Does being with someone with a huge age gap work out?

My late husband was 17 years older best man I ever knew

It’s all about how you feel about the relationship not what anyone else thinks or says and if your doubting your relationship now then I’d sit down and look at how the relationship is going… must be some sort of insecurity if your asking a bunch of strangers their thoughts on the topic… now that all being said relationships are all about being supportive of each other not what others think of you and your man. You have to live with being with him and your choices don’t be scared to take the risk because of a number if he makes you happy then hold on tight and leap with it and take the risk enjoy life and don’t worry the observations of others… listen to what’s in your heart and what makes you happy not what the standards society had put in place to what they think should make you happy.

My boyfriend is 10 years younger than me. He’s 47, has way more gray hair than I do, and we get along quite well. Though we don’t live together yet.

A know a couple that the lady husband is older then her buy 16 years. This june they will be celebrating their 21 wedding anniversary.

If your on Facebook asking for relationship advice and you are bringing up the 15 year gap then maybe you are the one who has a problem with the gap and if so, the relationship is already in trouble before it even gets off the ground

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My husband is 10 years younger than I am and we’ve been together for 23 years :kissing_closed_eyes:

Age makes no difference if you love him and he loves you!! My husband is exactly 10years older than me and we have been together 17 years and happily married for 8 years!! He has 3 boys from a previous marriage and I have 1 son and we are one big happy family!!! Yeah some people look weird at us and some have called me his daughter a few times but idc we r happy and I love him n he loves me!! So follow your heart all that matter is that y’all love each other!!

My husband is 8 years younger than me, we have been married 26 years

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My husband is 13 yrs older than me … Dont matter if u love each other

My boyfriend is 10 years older than me and we have been together since 1997 and have 3 kids so age isnt a factor really.

My sister’s husband is 16 years older then her. They’ve been married 30 years

My ex husband was 15 years older than me. Age was not an issue

My grandparents where 14. Yyears apart and married till death took my grandma at old age

As long as I’m happy, I do not care! Noone else pays my bills or sleeps with me!

If it doesn’t feel like 15 years to you, don’t worry about anyone else.

I think it definitely depends on personality. If it’s a creepy age difference I get 18 year old and a 30 year old… Then no.

16 years difference between my late husband and me… Lasted 10 years before he passed

Keep in mind one day your going to be um at a peak and some men lose testosterone and then what you once had becomes a wall of regrets and what ifs

Age has nothing to do with it ,that’s only a number .are you happy ? Then go for it !

Im 33 and my fiancé is 25 and I’ve never been so happy in my life :smiling_face:

Me and my husband are ten years apart

My boyfriend is 38 and I am 51 and we do just fine

Hey love is love. My husband is 9 years older than me and we just celebrated our 37th anniversary.

My mom and dad are 16 years apart and lived married for a happy 33 years.

People will always judge something… if you are happy then that’s what matters…my husband is 25 years older than me :woman_shrugging:.

Age is just a number

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Mine is 14 older…married 15 yrs

It worked for me ten yrs difference

Age is just a number

It works if you work at it together communication and honestly or it won’t work

Me and my husband are 11 years apart

Age is just a number…follow your heart.

You are a pedophile and you want the people to say it is ok. Hell no!

Do what makes you happy.

I just met a wonderful man a few months ago, he’s 15 yrs older than me and he’s amazing! I’m really happy! We’ve been together 2 months now. Do what makes you happy and feeling loved. As long as he treats you right, respect you and respects your relationship, it shouldn’t matter.


It really depends on where you are in your life. If you want kids that would be something to definitely consider because if you are a younger girl and want children he may not feel the same. It’s something you should talk about if you guys are getting serious. I had my girls a little later in life, 27 with my first daughter and 32 with my second. So, I’m a little older than most of my daughters friends parents. My husband at the time was only 2 years older than me. If you do plan on having kids eventually, you want to make sure he can keep up with them. If kids aren’t an issue in your situation, then I say if he’s good to you and he makes you happy, go for it. Life’s too short! Best wishes.:innocent:


I’m 13 years older than my husband. We will be married 21 years this July. I love him more now than I did then. He treats me very good. It can be tough at times but it had nothing to do with age. Just your normal marriage issues. But we always come together in the end. Communication is the best advice I can give you. If you love each other and have that, you’ll be fine. Always respect each other also!


I’m married to someone 9 yrs older then me we get along most of the time but I’m not one to sit around and he can do it all day and it drives me nuts. This is so weird cuz before he retired he never sat still he worked 3 jobs at one time. So just realize it may be a problem as you both get older then again it may not. Good luck


My husband of almost 19 years is 12 years younger and I have never been happier! I was married before for 25 years and never felt the love I have with this man.


I was married for 20 years. He was 14 years older than I. We worked during the week and went some where on weekends. We had a lot of fun together. He was very respectful of me and I was of him. Communication was very good between us. My first marriage was not good. I loved him and he loved me! He died with cancer and I really miss him! He made my world go around. I have never been so Happy.


My parents are 25 years apart. They have had a happy life. I would say the hardest part is watching my dad age while my mom is still so young. He is retired and she’s still working her tail off. Would they change it? Absolutely not. 33 years later they are very much in love.


Hi lovie never care what other people think hopefully both of same belief make it easier n it’s how that person treats you are they genuine think of your feelings befor thier own etc I’ve known people older n younger they are doing great hope I’ve help you lovie


My husband is 20 years older than me. Although I act his age and he acts like mine. Lol. We have been together for almost 40 years.

Did people judge us, yes. But we decided we didn’t care what others said and continued to see each other.

My mom was the worst. But, even she has accepted that we will make it. That took years.

All I can say is we work. We are happy and content in our lives.


My husband is 24 years older than me and we have an amazing marriage! I was married for 13 years to a man that was 4 years older than me and it was horrible. Don’t let the opinion of others interfere with your happiness. I wish you the best :slightly_smiling_face:


I was with my husband for more than 30 years before he passed. He was 15 years older than me. I just didn’t care. We loved each other. Sure we had tough times but everybody does.

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My husbands 14 years older than me. He looks older than he is and I look younger than I am so of course we get a lot of looks. It used to bother me but I could care less anymore. We’ve been married 4 years this year and couldn’t be happier. Just do what feels right. Don’t let what others say and think control your life.


My husband and I are 36 yrs apart. He is obviously elderly now and people ask if I would have done things differently and I can honestly say I wouldn’t. The love we shared and the life and fun we had before he became ill was great!


It works for some, it doesn’t for others. If you are more mature than others your age, it might work. But be prepared to be made to feel like you are too young for them. Date them for a while and just see how things work. Give it plenty of time. My daughter dated someone a lot older than her and they were happy until he passed away. She lived with another older than her for years, had a child and finally left because she was tired of being controlled. Depends on the person you are seeing.


My mom and stepdad were 20 yrs apart. He made her tremendously happy and built up her self confidence. Do what’s best for you!


Me and my hubby are 17 years apart and I’ve never cared. Neither has he. We have two little ones together and i have 2 grown step kids and even a granddaughter . never bothered anyone. We’re happy and that’s what matters the most


My husband and I are 12years almots 13 years apart and have been together 30 years, married for 23 and we are very happy. He’s my everything. It doesn’t matter what other’s think what matters is that you respect each other and love each other.

My husband was 17 years older than me. We had a great run. He passed away unexpectedly. We were married 24 years. Still miss him. Go for it!!


It can work. I know a woman whose late husband was 13 years older than her. There’s an 8 year age difference between me and my husband. We’ve had some rough patches but we’re comfortable with each other now. We’ve been married for 42 years.

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Many years ago I was 20 and dated a man who was 35. We hit it off and I was quite serious about him. We did not end up together due to religious differences and 15 years is a big difference. You don’t necessarily have the same reference points. And imagine your being 50 and his being 65. I am 75 now and there is a big difference re energy levels from 50 to 65. I looked him up and he died years ago, so I would have been alone at a relatively young age. But I really did like that man! I learned a lot from him, some important things that changed my life.


My great grandpa was 14 years older than my great grandma. Had a long happy life. Both passed away in their 90s.

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My husband is 22 years older than me. We have been married 24 years. We were never able to have children together. That was very hard for me. Sometimes you feel like you don’t fit in anywhere because other people can feel awkward around you. His age group saw me as too young and my age group felt weird around him because their husbands were young. He is the love of my life. But any relationship is not without challenges. I was 38 when he could no longer perform in the bedroom. So…there are things to think about.


My husband was 20 years older than me
We had a wonderful life together. We were married for 39 years. My only regret was the age difference ment he left me to soon. If you really love each other everything else doesn’t matter.


I am 11 and1/2 years older than my husband we have been married 37 years and still very happy!:heart:


I’m 13 yrs. older than my guy. We’ve been together 14 years. Age is not important. Love, respect and true friendship are all that matter.

My daughter married someone 17 years older then her and I couldn’t love him more myself, he has blessed my daughter with a beautiful little girl and another on the way and has been able to afford my daughter the opportunity to be a stay at home mom.


My husband is 11 years older than I am. We have been together for nearly 19 years. The age doesn’t matter. It’s the person that does.


My husband is 18 years younger than me and we have been married for 30 years and still going strong. Follow your heart .if this person makes you happy life doesn’t have a lot of happiness if you find some grab it and run worry about the what if went it happends because it may not ever come


If you’re happy, what the f*** does it matter what other people think? You aren’t doing anything illegal be happy


My husband is 17 years older than me and we adore each other. Follow your heart and do what makes you both happy. No one else’s opinion matters.

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My husband was 20 years older than I was. He had so much energy. I couldn’t keep up with him. He loved me so well.

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Don’t worry about what others think. You do you and be happy. Your happiness matters above all else. I’m with someone who is 11 years older and I couldn’t care less what others think because we are happy. We’ve been together for almost 4 years. You do you.

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I was with a man that was 20 years older. And we were together for 25yrs until he passed away. He was so awesome. And I didnt care what anyone thought

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Along time ago I dated my daughters dad and he was 20 yrs older than me we had no problem because we didn’t care what other people tbought we were together until he passed away he was my best friend and now our daughter is 25 with 3 children

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My late husband and I were 14 years apart and we were together for almost 30 years before he passed. We loved each other very much

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I’m almost 11 years older than my husband, and we’ve been married 30 years next month


My husband is 13 years older than me. We have been together for 31 years so far. Communication and trust is the secret in our relationship


11 year age gap and we have been together for 11 years this winter!


Age is just a number. If this guy makes you happy then it doesn’t matter what other people say. Enjoy life because life is so short.

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My husband is almost 10 years older than me and we are celebrating 10 years married this fall

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My husband is 12 years older than I am and its the best decision I ever made. Hes so much more mature and provides emotional stability. Go for it!

My mom married someone 17 years older than her. They were happily married 26 years before he passed away. If you love each other, make each other happy go for it!!!

My husband is 15 years older we have been together 31 yrs through thinck and thin I wouldn’t want it any other way

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If you truly love each other you can make it work. My first husband was ten years older, he didn’t want it to work. My current husband is 14 years younger and we’ve been married for 26 years. Happy and loving.

My husband is 23 years older than me. We’ve been together 46 years in September. It’s worked. We still love each other.

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Its your choice. If you are happy why bother with what others think. As long as he is good to you. Most the time women need a slightly older man to balance the maturity level.

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My husband and I are 20 years apart we’ve been married for 34 years and 2 wonderful sons no problems here :heart:

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My wife was 25 when we met and i was 45. We have been together for38 years and married 37 years. She had 2 children from a previous marriage and we had 2 together and they all get along great. We have been blessed with an undying love and a true understanding of the wants and needs of our children and each other. Our children all have successful careers and we love them dearly .

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Yes it works as long as there is substance to your relationship. My husband and I are almost 20 years apart we don’t care if people look at us funny. Out families are supportive once they realized it was a healthy relationship. I find most single guys my age (20-30) are very immature and not marriage material.


My hubby is 22 years older than me married 14 this October. Wouldn’t trade him for anything


Would be a big thing if he or she was eighteen and she or he was thirty five. If one is thirty and other is forty five not a big problem


I married a man ten years older than me. We did argue a lot. But. We were both right. Lol, had four beautiful sons. He passed away 13 years ago and I still miss him.

My husband is 58 and I am 72. We met 14 yrs ago. You have to like similar interests in some things, your morals and ethics should match. We have found that the age difference is irrelevant. We love each other!

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If you’re mature enough and honest with yourselves, being together…for each other … committed and realize everyone ages and beauty does not last forever except through the eyes of love.

My husband is only 8, but looks older because of his gray hair, people tried to judge, but we didn’t, and still don’t 22yrs later. It doesn’t matter the age as long as you love each other. I have a friend who is 15 yrs older than her husband. They’ve been together 35 yrs. Do what makes you happy no one has to live your life, but you. Be happy life is short.

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Yes it can work. My grandparents were 21 years different. My parents were 10. A good friend of mine has a wife 15 years older than him. Remember age is just number. Follow your heart.

My husband’s parents were 10 years apart. When my FIL passed they were married for over 26 years. Age is a number, you may have found love. Remember that ya’ll have to work together to stay in love.

My parents were 12 years apart. It all worked out for them. We had a happy home and are all contributing to society!

I’m in a relationship of 10.5 yrs now. He is 6 yrs younger than me. But he is loyal, doesnt play head games, or hurt me in any way. He is very supportive and loving. He spoils me when he can. I know who I have and I’m not giving that up.

My late husband was 12 years older than me. We had a wonderful life together. Only the two of you know what is best for you.

My husband is 16 yrs older than me…we have been together for 13 yrs and married for 8. Yes you will have to work a little harder but if you love one another and work through things, it can and will work! And who cares what others think! As long as you are both consenting adults it’s your business and no one elses!

There is a 10 year gap between my husband and I (me being older) and we’ve been married 31 years. My older brother and his wife have been married 41 years. There’s a 15 year age gap with them also. Go with your heart and pay no attention to what others think.

My husband is 15 years older than me we only dated for for 2 months before getting engaged and we got married 8 months later. We have now been happily married 28 years .:blush:

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As long as you both are happy and it is what you want, then go for it…who cares what people think or say…


I met a good hearted man 5 yrs ago, he’s 19 yrs older than me. He’s 54 and I’m 35 that time we’ve met. We are happy married and blessed with 2 kids…

My husband was 20 years older than me. He passed last year. We had 26 wonderful years together! You should do whatever is right for you!