Does anyone elses 3rd grader have a lot of homework?

Do your kids have homework every single night? my 8 year old comes home with like two hours of homework and gets so frustrated every night…i get it too…i feel like it is way too much for a 3rd grader…


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Does anyone elses 3rd grader have a lot of homework?

I will absolutely not be enforcing homework for my kids. There is no reason, after being at school for 7 hours, they need to bring home more work to do at home. Creates a very unhealthy school/life balance which will lead to a very unhealthy work/life balance. Absolutely not.


My 5th grade has been in school for 4 weeks and just got her first homework assignment. It’s some math problem and she has a week to complete them all. She also has to read 45+mins a night, but she already does that anyways without it being homework.


I have a 4th grader this year, and he’s never had homework :woman_shrugging:

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My 4th and 9th graders do not have homework. Maybe a little studying, but nothing to return to school

Yes! My daughters teacher last year told me 3rd grade is one of the hardest grades. Cause it’s such a big step up from what they did in second.


Is it really 2 hours of homework or are they getting up to get a snack, use the restroom, take a break etc 500 times so it takes them two hours?? My daughter gets homework and when we are still at school, she finishes it in 30 mins the most but when she’s at home it takes 4 hours. Set a timer. You can also use the after school program for homework help.


Most of my kids teachers have said they don’t agree with homework either. The ones that did hand out homework, gave them 3-5 days to complete it.

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I have 5 kids in school and none do homework. I refuse it. They are in school long enough. As a parent you have little time with your kids as it is. None have failed so I’m sticking with it. (Unless it’s a project)


Nope, my 3rd grader gets one small packet to be completed over a weeks time.

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Homework is dumb unless there is a specific issue for them to work on, but that can be written in a note and handed to the parents. I feel so bad for kids having to go to school for the majority of their day, then some have to ride buses for hours, and still come home for HW. What about kids with extracurriculars?

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We just started last week but no homework for my 3rd grader so far

Students that are homeschooled in my state only require 4 hours of school a day a still test higher and do better in college than public school piers. Makes me wonder what they are actually doing at school.


My son is in the 3rd grade he has homework everyday but it is small things. And he gets it Monday so he can do Monday through Thursday on Monday. And he has vocab test on Fridays he has to study for weekly. Where the match the word and definition

Ask other Nations. Let’s see how well we can compete. I don’t agree with excessive work, but follow up work on lesson learned is important to enforce knowledge base. Also sets up good work ethic, discipline, motivation, dedication, which leads to sense of accomplishment.


Is there class time to do it? Most teachers make classwork added if the kids don’t finish it.
Ask the teacher.

My 3rd grader doesn’t get homework that I’m aware of. I wouldn’t make him do it if he did. The only reason I make my kids do school work at home is if they’re playing around in class instead of doing their work. Then yep they’ll make up for that behavior at home. Otherwise if the teacher cant teach what they need to in 7.5 hours then she shouldn’t be teaching. Kids need to be allowed to play & to spend time with family. The last thing kids need is more stress.


Nope. I would cut it down and then email the teacher.

Kids should only be doing 30 minutes of homework.

2 hours of homework sounds more like a high school expectation.

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Literally!!! My son is currently in 4th grade. And since 2nd grade … he’s been getting swamped with homework!!! (Minus weekends) but I am shocked … I don’t recall having this much homework when I was growing up.

Thankfully my third graders homework consists of a nightly math worksheet and 20 min of reading.

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Thats a bit excessive. I would be talking to the teacher

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I think they should put a stop to home work.


I’m in Australia and my son is in grade 3. He only has to read a book each night and once a month has math homework which is game based learning anyway

Nah my kids never have had so much homework like that

homework every night ? yes.
2 hours worth? no.

these comments are hilarious.

My son is 19 and was tested in 3rd. We found out he was gifted. He a lot of homework it 3rd grade when he started coman core. And he loved it

Our kids just started 2/3 weeks ago and little to none

Call the school and talk to the principal maybe cuz yeah that sounds like overkill

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This is one reason why I’m homeschooling. The expectations and pressure the system has on children is ridiculous. There shouldn’t be any homework. Adults don’t find it acceptable to work overtime for free, and neither should kids. They should be playing, and spending time with friends and family.


l Get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18209 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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don’t do it. kids shouldn’t have homework. they’re at school more than home, they should not have to do more school work at home after a full day of school.


My Grand daughter went to Catholic School. She lived with me & I wanted her to get an excellent education. She had homework since 1st grade. When she was in pre -k she had 20 minutes of Violin practice & 30 minutes of reading included in that 30 minutes was me reading to her then we talked about what we read to reinforce comprehension. Every night she had 2 hours of homework, the subjects changed every night the things that never changed was instrument practice & reading with parental guidance. For extra points in math she could help cook a meal with me by following a recipe, so she received extra credit in MATH (measurements, telling time, reading a digital clock & reading an analog clock, counting) READING (for reading the recipe, for comprehension, following directions) SCIENCE (understanding what happens when you pour a liquid into flour & they become a different texture, when butter is melted what causes it to melt, melting is energy,so my girl learned, the process of a solid becoming a liquid is called melting, the opposite process, a liquid becoming a solid, is called solidification, baking is energy changing dough into edible cookies) homework activity but having fun plus getting extra credit. All subjects are broken down this way. She also was taught cursive writing it was sent as homework she had to write all the families names in cursive.Homework can be fun it’s all about parent interaction and having fun. I told my grand daughter homework is as important as daily in school work. Her job is to go to school & get the best grades she can, her grandfather works & gets paid a check so we can use that money for our house, food, clothes & so forth, her pay check for going to school & getting good grades for her future. Her grades will help her go to an excellent college, she will be able to get that job she wants, buy a house, a car, she will be able to support herself & whoever she wants. She will have learned skills, have knowledge, by interacting in school functions she will not only have fun but she will learn how to socialize, how to interact with people of different sizes, different races, different cultures & languages, different economic groups. Learning is what school work HOMEWORK , interacting with peers, your family, teachers, other adults is a life long activity it never stops…HOMEWORK like all these other things we do is necessary for a good life & success…


I don’t think that is too much.

Kids get upset and/or frustrated because it cuts into the TV or computer game time.

Better to be doing homework than on social media or zoning out in front of the TV set.

Most kids have 5 class periods per day.

If each teacher gives 15-to 20 minutes homework per class that is easily 2 hours per day.

That’s what I remember getting for homework daily.

Weekends usually more.

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l Get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18209 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

We don’t do homework in our home

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My pre-schooler has homework Monday to Sunday and he only goes Monday to Thursday and it’s homework they only teach at least 20 mins out of the day

There is so much kids have to absorb so early these days. Kids are learning reading and math in elementary school that we didn’t see till junior high and high school. If they want to be academically ready for college so much more is expected than the 50+ generation ever thought about these days. Unfortunately, there is only so much time during school time for kids to develop proficiency in these classes. Yes, even in third grade. And if some kids have trouble in a subject, the extra practice is necessary. I know it’s frustrating for youngsters to have to sit still and be quiet for long hours in school, then come home with even more work to do at home. Adults don’t like working mandatory overtime or bringing work home with them. Especially if they aren’t being paid for it. All you can do is to sit down with your child at homework time and be there for moral support if not lending help when needed with homework. Don’t do the work for them. That defeats the purpose and intent of the homework. Getting the child up to speed on the work. But if they don’t understand something, maybe the two of you can muddle through together… making it go faster if nothing else… maybe try to give the child a reward for completing the homework without complaining. Maybe a bowl of ice cream or an extra 15 minutes before bedtime. Good luck to you both.

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If this homework was done immediately after school, your child would still have plenty of time for tv and video games which provide no educational benefit.

Perhaps you could sign your child up for an after school program, get a tutor, and get that work completed before you pick up your child.

I had math, spelling and reading homework when I was that age as did my own kids. I can see all of the negative comments and posts about homework. You can either help your child prepare for the future by getting that homework done or you can let your child get by with the most minimal effort now so that your child can be an underachiever in the future, there’s a lot of discipline that comes with successfully completing homework. It leads to the study process and exam taking as your child grows older. .

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I personally don’t agree with homework. When I’m done with work, I don’t come home & do more work. We obviously do the homework, but I think it’s ridiculous.


My daughter had so much homework in 1st grade it was ridiculous. She’s in 2nd now and she has less now than last year.

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Why does everyone think every kids watches tv and plays video games??? Mine don’t! They go outside and we play with them! We color with them! We make cookies with them!! My kids don’t have a video game to play!!


At most our elementary school (k-5) gives 10 min of reading and 1 math sheet. Two larger projects during the year. No homework at all in K. Our elementary schools are in the top 20% of our state and our high school, which is a separate district, is ranked in the top 20 for our state. Homework should be a review and reinforcement of what they learned during the day.
I have zero desire to bring work home with me and I don’t feel my kids should either. Creates an unhealthy balance.

Maybe he has homework because he’s NOT completing it in school… I see everyone saying call the principal. Try communicating with the teacher. Let her know your struggles without attitude and jumping to conclusions. These teachers are working so hard and definitely not receiving much gratitude…


My kids only homework is work they didn’t finish at school that day, reading &for my littles practicing sight words

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My 3rd graders homework for the week was to just practice learning the names of the continents and oceans, where they went on a map and how to spell them for a test at the end of the week. Then he came home to complain that he hadn’t needed to practice learning how to spell them because they gave the kids a list and all they had to do was place them in the correct box. :joy:

l Get paid over $116 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18751 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Unfortunately bc of state testing and so many standards, teachers give too much homework. I, as a teacher, think 10 min in reading and 10 in math should be plenty.

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I don’t agree with homework. My kids go to school 7 hours a day, they aren’t coming home to do more work.
The only time they should have homework is if they are messing around in class


I had a teacher once tell me that in elementary school, more than 10 minutes per grade of homework is too much. So in 3rd grade, they should be getting no more than 30 minutes of homework per night.

When certain assignments are done in class together, if they are not finished they are assigned as homework. Without jumping to conclusions, give your child’s teacher a call. See what he/she says and if they tell you your child chooses not to complete some assignments during class then you have your answer. If he/she really does assign that much homework ask why. Your child’s teacher may also have a little after school club of a small group of kids that can all do homework together. Your child may become more interested in working with other kids on homework with the teachers help vs sitting alone and doing the work independently. However, if that does come into play, you need to then explain to your child that this won’t be an every time occurrence and some work must be done independently- including tests & quizzes. Unless specifically given directions about working with a partner, make sure your child understands that sometimes he/she needs to work independently. Not as a punishment of course, but just so the teacher can see how much your child is growing, strengths, weaknesses, goals etc.


My kids (3rd and 2nd grade) usually only have homework if they didn’t do their work in class. Sometimes my 2nd grader is assigned work on her iPad but it’s usually a learning game.

Yesss! Everyday except Friday. Daily hw consist of math, reading comprehension , Spelling, handwriting ………spelling and reading Tests every wk . Project every month.

My daughter always had homework last year for third grade idk how many states have testing in third grade but thats why she always had so much. This year fourth grade and the only homework is what they didn’t finish in class and a requirement of 30 mins of reading everyday!

Not sure about your state, but 3rd gr many places do the achievement test end of yr. This tends to be the elementary school level of getting serious. Speak to the teacher, perhaps there is some modifications that can be made so your kiddo can work on a lil during the school day when they are a) already in learning mode or b) still have access to teacher’s help. A lot of schools are still playing catch up from missing so much in class instruction time during pandemic too. Speak to teachers, they want your kiddo to succeed

Two hours, every night, is extreme. I have 4 children and homework has always been done in an hr or less plus reading time. I would definitely schedule a teacher conference ASAP to get teachers opinion then go from there

My kid never has homework. She had maybe 4 pages total during 3rd grade.

Could you explain what homework is assigned to an 8 year old that takes “like two hours?” I find that like hard to believe.

We don’t do homework at my house. They are there 7 hours every day. As long as there were no interruptions or misbehaving by my children in the class that day, they did what they could and won’t be doing anything at home. If teachers or staff have an issue with that, they can feel free to call me and discuss


Our school district does not do homework for elementary. They suggest reading for 20 minutes and they provide access to the ST Math and Lexia for kids to go on at home.

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I have a 7th grader and 9th grader that don’t have homework that get all their schoolwork done in school.
The only year my kid had tons of schoolwork was in 4th grade and that’s because that teacher really thinks homework helps

My son had really bad ADHD and his homework would take 2-3 hours if I wasn’t sitting right there walking him through. My now 2nd grader does his old amount plus a few extra pages in about 15 minutes. Even when I’d help my son, it was me telling him what to do about 5 times. I don’t want to alarm you, but could your child be struggling and need more support?

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l Get paid over $116 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18751 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

When my kids were in younger grades I was that the about of time spent on homework should be their times 10 minutes. So 3 grade should be 30 minutes…

It all depends on the school and the kid… I use to never come home with any homework and my sister would come home with hours of homework… its not always the teachers that give too much work it’s the level of the kids ability to do there homework

The only time my kid ever has homework is I’d she didn’t finish her work in class other then that never any homework


Unfortunately my sons in his third school since kindergarten. Last year his school sent them with full work books and projects I had to log into school zone and do DAILY. Only that school and grade 3 we had an issue like that. I straight up told the teacher I have 3 kids and about 2-3 hours from when we’re home, to get them all fed, bathed, ready for the next day, ect, that it wouldn’t be completed everyday. A lot of the work books needed someone else to help as well. It was super frustrating

Seems like a lot for that age. Does he not do his in class work and have to bring it home.

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I have older grades, 6th is my youngest and they provide class time to do the extra work. So far he hasn’t had anything come home yet because he’s been able to do it in the class with the teachers help. I truly appreciate that so we can just enjoy family, dinner and bath time before heading to bed.

My littles get off the bus at around 5, we have violin at 530 to 6. The youngest in 2nd grade who does cheer at 6 has to read for 20 minutes, rewrite and fix a couple sentences and work on sight and spelling words. I also have 2 high-school students in early college and a 4th grader. All are very active in extra stuff at school. We manage to get all the homework done and then some. It’s time management! Don’t sit down with your child and expect them to do all the homework at once. Split it up! And whatever you do, don’t complain about it in front of your child, they will not like homework ever


Most of the time “homework” in younger grades is the work they didn’t finish in class when they had time to do it.


My daughter gets home at 3:30-3:45 …
Time she unwinds and snacks it’s 5:00…
I cook supper at 5:30 then eat by this time it’s about 6 ish…we do home work, which reading takes about 20 mins then her spelling words we work on them about 15 to 20 mins.
Then vocabulary words maybe 10 mins then math which she has a hard time with so we work on that lil longer…so I’m guessing around a hour and half…by this time it’s 8pm then shower and bed by 9…it’s a full evening that’s for sure…

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2 hours? My son would get a weeks worth of work in a packet every Monday to turn in Friday. He finished it in like 10 minutes every week.

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2 hours is alot. some homework is good. it’s them ready for college.

Is homeschooling an option?


I hate homework. My 1st grader now gets more than my 3rd grader. He has since last school year. I do what we can and turn it in when we can. And if I feel like it’s too much I don’t force it. I think the only homework should be just reading for a bit as reading is crucial. All the other crap should be done at school. I don’t have time for all the homework plus dinner plus quality time plus showers and be in bed at a decent time.

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My 3rd grader only has to do 20 minutes of reading.

My 3rd grader gets sent home with about an hours worth of homework every night. It’s a different packet every night labeled as that days homework.

We were told the only homework our kiddo is would have this year is unfinished class work, extra credit type things, or “fun” things. :person_shrugging:
Like the first week he came home with a little bag to put a few of his favorite things in as a sort of “get to know you” type of thing for the class.
Last year and the year before, he was given a home work packet that had 15+ pages but it was a monthly thing.
So literally half a page a day would get it finished by the time it was due.

My kids have had homework daily since kindergarten. When they were younger however, the teachers told me to set a 10-20 minute timer. What ever they finished or didn’t finish they had to hand in. Reach out to the teacher. Ask about how long it should be taking to get homework done. She may need extra services to help her.

I refuse homework until grade 5. I think it’s ridiculous to expect parents to spend what little time we have with our kids after school doing homework. After I’m done work, get dinner done an any sports they have I typically have an hour at the most - I’m not spending that time with crying frustrated kids.


The homework may be taking your child two hours, but it may be “planned” for 30 minutes. If they’re crying and frustrated then they actually do need help with the material. Working with them on it is the only way to improve the situation. Education isn’t one sided. Parents need to do their part too.


They do ! They start them
Early now . Doesn’t end until after college

I’m a firm believer that elementary ages kids should not be given homework. Maybe something that didn’t get finished in class but aside from that, homework is too much. My son started hating school in third grade because of all the homework.


That’s crazy! Mine has one math question, one vocabulary question, and 20 min of AR. If they score 100 on the spelling pretest they don’t have any spelling homework all week for it. I honestly think this has been the best year for homework and I couldn’t be more thankful as a thankful for this teacher that. My son definitely used to get overwhelmed in first and second grade when he’d get home and still have like an hour worth of homework.

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my 5th grader maybe has a worksheet. my 7th grader has none

I had homework from year 1-6 never done it I’m in school for 6 hours when I get home that’s my time to do what I want and in high school we never had homework other then research in some classes which took a minimum of half an hour

Back when I was in school, I didn’t have that much homework until I hit 5th grade.

It’s why I homeschool my kids. My 16 year old knows calculus and my 14 year old speaks Japanese. They are way smarter being taught at home when it’s one on one. They send 2 hours of schoolwork home because teachers don’t have time to teach them.


Buckle up! It gets worse!

That’s way to much for work a kid who just sent all day in class not ok talk to teacher find out if that’s class work not being finished in class or if she’s expecting way to much because hats not ok they won’t even retain that

My brother gives his Middle Schoolers only enough homework that they can literally finish it in class time he gives them. He believes his students are at work and when they go home they are supposed to have time for friends and family. I have to agree. America grooms their children to be worker ants very young :sweat:


It is way too much for a 3rd grader. Finnish elementary school children get no homework and they perform much better than American kids. Most homework at that age is busywork. Sadly, many parents demand that schools give homework, not understanding that kids are not little adults.

Thankfully no, my kid’s teacher seems to have done away with HW.

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It is ridiculous how much homework kids get. What happened to the days when we’d do homework during class time?

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Is it homework or unfinished work that didn’t get completed. Sometimes the isn’t enough time to finish. Or they struggle because they don’t understand.

We need more information. Is it two hours of homework or is homework taking two hours? Is it a specific subject or all subjects? Does your child have trouble with reading, handwriting, numbers, or comprehension ?
I would reach out to your child’s teacher/s and see if there’s an emerging problem at school too. Maybe some testing is in order? Idk if it is still the thinking, but it used to be that age 8 was the “great equalizer” and that’s where most diagnosing took place.

Talk to his teacher.must be a good reason for this.but i agree that’s way too much :slightly_smiling_face:

My 3rd grader hasn’t been given homework at all since he’s been in school. He’s even in GT and hasn’t had any thing to bring home yet.