Hes on drugs n watching porn😒 js #pastexperience
Not really but it feels like that long lol
I agree with TaylorRobinson. Walk in there and see which.
I call it pretend pooping. My husband never has taken that long. I believe that its an escape because what person wants to be in the bathroom while he is using the commode
Its not porn. Maybe 30 minutes but for 3 hours there is no way someone is watching that much porn for that long. Also the pattern of it being specific time every day also states its not porn. This is a routine. So either he is giving that time to talk to someone or possibly watching someone on cam who gets on those times. You are his wife. Check his damn history. And if you have and he deletes it… little does he know it doesnt fully get deleted from search history. If he has a Google account logged in then you can see what he does going to google activity. So even if he searched porn and removed it from history it still shows his searches and activity under the google activity part. Something alot of people don’t know. Either way its time to get to the bottom of his behavior
Omg. Lmao @ everyone saying drugs and porn. Why don’t you just all him? Most likely he’s probably just looking for some alone time.
I take a while too but it’s mostly because I take my meds while I’m sitting there and it takesme a while because of the meds (constipation).
Nobody jerks off to porn for 3 hours. He’s talking to someone. Barge in unexpectedly and demand to see what he’s doing
Porn, cheating and or drugs
In my opinion
He is gaming ,watching videos or wanking off
Take off the door lol and just put up a curtain, well, now that I think about it, that may not be a good thing, I’ve never heard of anyone for 3 hours, is he watching a movie? Is he home when he should? He may not be cheating, might just need alone time
Your man in not pooping obviously on porn or something
Is there anyway you could hide his computer while he sleeps? That way if he is just pooping he’d still have to go, but if he’s doing something else then he’ll freak out that he can’t find it. It’s weird that it takes 3 hours.
He doing something else. Hun.
Bringing phone in bathroom is un sanitary. Lots of germs. I suffer from IBS but man I don’t take that long. Shampoo bottle is good reading. He’s up to something. Best way is to comunicate with him ask flat out what’s going on.
Set your phone in there and hide it and record before he goes in tell him since it’s going to take him so long to poop let you atleast go pee first
No one stays in the bathroom that long I’m sorry he is def into something what it is I don’t know but it could be anything that’s his only place he can probley talk to whom he wants to without anyone looking over his back or whatever I sure would be asking questions or checking out whatever it is he is taking in there .
I’m sorry I’d absolutely loose my shit, regardless of what he’s doing, which is definitely no good… 3 hours??? I wish I could spend three hours to myself, anywhere… even the bathroom. Ha.
He has a SERIOUS problem! He’s lieing and doing other things then a shower for sure! My guess? Watching porn and masturbating. He needs help asap!
Oh…and you and him need to part till he changes that habit.
My ex was like that. Turns out he was cheating. He would spend all that time texting, emailing, Facebook, whatever, other women.
Yikes:grimacing: there’s so much wrong here…if these questions need to be asked you may not be ready for a relationship…
Kristian Brianna Rose these mommy groups I fucking tell you lmfao
Just pick the lock and keep walking in and out
3 hours??? If he’s watching porn or something it still shouldn’t take 3 hours… maybe a hour… that’s shady af. I would def figure out wtf he is doing on the computer that long. If it’s innocent he wouldn’t do it in a closed bathroom…
My kids dad use to do that amd talk to other girls. And thats why they get so offend cuz they are guilty.
He flat out cheating
Porn. Almost guaranteed . Or drugs + porn
It’s probably just porn but if he’s doing it that much he may have an addiction and that can cause relationship issues
Probably watching porn or possibly talking to other women? Check his laptop
Girl there is little small spy cameras you can get. Use it you need it!
You need to get to the bottom of this behavior. I would record.
I had a bf that was doing that and later found out he was cheating on me and left him. While in the bathroom for forever he was sending and receiving pics and on craigslist looking for men and women to sleep with when he was supposed to be at work… I obviously cant say that’s what’s happening but my current so knows not to even take his phone in the bathroom with him because I’m paranoid about it now
Unlock the damn door and walk in on him…hes obviously watching porn and interacting with other women/men…yes, I said that
If it was without the laptop/headphones, it may be a medical thing. There is most likely more going on than “continual pooping.” I’d disinfectant the laptop… and get prepared for what he’s really doing!
Ask him to hand his laptop and phone over. If he has nothing to hide he will hand it over
Take his phone and prn books away see how long it takes then
No but my 15 year old son does
No my husband plays candy crush on his cell
In the bathroom.
Could be doing drugs
Something else going on…
Maybe that his getaway from the family during this pandemic. I go for a ride sometimes 2 times a day to get away.
Maybe he just can’t find it
I have to say the same he’s doing something sneaky!!
Try sneaking miralax into something he drinks daily . If he has severe constipation this should help. Make him a doctors appointment tell him in a nonconfrontational way how much you love him and are worried that he has cancer or some sort of blockage.
I would have him get checked with a doctor. He might have a serious condition. I have heard of an Uncle that was really sick and passed away. He did the same thing spent too long in the bathroom. My other uncles thought he was trying to get away with doing work or socializing, but he did have a serious health issue for years and by the time he went to to the doctor it was too late.
Try to talk to him and find out what is really going on , is it a medical problem. ? I highly doubt it. He is going into the bathroom to get away from everything, from you and the kids. He is quite likely watching porn or just playing games on his computer. Go to the doctor with him. If he refuses to go, you know he is lying about the poop. Tell him his little 3 hour “me time “ needs to stop. Now. If he refuses, get a lawyer and kick him to the curb!
Are you his nurse or mother? If he needs privacy then give him some. If not in the bathroom in an area of his own
I agree. If it takes three hours maybe he should leave phone and computer in another room so he can focus. I can’t even imagine one hour. But three hours. Hell my legs would fall asleep lol
I’d tell him it’s time to go to the Dr about it or stop doing it. If hes taking his laptop and headphones theres something else going on. I’d be one to just walk in, if he hides his screen theres more going on.
Call and text him non stop the whole time he is in there, if he is replying and or talking to you on the phone it probably medical. If he all the sudden starts shortening his trips he might be acting shady!
Mine was a drug addict and would sit in there while buzzed! That was his “Happy” place!
sounds like he just wants quiet time to play on the computer and he gets it while being on the toilet “pooping”… given he takes his computer and headphones… is he a gamer?
My husband can spend up to an hour in the evening in the bathroom. But hes generally using the bathroom and showering. Any longer and i send the three year old to start banging on the door.
This is not normal. Hes cheating and hes hiding in there to do it. Away from you. If you dont find a way to prove it you have to live with it. Hide a camera in there. TODAY.
Sounds like he needs to get a job… Who gets up in the morning and sits in the bathroom until lunch?? he is obviously up to something other than using the bathroom…
I had an ex that was doing this he was shooting drugs behind my back watch out. Noone stays in the bathroom
That long
Seriously? Definitely porn or an affair. Wake up! You’re letting him treat you and your kids like that? Time to put your foot down and stop letting him do whatever he wants; put yourself first! That’s ridiculous. If it were the other way around, what would he do? Time to “woman-up” if you ask me
I feel like if he was having an affair she’d be able to hear him talking to someone. Does he take a headset or anything in there with him?
Im more inclined to believe that hes got some sort of addiction to porn. Why else would you fly off the handle when someone cuts you off?
That is ridiculous, he is avoiding you and doing something he knows is wrong .that’s why he gets pissed off. Re evaluate your relationship. Seek counseling you deserve better
He could have ulcerative colitis. My mom had it and spent hours in the restroom.
I would have to ask myself if he does this to keep from doing chores around the house?
Maybe he needs a different space to call his own
My dad almost always takes a book or magazine with him to the bathroom and can be there a while. He does have 8 children so he may just need sometime away too.
When he gets out then you go in there with your computer or phone charger. See how long it lasts before he starts asking when you come out.
make him a doctors appointment for the gastroenterologist let them know somethings wrong and make sure to go with him lol the truth will come out fairly quickly
Wow thought I was the only one who’s husband stayed in the bathroom for hours to “”. No lap top but a cellphone one bathroom home.
Does he have his phone or any other devise with him ? Hummmmm !
Most like he watching porn explains the head phones and the lock door and lost of Internet when he in the middle of job he might be addicted to porn it happens
You don’t sneak anything in anyone’s food or drink.no need to practice deception in marriage
Not pooping lol has a girl friend or watching porn put a camera in there
Sound like a strange little man up to something
Pooping? Hell , he’s ditching any form of responsibility. Trick as old as time.
My Daddy always read the newspaper in the bathroom. I lived with him and his wife for a while and she couldn’t believe it when I did the same or took a book to read. Everyone in my family read in the bathroom or crossword puzzles
He’s either ill or avoiding. I suggest a trip to the doctor for a diagnoses. There are many illnesses that can cause constipation, some are a mild inconvenience, some are downright scary. Either way he either has or will have the hemorrhoids from hell if it isn’t addressed.
Something is going on. Mmmmmm cheating online what does he do when eclectic hoes out lol
Hate to say it but he is probably doing something he isnt suppose to be doing, it doesnt take 3hrs to poop, so it’s something else
My guess is he is cheating with someone getting a nut off. That has been my experience
On the one hand he’s probably addicted to porn on the other, he could be secretly trading stocks to surprise you when you’re ready to retire Use a secret camera
No one takes that long to . I would look for other signs of things that seem bizarre and call his PC doctor.
Probably has Playboy centerfold,3 hours a long time.
Sounds like he has something or someone a lot more interesting than you!
There’s only one reason a guy is in the bathroom for longer than 15 minutes.
His butt should be numb sitting on the toilet that long.
Check his browsing history, he may be doing something you would not like
If he’s got the computer it can’t be good
Check out his computer! Enough said!
I think you need to check his websites. Maybe another woman or porn?
3 hours+ computer and headphones= up to no good Sister
Check the history on his computer. Then just leave him alone.
Sorry but life experiences sounds of porn andtaking care if self.
I call that the study hall
He hiding something.
He’s i there for three hours every morning?
Must not work either
omg. my 15 year old grandson
He’s on his phone. Get rid of him.
He’s watching porn & jacking off.
Put a hidden camera above the toilet so you can see what he’s looking at.
He’s a dude…he’s probably jerk in off
Hell no , shit , shower and shave and he’s out !!