Oldest Dec 21 youngest Dec 29 4 years apart. They are happy to spend birthdays together.
I have two boys born in the same month that are 4 years apart. If you receive backlash from that they need to grow up.
Three kids, one in October and two two days apart in November.
I have 2girls born in Febuary 1 year apart. 21 and 2 Feb
I have 2 girls born year apart Feb
My children are two weeks apart although the second was due on the first child’s birthday… Xx
My sister has all 3 children born in September x
I have Nov 20 and Nov 25 my daughter that was born Nov 20 has a child born Nov 19. My Birthday is July 24 my mom 28th my youngest daughter is July 16. My oldest was born on my older sisters Birthday… it happens
All 3 of my boys are born in July
Mine aren’t the same month but are exactly a week apart. Not sure why birthdays would be an issue though . My two share parties while they’re still young.
My sons had same due date but are 4 yrs apart. Same month but ended up not same days.
I have a son and daughter who share their birthday and are 9 years apart! June 29. My birthday is July 3 and my other son is July 11. When they were younger I would do one big birthday party. Christmas in July I use to call it! As they got older. That stop. But my non twins celebrate their birthday together. It is what it is and it’s something that is celebrated. As a mom I make sure both their needs and wants are taken care. I went on to have 3 more kids. Twins (boy and a girl) who are in May and another boy 1 week before Christmas. That’s the one I have troubles with.!!! It will all work out Mamma. Just remember whether their twins or not. Everyone always wants something special for themselves on their birthday.
My oldest was born June 12 my youngest June 24 they are 6 years apart if someone has an issues it’s their issue not yours
My brother and I are 363 days apart lol
My older brother was born August 5th 1987, I was born August 15th 1988
I also have cousins who are brothers born on the same day Feb 18th 18 years apart
I have August 2 August 19 August 22
I’m born on March 1st. My kid is born March 5th, my mom is born March 15th and my brother is born March 20th. My poor mom!
Both my boy is January 6 and my little girl came along 8 years later on January 1. I am also January 10 and my mom the 25.
My brother and I both have July birthdays.
Lol…my son was due on my daughters birthday…he was born the 19th and her birthday is the 22nd.
Not sure why you would get backlash for that…? My sister and I also share a birthday month…
My daughter turns 2 in august and I’m due with her younger sibling the day after her birthday. Not sure why it would be an issue at all?
I have 4 kids & 3 of them have April birthdays lol. I don’t see why you would get backlash for that?
My daughters share a birthday and are exactly 4yrs apart… I enjoy it and so do the girls… its not as bad as you think…
Mine are four days apart 14 and 18th with mine being the 17th.
I have three out of my four kids who have birthdays September 28, October 4 and October 21
My brother was born july 31 and I was born August 4… we had the same due date of july 26th but we were both late. We always had our birthdays celebrated together. I didnt mind. My kids are June, January, and March so I don’t have to worry about their birthdays being close. My middle has hers a week and a half after Christmas so that’s challenging. Lol
My oldest and youngest were born in April 4yrs and 12 days apart they were both due in may but were both early.
My two oldest Feb 27th 2012 and Feb 13th 2013. Its no one’s business as to what children you and your husband bring into this world. Unless you’re doing something to hurt or neglect your kids who cares? I understand you’ve fallen on hard times, A LOT of people have right now. But you’ll bounce back, it’ll be okay! Also dont make them share birthdays past like 7 years old that’s just asking for jealousy and all that.
My sister was born march 30 85 me march 13 86 i dont think people really think to much into it
Lol My mom had 7 kids 2 in Feb 2 in March 2 in Aug and 1 in Sept. Imagine that!! Lol
My oldest turned 13 on February 22nd last year… 2 days later I had my daughter. My oldest is a boy. My partner’s birthday is also February lol. Busy month
I have 3 kids my two youngest r current months but close and then the I have family 4 bday total in the same month with 3 of them in a row
I have a set of twins born June 2007, and my youngest daughter is also June 2011
I have 3 kids born in may 14th 24th and 29th they are 8 3 and 9 months my other 2 kids are april and july
I mean, my twins were born on Halloween so they already share a birthday and compete with my favorite holiday.
I would love to share my birthday with my two sisters!
My oldest two are exactly two years and a week apart. Ironically they were both due in April but they were both born early.
My youngest daughter (3 years old) was born in August and I’m currently pregnant with another baby girl and I’m due in August
My oldest is July 7th and my youngest is July 11th but also my Dad is July 5th and my Mom is July 11th also!!
I have three kids birthdays the first week of March and two of them are just a year apart. It’s never caused any issues
I have cousins that were born on the same day just 2 or 3 years apart and they are fine. I think it’s kinda cool.
My kids all have some what the same birthdays 11-20,11-21, 11-21, 11-23 I personally love it, hang in there it’s not so bad.
Money is tight, you have three kids, you’re all living in someone else’s house and you’re pregnant again? My advice isn’t gonna be nice
I have friends who are born 2 years apart on the same day! 2nd May.
My oldest two 6&9 or born on same die by c section
i have two granddaughters born on the same day two hours apart
December 23rd & December 27th 3 years apart.(mine is the 30th) My husband is June 14th and his brothers is June 21st… Not weird at all
2daughters born in November they love it
My girls are July 13 and July 15.
August 5th and 24th. 7 years apart.
My first and last child both born in June 9th 21st. Two middle children both born in November 15th& 21st
My two youngest are June 21 and June 24. Then my oldest is July 16. I always say it’s like Christmas in the summer time but all their parties are good and done for another year!
I’d be more concerned with the fact that you’re living in your in laws spare bedroom with 3 children already, hubby out of work, and now pregnant instead of their birthday being on the same month .
My son will be 4 on May 23rd and my daughter is due June 7th but she’s a little big so they might schedule the csection for May 26th. Got pregnant around our anniversary both times
Our 2nd child and our 4 the child are 4yrs and 4 days apart. 12/12 and 12/16. Also, our 3rd child is 1/16. So we have 3 kids with birthdays in just over one month time, along with Christmas.
My middle and youngest born same month, I had the same due date for both of them one was born in the beginning of the month one at the end
Me and my two sisters were all born in the same month, November. My older sister towards the middle and me and my baby sister at the end. Yea sometimes we celebrated two birthdays on the same day but it wasn’t that big of a deal. Most the time we had our separate days
My 2 daughters , DECEMBER 15 & 25 , 3 years and 19 days apart.
I have a friend who’s children are born all in october
Not me personally, but my in-laws are two years apart in the same month only a few days from each other and it actually makes it easier to knock out their birthdays. Neither of them actually care that they share very close birthdays lol
I have 3 boys in February .
My oldest two are March 5th and March 11th, mine is March 23rd. My 3yrs olds is Feb. 24th. Thankfully my youngest son’s birthday is September 5th… they each have their own special day. It’s hectic, but it’s their day.
Yes I have 4 born the same month ! Age 10 7 and 5 and 4 !
My older 2 are both born in October 2 years apart
I have Nov 19th, Nov 27th, Dec 17th, Dec 20th, and my odd ball Mar 30.
My youngest are may 2nd and may 13th they are 3 years apart
I had my first Sept 24 1990 and my second Sept 8 1991 they are 16 days from being a year apart
My biggest concern would be living with someone else’s home in one bedroom with 3 kids and no job.
My fiancé has two kids, one born July 2 and the other July 13, they’re 4 years apart. Usually when it comes to the birthday parties we’ve all done them both together at the community pool with all family invited. Now that they’re getting older, things are changing but I can’t see it being overly hectic because like last year the oldest wanted to go bowling so we took him bowling and gave him some money and the youngest still wanted a pool party so we just rented out the pool for a few hours, each parent got her one big gift, and we split costs of the party with her mom.
karly how is that peyton girl miss her hope you and the kids are good stay safe
My brother and I are 5 days apart, in January. There was never any problem when we were growing up. We each had our own birthday.
I have a grand daughter (she will be 21) and grand son born in may ( he will be 8) and a grand daughter (she is 13) and grand son born in March ( he is 19) plus my youngest son was born in march. My oldest son was born in July his son was born in July. ( he will be 20)
My 2 boys are May 22 and May 27. 5 years and 5 days apart. One was due May 24 and the other May 25.
My kids are 3 years apart the 16th and 28h of April and the 3rd and 4th of March there was never any backlash I always did a party for them together so our family wouldnt be inconvenienced so close together and I decorated both what my sons and daughters everyone was happy great time
I have a 4 yr old and a 6 yr old both born on april 28th
Its okay cause me and my brother are the same month a year apart june 7th and june 15th
I have 2 in April and 2 in May. Also 1 in October and 1 in March. Nobody has said anything except how hard it would be to have birthdays that close together.
My daughter and son july 7 2000 and july 8 2012
May 20 and May 21. Expense was main issue. But planning helped. And they HATED having to share bday parties so I would recommend separate bday parties.
My girls are 361 days apart. My oldest was born July 29, 2005. My youngest was born July 25, 2006
My 14 year old and 11 year old are born one the same day and their younger brother is born 10 days before them
I would be more concerned about sharing a room with three kids than having two children same month,goodness me be more considerate
If you can’t afford to take care of 3 kids, then be responsible enough not to get pregnant with a 4th. You need to get your priorities straight. Pull your head out of your ass.
Yes two girls one July 11 one July 28
My daughter has 4 born in Nov. No twins.
I have two kids born on April 9 a half-hour apart and 12 years difference
They loved having days together and enjoy themselves even more as adults.
My oldest and youngest siblings where born on the same day, 17 years apart. The oldest wasn’t happy, but the youngest loved it.
My first 2 kids are 2 years and 329 days apart. Birthday 6 days apart and my second 2 are twins lol. I have no idea why anyone would give you a hard time for having to kids born in the same month sucks if your struggling financially at the time to have 2 birthdyas in the same month but otherwise it really not a big deal.
My ex husband and is brother have the same birthday day just two years apart
Aw yay finally something I can relate too lol birthday wise, my son was born August 20, 2017 & my daughter August 28, 2018. I love my lil Irish twins. They’re closer than ever now & both smart as a whip. They have a monkey see monkey do relationship if that makes sense lol I’m an extremely blessed mama.
My 2 youngest son’s Dec,7 1990 and Dec.7 1991
Both apr 13th and 14th
We have seven in total and Three of them have birthdays in July. The 1st the 21st and the 31st
I have a January 2012 and a January 2019. Oldest is a girl, youngest is a boy. The only thing my parents hate is how I handle birthday parties but it’s not their life so I don’t care.