Girl It’s the most normal thing in the world. Start trying to teach him that sometimes a bathroom is for privacy. But at 2 it’s going to be hard. Took us a few years too. Just breathe mom. You’re doing fine.
I just don’t have the time to read all the comments so forgive me if someone said this already. To me you sound like an exhausted momma! Even those 3 minutes to go to the bathroom are devoted to your son, it’s ok to not want that. It’s ok to want to pee alone. Take some time momma eventually he’ll get it. Self care is real and it sounds to me like you need to do a little of that. It’s also ok to find someone to help and get a break, I know in these trying times that’s easier said than done but maybe you have someone in your circle you trust who you could have take lil man for a bit and you can just be you for a few… just my thought stay strong this too shall pass as my mom says
No you’re not terrible, everyone feels this way. That being said, it’s much easier to potty train them if they can witness you using the bathroom.
I don’t blame you. Says every mother ever… My daughter is 15 and will come in and talk to me while I’m
You are not a bad mom. While you go potty put him on his potty and tell him that is quite time and just breathe. I had the same issue but when it came time to potty train he got it down in two days. After that I got more me time because he realized I was going potty and there was no way to leave the house without him. So just hold him tight and love him.
Ha! I have no advice. I haven’t peed alone in 13 years. Ok that’s an exaggeration but my oldest is 13 and he has no shame to hold a conversation with me while I’m on the pot. Maybe put a toddler pot in the bathroom and encourage him to sit while you go. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Toddler boys sit to pee and enjoy it as long as you can because soon enough you’ll be wiping drops off the seat every time you have to go!
No you’re not a bad mom. We have a gate in the doorway to our bathroom, once my son turned 2 he was no longer allowed to be in the room when I go to the bathroom or change clothes. Gotta start setting boundaries. I did the same with my oldest son. It’s bad enough I have a cat that likes to climb on me I don’t need my kid doing it too. Bathroom time is MY time.
You’re not a bad mom at all !! Heck my 11 yo,6 yo,both dogs and husband all stand outside the door while I go !! It’s like the meeting place for them sometimes I promise it gets better and easier and one day they will patiently wait !
Definitely separation anxiety! Please reach out to some different programs to help…good luck!
Your not a bad mom sweetie. I can’t get in the shower without my husband, 2 kids (9&8) and dog coming in with me. It’s ok to take time for yourself. Shut the door and let him cry he will be ok trust us.
The fact that you’re worried about being a bad mom tells me you are a good mom. No its perfectly normal to need a little space especially in the bathroom
Dont feel bad Mama, the days are long and it sometimes feels like you cant get even a moment to yourself but hang in there because it wont always be so hard to find time for yourself. And let him scream and yell if he wants but lay down the law to him now before its too late. Hugs to you and your sweet boy!!
not at all. you have to teach him mom needs her space sometimes too, but you’ll always be back. it’s not selfish to want to go to the bathroom in peace, take a shower, do your own business in peace and if you raise your kids right they’ll fully respect your time and learn how to occupy themselves. unfortunately it’s one of those parenting things that hurt you more than them, but long term, it has to happen
Don’t be afraid to lock yourself in there for a few minutes either !! It’s overwhelming … there was a point that I had with mine and I just didn’t want him to touch me at all… It’s hard cause you know you need to nurture but mommy needs nurture too !! Make sure he’ll be safe and then lock yourself in the bathroom for ten minutes and blast music … you need it more than ever !! Kudos to you and I promis you’re not a bad mom if that’s all that you have going on
Bathrooms have locks for a reason. We all deserve a moment to ourselves while doing a private… well you know😅. I’ve put 3 locked doors between myself and my kids before so i could pee in peace.
Not horrible at all. Being “touched out” is a thing.
If it helps, here are some positives to focus on until you both figure out a different situation:
1:this will make potty training easier for him and you. Get him his own potty and have him “try” when you go. if you are lucky one day he will happen to go and you guys can celebrate big time and he might love it. In the meantime, at least he won’t be on your lap.
2: I take my 2 yr old, and every 2 yr old before her, to the potty because I know where she is and that she isn’t swinging from the chandelier or something
3:this ends. I promise. It doesn’t feel like it. But it does. Probably soon.
4:we all feel your pain
No you’re not terrible! My twins were the same way. I thought I’d lose my mind!
YOU ARE NOT A BAD MOM!!! My daughter is 6 and special needs so she functions at 4 yr old level but is mostly non verbal. She still wants to come in the bathroom, but she knows now that she has to sit at the door. (She is unable to walk) So she sits right out side the door so she can see me but she has to give me my personal space while I do my business. I am hoping in a few more months we can break habit all together. But it perfectly normal to want bathroom privacy. Here soon he will be kicking you out when he has to go.
I have 2 that wont let me do anything alone and I cant stand it I love my kids but holdy god I just want to pee in peace
You’re not terrible- you’re just needing a break
You have a pack and play?
It may not be 100% alone- dear lord I know the feeling- I had a large family…
But put him in a pack and play with a few of his favorite toys outside the bathroom- door open
If need be give him something new and different to keep him busy
Go to the bathroom- then compliment him on being so respectful- for your bathroom time
And hug and kiss him- and take him out of pack and play
My kids are 4 and 6 and still barge in to the bathroom when I’m showering etc You are not alone I definitely will say to them sometimes can I pee in peace or I want to be alone in the bathroom it’s totally understandable
No your not terrible
Nothing wrong with boundaries and explaining mommy needs to use the bathroom without you please play with your toys. You have to take care of yourself too and sometimes that means getting away from our kids for an hour or 2. If your lucky & comfortable even a weekend is okay for self-care
Totally normal!! Maybe get him a training potty to use if he had to come in with you? It would give you a bit of space and maybe help the tears a bit? Sometimes it’s a about a little creativity…
Hang in there momma, took can do this.
Not a bad mom at all! We all need our time and space; I’ve been through the same with my two girls (Now 10 and 13) and well… Sometimes they still go to the bathroom with me but when I brush my teeth or dry my hair just to keep talking
Mine is 8 and still follows me to the bathroom…she needs to talk in that moment about something. So don’t feel bad you are not alone and your kid is doing what kids do.
Don’t worry. It won’t last forever. And when your kids stop going in the bathroom with you, or having to talk to you the minute you get on the phone, that’s when the cats start with the same thing! It’s forever!!!
I’d say put a toddler pot in there and give him a couple of toys or a book to look at. It’s easier to start with “you can sit here while I go” kind of thing. Then as he gets used to that move to the next step. Have him sit close to the door or just outside the door with a toy with the door open. He needs to see that it’s ok for you to go and that he’s ok while you go. Also that he’d not missing out. It would help if he could be babysat once in awhile to learn he can’t always be with mom, but she will always come back. I know it’s hard right now with covid.
You’re not a bad mom! You NEED time for yourself as well. It won’t hurt him to cry a little bit while you take a few minutes to yourself. Keep up the good work momma!
No it doesnt. It just means you are human, and need alone time. Im a single momma too. My 8 yr old has separation anxiety she will stand at the door, my 12 yr old son will come in and pee in the shower if im on the toilet, my 17 yr old daughter will do the same thing (4 people, 1 bathroom). But when I say I need to be ALONE, they leave me alone…for the most part. The 8 yr old will still follow me, but will stay on the other side of the door. We all get to the point of needing our space.
No your not a bad mom. You just have ti breathe. Itll get better…eventually…maybe… Im not sure. I have 4 and a dog and hubby. It becomes normal. You just have to breathe and remember you are kicking ass being a single mom. Motherhood is hard as hell all on its own and a hell of a lot harder doing it alone. Just know your not alone you can talk to us we understand. And breathe “this to shall pass”
You’re definitely not terrible. Don’t feel bad or even beat yourself up about it. All us moms needs time to ourselves…we need breaks.
Not terrible at all!!! I think many moms have felt this (especially about toilet time). I finally got my son to stay out of the bathroom… But at 7 he still likes to stand just outside and chat to me.
But as I’ve seen mentioned… This time passes before you know it and soon he won’t want to even hold your hand in public.
I do recommend getting a babysitter, even for just an hour, to give you a break once in a while.
Every full time parent deserves ‘me’ time, even if it’s for a pee. It’s a faze, mine did that to me too when in the bathroom, hard to do your duties with an audience. Now mine don’t bother me but my 2 cats have taken over
I think every mom has felt what you are feeling sometimes you just need a minute to breathe don’t feel bad we all do. Try different things till you find what works for your child.
Definitely not a terrible mom by any means it’s natural to want you time and to want to use the bathroom alone I feel the same!
let him scream it wont hurt him to not get his own way. my son is 6 and he still heads straight to the bathroom when im in there, ive started to tell him i need my privacy and send him out.
Not terrible at all. It happens. He’s probably going through a separation anxiety phase. My advice reassure him that your just in the next room it will take a bit but it works eventually.
It happens all the time but try to stop it now if you can I was a single mom till my second oldest was 2 and even now that she’s 20 they still follow me in they just unlock the door and walk in even when I yell at them to get out
No you’re not horrible. I have locked the bathroom door before because I didn’t want my daughter walking in talking to me, asking questions, wanting kisses and hugs, etc. I just wanted a few minutes to myself. And that’s okay! We’re people too.
No you are not terrible. My son is 6 and still wants to follow me and climb on me. Nip the crying in the bud though. Otherwise you are wrapped around his tiny adorable finger. No up if you wanna act like a butt. I finally got my son to ask before jumping on me lol.
You are not terrible. Everyone needs a little privacy sometimes. And it’s not wrong to try to start teaching that.
I poop with my kids on my lap. I use my bathroom time to teach them about potty time. Why not? There will be time when the kids are all grown and out of the house and your sitting there wondering why you pushed them away for alone time.
Your perfectly fine. Bathroom time is my only break. Although. It does teach about potty training. But you do need some space.
Girl perfectly normal. Kids can drive us to our breaking point. Try breathing techniques & telling yourself that you are rocking the damn thing!!!
Maybe by him his own little potty seat and teach him to do what you’re doing??? You sound like a good mom!
No every mom needs time to themselves. It does get better.
FYI every mom has felt this way. You feel overwhelmed like you can’t breathe and all you need is 5 minutes to catch your breathe and feel centered again. He doesn’t understand and sometimes they pick up your feelings. But this too shall past.
Not at all. Every mama needs a break every now and then. Especially single moms. But you need to pee in peace
He needs some alone time as well as you do. Just my opinion! I’ve raised 4 children and I’ve told them the same thing. Is there any way you could arrange for a play date for him to experience being away from you and with other children? Even if you were to stay on the play date the first few times at your home it the other family’s.
No, your not terrible . It is ok to want privacy. Maybe try talking to your kid while you leave the room. Any room. All rooms so when you go potty the kiddo will be better.
No! You watch those little hands creep under the door and stay silent, Mom. You deserve to pee in peace.
No you are not a bad mom for feeling that way. Sounds like you just need a break and some alone time…
It doesn’t make you a bad mom. Although, it is unrealistic…my kids are 13 and 10. I shut the bathroom door thinking “meh, their old enough for me to shut the door, they can wait.” Nope. Maybe high school when they will value their own privacy…lol
Not terrible at all. I get touched out and almost yell at the kids. Try putting on a movie, give him a snack and see if you can sneak out of the room for a few. So far that’s what works for me. Good luck mama a d hugs to you, you’re doing a great job.
Use it Mom! If he wants to be in there…he has to sit on the potty!
Have him sit outside of the door, and explain to him girls go potty alone and so do little boys, and when you are finished he can do whatever he would like or he can play with his toys. Trust me we all need alone time. I have a 10 year old girl and 5 year old boy and my alone time is their bedtime
Well my dogs stick their noses in all the time. My kids are grown. I guess I don’t remember back to those days but I am sure they will eventually stop at some point. And when they leave home, you will miss them.
You are not a bad mom. We are human and need space also. On that note it is a normal “clingy phase” they usually grow out of it.
Definitely not terrible. Mom shaming has gotten so out of hand. Find a balance, whatever works for the TWO of you, not one over the other. Everyone needs some space. 100% time dedication to child’s needs, with 0 accounting for your own needs is not healthy for either of you. You should not EVER feel bad for needing a few moments to yourself! Prayers for you!
My kids are 11 & 13 and still follow me… I don’t like it but I don’t hate it. We have some long interesting conversations in there. Lol
No your not a bad mom an he will our grow this . Just enjoy your time with him because he will grow up way too fast
No you are not. Me time is necessary so you can continue to be a great mom.
I’ll say it too. You are not a bad mom. You are a human. You gotta get a support system of some sort…you need time to yourself.
Nope you are not terrible, every mom needs sometime alone where ever, like me i do take breaks like just for 1 day for a me time.
My son made me hold his hand while we were in the car!!!
No. It doesnt make you a bad mom. Let him cry and dont give in to his tantrums. You need to set boundaries for him . Yes, toddlers to be disciplined. Boundaries need to be set as early as possible.
Don’t feel terrible, I went through your ordeal and although I have a husband my son only wanted me!
No sweetie it’s time to start weening him from you, and he’s not going to like it. But it must be done a bit at a time
No. My 3 year old son follows me everywhere I go…the it time I get to go to the bathroom or am able to get a hot shower/bath is when he’s asleep.
Your not terrible! It’s ok to want some space❤️ maybe try a potty so they have their own spot to sit? Sometimes that works for me or I run and lock the door. Mind your that means a angry toddler on the other side🤷♀️
No all moms need break don’t feel bad it happens just cuz you have kids does not mean 24???7 we all need our down time it’s ok
My 2yr old follows me and I just put his potty (that’s what I did with my first). At some point he may finally use it. Been a SAHM since he came home from hospital since he was born at 24wks, still has some major issues. my hubby drives truck and gone many weeks at a time and may only come home for either 10hrs or the occasional 36hrs. I many not be single, but doing it by myself also. May annoy you but turn it into a learning something.
No your not a bad mom at all, all of us moms need a break from time to time.
No he is 2 he is not going to die from crying! And let him sit outside the door and cry!
Nope. I got to the point that I couldn’t stand to be touched when my boys were small…its too much sometimes
You know the saying “they step on your feet when their little and step on your heart when their big”.
You’re not alone it’s the age and he’ll outgrow it and you’ll miss it terribly so just hang in there…
Every parent needs time away from their child(ren) just to recharge and be the best parent you can. So no you are not a bad mom.
So not a bad mom. My girls are 12 and 10 and still follow me in the bathroom. I legit started locking the door to poo.
I totally understand your feelings. My son is special needs and 20 for the last 11 years I have had no other adult help. He pets me and complains if I leave him with his older sister or his grandmother. He stands outside the bathroom and my bedroom when I am changing or peeing. I feel awful but he drives me crazy some days. It gets to the point where I beg him to leave me alone.
Not terrible but it’s only going to get worse if you don’t set boundaries. Need to start getting him in some activities where he is away from you. Let him scream. My son has some issues when he is left with certain people (took him awhile to be able to leave him with my mom) but after repeated doing so he is finally fine with me leaving him. Your son needs to learn that just because he can not see you doesn’t mean you are not coming back.
Use he door as a toy. Have his “run” a car to you under the door… then roll it back to him. It helps. Hugs to you.
That doesn’t make you a bad mom I have a great grandson that does the same thing just breathe
No, not all. Your choice. I didn’t enforce that but there’s no reason they can’t learn while young
No! We all need a couple minite to ourselves, even if it’s sitting down on the toilet🥺 don’t feel bad.
Not at all!! I let my son play alone since there is only 2 of us in the house while I scroll on my phone
Nope lock the door to the house and lock the bathroom door he will get use to it maybe a chain lock for the house one he can’t reach.
Not in the least. You’re just a tired Mama. Hang in there.
My son is 4 and I am now just going to the bathroom by myself.
If I had a nickel for every time I used the potty with a baby on my lap, I would be rich… your not a bad mommy, just a tired one!!
No. I have no issues putting my toddler in his crib with some toys if I need to get something done
You may be a mother but you’ve gotta remember your a human being
Nope! My son is 5 and has autism. I still can’t pee alone!
Nope not a bad mom, i have 6 kids and i love them but i need my space, my me time.
NO!!! Not at all. This to will change in time!
Are you bad or terrible? He’ll no!! You are human.
Let him cry a few minutes while you use the bathroom… it won’t kill him…
No hon, that makes you a normal mom. We all need a few minutes to ourselves.
Nope. You need to watch the super nanny Jo. Her off the hip technique works!
All of us mom’s would love to pee in peace.