Has anyone’s husband taken 3 hours in the bathroom? I always wondered if it’s possible for someone to really be just pooping for that long. It was only 1 hour in the past, then it kept increasing and today was 3 hours. Who the hell takes that long to poop? He takes his computer and headphones with him, and he gets really angry if I dare to disconnect the internet while he’s in there and when I ask him about it he always comes up with excuses like poop just kept coming out, or I sit there until I poop he gets really offended if I mention that he might just be doing something else in there. It’s gotten to the point where I tell him that in a couple more years, he’s gonna take the whole day just to use the bathroom. Forgot to mention that this is an everyday thing, every morning he gets up at around the same time and stays there until lunchtime sometimes.
Yeah no way hes just “pooping” …
Definitely sounds like he might be doing something else in there
No way it takes that long!
Put some laxities in his food that’s what I did cut my husbands bullshit right out did it 1 year ago he hasn’t tried to pull that since
I wonder the same thing everyday about my boyfriend wtf does a person do for hours in the bathroom.
Deff doing something else in there. Have you looked through his computer history?
Probley messaging someone or talking through Skype
You should leave him now.
He’s hiding something.
Yeah he’s doing something else in there
I can understand taking maybe an hour but three… maybe he needs to see a doctor…
Could you set up a camera?
My guess is you have young kids and he is using that as an excuse to not deal with you and the kids for that long! Which is just bullshit.
My first jump to assumption would be hes taking care of his morning manly issues
All I got to say is he is being mad shady. If he gets mad if you come in during that time I’d be checking his history. My S/O has no problem if I have to come in when he is peeing or pooping so I would really see what he is doing in there. Plant a camera.
I think you pretty much know what he is doing…and it isn’t just pooping!
Just walk In and if he gets pissed then u know something is up i walk in when my husband is on the toilet lol IDC!!
Promise youif the computer and headphones don’t go in there he s**** a lot quicker. He’s using that as an excuse to get privacy to use his computer to do things he’s not supposed to do. Set up a camera in the bathroom lol only you will be able to see it
Hes hiding something and doing a very bad job at it
If it takes 3 hours he needs a dr…on the other hand try some laxatives in something he eats… wont be 3 hours the following day
Definitely doing something else
Computer and headphones is not normal…and 3 hours definitely not normal
I’m going to go with p o r n
Does your router log (no pun intended) websites being visited?
Get a hidden camera. Lol then youll know forsure.
My first thought would be he’s talking to someone else, or watching porn! If not those, maybe he needs some laxatives to speed up the pooping process…
What’s wrong with watching porn?? Lmao
Probably watching porn…or cheating… I say cheating only because it doesnt take 3 hours to watch porn
He’s up to no good … check his computer history… shady!!!
Maybe he’s doing something else.Maybe not but he’s deffently taking care of some kind of business
My husband would take an hour or two “pooping” too with his phone. (I didn’t suspect anything else)
He would just get really distracted on social media so after a month of talks and trying different solutions. He isn’t allowed to take his phone in there anymore. He started to recently but doesn’t take an hour anymore. More like 20 minutes max which to me is acceptable.
I’d go in and take the computer away and see for yourself.
Most men take a while to go to the bathroom. But for that long, and the defensive mechanism he has, keep on eye. That might be his “private time” to someone else too
Put a camera in there
Sounds like he’s doing more than poop, maybe on porn sites and masturbating, or maybe on dating sites. No one poops 3 hours
Tell him sitting on the toilet too long will give him hemmoroids and everything in the bathroom gets poop particles on it
Does he not have a job? Or kids. Maybe make a doctors appointment for him.
Yeah he’s cheating or doing something he don’t want u to know about and he needs to be cancelled af
The only reason my husband says anything if I come in is bc the door hits him in the leg. He’s hiding something or someone
Surprise him with a vist to the gastro doctor. I’m sure he wi fess up really quick before the doctor starts an exam.
I wish I had an answer but my partner had to have a shower at 7 thirty last night after putting little one to bed (our little one is refusing if I put him to bed at the moment and likes dad to put him to bed) and he had another shower at 8 this morning! He doesn’t even have a job. Men!
Sounds like he is addicted to porn, perhaps ashamed of it. Good luck…
I’ve dated a couple of guys that were using drugs and or doing Shameful things that took that long in bathroom
He’s looking at porn
Uhm,… this is really weird but my man said he’s probably watching porn and that 3 hours is excessive to spend in the bathroom,…
Can you search his web history because I’m sorry but that sounds like something else is going on
I’d just walk in there and see for myself. 3 hours is crazy long. I’d be suspect after 1 hour
3 hours is long as hell and ain’t no way he’s in there on a regular basis for hours every day taking a shit.
What’s even weirder is you can’t go in there and he flips if you turn the Internet off
Yup mine does and if he could he would all-day. One day he’s prob gonna come home and tell me he’s taking his bed in there I don’t really care. We have 2 toilets can I just say this is the same for our sons too. My youngest can sit on it longer than my partner and tells me if I rush him it won’t come out and he will have to start all over again after eating lunch or dinner ect.
Girl he is maybe pooping the last 15 min … He’s doing naughty naughty on his computer. I would just walk in there.
He’s watching porn girl lol or online with cam girls or something. Sounds sketchy and unreasonable. He’s not pooping lol call him out on it
He probably cheating or doing drugs get a camera n set it up so you’ll know for yourself!
Playing with his dick🤷
More then likely porn and or cheating I had similar problems with my husband in the past before things got serious and it used to make me sick and I would always ask him wtf was going on until I would find out myself. Now years later and he is no longer like that and usually if on his phone you can hear what he I watching cars and trucks and stuff haha headphones and the computer is way weird asf though. I would definitely wait until you have the computer alone and check his browser history but be prepared because you never know.
Sorry but he is listening to porn on his headphones and masturbating. I spent 14 years with a porn addict. He is also a ball faced liar!!!
Hide a camera above the toilet watch what he is really doing
If he doesn’t have hemorrhoids by now, he’s lying
Cheating or porn. Why you need headphones to poop? Three hours? If you’re in a relationship, why hide the sound.
Walk in on him to see what he’s doing at random times. There’s no way it takes that long to use the bathroom.
He needs to cut bread out his diet ASAP
My hubby’s time in the bathroom is longer than most people but not 3 hours that’s excessive and he’s definitely up to something
Hide a camera and please update us!!!
Definitely doing something other than pooping lol probably porn
There is charger that has a hidden camera if I was you! I’d be buying it and seeing for my self what’s he’s doing
Probably watching porn lol
Either that mf has some serious IBS or hes watching porn or something.
This is a joke right? oh no…lol
If you have kids he might be using it to take a break away, watching porn, fell asleep on the toilet, has a weird routine. One of our friends shits shaves showers an even says if he shits again he has to reshower. Idk guys are weird an can get distracted easily. Maybe reading stuff or on youtube or the market place. Idk why he has to make up stuff for you though. If you go to his appoitments with him bring his issue up to the doctor lol.
Please don’t hide a camera…that’s a huge invasion of his privacy and down right gross
If you don’t trust him, leave
It might be time for a fire drill. You’ll find out real fast if he really had to go. Lol
He’s not pooping for 3 hours. He expects you to beleave that. REALLY??? He could be doing a couple of things in private like that. Porn, other women on line, playing games uninterrupted. Who know’s. A 3 hour poop and I’d say he needs a doctor and more fiber.
If he really is pooping for that long then I would make him see a dr because that is not right.
It’s not pooping.
No human poops that much.
Men suck. Like they all do it but 3 hours??
He’s watching porn, duh and he’s a porn addict.
Oh heck… had a friend with this same thing going on. Hours!! He was addicted to porn. And reaching out to other women. No it’s not normal … and no you’re not crazy for asking him about it. He gets offended because he’s guilty of something. Plain and simple.
Oh my sweet summer child…
Talking to another woman or porn or drugs or just does not want to deal with life
hes probably watching porn:joy:
I’d threaten to take him to the dr. If he wants to claim it really takes that long, then there’s a medical issue and you’ve already made him a doctor’s appointment. See what he’ll try then.
His legs would definitely fall asleep before an hour
I mean I would assume porn also but even that I wouldn’t think would be 3 hours.
My husband daid hes making excuses to jerk off haha
No. Hes definitely watching porn or something. Even that doesnt take 3 hours so id be a little sketched out
My husband will sit on the toilet for like 30m before I go and check on him, usually he’s on his phone and has completely lost track of time.
3 hours is too long for sure and just…weird. barge in one day lol
Who masturbates for 3 hours though? Every man I’ve ever known has taken forever to poop. I’ve never understood it
Sounds like he’s watching a LOT of porn
He is talking to someone. If he’s taking his computer he’s up to something.
Mine would always say that until I found the receipts for his “sexy live cam” bs he was doing! He’s lying girl
Listen and see if he is talking to someone, if not then he is emailing or texting or porn or typing talking to someone on a lady site… whatever they are called… look at his history if you know his passwords. Or ask someone to do it for you!!! Or go to the spy store and ask them…
Is this a real question
He’s either watching porn or someone is watching him
My hubby takes an hour to poop but he gets distracted watching YouTube videos and I’m always allowed to go in but I don’t wanna die once I enter:skull:
‘Hey babe, my laptop is not working can I borrow yours for a tick’?
Checks browser history* knows what’s going on
Just walk away, at this point you have all the proof you need. Don’t be naive!
Not to scare you but it does sound really sketchy. My ex used to spend the same amount of time in there also with his computer and I ended up finding out he had been doing drugs in the bathroom and was also cheating. He was also defensive too and I didnt know until I found the paraphernalia under my sink. Regardless, if he is spending that much time in the bathroom and getting defensive when you ask why being his wife, he is HIDING something for sure.
Definitely porn, jerking off and who knows what else!
Porn an jerking by the sounds of it.
Could be playing games lol or talking to whores I’d dump his ass if he doesn’t give you a straight answer he’s hiding something
Girrrrrllll! Lol He’s either watching porn or he’s talking to someone else. The first thing I’d do is give him a few minutes to go in there and get settled and get his headphones on, then I’d sneak up by the door and see if I hear him talking to someone else. If he’s not then the next thing I’d do is just calmly ask him if he watches porn in there. If he gets defensive or crappy, I’d be checking the browser history when he’s not home. If nothing then I’d have to sit him down and be like “look dude, it’s obvious you’re doing something while you’re in there I’m not stupid and I’m giving me the chance to just tell me.” I been cheated on WAY too many times so I’m a pro at getting to the bottom of shit like this lol but if he is just watching porn, depending on your beliefs, I wouldn’t get too mad. When my fiancé and I first got together he would try to hide it from me and that’s the main reason why I got upset about it but once he admitted it I was fine. He explained that it wasn’t bc I wasn’t enough for him or that I wasn’t sexy, it’s just that sometimes when he’s in the mood and I’m not and he can’t shake the feeling he needs something. As long as it doesn’t affect his attraction towards you or lower his sex drive so much that he can’t do it with you then I wouldn’t worry too much. Again, it’s all on what your guys boundaries are tho bc every relationship is different. I hope you can work it out! Sorry for the long comment