Does being with someone with a huge age gap work out?

I married my husband and he was 15 years older than me and we was married 25 years then he passed away we was very happy

Same gap. We were is in same stage of life, have the same values and drive, and are going the same direction. Just celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary and have 2 beautiful daughters.

My parents were 12 years apart. Very much in love.

did not care what people though had the most wonderful were together til he died

I am 10 years older than my husband. been together 29 years plus! No problem, just love each other.

They say the man should be at least 7 years older for the maturity level to be the same anyway …lol
Life is short …be happy when you can

I was married to a man until he passed away for 11 years. He was 14 years older than me.

I met my husband when I was 40 and he was 23 .we have been married 21 years. Have 3 aces,6 dogs no kids and active in our church.

There is a 13 year age difference between my dad and stepmom — they just celebrated their 23 year wedding anniversary.

My husband is 10 years older than me and we have been together for 30 years. Once you reach a certain age it’s just a number.

If it bothers you, stop it now… but if you and he are happy that is all that matters.

My husband is 9 years older than me. We have been married for 40 years!

I married someone that was 20 years older than me we were married 22 years when he passed away

My dad was12 years older than my mom!! Age really doesant matter if you love them

I’ve been in a relationship with a man who is 49 and I am 70…together for 3 years. We adore each other.

My husband was 11 years older than me. We were married for 35 years.

15 years isn’t really that much when you get older. I’m 39 now and would date a 54 y/o without an issue. I would also have some fun with a 24 year old if the opportunity arose. Train him up and send him on his way for his future wife. Lol

Love is blind my father and step mom have been together 25 years …20 years age difference still love each other age is only a number

My husband is 19 years older than me. I don’t care what others think it’s my life not theirs

Live life to the fullest. This too shall pass. Create new memories. People are going to talk, so give them something to talk about.

My sister and her husband have a 15yr gap and they have been married 40 yrs. As well as my daughter and her husband married 17 yrs.

My husband is 10 yrs younger then me we have been happily married for 29 yrs

The age difference don’t matter now but it will when he gets older and not want to or able to do things that you can do

I married my love who was 10 yrs older and we were married 34 years till he passed

The man i am marrying today is 14 yrs olders than me… And we have an amazing relationship… And people dont really say or give us any odd looks blatantly or to our faces at least… I think age is a number and we fit with who we fit with.

My husband is 13 yrs older than me and we have been married 32 yrs

I am 14 years older than my husband and been together 30 years

Been married for 26 years and my husband is 14 years older than me

My husband is 12 years older than me, we have been married for 8 years now and to me it’s just a number!

My dad was 11 years older than my mom they were togather 69 years

My mom and stepfather were together 25 years he was 15 years older

I was 20and my husband was 31 when we got married. We are still married to this day. 26 years.

My husband is 6 1/2 years younger than me he was 20 when we got married and it’ll be 40 years in December

If it works for you then that’s all that matters. Don’t let others opinions ruin a good thing.

When you’re 85 and he’s 100, who cares. If you love one another, what’s the big deal.

My husband of 27 years is 19 years older than I am

My love was 18 years older and we stayed together until he died.

My husband is 21 years 1 week and 1 day older than me. We started as friends 13 years ago and have now been married for almost 4. I think it all depends on the people and your compatibility. I would have missed out on amazing love if I would have discounted him purely based on age.

My husband of 25 yrs is 11 yes older than me

My ex husband was 10 years older. We were married for 12 years

Age is just a number. I have been in a relationship where the guy was like 17 yrs older then me. But thay was when I was in my 20s.

I married a man who was 28 years older and we married for 31 years before he passed. So go for it

I dated a man 15 years older then myself, our age difference never came up, we had 10 years together

I have a aunt that is 30 years older than husband…she seems happy …daisy fain

Twelve years apart, seven years together!

I have been living with a man 11 yrs my junior for 27 yrs, and my Dad has been married for 40 yrs to a woman 10 yrs his junior . It is like any other marriage you have to work at it . It take to 50/50 and sometimes 70/30.

My boyfriend and I have a 14 year age gap, and we have been together for over a year! We are extremely happy! Don’t let what other people say affect you, because then it will affect your relationship when you don’t need that. Focus on growing together as a couple, and learn from each other!:heart:

Unless your 14 an he is 30 then no!!! If your 30 an he is 45 then be happy an don’t give two shits what anybody thinks!!!

I was with one 16 years older for about 15 years. Being older doesn’t mean more maturity unfortunately.

Depends on the maturity of the younger person.

I was married to someone 17 yrs older, we always had fun. The age gap is not what caused the divorce

True love only looks at the heart :heart: who cares what others think. There’s 19 years age difference between my husband and I and oh my gosh God has truly blessed us.

My husband is 13 years older then me

My grandparents were 30 years apart they spent the rest of there lives together.(I think married over 30 years) My parents are 18 years apart they have been married 45 years! My husband are 30 years apart been married 5 years. Love makes a family!

Go for it!!! To love and to be loved is worth everything!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Age means nothing in a marriage. If you two get along - you’ll be fine.

I know many people - huge age gaps and are extremely happy …

I am happy for you, Jean,I hope you have many happy years together.Finding someone wonderful is hard to do

I’m married to a man who is one year older than my oldest son. We got together, I was 36 he was 19. Ppl talked but oh well. We have two boys and got married 4/1/2020 and I’ve NEVER been happier. Fuc what someone says about it. Love the one you want who loves and makes you better.

I am married to a girl 10years younger than me been married for 10 years we are best friends

20 years difference. Been married 36 years. Still love each other​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::two_hearts:

Who cares! If you are happy, then be happy. Live your life the way you want.

Well.age is just a number.if your happy that’s great.

I was married to someone 20yrs older than me. We were married almost 30 yrs when I lost him. It was a good andiving marriage.

16 yrs between us … been married 44 years. Follow your heart!

Do only what makes you happy!who cares what others think Follow your heart

Age doesn’t matter the affection is what matters

Its follow your heart not their age. Go for it!

it depends what time of your life it is

Been there done that . My personal answer is no.

Age is just a number.

As long as you and him are over 18 it’s nobody’s business!!!

i can, and has worked out

It’s just a number!!!:+1::wink:

Age is only a number

Regrets suck …
Just Saying

Go for it ,have fun ,

Yes some do go for it

Do what makes you happy.

I think it depends on the age of the younger person. A 16 year old with a 31 year old man is not ok. But a 25 year old woman with a 40 year old man is better. Maturity is a huge issue. Just my opinion.

My husband and I met the 1st of the month, eloped on the 22nd and will celebrate 8 years this year.
I am 12&1/2 years older than him, we didn’t know our age gap until we got the marriage license. His age 27 mine 39.
So far our age has NOT been a problem or issue.
I am his first wife and neither of us have children or want any. He is my fourth husband. I had never been a first wife and those i married always had two children. Being a FIRST WIFE IS A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT LEVEL.