My husband is 57 and I’m 31 who cares what ppl think girl ! We love eachothr and that’s all that matters
My hubby is 16.5 years older than me and about a foot taller. I know we get mistaken for a father and daughter pair sometimes, but so what? We’re happy!! I was raised to love the same kind of shows, music, and culture as what he grew up with, so we work really well together. And our son is due end of August.
Marriage is work. The larger the age gap, I’d guess the more work it would be
8 years between me and my boyfriend been together almost a year and we are very happy together
My boyfriend of 2 years, is 18 years older than me. We don’t really pay attention to the looks/comments. We usually laugh about it if it’s noticeable things. We’ve had issues, but we’ve worked through them just fine.
My husband and i have 13 years difference age is just a number
My husband is 22 years older than me. It was rough at first getting used to the age difference. Of course I still have maturing to do and he is set in his ways but we balance each other out and have gotten used to everything and now our marriage is great.
My husband is 12 years older than me. We met when I was 19 and he was 31. Now I’m 25 and hes 37. Been married for 5 years.
We used to get looks and everyone thought he was my dad but it didnt bother us
My parents were 16 years difference, 4 children and would have been married 50 years had she not passed 3 months prior.
My mom and step dad are 14, been together almost 30 years.
I like older men. I’m literally not physically attracted to people my own age. I’m 22 and I’d still consider being with someone as old as 40. Don’t let people judge you. If there’s mutual attraction and you both are consenting adults there’s literally nothing wrong with going out with an older man as long as you consider that later on when you are older, he’ll be much older and you may end up as his caretaker eventually when you both are elderly. 15 years age gap isn’t that bad though.
Im at 12 years. Best relationship ive ever had. 30 & 42
15 years between my husband and I. We have been together 10 years in September.
Hunny, this is YOUR relationship. If you’re happy together, then what other people think is not relevant. The people who love you will always love you. And if they have to second guess. It’s not love. ANYONE that loves you would never deny you happiness. Whether it’s for a day or a lifetime. Like I tell my daughter… Follow your heart, take your brains with you.
Me and my husband are 12 years apart! I promise as long as your happy and he’s happy there is no reason to worry about what others think! It won’t make a difference once you learn everyone’s opinions don’t matter they aren’t the ones doing it!!
Not bad on front end but can be rough on the back end
My boyfriend and I are 13 years apart. People judge, but I don’t care. We’re happy. We’ve been together almost a year.
I’m 33 my hubby is 39. We will soon be married 12 years tommorrow n have 2 kids really age to me is just a number if u Love that person u Love them n if they love u is all that matter it don’t matter what ppl think long as ur happy
My husband is 30 years older then me my family is 100 percent ok with it
Me and my hubby are 8.5 years apart and have been together just shy of 14 years and have 2 kids and a third on the way
My fiancé is 15 years older than me, we’ve been together for two years and are going strong. Anything is possible
I don’t know first hand but I know people with an age difference of 15 years and they have been together many years and it works. I think it’s just like any other relationship and it works if you want it to and they two of you really love each other. Don’t worry about what people think
My dad and step mom are 15 years apart and have been together for 21 years
My husband and I have a 22 year age difference. (I’m actually the older one!) We definitely do not entertain the judgement of others! Do what makes you happy
My husband is 10 years older then me. We have been together 16 years. We have a great relationship and the age doesn’t matter at all.
There are happy couples with bigger age gaps than that. As long as y’all are happy other peoples opinions don’t matter.
My dad friends are 29 & 55 a 26 year age gap and they’ve been together 8/9 years and still very much in love.
My guy is 7yrs older than me and we’ve been together for 19yrs.
17 years. We do alright
I’m almost 22 and my fiancé almost 29, sometimes it can be a bit of a challenge but we’re happy and in love so we make it work because we want it to
I was 24 when I started dating my 50 year old boyfriend. We’ve been together 4 years and are so unbelievably happy. The worrying about what people think has diminished over the years. I don’t even think twice on it now
It’s your life! If you are both happy then who cares?! There is 17 yrs between my husband and I. We’ve been together for almost 5 years and very happy.
Me and my husband are 11 years apart and we are total soulmates. No one ever said anything to us but we wouldn’t care even if they did.
My husband and I are 9 years apart and we’re still together going on 7 years .and we’re married.
17 year age gap between my SO and I. We’ve been best friends for 20 years, and a couple for a total of 9 years. We get along wonderfully, never fight, and rarely disagree. I think age is just a number, who cares what other people think, as long as y’all are happy, that’s what matters.
My mom was 17yrs younger than my father.
He is 10 years older, 36 years together! Do what makes you happy!
You should not care what others think!!----
Depends. If you’re 18 and he’s close to 40, I’d say there’s definitely something wrong with that… on his part.
If you’re close to 30 with some life and relationship experience and he’s 15 years older… Enjoy!
My husband is 31 and I’m 21 and we are happy as shit
14 year age gap. Happily Married 21 years.
13 years! we joke about it all the time and it was an adjustment at first with older kids but 5 years later still great! If your happy WHO CARES!
My husband and I are 15 years apart. Best relationship I been in. I’m 27 he’s 42
12 years for my husband and I. It made him nervous at first because he thought I’d eventually leave him for someone younger. I was like-I like older men, if it’s not you, it will be someone else your age.
He take a little ribbing from our friends and I get referred to as a youngin a lot but we have a great, solid relationship. We love each other greatly. We’ve been together 8 years.
My husband is 11 yrs older then me and we been together 16 yrs
My husband was 42 and me 29 when we met. Still together 30 years later.
Me and my husband are 14 years apart am 29 and he is 43
Been together happily for 17 years with my husband. He’s 44, im 57
My wife is 14 years older than me
My partner and i are almost 17yrs apart and wev been together for nearly 5yrs and have a baby on the way, we didnt care what people thought from the start. My family loved him straight away and same with his family and me
I prefer older men. I’d love an age gap of 10-20 years. Do whatever makes you happy! As long as you’re all legal, go for it
10 years with me and the girlfriend and to honest it kinda sucks. Like she’s done traveling and going down town just for the sake of it and I’m no where near done. She’s 40 and I’ll be 30 in December.
My husband and I are 12 years apart. I don’t even think about it. We are very happy and the age gap hasn’t impacted us at all.
It depends on the ages of the 17 yrs and maturity levels ,my niece at 21 married a 40 yr old ,first 10 yrs were great but then when she was in her 30’s and him his 50’s they didn’t have much in common ,he wants to chill and she’s still very social .( they are still together but causes issues )
12years difference. The relationship lasted 18 years til his death
16 yrs between one couple I know been married 45 yrs
20 years apart, 10 years and 2 kids later still going❤
26 years apart. Together 6 years with a 6 month old. I’ve never given any fucks about what anyone thinks . As long as you’re happy, you do you.
I went both ways… i dated a man 19 years older than me… but we were wanting different things in life and moved onto a guy who was 16 years younger and lets just say he was a compulsive liar and a narcissist and a cheater… we were married for 5 1/2 years together for 6 1/2 and have a 5 year old… it has been so hard on both of us… so in my situation the older one was a better relationship than the younger one.
11.5 years difference here. In some ways it doesn’t matter… we’re married, have kids, etc. but in other ways it is pretty dramatic. Retirement planning for example. Or working out together. Certain times it seems like we’re on really different pages, others not
My husband and I are 14 years apart and have been together for 6 years we have 2 kids together and I have a bonus son. We are very happy
My fiancé is 11 years older than me. I was never able to have a good romantic relationship with guys in their 20s like me. Doesn’t bother anybody, even our families, because we’re super happy. As long as you are happy, the age gap shouldn’t matter and don’t let anybody tell you different
My ex husband is 16 yrs older then me
And my now partner is 11 yrs older then me
Age doesn’t matter if you truly love that person
Age is just a number
My bonus mom and her husband are 20 years apart, and her x husband and his bf are also 20 years apart both have been together approximately twenty years. It can work.
Do it, age is nothing. I was 18 and the guy i was seeing was 33. If i look back, it was actually a really healthy companionship but i was a bit too young and wild in those days. Older partners have more maturity and understanding. I dated someone my own age once and that’s something i will never do again.
It depends on both sides if hes young at heart and stays that way or he grows old quick and just doesnt want to do anything ,you might just become his carer and not his wife
Im soon to be 42 come aug… my hunny is 34 and the happiest we ever been. I have 2 daughters he has one daughter. And we just had our first son
My husband is 11 years older and it’s probably not the case for everyone but our energy levels are DRASTICALLY different. And our sex drive. But I just think he’s lazy so depends on the people.
As long as u are happy and not under age embrace ur love. 9 years between me and my man but i feel as ppl my age or younger is mehh to me. Lol
My mom and step dad have been together 20 years, hes 19 years older than my mom
I know people who have 10+ years age gap and are happy… the main thing is if you are happy… if yes, that’s all that matters…
my husband is 11 years older than me. we have been together 15 years and happily married
I happen to like men who are quite a bit older than me. Who gives af what anyone else thinks.
I only ha e 8 between me and hubby and in general i do not care what people think as long as you go in eyes open. At thus moment they years difrent dies not effect however as you get older it will… when you in your 50’s he in 70’s abd so on… not a big issue but just relise he will be older retired and you still working. He will not be able to do certain things due to age still not issue because you will have wonderful years of love to carry you through
… you just need to go in eyes open
I feel it’s personal preference. I couldn’t, but I’m me, not you. Give it a try if you’re into him.
My parent’s who have been together 25 years are 10 years apart. My husband and I are 5 years apart When he was 19 having his first kid, I was only 14. Its weird to think About but we met when I was 19 and he was 24 and have been together going on 13 years. Personally I think at some point in adulthood that age stops being such a defining factor and it becomes more about the connection you make with that person and what you have in common. So I guess it really depends on how does it make you feel Personally because in the end no one else’s opinion is going to matter except your own.
My other half is 19years older 10years together. Age is just a number lol
Nearly 12 years between me and my hubby, been together 16 years with 2 kids xx
If he respects you and your family, provides for you and treats you right then it shouldn’t matter what people think. Word of advice- Do not require validation from anyone. Life is more enjoyable!
My husband is ten years older and he is just the ONE. Age doesn’t matter. My grandparents were married ALL of my grandmothers life. Only man she has ever loved and he ADORED her. He’s been gone for 20 years and still she will not even date. They were 15 years apart
My husband is 14 years older than me! We’ve been together 9 years and have two beautiful children together. At first, there was speculation by others, but no matter because we love each other. Honestly, it’s a great balance with our difference in age❤️
My fiancé is almost 8 yrs younger than me & it has never ever bothered me. I’m just one of those ppl that has never really cared for what ppl think about me. I say it’s your life do what makes you happy!! And if he makes you happy than the ppl who love you will be happy for you as well
My husband is 18 years older than me. We’ve been together almost 15 years, married for 10 in October. We have 3 kids together, ages 13, 10, and 9. He’s got older kids as well. His oldest daughter is 3 months older than I am. We still get looks and people still make snide remarks but we don’t care! We aren’t trying to make anyone else happy except each other.
Age is just a number. My husband is 24 years older than me. I honestly don’t care what people think about the age difference. We’re happy, and that’s all that matters to us. Between us we have 5 kids, my kids love him being their stepdad, and my stepson loves me being his stepmom. We have been together 5 1/2years. He is the love of my life. If you’re truly happy with him then I wouldn’t worry about what other people think! Hope this helps!
Speaking for myself…the age gap doesn’t matter if you are TRULY HAPPY. That’s all that matters. Never be ashamed of who you love.
My husband is 8 years younger than I am and we complete each other. Second marriages for the both of us and it’s a beautiful relationship! His sister who was 4 months older than I was always said, “God led us to each other”! It’s true, he will be 48 and what a blessing he is! He actually and I actually look to be the same age, lol. As he says, “Age is just a number”!!!
I was with someone 11years older and it didn’t work out, my current partner and I have been together for 6 years and going strong. He is 5 years younger than me
My husband who I have been separated from for 3 years is 15 years older than me. He is the father of our 5 and 7 year old. I had to leave for many reasons but honestly age was not the reason .
My husband is ten and a half years older; we’ve been married almost 32 years; he’s a blessing, a real gentleman, I’m truly happy and thankful for him. Yes, people did talk but it’s not their business they weren’t wearing our shoes.
My husband is 25 years older than me. Age has never been an issue in our nearly 27 year marriage. Couldn’t imagine being with anyone else.
My hubby is 17 years older. Best relationship I’ve ever had. Age doesn’t matter with grown adults, only compatibility and love matters.
Me n my last were 10 years apart i am older. We clicked and treated my kids as his own…unfortunately we started drifting apart and he lost “the in love” feelings. We are still good friends currently.
My mom and dad were 20 years apart in age. They were together 35 years when my father passed away. It can work if you want it to and work at it
The man I’m with is 15 years older than me and I don’t really care what people thinks he treats me better than other men that is younger people will talk but they are going to talk no matter what so why not be happy
I speak for myself. There’s just no way I’d be with a man younger or so much younger than me. It’s always the opposite. He has to be older than me, at least 5 yrs or more. I heard that, some people talk behind my back about it. That, I am a gold digger, poor taste, bad taste, etc. Thing is, it’s my life, it’s my choice, and it’s none of nobody’s business. Most of the time, I find them older, stable, more matured, and I get along better with them. So, please do what makes you happy. Don’t worry about what people say. If you, guys get along and are happy - that’s it! But, I am not judgemental. My gf was 50 when she married his bf who was only 25 at that time. After almost 10 yrs they’re still together and very happy. To each his own. Be happy…
I’m 7 years older than my husband and we are celebrating our 19th anniversary on the 23rd. Love him more each day
Stop worrying about what other people think. If you are both happy, that’s all that really matters. If you start worrying about what others think, you will be miserable! And you will be allowing “others” to run YOUR LIFE cause they don’t agree with your decision(s). ONLY you know what goes on in YOUR life, and ONLY you know what makes you happy. Everyone else is only guessing about it! You’re both adults, so others approval isn’t needed. As long as you both are on the same page and moving forward through life, age is but a number now.
My fiancee is 10 years older than me and i love it. Weve been togeather 6.5 years and have a beautiful son togeather
It’s your life. Sometimes love comes along and you’d be stupid to let it go because of what others think.
I had a friend 25 years older than me. We were life long friends. He always sent flowers on my birthday. One flower for each year. Sadly he passed early in 2015. But for my birthday in December, I got my flowers.
The florist said he set this up for delivery until I turn 65.
I feel him looking after me from heaven yet.
Men take longer to mature, so it sounds like a match! If he treats you good and you both love each other age doesn’t matter! Make sure you do talk about things that are important to you. Children? Future Etc These conversations will be the deal makers/breakers. Family & Friends in time will not judge if it is a healthy relationship. Best of Luck.