Do your 7 and 8 year olds shower every single day or every other day? I was told when they were smaller that every other day was okay but now that they’re 7 and 8, I’m just wondering what everyone’s doing? And if so, do you wash their hair everyday? I know I wash my hair every other day because it dries out so bad but not sure about kids.
My 2,4 and 7 year old shower/bath every night. If they miss a night and have school/daycare the next day they shower that morning.
My 4yo is daily. She was every other day until 3.5
My sons shower daily. Kids go to school, play sports, we just got out of a pandemic, germs are everywhere, etc. as for hair, depends on their hair type, may even be different for each child. I have 6 sons who have all different hair so we have a different routine for each.
Just depends really. My 6 year old has super thick long hair that during the school week I braid/keep it up. So I tend to have her just wash her body in the ams before school. And every 2/3 days I’ll wash her hair. My 3 year old I bathe her every other day unless she’s super dirty from being outside. I think whatever works best for you and your kids if the best.
I only have mine shower twice a week but jump in the shower to rinse off sweat on pe days but no soap on rinse off times
My 7 year old bathes every other day. But we will add in an extra day if she needs it like if it’s super hot or she plays sports, etc. Pretty soon it will probably get to be a daily necessity
My 5 year old showers everyday before bed time . It relaxes her
I wish they did mine can go a week with out a shower and it’s only when I drag them in
Since school have started, I have my boys (8 & 10) shower Sunday nights and Wednesday or Thursday nights - if I know that they’ve been getting super sweaty and dirty playing outside, then I’ll have them soap up that night no matter what day it is.
They shower about every other day unless they have sports/games/dance etc. In the summer… mostly everyday because of Lake water, bug spray, etc.
in my house we bath/shower everyday. sometimes twice we use soap everyday and all clean clothes everyday. i change the beds once to twice a week. the thought of not washing everyday is disturbing
My 9 year old every night. Hair every other night
Every day before bed, helps them unwind and wash all the school/preschool dirt off and they love their showers
Every other day otherwise they stink
Every other day is fine for that age unless they’re out playing or doing activities that would make them smelly/dirty etc.
My kids have a shower every single night and get their hair washed every night. They get so sweaty and dirty, plus it helps them sleep better. I have to shower every night before bed I wouldn’t be able to sleep otherwise lol
One days they have school, yes. Non school days, it depends on what we did and where we went.
My kids stink after playing outside all day so they shower every day
honestly ….that age group plays so hard that a bath daily is necessary. my five year old is so messy and plays very hard so baths daily, hair wash every three days
I remember being small and all the way to senior high school I took a bath every night before bed.
Mine is every night because they play waaaay too much at school/daycare & at home they sweat so much so showers are needed. I have two boys aged 4 & 7 lol
Everyday no matter the age.
My Mom always had us take a bath or shower every night before bed because it helped us relax. So my kids are the same. My son is 15, if he doesn’t shower every night he stinks. My daughter is 6. Almost every night, maybe skip 1 night a week. Hair is every couple of days. We moisturize well after bathing. My kids just play too hard and stink if they don’t wash. The idea of wiping armpits and privates with a wet rag is just gross to me. To each his own but I always think like this: did you poop today? If you got poop on your arm or hand would it be enough to just wipe it with toilet paper like you do your butt? No. Of course not. You would want soap and water to wash that off.
They either play outside at ur house or at preschool so yes a good bath will let them sleep peace fully
Every night before bed… Babies don’t need a bath every day, but from afew months old they should be getting bathed or showered every day… Especially at 7 or 8… Hair washing should be when it is needed… You will be able to tell if the hair is dirty or needs to be cleaned
So, when they attended public school, yes. Now that they are homeschooled, it varies. If one or both of them have soccer practice, yes. If we have somewhere to go the next day, yes. But, if no practice/game, no where to go, and they do not get dirty no.
Honestly yes everyday cause they smell like arm pits. Now we all have sensitive skin so once out lotion up but they shower daily cause one is 11 and the other is 6 so if we did hair then it’s just body the next day if they are in school and have pe set days then bam those days full shower.
Mine bathe every other day usually, unless they’ve done an activity where they get sweaty or dirty.
They can use a moisturizer for hair and conditioning. Hair also has a musty smell if not washed regularly. IDs will start making fun of them
My 9 and almost 6 year old kids only shower or bathe once or twice a week lol
My son is 9 and he takes a shower every day. He stinks LOL and he’s a germaphobe. And all that playing outside from recess and being in school.
Every day that ends in “y”
Every day and kids wash their own hair.
Do you shower daily or walk around stinking?
My boys are 31 and 33 and married… but when they were growing up and lived with me… they bathed/ showered EVERY DAY.
Theres a difference between having a shower and rinsing off. Rinsing off should be done everyday but soap once a week and thats for everyone.
At that age daily. Too much running with sports and what not. Kids are hitting puberty at alarming young ages now so they stink a lot sooner.
Daily. I don’t get the once or twice a week thing. All the germs, dirt and grime they are bringing to bed because they are playing outside. Just because you can’t smell them or don’t mind the wet dog smell (because it’s there whether you admit it or not) doesn’t mean everyone else should have to smell it.
Nope. My son’s dermatologist said it’s very very bad for their skin to shower more than once or twice a week. So I do twice a week with my 6.5 year old and my 22 month old.
Since birth my culture showers/bathes twice daily. I don’t comprehend how people don’t want to wash their bodies at least once daily. Just gross
I shower my daughter every day wash her hair twice a week x
My daughter takes a shower or bath every night but doesn’t wash her hair every night… she might skip a day of showering every once in awhile if we had a busy day and there isn’t time after dinner and homework.
If they play outside they shower, sometimes twice a day. If they haven’t been outside or worked up a sweat they can shower every other day. My boys wash their hair every shower, my daughter only washes her hair twice a week, as do I.
My girls (5 and 8) can take a bath/shower whenever they want but Wednesday & Sunday are days they HAVE TO bathe. My oldest is 13, he showers every day.
My son is 10 he showers everyday.
I have my son shower every single night since he was in grade school!
He washes hair every other night.
We do every other day unless they get dirty or sweaty. My 10 year old washes her hair twice a week. The others whenever they bathe.
I bathe my 8 year old & wash his hair every day. He’s Autistic so it’s just part of his routine now. We sometimes skip Fridays or Saturdays though. Unless he’s been playing outside & got really dirty.
Every night here for my 10 year old boy but we live in the bush , my boy swims in the creek , rides his motorbike , hangs out with the cows and dog, plays around the dams . It’s really essential out here . If I lived in suburbia every other day would suffice
My kids are 8, 5 and 1 and they bath every other day unless they get really dirty and need it earlier. But for older kids depending on how their body is I believe deodorant daily wouldn’t hurt. I was lucky I didn’t have sweaty armpits ever until after I gave birth to my first daughter I never needed deodorant but everyone is different.
Mom of two boys 11 and 8 years old. The boys shower everyday and wash hairs everyday. They are in school and play sports daily. I am a believer that a good bath/ shower relaxes a child and gives them a good sleep.
Every other day. Unless they play and get dirty or my junior higher has pe outside
Shower every other day and washes hair once or twice a week
My son is 8 and his baths everynight and I wash his hair two a week as kids run around at school and they sweat so it’s good for them to bath everyday
My almost 7 year old son takes a bath every day
My kids are 6 and 10.
Generally during the school year they shower every school day…Most of it is about a set bedtime or morning routine though.
I only wash my kids hair maybe once every 5-6 days. I only do it when I notice it getting oily, just like mine.
Every other day for my 2 yr old and 7 yr old. As for your hair only wash it once a week. I take a shower every night. I only wash my hair once a week but there’s some nights that I’ll just get it wet in the shower but no shampoo or conditioner. Even hair salons will tell you once a week.
I have my kids at LEAST rinse off every night. Every other night I make sure they have washed hair and body. My oldest is 8 and he’s really good about washing every other day really well and rinsing off every night.
School days… every morning
Weekends… I let them choose
My kids are still 5 and under, however my nephew is 7 and he showers every other day. I myself only wash my hair every 2nd day x
My son, 8, has to do every day bc he is in jui jitsu and football. He is biracial so his hair is naturally dry but ever since I changed oils a couple of weeks ago his hair isn’t as dry.
Every other day
My kid has looooong hair and she only washes it once a week
My 12 year old takes a shower/bath every night to relax. She washes her hair 3 times a week
My one year old usually every other day but my 4,5 and 6 year old get that ahhh washed every day. School, germs, fungalitis… its a no for me lol. We only do hair washing a 2-3 times a week though to prevent damage. We do baths/showers before bed, only do morning baths on weekends if they want. I dont like them getting up in the bed without washing the school day off lol.
Showers every other day (I wash her hair once a week. No judgement needed her hair isn’t dirty and it’s thick and beautiful.)
Shower/bathe daily but hair is only 2 times a week max.
We shower and wash our hair daily in our home
My son is 5 he showers every night before bed. I feel like it’s important to shower off the day.
I don’t even wash my hair every other day… my hair gets washed twice a week, maybe three times. I take a shower/wash my body daily though. I guess it depends on what I’m doing. My kids take a bath/shower every other day. They are 8 and 5. My 16 year old showers every morning.
My son is almost 7 and we do every other night for shower…sometimes if he’s really dreading it, we do it on 3rd night or day. He doesn’t go to school though, I homeschool him. He has social anxiety pretty bad so he doesn’t really like leaving the house…so he doesn’t get dirty at all…he’s different, he doesn’t like his hands or feet dirty in the least. He washes his hands so many times a day…but if he gets crumbs on his feet or normal floor dirt…he will go get a babywipe and clean them off and ask me to put socks on him lol…he also keeps his room very clutter free.
Hair can be washed once a week depending on the nature of their hair. Hair does need natural oils, washing too often can strip the hair of nourishment
Omg !! just tell them to go have a quick shower, and wash the day off them before bed every night !! and as for their hair, depends on where ur living i suppose !! very hot sweaty weather where i live, so its pretty much a quick wash every night, but come winter probably twiceor 3 times a week !!! surely you can work it out love !!! whatever suits ur family
In my house we shower/bath every other day, unless we’ve been doing something that needs to be washed off, swimming, lawn work etc… even then it’s mostly rinse off and only wash the important parts (underarms, private areas and feet)
My 2 that are in sports (10 & 11) shower after practice nightly from being sweaty.
Loreiny Kirsia mmmm interesante
My son is 11 and he showers every other day unless it’s like really hot out and he’s been outside playing but he has very dry skin so him showering every day is not good
Every day but my child plays hard every day. Also there are the odd days where it’s skipped but not washing hair every day.
We are 2,3, and 5. We shower/bathe ever day. Sometimes, every other day I just do the soapy water in their hair over washing. They are just so active and dirty so we do everyday.
Baths all body every day but hair only 2x a week. My kids are the same age as yours.
Split custody with my kids.
Typically they will shower the first night they come back from their dads and then the night before they go back to his house (we have a 2-2-3 schedule, and they tend to not shower often at his house). So some weeks it’s 2 nights in a row, and some weeks it’s every other night. Just depends on the week.
My daughter has to wash her hair everytime as she does not take very good care of it and always has gum and junk in it.
Shower/bath every night, always! 5 & 1
Every other day & do bird baths in-between. Its good for their hair to keep from getting lice & I’ve heard it’s good for their immune system.
There is so much going on in this world with germs everywhere. Kids are always the first to get exposed. As soon as they return from anywhere bathing is vital. And then there is personal hygiene. I don’t understand why parents have become so easy going and let bathing slide
Everyday ! Get the germs off from being at school all day
We do every other day as long as they’re not filthy. I don’t care what people think either there’s been times where my sons gone 3 days and I’m ok with that if we’re mainly just home.
I only wash my hair every 3 days usually so I’m not sure about the hair thing
My kids (5 +7 ) shower on Sunday and Wednesday unless visibly dirty.
Every Saturday night whether we needed it or not, haha
Every day my 7 yr old showers and washes his hair.
If its a fecking hot day and they have been sweating then yeah every day but its just a normal day then no every second day I shower/bath my 9 and 6 year old. They get their hair washed once a week on the weekend as I have girls with long hair and they have asd, so getting water on their face is ww3.
Mine do at least 3 a week, my 1,4,7,&8 year old. Here recently it has been harder to get my 11 year old to shower 2 times a week. I don’t know what’s up with that I just constantly remind him it’s a little gross and that people can smell if he stinks even if he can’t. Hoping it will pass.
Our 14 and 5 year old take showers and wash their entire body every night. Our 3 year old (due to his eczema) has to take a quick wash and rinse shower but we do that every 2 days
Everyday and hair wash every day.
They get so sweaty and stinky at school
My 5 year old is every other day unless she absolutely needs to. Then my 11.5 year old I have her wash her body daily, trying to get her in the habit of taking care of herself better (she’s been resisting due to sheer laziness so it’s required right now)
My 7 year old showers every other day and we wash her hair maybe twice a week, she has super long princess Elsa hair I call it lol. The days we don’t shower and after the shower I always use the rosemary mint hair treatment and if she’s not bathing we wash her face, hands, feet kinda like a bird bath to freshen up.
I have 3 kids ages, 6, 9 and 10, 1 girl and 2 boys and our shower nights are Sundays and Wednesdays. Unless they are really bad, but it seems to work out.
Showering daily isn’t great on your skin?! Every other day is more than ok!! I’m an adult and I shower every other day! These comments are crazy!
My 3 year old takes a bath every night. He’s very active and plays and gets sweaty so yes he bathes every night and we wash hair every night. I would never want my child to be the “smelly kid” at school! Bathe your kids regularly daily!
My 11,9 and 5 year olds take a bath and wash their hair Sunday - Thursday. They skip Friday and Saturday unless they got dirty. During the winter we do every other day. They get hot island sweaty at school when it’s hot. That’s the only reason I make them take a bath every school night during the warmer weather
Mine bathe every day. Kids are dirty and the germs…