Guys don’t usually change. I would try to find a guy that appreciates you.
You certainly don’t want more children then have to leave anyway. Easier with only one to raise alone than 2 or 3.
I was where you are. My daughter was younger. I WISH someone had offered me the advice you are getting… It’s been 11 years now, we have been married 5 years. Our daughter is almost 7 and our son is 3. We are currently in the beginning of a divorce. It is MUCH harder to do the right thing and walk away when your kids are older. You feel like you HAVE to stay with their father for them. I did it for FAR too long.
edited to add I do not regret my children. I just wish I had the strength to walk away before it came to breaking their hearts
Play hard to get. It has worked for years. Pay no attention to him, it will drive him crazy. show him how happy you are by yourself with baby. Nagging him to love you more will only chase him away. dress pretty and act like you don’t need his affection. No man wants a groveling woman. Don’t chase. Let him do the chasing!
Why would he marry you when he has everything he want now!!!
He might be thinking this: why buy the cow when I can get the milk for free? You think he really loves you? A baby can be made without love and living together doesn’t make a home.
From a guys perspective:
Are you a Christian? The reason I ask, is that you have church resources. If not, then you are unfortunately on your own as far as a decision. Does he know that you are having issues with these things. Guys can sometimes be a bit dense, talk to him. Should that not work then you leaving MIGHT be the way to go. I wish that I could talk to him. He needs to pull his head from his backside though, even if only for the sake of your child. I wouldnt want to marry him until you get those issues straightened out. I wish you the best
Time to move on. This relationship is not going anywherr
Have him sits down and read your comment and then read the replies and both of you need a stable direction to act upon…you must act to create a better baby environment
No he does Not want to marry you. He may want to brvwith you and his child but not a marriage…
Try writing down the good and the bad about him If the good overweighs the bad then you have a chance. If it doesn’t outweigh the good you may want to find other options in your life.
Watch the movie, Fireproof. Anyone can change, for better or for worse. You need to talk it out and pray about it. Do you think he’s cheating? Then that is whole different subject. It’s easy for people to say just leave him. Only you can make that decision!
Tell him how you are feeling. Why stay in a relationship if you aren’t getting what you need?
Don’t ask us ask him
Every relationship is different
Why would you give weight to any of us who don’t know you or your boyfriend??
Why marry the cow when he’s getting the milk free
Both, he will never change and why are you having babies with a man like that?
My question is are you staying with him, because you have no money or nowhere to go? (this is usually why a woman stays with an butthole like the one you are with) how can you love a man that acts like that?
My feeling, if he wanted to marry you he should have before your child was born.
Common-law marriage, also known as non-ceremonial marriage, sui iuris marriage, informal marriage, or marriage by habit and repute, is a legal framework where a couple may be considered married without having formally registered their relation as a civil or religious marriage. Varies from state to state. Relationships are difficult and not made to go alone. A strand of three will keep a relationship together. The third strand is your belief and serving the Lord. When we look to the Lord in all things, it is no longer my will but the Lord’s will. If your partner is willing to seek Christian counseling, it is well worth saving a relationship. Most Christian faith’s will say you should be married to form the commitment. I lived with my current husband for 10 years before marriage. I wanted to get married from a Christian perspective and to confirm the commitment and also to have a family. My husband was not ready, he had been divorced. If you are wanting confirmation in writing and from a conviction and commitment standpoint, you need to be the one to decide how long you are willing to stay in this relationship as it is. I was ready to leave, accepted another job in another town, when he decided to get married. It hasn’t always been easy but I did and still do love him. But I don’t recommended it for everyone. Truth is the longer you wait, the harder it gets to leave. Love is a two way street. He should in some fashion show his love for you. Is he a provider, good father, spend time with you, family time? These things are important. No one is perfect, we are all sinners, but we can confess our sins and ask the Lord to come into our life and guide us. The Lord is always present waiting for us to ask. Seek the Lord with all your heart and you will surely find him. The Lord will guide and your partner in the way you should go! God bless!
The question should be, Do YOU want to marry him?
Sure things can change…leaving is change.
Behavior never changes! It only gets worse. Get out as soon as you can.
8 years & no ring?? Not likely
Ask yourself…if someone else wrote this, what would your answer be to that person? I think you know the answer.
8 years without God’s blessing
Maybe these are happening,
God is awakening you.
Turn to God
To Him nothing is impossible.
After 8 long years
Give God a chance.
Just do what God wants you to do
Do the right thing.
And you will be blessed.
Pray to God also.
Peace be with you
You better run. There is a reason you are not married Yet!! Praying for you.
Love is not what you say, it’s what you DO. (or not)
If you’re asking a bunch of strangers, you know the answer
He will never change. He knows you will put up with him as you have that’s the only reason he stays. Just my opinion…
No dump him and sue for child support
Find somebody who appreciates you.
Get out…sooner the better your life will be
Obviously he’s not that into you.
Sounds like he is cheating to me
Run… run as fast and as far as you can …
Move on. Lost cause.
If you’re doing it by yourself, do it by yourself.
If you feel it in your gut …believe it💕
Showing you who he is…believe him!
Get out. Hes showing he doesnt care. Take him with his actions.
Sometimes life gets mundane. We get into a rut. We go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch tv, have kids. We get in a routine and forget about fun, happiness, enjoying each others company. Just talk to him. CALMLY. Tell him you feel lonely. You miss him, his attention, and want to try to change the routine before it is too late. See what happens. How he feels. Then you will know for sure and can deal with it accordingly. Dont jump to conclusions. Sometimes we are all just busy and tired. Your a mom. You know. Ask for help. Try doing things around the house together. Then plan the down time for both of you to relax together. Good luck.
The answer to your question is “N, O” Period!!!
Leave him he getting sex somewhere else
No he doesn’t want to merry u
My suggestion is: when he is home and rested tell him you need to talk with him. Write down everything you want to say. In counseling you are not to say things like " you always “do” this and that." Talk without yelling, try hard not to get mad, or try not to cry. Say “I feel” like you don’t this and that. Don’t accuse him- that will start a fight. Share how you “feel.” Tell him how you feel about him. Tell him that you truly desire a closer relationship with him.(if you do) Tell him you feel like distance has come between you both. Give him a chance to share his feelings. You might suggest that maybe you both could get some help/counciling. Even if he says No to counseling you can still get counciling for yourself to help you work through your feelings. Good luck.
Say bye bye … it’s been a slice!!!
Life has so much more to offer you get out with your kids and go. He is not worth the effort! He would have married you by now if he wanted too. Love is real and love is true. When you find real love you will know he was not it!
Life is too short get rid of him
Why should he, your playing house now!
You already know the answer
If you have to ask,then I say,NO
Get out bad now worst later
Nope. You knew that too.
Get to an attorney and have a discussion about child support and visitation.
Find a place to.move to and figure out help for child care when you get back to work.
Since you are into thanking him, thank him for.the.children you had together and the good times you had.
But remember, he did not care enough to marry you in all these years or give you any kind of guarantee the children and you had any special place in his life. Walk away before you believe you are as worthless as he is treating you.
Dump him and go to court for child support.
Kick him out the door!
Run(don’t walk) the F outta there as fast as u can!!! He’s an A-hole who is quite content on the current situation so he’ll never change it
Ask yourself do you want to marry him? If you stay with him what are you teaching your son? What will his behavior teach your son? It’s no longer just you, you have to make decisions that will be best for you and your son. Be strong, pray and do what you need to do to be happy.
This is very sad news, but the GOOD NEWS is that if you are not married you have total control over your baby ! You do not have to agree to any kind of visitation, you’re the boss now, lady, congratulations you at least have one thing under control, now make it your goal to get more things under control. Do not, I repeat, do not sign away any kind of shared custody. I don’t care what your lawyer says!
Women think men should know their feelings, we aren’t mind readers, have you actually tried to sit and talk to him about it, I’ll bet not. Try it, it might help!
Why do you want to marry this jerk? Respect yourself and get out. If a man wants to get married he’s not going to wait 8 years.
Find someone to have a man-to-man talk with him. Someone needs to tell him that his true love’s body will get back to normal, and he must have patience, in the mean while tell him not to let negative feelings bust up your happy family
No! He wants you as a chief cook and bottle washer. I took Dear Abby 's advice 33years ago which was…if you have to live in a closet above a bowling alley leave! I am much happier.
You know the answer… You better get the money now while you can out of the account . Hope the account is not just in his name. look for a place and put in for child support.
Why buy the cow when u get the milk for free🤓…No offense sister…can’t force a marriage or love…8 yrs…ur words should be taken to heart…
Short answer is no .Love and respect yourself enough to walk away from this jerk.Your child deserves better
Maybe talk to him about it?
Why should he buy milk when he can get it for free?
Kick him to the curb,do you really want to be stuck with this type of person for the rest of your life!
He’s done you the biggest favor of your life, showing his true feelings!! RUN
sounds like he dont want to be there
He has another on the side…RUN!
Thanking him for what? Sounds like a POS to me!
RUN… and don’t look back.
No! Take your baby and go get a better life! Ask God’s guidance and help. You deserve better! I’m sending prayers for you right now!
Sorry he won’t change i,I, been there 15 years of bullshit never even called me my name nothing
You know the answer…you just want verification. GOD Bless You
Dump him your worth more
Let him go far far awy you of
Some women are so dumb.
Kick him to the curb
Why would you want to marry a man that doesn’t respect you?