Does being with someone with a huge age gap work out?

Be happy enjoy life. There are no guarantees

Do what makes u happy

How I Got My Ex Husband Back…Am so excited share my testimony of a real spell caster who brought my husband back to me. My husband and I have been married for about 5 years now. We were happily married with three kids, two boy and a girl. 4 months ago, I started to notice some strange behavior from him and a few weeks later I found out that my husband is seeing someone else. He started coming home late from work, he hardly care about me or the kids anymore, Sometimes he goes out and doesn’t even come back home for about 3-4 days. I did all I could to rectify this problem but all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that king peso can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and told him my problems and he told me what to do and i did it and he did a spell for me. 24 hours later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my family are living together happily again… All thanks to mark Powerful Love Spell that really works. If you have any problem contact him and i guarantee you that he will help you. He will not disappoint you. Email him at: drmamudu47@gmail. com or you can also add him on Whats app +2348143284524

Personally I wouldn’t be in that relationship. I’ve never been attracted to older guys.

But it’s like anything else if your both okay with it then fuck everyone else. Your love life is not anyone’s bussniss, if your both happy, and comfortable then go for it. People will absolutely alwayse find something to judge, so it may as well be that right.

Go for it. Probably more mature

Older men have all that bullshit out of the road they know what they want and if you pair are happy screw everyone else. They is 16 year between myself and my partner and its like there is none

Our parents good marriage happy

Sometimes it does my husband and I were 18 years different. It’s worked out ok we had 10 1/2 years of marriage before he died an our daughter was 3 1/2 years old when her dad died but I won’t change a thing in my life in those 10 years with my husband. They were alot of ups an downs but we got though it an he was my rock so when shit got hard he knew what needed to do done an we worked great for most of our marriage. He got sick in the last four years of our marriage an it was the hardest thing trying to care for them an our daughter plus housework but I loved that man I had for those 10 1/2 years an how I wish he was here on earth. He has been gone since 2010 an I raised our daughter on my own.

How old are you,that you give a shit what people think?

Do what works for you

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When i was 18, I dated a 45 year old guy, just a couple of times, too much of an age difference!

Age doesn’t really matter! The person does! All these people saying how long they’ve been with their significant other means nothing. I was married for 18 years to a man that was 7 years older than me. So what? He still cheated and I left him. But it had nothing to do with age. I guess my point is if you’ve found yourself a good man that makes you happy, then who cares how old he is? If you’re happy, that is all that matters and quite frankly it isn’t anybody else’s business!

My husband is 23 years older than me. Happily married with 2 kids. Im the one trying to keep up with him.

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Hubby is 10 years older than me and my parents were 10 years apart too. It’s personal preference, personally older guys are my thing :woman_shrugging:t3:

If you are both happy then don’t listen to what anyone says. Age gaps aren’t so uncommon.

8 years between me and my hubby.
We have been together for 12 married for 10. 4 beautiful children.
Just remember when they are older they have a whole life before you. Take it in stride. Some days I laugh at his old man behavior (but its really bad back from the Army) but I love our conversations. We see many things different. But maybe that’s not all age related- cali city boy married to a Wisconsin farm girl.
Follow your heart.

Men are usually not as mature until older , so I say it’s better to date a little older ! If your happy go for it !

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Depends on the younger ones age

My husband and I are 12 years apart and have been going strong for 11 years now.

My husband was 10 years older than me and we were married 30 years befor he pasted away

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My Aunt and Uncle were 18 yrs apart. Married happily for almost 50 yrs.

We been together for 18 years and I am 13 years older

My husband of 13 years was 22 when we got married. He is 7 yrs younger then me. Worked out very well

My mom was 9 years older than my dad. She was 41 and he was 32 when they married. I was a happy surprise when my mom was 45. They were married 55 years until my mom died at 97.

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People will dig for anything to judge, just do what works for you and makes you happy

Once a person is an adult the age Gap doesn’t matter as much.

Age is just a number

My bf is 11 years older then me, we are together for 13 years and going to get married so age doesnt matter :blush:

13 yr gap 2 kids been together 6 years an counting

There is 10 years between me and my husband. Been together 14 years and married 11. Age is just a number honey

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My husband is 14 years older than me, and I’ve never met a person more compatible. Not once has anyone judged us or even noticed tbh. I can imagine it’s only an issue if one of you is making it an issue.

Yeah my husband is 26 years older than me and we work out fine, his other relationships didn’t treat him like he deserve, he was shocked when I did things for him and bought him things, we are happy, and don’t really care about the age gap

I was 13 yrs older in the beginning it’s not a problem but as time goes by it is

15 years is not that much.

why wouldnt it? it’s only a problem if you make it a problem and concentrate on age difference. I’ve seen big gaps in couples and they work! dont worry about what others say and worry on you

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My husband is 60 and I’m 46 and I have never been this happy with anyone else! He is the best guy. I have always liked older men because they seem more settled or something. IDK but I wouldn’t give my sweetie up for nothing! Nobody has ever treated me with such respect!

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I was in a relationship with a gentleman that was nearly 30 years older than me. It was an amazing relationship and we were both very happy. We went our separate ways due to work and life in general, but we remained friends for several years until he passed away from cancer.

My husband is 47 Im 35… We have been together going on 14 years and have two amazing little boys together… We have so much in common for the age difference and i couldn’t imagine my life with anyone but him… At first alot of people said we wouldn’t make it because of our age difference however we have proved them all wrong and are stronger than ever… :heart::heart: My Mom and Dad also had a big age difference 18 years

My sister is with a man that is in his 50s and she’s in her 20s they are happily engaged although often times he gets upset w her being so much less mature then him…

Mine is 13 years older best thing that ever happened to me. However if your a minor or super young I would tred softly.

I don’t think the age difference is too much of a problem when you’re younger, besides not having a lot in common. I do see a problem when he’s 70 or older and you’re in your 50’s. Even if you enjoy doing some things together, it gets harder with someone who doesn’t have the energy or stamina to keep up with you with that much age difference. I know a couple females who married older men 10 years plus. Both went through a lot taking care of their spouse in their final years, loneliness, sadness etc and now are both widows in their 50’s. This outcome is inevitable unless for some reason she passes before him. Either way, time will be issue as you both get older.

Is it glorious to date some older? Are they mature? I would love to be with a mature person! :heart:

Age doesn’t matter being in love does live is to short be happy

Age has nothing to do with it, If you get along and if your happy go for it …

Once he’s older and not younger, nothing to feel guilty about.

My husband is 22yrs younger than me no problems here he is a hard worker and works from 9am to 10pm 6 days a week doesn’t go out to bars, doesn’t drink, doesn’t do drugs. Makes me feel young all over again at the age of 50.

My husband was 20 years older, we rarely fought enjoyed the same things. We were married twenty years before he passed. Loved every minute wouldn’t change a thing. Good luck.

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My husband and I have been been married 10 years together 13. He is 16 yrs older than me. If it works for you both then move forward. I will not lie sometimes the age difference for us causes spats based on generational thought processes. That being said we have been able to create a language that overcomes those differences because at the heart of us we are so compatible. We encourage each other to be better and see differences without judging each other. Good luck!!

I was 12 years older than my husband and it was the best thing I ever did we had the most wonderful marriage 17 awesome years until the Lord called him to heaven it doesn’t matter your age it is want is in your heart may God bless you

My grandpa was 14 years older than my grandma. They had 6 kids and 51 wonderful years together. She was 18, and he was 32 when they got married, and she passed first, so age doesn’t matter. Love :heart: is love.


My hubby is 10 years older than me. We r very happy, have been for 21 years. Who cares what anyone else thinks!!! Both of you being happy is all that matters


My best friend was married for 22 years to someone 21 years older than her (he passed away) he had been married 7 other times . They were married longer than all other 7 times combined. She was 19 and he was 40. True love knows no age

My hubby is 19 years older than me we have been together 23 years married 19 it’s been fun I wouldn’t change it for nothing. PS I have been with my husband since I was 16.

I married an amazing man 18 yes younger than I am. He is absolutely wonderful to me. Treats me like a queen. I think you have to ignore the age difference and go with what your heart really feels.

My daughter married an amazing man who’s about 15 years older than her. I was concerned about it at first but when I saw what a wonderful father he was to his two children from a previous marriage and how amazing he treats my daughter, it didn’t matter. They have a fantastic relationship and I can’t think of anyone else that would have been a better fit for her! I now have two more grandchildren and it’s been a lovely and wonderful thing!!! If you’re happy go for it!

Love each other age doesn’t matter if your happy listen too your heart, my dad was like 21 years older then my step mom loved her till the end :heart:

I’m with the love of my life and he’s 11 years older than me. He’s divorced, has custody of his 2 kids (15 and 13), and we are expecting my first in November. We aren’t married and I’ve known since day 1 he never wants to get married again. Communication is definitely important. And it shouldn’t matter what other people think about the age gap, all that matters is your happiness!

I was married to a wonderful man 10 years older than me. Only down part is he is deceased now and I am left alone. Totally worth it though.

I faced this issue 35 years ago, and was told by a friend to go for it with the time you have. We’re going on to 36 years. Oh! I’m 14 years older than he is! And he says I still run circles around him!

15 years age gap is fine, as long as you love someone. My grandparents were married for forty some years & when my grandma passed away from cancer my Grandpa never wanted to go through that pain again (even though age doesn’t guarantee you get a long life). He was 70 & his new wife was 29, they had a son together and were together until his death. My sister was 37 when she passed away, her boyfriend was 17 years older, they have two teenage sons. My Mom & I still see him every couple days and talk on the phone with him every other day. So yes, you can have a good relationship with someone regardless of age.

My hubby was 10 years older then me and I was 21 when we got together and we have been together 32 years with 3 Beautiful daughters. He passed in 2018… But I wouldnt change it for the world. My mom was with someone 20 years older than her and was with him 40 years untill her passing.

There was a 17 year age difference between my parents. They were married 45 years until Dad’s death. I thank God often for my good parents and our happy home…

My husband is 10 years older than I am, and we have been married 15 happy years and 2 kids. I was 19 when and he was 29 when we married. I wouldn’t change it for anything.

I met my ex when I was 21 and he was 47. We were together about 5 years and we have a 14yr old daughter together and to this day we are best friends and we co parent together. Age is just a number.

Had an aunt that married at 18 to a man who was in his forties. They were the happiest couple you would ever see. Parents to 5 children. She passed at the age of 42, he lived to his nineties. They had true love. I’m not sure age matters.

My husband was 10 years younger than me. It worried me for a while but our love lasted 28 years until he went to heaven. If it’s meant to be you will know and you won’t care what other people think. Love is precious and we never want to waste time.

Do what makes you happy and don’t worry about what others think. As long as he treats you good that is all that matters. Also just because he is older doesn’t mean you will have to take care of him. I know people that are up in their 80s and healthwise they are in excellent shape even better than I am and I’m in my late 40s.

My husband is 10 years older than me. We have been married for 35 years. The age difference didn’t matter at first but now as we get older I am in my 60’s and still want and need to be active, he is in his 70’s and in frail health so I am unable to travel and do the things I would love to do.

My significant other is 13 years older than I am, we have been together for 7 years and are having our 3rd child in a few weeks. It’s not been easy all the time and there have been times where I thought it was done but we are still together and love each other. It just depends on you and him and how much love and work you are willing to do. Relationships whether there is an age gap or not especially long term are work no matter what.

Whether or not an age gap will work completely depends on the people. What other people think does not matter. If you two enjoy each other and can find enough common ground to make the relationship work then your ages really don’t matter. I grew up with a girl whose parents were 23 years apart and her mom was the older one. You can make it work or not make it work. It’s completely up to you. Age gap or not.

The difference in age will become an issue as you both grow older. My mother married a wonderful man. 13 years her senior. He worshiped her and life was good. As they grew older, my mom was frustrated because he could no longer keep up. I was angry with my her for being so impatient with him. She loved him dearly but eventually age did come between them. No. They never divorced but it was hard to watch a beautiful love dwindle.

My dad is 23 years older than my mom. They were married for 47 years and had 10 children.

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I have a friend that is married to a gentleman with about that same age difference. They get along great & they are both really happy!! If you are happy stay in the relationship!! :heart::heart:

My daughter is married to a man 15 yrs older than her. They have a great relationship and a beautiful daughter. My daughter was always mature beyond her years so i think that is part of the reason it works.

Been married 38 years and going strong 10 years different! Don’t worry what others think if you are happy

My husband was 18 years older but you wouldn’t know it ! His personality was a young n happy one n we had a wonderful marriage for 33 years!
It all depends on how he looks at you n this world!

It really depends on you … I have been in a relationship for 8 years with a guy who is 18 years older then me … At first it was no big deal . He is old school and treats me well … The problem is that now he is in his 50s and im in my early 30s and the age difference is really starting to affect things … We are in 2 very different times in our life and there are old age things setting in with him . He is very happy in the relationship still and I am miserable. I want to be with someone closer to my age. I am not ready to stay home and take care of an old man . So it really just depends on what you are willing to give up and what your not … Its not always about love …

My Uncle married a wonderful woman 30 years older than him. Everyone but his grandmother accepted it. He never forgave her for that. But he had 20 years with a wonderful wife and stepkids who still call him dad and visit him to this day. If someone doesn’t like your relationship then you don’t need them in your life. As long as the relationship is respectful and abuse free, it’s worth fighting for.

I’m 14 years younger than hubby. Been married 23 years and together 25. It’s great

My hubs is 14 years older than I am, my mom and dad have an 18 year age gap. Mom and dad have been married 25 year, hubs and I just celebrated 9 years. Communication, reasonable expectations, and a lot of give and take. Those things make any marriage work.

My husband is 17 years older. We celebrated 24 years together this year and I am more in love with him every day.

My husband is 21 years my senior n I’d marry him over n over n over again. 15 year anniversary coming up in November. Altogether 19?years. Never worried from day one what other people thought! Follow your heart!

My husband is 25 years older than me. We have been together for 21 years. He is 69 and I’m 43. We have a 10 year old little girl together and she has 3 grown siblings. We are very much in love and have been all these years, really from the night we met we knew we were meant to be together.

My step-dad was 16 years older than my mom. They had 21 blissful years together until his death. My husband is 10 years older than me. 18 years going strong.

Maybe a physical exam is in order. He could have arthritis, depression, thyroid disorder, blood sugar issues. Any number of ailments can cause fatigue, pain, low energy levels etc. Make sure there is no physical or mental cause for his lack of interest an energy. Maybe he needs to work part time in order to feel useful an productive again.

my boyfriend’s have been between 10 years younger and 8 years older than me. I realized there’s no guarantee that either of us would have even made it to the age where the age gap really started to make a big difference. so I just forgot about it.

Yes, it does—my husband was 20 years older and we had 42 wonderful years together. You have to prepare yourself for a couple of things before you jump off into it, though. You will often be at different energy levels at the same time. Your libido may also be at different levels because of the age difference. You may also want to do things that he doesn’t have the energy to do. You may sometimes miss out on doing things because he’s already done it once and has no desire to ever do it again. Now you are drawn to his maturity and wisdom and feel that you are protected and taken care of; as you age that role will reverse—it will be you caring for him. You need to be able to do that. Lastly, you are likely to be widowed for a long time, a long time to miss him. If you are a strong woman, it will work.

Spend over fifty-four happy years with my husband, he was sixteen years older than me. He wasn’t old until he as in his eighths.

You should always do what makes YOU happy. As long as you guys get along and you are being treated well, who cares what anyone else thinks.

My husband is twenty three years older than me and we’ve been married thirty seven years and have three daughters. We’ve been happy and loved and age hasn’t made any difference to us.

I have a friend who’s husband is 15 years older then her she’s in her early 60’s They used to a lot together now she is his caregiver he has days when he is down right mean other. She tries to remember the good side of him but its hard . But For better or worse till death due us a part.

My best friend is married to a guy 30 yrs her senior and they are crazy about each other. Been together for a long time now.

I was with a man 12 years older than me, we had our many differences due to the age gap but it didn’t end our relationship. The abuse is what did that. If he treats you right and you’re happy then nothing else matters really.

I’ve been with mine for 3 years now and I’ve never been happier. He’s 18 yrs older.

I guess it just depends on how old you are actually. Are you 15 to 18 and he is 30 ro 33? Those teen years and early adult years could be what breaks you up because you have a lot of maturing to do during those years. If you are more towards 30 years old and he is 45 maybe not so much of a difference. The best of luck to you

I’ve been married to a man 13 years older than me for 20 years and so far so good!

Mine and I are 1 day short of 18 years and we get along wonderfully. …do you want to be happy or make everyone else happy?what does their opinion matter when the lights go out at nightM

I’m 15 years older than wife married 26years love has nothing to do with age

My husband is 22 years older than me. Best decision I ever made!!! We have been married 19 years this coming January!!!

I’m 12 and a half years older than my husband… we get along great!