smile: He also thanks me which is so lovely as well :slight_smile:


Yes. Even if they are his responsibilities you should thank Him if you appreciate it. Because otherwise that can be you taking out trash :joy:

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Not married and pretty early in the relationship.
My ex hubby was abusive. If he ever decided to bother to help he expected me to be oh so grateful. Bow down and kiss his feet because he wash up his own damn dishes.
My partner now its pretty new but he helps, even helps clean up after my daughter and neices/nephews. I always say oh thank you or cheers for that, you didn’t have to etc but its not expected. The same as when I do stuff. Its not expected, but a cheers for tea goes a long way.

I dont think anybody should expect a thank you for helping to keep their home clean/going but I do think its nice to say it anyways. Atleast every so often

We both make sure the other knows that what they do is appreciated.

Ohhh I hate the “are you proud of me?” After doing the dishes HE helped dirty if not all of them :woman_facepalming:

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Sure why not if you love one another respect each other.

Yes I thank him when he does things around the house

There is nothing wrong with saying “Thank you”. Words of Affirmation is probably your husband’s Love Language - acknowledge that.


I pick at him about “wanting to be praised” but honestly so do I :woman_shrugging: I’m a sahm and even tho it’s my “job” to keep up with the house while my husband works 60 hours a week I still like to feel appreciated. So I imagine our partners like to feel appreciated and acknowledged also.

I thank my husband for little things, and he thanks me. He doesn’t say it everyday but he makes sure I know that he appreciates me keeping a clean home, cooking and caring for the kids. His love language is words of affirmation so when I praise him I feel like he helps more and is more loving towards me. Thank him but also let him know that you are needing more acknowledgement in return.


If he needs to be thanked everytime, demand he does the same back. You just changed a dirty nappy, go find him and tell him he needs to thank you. You cleaned the kitchen, loungeroom, cleaned and folded washing, did the dishes, did dinner, go find him after everytime you do something and demand that he thank you. He will get the picture very quickly that him being a parent and helping with chores is not a thank you situation everytime. Maybe once every now and again but not every time

No! It’s his responsibility too why should he be thanked! I’m sick of this view where women are expected to do the all the housework! You both live in the house so you both clean it even if you both work full time or one works and the other is a stay at Home mom

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I do say thank you. Just because other family members should be helping with cleaning, doesn’t mean I can’t let them know that I notice and appreciate what they do.

Jeff Foxworthy has a routine on this. Something about the wife putting down pavement in the driveway when it’s 110 degrees out. The hubby sticks his head out the door and says I emptied the ashtray in the den for you. Now I’m gonna sit down with a beer to rest. I do what I can.

I’m sorry you don’t get the appreciation you deserve. But, 2 wrongs don’t make a right. If, you are thankful for what he does for you, show your appreciation. Hopefully it may rub off on him and he will begin thanking you too. :yellow_heart:

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Absolutely not it is his house too and just as much his responsibly as your.

I think some men want a red carpet rolled out for them and thunderous applause when they do a small task :rofl:


It doesn’t cost a thing to say “thank you” . And if that gets him to help do chores…say thank you…

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I thank mine all the time but I work and He gets SSI and does the house work. I thank him often because I have had men that didn’t do anything and no job


If he expected I’d never thank him. But because he doesn’t and I do appreciate everything he does for us I’m always telling him thank you.

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I thank mine he doesn’t want thanked cause he does it to help me vit i do it anyways because i don’t like his help lol

i do sometimes but not aleay but he dont expect me to thank him for what he dos

I do. But I also thank the cashier, stock boys, everyone…
It’s just how I was raised

I do. But like someone commented earlier. I say thank you to a lot of people. Just how I am. :woman_shrugging:

But if my hubby were to make a fuss about not being thanked. Then I’d say something to him. But not thank you. :joy:


Um, no…he lives there too

Not often cause mine expects the same! I’m not thanking you for cleaning up after yourself and kids. I don’t get a thank you ever!

If only men knew how much a woman does around the house

Try doing it anyway. My husband was that way for years. We are going on 38 years of marriage and he is now thanking me more. Sometimes they don’t think beyond themselves in things but that can be changed with example and time. A lot of it is the example their fathers gave them. God will reward you for your efforts. It also helps you set an example for your children. They are watching both of you. You can choose whether to react or respond. You can pay tit for tat or rise above and be the better person for it.

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Yes I thank him. I shouldn’t because it only backs up his ingrained belief that it’s my job and hes doing me a favor but the thank u always comes out anyway

Sometimes. But not always. We’ve had this discussion ourselves. In my case, he didn’t always necessarily expect the thank you, though I began to feel obligated to give one, it was more informing me that he’d actually done something, because my memory was truly terrible back then.


We thank each other and have for almost 40 years. If I take out the trash, he’ll say I was going to get that, thank you. If he switches the laundry or makes the bed I say thank you. We all want to feel validated.


When we first moved in together, he was terrible about helping out so I always made a big deal of saying thank you. It helped him get in the habit of helping out more. Now, years later, I thank him for certain things that he doesn’t usually help with (we each have established our own specific chores) like laundry or sweeping the kitchen.

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I feel thank yous are necessary from both parties. Sometimes doing what needs to be done is a drag but when you know it’s appreciated you are more apt to do it.


I always thank my husband and he always thanks me. Technically, you don’t have to do anything. It is a choice to help or not. All choices have consequences, good or bad. We also expect our kids to be thankful as well.

I always thank my husband for helping around the house, but he doesn’t expect me to say “thank you”. I do it because I’m appreciative of the help he provides.


My husband grew up in a house where his mother took care of everything. He expects Ted the same from me. I wasn’t working at that time and told him he would start helping when I did find a job. And yes, I said thank you a lot. Now I still say it, and he says it to me.

I do it automatically, just like I thank Alexa when it answers my guestion. I thank everyone who does something helpful. It’s what made me a respected boss.

My ex would occasionally do something to help out and then ask me if I was gonna thank him for doing said small task and I would reply sure as soon as he thanked me for everything I do everyday for the entire family. Never did get that thank you


Sometimes a simple thank you means a lot. Whenever my husband us to do something I would always say thank you. He once said you don’t have to say thank you, I do it because I love you and we are a team. Somehow, I never stopped saying it because it reminded me how much he truly appreciated everything I did and I wanted him to know the same.

Why, these are chores that need to be done, no thank you’s required, you just do it, unless it’s a special request that an individual requires.

If I see it, I say thank you…while it is his responsibility yo take care of our home just as it for all of us, I say thank you because I now wont have to do that task…just like he thanks me when he sees me doing task that needed done…it we may say something like…wow the bathroom looks great…thanks…appreciate each other or others will …


Hubby and I have different days off, and he knows I’m psyco if I come home to a mess so he goes out of his way to make sure the house is clean when I get there. I do make it a point to say thank you or point out something specific, like if he put out a good smelking candle or somerhing… And when I make dinner, he and the kids are religious about thanking me for making them dinner every night. Not much else is as easy about our family dynamics, but this part helps.

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You should…
Don’t you want to be appreciated for your roles and what you do around the home?
If you don’t. Then it’s not YOUR LOVE LANGUAGE.
But to your husband it is important.
So do it.

I do but he does not expect it from me. He says things like “i live here too” and “it’s everyone’s mess”. He doesn’t give little thanks for every little thing but general thanks for all you do.

I do and I get thank yous back from him. We communicate what we need from each other in an effort to not feel taken for granted. Married for 26 years!


Yes, I thank my husband for every little thing he does. It is my way to show I love him. And what do I get? I work from home. If I have to work during meal times he would Bring me food and coffee or water. And if it is dinner time he will start dinner. And I thank him for that too. Definitely a keeper

Just me but I always say thank you to spouse or kids for doing things around the house but in turn they have learned to also say thank you for things I do also

Yes I do. He also thanks me and tells me things look nice. Have you let him know those simple acts would also make you feel more appreciated?

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No I do not.i don’t get thanked for what I do.nor do I expect it.way I see it we both live here we both have to do housework


Saying thank you shows appreciation. My husband doesn’t say thank you to me. Oh well it doesn’t stop me from saying it.

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I thank my husband for anything he does to help out. I work full time and he is home all day because he is disabled. I appreciate anything he does and let him know it. Whem hes having a bad day he tells me hes sorry he didn’t do anything. I always tell him it’s ok babe. We’re a team and we’ve got this. It shouldn’t be you or me. Its us. We are in this together

I tell him I appreciate him, and show him. I thank him if he does something specific, like helps me with one of my projects. Once and a while if he finishes the laundry, but he returns all this when I do the weed whacking, or push mower portions of of property.
I do not thank him for contributing to the daily chores. I work as well and contribute financially. I dont expect to be Thanked, for dishes, or dinner Everytime. Not in this way.

Sometimes I do, but not usually. If I come home and he’s unexpectedly done something that makes me happy and helped us all, I might thank him for for taking care of whatever it was. An instance, I came home and he had scrubbed the entire kitchen floor. I would have run a mop over it but he scrubbed it, out of the blue.

I say thank you but not for every little thing. I do other things to let him know hes appreciated for what he does.

My husband is the hardest working man, he is an amazing provider and my best friend. His hard work has afforded us a wonderful life that I am able to be a stay at home mom to our 3 kids. It is my job to take care of the household needs, he does occasionally help with the laundry, dishes, dinner, etc but I NEVER expect him to handle those things and when he does help out you can be darn sure I am going to thank him!!

I absolutely do. What does it cost me to thank him!? Absolutely nothing. What does it cost me to be bitter and pretend men and women are wired the same way? It would cost me my marriage. After 24 years of marriage let me tell you something. You will get NOWHERE with that type of attitude towards your spouse. Have a heart of gratitude for what the man DOES do instead of wondering if you should thank him for emptying a freaking trash bag.

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He doesn’t expect a thank you but I always give one, positive reinforcement!

If we ask one another to do something around the house then yes we say thank you but if he or i just go and do something we dont. We both live in the house its equal to both do stuff.

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He’s very simply telling you how he wants to be loved. To dismiss that because you don’t have the same need, or maybe because you do and you aren’t getting it from him, is selfish and a bit cruel. I find showing genuine appreciation for your partner to be quite intimate. Maybe try it out and see what you get in return.

Yes. I do because I want to. I also do the same with my children. I appreciate the help, so I say thanks. I don’t expect a thanks from anyone when I take care of household stuff, it makes it sweeter when they do say it.

My husband and I have always thanked one another for what we do for each other and things we do around the house. We have been married 27 years and respect is very important in a relationship.

We both thank each other. This way whenever something needs to be done either of us will do the task joyfully

I say thank you not bc he expects it or desires it but because I love him and I want him to know I appreciate him. It’s more about the desire to partner with me than about the action itself. If he expected it we would have to have a greater conversation.

I find if you make a big deal and say thank you when they actually do help around the house, it encourages them to help out more. I know it seems silly (I’m in the same boat, boyfriend doesn’t say thank you for a lot that I do either) but if you want him to keep helping you out I’d definitely say thank you lol

It is always acceptable to be thankful and say it. Show love and respect and you will receive it. It may take time, but it will come back to you.

He never expects thank yous or praise for doing simple husband/father/homeowner tasks, but I say thank you anyway. I tell him often that I appreciate him, and whenever I see him do something that reminds me how much I love him, like watching him play with the baby so sweetly, I say it.

Seeing as it is my job to tend to the house yes I say thank you when he helps out.

I think that whoever lives in the house should help with the cleaning without Thanks. But, if they do extra, then yes, thank them.

Every time you do anything no matter how small walk up to him and inform him what he’s welcome for.

Sometimes. I always think of Moana when someone demands thanks for things. I do try to be pleasant and thank him, but sometimes it’s just stuff you do because you live here, ya know?

I do. It keeps him helping n owing that I appreciate him. Ge never thanks me Just expects me to do all I do, but that’s ok. I really do appreciate any help he gives, so I let him know.

We thank each other for most things, even little things.

Bot every time. But I do often. But the wife does the same for me. When she gets home from work she often tells me thanks for taking care of the house or thanks for looking after the kids. I think it is nice to be reminded that you are appreciated

You should always show appreciation for each other, no matter how small the task.

When my husband was alive, yes. I absolutely did thank him. I appreciated anything he did to help. Which was a LOT.

My husband appreciates a thank you as much as the next guy… but if I don’t notice or don’t thank him he’s not a bay about it… well, he may point out he did “it”. Lol

Honestly… he thanks me every blue moon for doing the laundry or something else stupid I do on the daily.

Would it hurt to say “thanks babe?” Maybe you’ll get a few back.
Keeping moral up in a home is hard sometimes, and if a simple thank you makes your spouse feel appreciated and puts him in a good mood… it’s worth it… even if he only helps out sometimes. :woman_shrugging:

We say thanks for stuff like making dinner cleaning up the dishes and stuff like. If I do something that she wanted or asked me to do she would say thanks and vice versa. We do not expect it but sometimes it’s nice.

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One takes out the trash, the other replaces the bag and they both say thank you. If you start, maybe he will too

We thank each other. That’s the way it should be.

My hubby and I thank each other often, not for everything but often.

If he’s willing to do the dishes, I’ll tell him whatever he wants to hear :joy:

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There has to be mutual respect…but men are like dogs, they have to be told good job & given treats🤣

He sounds like a puke. No, don’t thank him. I do thank my bf bc I really appreciate his help.

Positive reinforcement…that’s how you train a dog isn’t it

I do. Because I do it mostly because I am home more …so I’m tickled for any help😁

You better thank him…
Or you may find yourself doing it all

Why, he doesn’t thank me…

If it’s something I am normally responsible for, yes. If it’s normally his responsibility, no.

Yes show him you appreciate it and you will not lower yourself to his level

I sure would if he would do something! Anything!