Started seeing someone and we really hit it off and are so happy together…but he’s 15 yrs older than me. I know people will judge the age gap so I’m just wondering if anyone else is in similar scenario… did you stay together or did was the age gap too much? Do you eventually just not care what other people think?
Me and my partner have a 15 year age gap, 7 years, 2 children later and we are still together…
Do you and know what your happiness looks like!!
We have a 16 year age gap, and are going strong!
My husband and I are 10 years apart. I’m 10 years older than him. We have been together almost 4 years married almost 3 years. I think it’s good and it works
My family is based on age gap relationships. I’m 22 and he’s 43. And I never allow other people’s opinion to push me away. He is such a loving man, and I mean, we do have our ups and downs and our age gap gives us a different view if the world, but I wouldn’t change it. I’m glad I’m with him. Just think, when I was born, he was celebrating his 21st birthday. Lol. There’s a little humor in it. But there’s definitely nothing wrong with it.
My husband is 11 years older than me! 4 years later and we’re still going strong
My husband is 11 yrs older and we’ve been together for 6
14 years difference between my husband and I. Been together 3 years, blended our families and have a daughter together as well. It’s not always easy, but it’s wonderful. Wouldn’t have it any other way. If you mesh well and love each other, age is just a number.
disclaimer assuming that 15 year age gap isn’t him being 30 and you being 15…
My husband is 10 years older and is the best for me. He settle down a long time ago from partying and i dont like to party at all so is perfect.
My husband is 8 yrs older than me and we have been together 17 years.
My bfis 9 years older than me and we been together for 4 years
I’m married to someone 17 years older than me. Been together 6 years. 2 beautiful kids. It’s not about its about the man. If he is a good man who respects you and treats you right. Then go for it don’t let numbers put you off. Wish you lots of happiness
My husband and I are 17 years apart. We’ve been together 12 years. 2 beautiful boys and a wonderful life. Don’t let age affect love.
My parents are 16 years apart and married 30 years. My husband and I are also 16 years apart and together for 7 years
I’ve been dating a man 20yrs older than myself for going on 3yrs now (32 & 52). People stare, we point it out to each other and have a giggle.
Sometimes he’ll talk about things from before I was born. We have similar interests and same love language. It’s a pretty normal relationship with a few extra laughs.
My husband was 11 years older. 42 years,6 kids,24 grandchildren ,he passed away from cancer .
If you’re happy…what does it matter
I am 10 years older than my husband. Together 23 years, married 21 with 21 & 18 year old kids. Perfect for us
I’m 29 and hes 46 , and we’ve been together 6 years and 3 months, engaged for a little over a year . Hes a great man , supporter ,stepfather and fiance. Never thought it would have lasted this long… To many more years.
Mine’s a 30 yr difference. Going on 10 years…
Relationships boil down to compatibility, common goals, and communication…to just name a few. If both parties are consenting adults, then age is just a number.
My husband is 13 years older than me and we have been together 14 years
It really depends on if you are both committed to each other and to making it work through the hard times, through those times when you really don’t like each other much, for whatever reason. Willing to work through the “7 year itch” together. Willing to grow and adapt together. But that goes for any relationship.
My husband was almost 8 years older than me. We were together 16 years, married for 5 before he passed away unexpectedly.
Do what makes you happy.
My husband is 12 years older than me. We’ve been together 4 years married for 2 and we’re happy! We like a lot of the same stuff and we both like trying new things so we do things I like he’s never done and visa versa. He has a 14 yr old and We have an amazing son who is a year old and about to try for number 2. Age will only affect your relationship if you let it. And I am a HUGE BELIEVER in “f*** what people think” so that helps
9 years between me and my other half. Met when I was only 15, got together when I was 16 and he was in his 20s a lot of people judge us we was on n off for a while but got serious, have 2 kids now and still together 12 years later. If they make you happy and you work then nothing wrong with it
I’m 33 and my boyfriend is 24. People talked a lot but we didn’t care. We love each other and that’s all that matters. 4 years and still going strong.
Okay this is one It really all depend on the 2 of you
If you guys are great to each other and love each other it shouldn’t really matter what other people think about you 2 loving each other
Me and my love started dating and we hit it off the top hes a great man he has is issues like every last one of us and he makes me happy and I make him happy
We do struggle with people judging him because hes with someone younger then him
I’m over 20 years of age and no reason for people to hate but it shows every now and then that theres a big age gap but we work it out
There is a 22 year difference
I love him with everything
I’d say give it a shot if it works it works if not then theres other people
Good luck
My husband is 8 1/2 years older then me. I met him when I was 18 and he was 26. I thought it would be weird but honestly I forget we have an age gap lol. We’ve been together 11 years my parents are 19 years apart. Doesn’t bother them one bit either
15 years between adults is nothing, if he makes you happy and you see your potential soul mate go for it, who cares if others judge on it don’t deny your own happiness over opions of other people
My uncle is in his 60s. My aunt is not much older than me (I’m 28). She may be 35 by now. But maybe not. They’ve been together for at least almost 9 years now.
Age is just a number … I did date someone 9 yrs younger than me and he was like a big kid so it didn’t work out… and I was ok with it…
My husband is 17 years older than me. We’ve been together almost 10 years
38 years between me and my partner we have been together 9 years now . Do what makes you happy. I did and after loosing our first baby we now have a happy healthy nearly 2 year old son x
Who cares what people think as long as y’all are happy together that’s all that matters
My husband is 12 years older then me we been together for 25 and going strong
My relations has a nine+ year gap. There are times it’s hard because our generational interests are different. We’ve been together 19 years. I see where it made it difficult but I also see where we made it work better than despite the age thing. Listen to what people say, if it’s factual and constructive, take it under advisement. If it’s just opinions, you know what to do with those.
My hubby is 36 and I am 52. Been married 9 years. Known him as a friend for 17 years now. Forget numbers and ages. If you are happy, go for it
My husband is 18 years older then me. We have been together going on 7 years. Been married going on 1 year and we have a 2 year old son!
I met my husband when I was 25-26, we became friends at work but lost contact when we both changed jobs. Fast forward a few years, both ended up at a new place of employment(him as executive chef and me as a nurse.) Picked up our friendship which turned into a relationship, and then marriage. I am currently 34 and he is 49. This August will be our first date(3 years ago) and last March was our 2 year wedding anniversary
Im 37 and my husband is 25 we see no age difference nobody not even his parents have said anything just as long as we are happy
My husband was 7 years older than me. We were married 35 years before he died. We had a very good marriage.
My husband was 17 years older than me. We were together for 21 years. It worked for us.
My husband is 20 years older than me, we’ve been together 11 years and I just ignore what anyone says. It’s your life do what makes you happy.
My husband is 16 year older than me, we’ve been together 14 years and married for 9 years. We even each other out. Best man I’ve ever been with, we do get funny looks sometimes but I don’t care. He makes me happy.
My husband and I are 17 years apart. Been married for 11 years and super happy. The only time I even notice the age difference is when we listen to music.
Do what makes you happy. People will always talk about you no matter what
12 years apart for me and my s/o we have 2 kids and been together 9 years
The 1st man I truly loved was 13yrs older than I. 22yrs later we are not together, but remain friends. Life happens, but truth be told we would do it all over again!!
11 years between me and my husband. We’re together 48 years till he passed away
10 years between me and my SO
Going on 10 years with my soon to be husband and we have a 13 1/2 year difference.
WHO CARES!? JUST BE HAPPY! Life is too short The only thing that matters is whether or not you guys make each other happy and that you both treat one another with love and respect. Age is just a number!
There is almost 20 years between me and mine and we have been together since 1988.Love is what counts not age differance as long as both are responsible adults.
I dont understand why mamas uncut doesn’t show who’s writing the post. Who posts these posts?
Age is just a number. What matters is that your relationship is serious, honest, happy, and most of have a lot of communication. My fiance and I are 15 years apart and we have one son and a baby on the way. Age never bothered me nor has anyone from both families said anything about age gap. However there can be times age interests can be a little hard like clubbing, rollercoasters, movies but it doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Communication and compromise.
My late husband was 16 yrs older. We were married 18 yrs.
My boyfriend and I are almost 12 years apart. We’ve been together 10.5 years and have two kids together and have a great relationship. It’s not without its challenges and we argue like any other couple but neither of our ages have ever been an issue.
Girl I’m married to someone 17 years older than me. As long as you guys are happy, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks! Put your happiness before others’ opinions.
My husband is 18yrs older then I and we’ve been together for 17 yrs this year and married for 9 in December with 4 kids also … Doesnt matter what anyone thinks, people will judge no matter what you do so do it anyway. As long as your Happy that’s what matters
13 years between me and my husband! It doesn’t make a difference of what anyone else thinks, says. As long as yall are happy, that’s all that matters at the end of the day!
My ex and I had a 14 year age gap. We were married for over 9 years and our marital problems weren’t regarding our age difference
10 yrs between me and my fella
My situation didn’t work out, but that doesn’t mean that your’s won’t! My ex-husband is 13 years older than I am, but I don’t think that it was age that made our relationship fall apart, there were many other factors. Best wishes!
My step mom is 13 years older than my dad. They’ve never let the age gap come between them and have been together for 28 years!
Yes is does I am 26 and my fiancé is 51 we get married July 4th. I don’t care what people think!!
When I was 18, I dated a man 19 yrs older than me.30 years later, we still sometimes meet up and go out…it’s like slipping into an old comfy pair of slippers. My children’s father was 14yrs older than me…we were together 14 years
You never said how old you are? If you’re under 18 then yes it’s too much lol otherwise if you’re an adult, 15 years is not much at all honestly! As long as you’re happy & you click well!
Been in a loving committed relationship for going on 15 years with someone almost 12 years older. Age is irrelevant
16 year age gap 7 years and still strong
Had a baby and got married last year to my boyfriend of 12 years, he’s 19 years older than me
You will not care about the age difference or what others think if you really care about this man!
My husband is 6 years younger than me, been together for 17 years.
Its noones bussines!
Not a big age gap here but im almost 5yrs older than my man. Almost 6yrs together & 2 babies
Married for 8 years to my man who’s 10 yrs older and it works out just fine. It’s a personality thing. If you get along awesome. Some guys my own age were not as mature and happy.
My bf is 13 years older than me we been together 6 years. Sometimes ppl think he my father it did bother me at first but now we laugh about it… n joke ABOUT it… Age is just number …no matter what ya do ppl gonna judge
It depends how old you are. If you are a teenager you will regret it. A person changes what is important to them as they get older. If you are in your twenties and him in his 30’s as long as you like doing the same things then I think it is fine.
My future hubby is 9 years younger than me. We compliment each other very well and are expecting a baby girl any day now.
My husband is 13 years older weve been together almost 16 years
11 years apart and he’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. Have been together 3 1/2 years and married for almost 1. Have two amazing boys.
People will talk but honestly, as long as you both love and respect each other, specially communicate, you will be fine.
15 years together! He is 19 years older than me… and we are best friend.! We have two small kids together and I know without a doubt he will be my only marriage.!
My parents are 14 years apart and they just shared their 33 wedding anniversary… my grandparents had 16 years apart…
If it’s real age does not matter. Your love and your partnership does!
My sisters hubby is 12 years older . They have a wonderful marriage! The only thing is now that he is almost 68 , he’s gets tired and has arthritis and she’s got tons of energy ! They also have an 18 year old . He’s a good husband and father , though and they love one another very much !
My husband is 11 years older than me. We are rolling into 7 years of marriage this year! 2 kids and a lot work later all is well!
17 year age gap here. I’m 28, he’s 45 and I wouldnt want to do life with anyone else. It works for us, and we are happy.
My husband is 6 years younger than me. Been married 40 going on 41 years. Stil in love.
My husband is 14 years older than me and the age gap doesn’t bother us at all. We have a lot of things in common so that helps lol
My father married a woman 39 years younger than him (3 yrs younger than me at the time) and everyone was up in arms. But they ended up being married for 28 years until his death and it was truly a love story. She ended up being like a sister to me and still is. She still cries for him 22 yrs after his death.
My husband was 15years older than me and we had a great life together. He didn’t act a spoiled baby. He had gone through all the stages. More mature.
I’m 13 years older than my husband we’ve been together 8 years now and have 2 kids x
My future hubby is 11 years my senior.
We are absolutely head over heels in love. The age gap means literally NOTHING to us. It’s just a number. We’ve got an amazing life together, beautiful children, working on being owners of a brand new house together. Life is goood.
It’s definitely not easy to get to the point of not caring what people think. People will always have something to say about age differences in a relationship. My husband is 21 years older than me. We’ve heard the comments and seen looks. He’s without a doubt my soul mate and he makes me so happy. We will celebrate 16 years together in August.
If you’re happy with him then go for it…don’t let other people’s opinions dictate your life
My husband is 14 years older than me. 2 beautiful kiddos and been together 7 years
15 yrs diff is nothing. When you are 40 he will be 55, not a big deal.
My parents are 14 years apart. Been married for almost 24 years now. Me and my significant other are 13 years apart and I feel like I’ve known him my whole life. It’s a little weird right now bc hes 28 and now a grandpa bc of my oldest. We get weird looks when we say that. But that’s how people are. If you 2 are in love thats all that matters. Age is just a number.
Mine was 14 years gap we got on at the beginning, and age is just a number as we never looked odd together, and he ended up cheating, and going on a life of drugs with his new bird!
I met my other half when I was 21, he was 33. The age gap doesn’t faze us at all. The way I see it, he learns things from me from my generation, and I learn new things from him. We balance eachother out. We’ve been together for 9 years now & have 2 beautiful children & are engaged. Don’t let anyone ever tells you that age matters.
Together 15 years, my hubby is 9 years younger than me. It works for us😉