Everyone feels that way. Parenting can be overwhelming.
Absolutely not. Sometimes you just need a quick breather.
You are not a bad mom…someone needs to give you a break!!!
My kids and 2 dogs and cat all will follow me into the bathroom. Even if im in the shower, they’re asking me for stuff… like I’m a little busy.
Girl you better start teaching him independence. And let him scream.
Give him a sucker, sit him on the floor outside the door, lock the door, and blissfully do your business!
No you are not. It’s to.r to make boundaries. Let him scream. Do your business in Peace
Perfectly normal feeling…
u should have some privacy sometime
Yes, that is part of being a parent…
You are not terrible, you doing a great job.
It’s beyond frustrating to never get “off” time. Especially as a single mom. I used to use my parents for it a lot lol I need a break I wouldn’t even leave the house just go shower at my parents house so I could do it alone for a bit. The only advice I could possibly give you is to try separating from him for like an hour a day/week/month whatever you’re comfortable with in the beginning. There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking time to take care of yourself and that includes just even for a mental break. Slowly work up to staying the night with a relative or friend that you trust. It will help ease his separation from you and get you a little bit more free time away from him
He should be sitting on his potty since he is training age duh
No. I close the door on my kid.
Mines is 8 years old and still follows me to the bathroom she will ignore me all day but as soon as I step in the bathroom that when she wants to talk lol. you’re not a bad mom. You just need a moment. Do you have family or a good friend you can have watch your little one for a couple hours to take a drive or walk around the mall, take a hot bath?
Nope. You’re normal.
Its very normal. And he shouldn’t be that attached. He will have problems adjusting without you later on.
Have you tried giving him a snack or something he likes while u go.or let him call someone while u go.
Youre not terrible. Mine are 18 and 14 but when little, they learned to let me pee in peace lol
your an idiot my 2 year old never followed me into the bath room She was busy having a fun time playing or going crafts Having a life not based on being with mom 24/7 I was able to shower go to the bath room So you are a loser
Don’t feel bad. My youngest was like that and I had to make a rule in my house that when Mommy got home from work, she got 10 minutes to herself! And that was just to change out of my work clothes and pee in peace. They would sit outside the bathroom door and count the minutes!!
Do you have a friend with an older child 10-14 years old who would maybe come over and distract him for just an hour or two at a time (at least in the beginning) for a play time so he learns to play with someone else and eventually solo with toys … while you are present though so he doesn’t relate himself playing or play time in general with you leaving (make yourself present but stay busy, occupied or unavailable)! Worked for me in the past, so just a thought!
This is where he goes when I need a minute to myself. Gigantic playpen.
Definitely not a bad mom at all! My son is 5 years old and he still has like spider senses that I’m in the bathroom lol he will come in sit down on his stool thats in there and just says mommy I love you. How are you doing are you doing great? I work during the day so his following me reminds me he missed me and that he loves his mom you’re doing great nothing wrong with wanting alone time
Just start teaching him about privacy.
All any mom wants is to pee or take a shit or shower in peace. Nope. Not a bad mom.! Lol
If you are terrible, we are all terrible.
I remember those days. It is a stage. My kids are 19 months apart. I remember never being able to go to the bathroom on my own. Get him a potty and have him sit on the potty while you do.
We all need a minute and he needs to learn boundaries now. I locked the bathroom door and let her scream. Eventually she learned to leave me alone when I was in the bathroom. It’s called conditioning and unfortunately it will take some time but he will get it. Do you have anyone who can take him for awhile?
No ma’am you are not wrong. You’re human. My 3 year old sticks his fingers under the door screaming for me
May have an ear infection. My kiddo never showed signs of ear infections, but got hella attached and needy and every time I was ready to snap, I’d call the dr, take him in and boom ear issue. He’s 11 now and definitely not clingy at all. Hope I was helpful and know that you are not alone, momma, you are a single mom, but not an alone mom. Its tough, you are tough, and you will get through this. And maybe not be a single mom in the future if you choose to be!!!
No of course not…but 5 minutes of solitude is always nice.
Absolutely terrible to wanna go pee by yourself without some toddler trying to look at how you get pee outta your gina. Totally kidding, I lock my kids (3) out of the bathroom, it’s not a party zone… It’s a privacy zone haha. I have 6 kids all together but if I leave the door open they migrate to the bathroom and come in so I lock it. I swear kids have a “bug mom sonar” cause if I’m doing something that I don’t wanna be bugged, guess who’s there bugging me…
Been there with all 3 of the kids. No, it’s most definitely is not horrible. Infact its very, very normal.
My daughter is 4 an still like this. I’ve never been away from her either, she still won’t stay anywhere without me.
3 year old son here and same way. Literally the only time I get alone is when he’s sleeping
You are not a bad mom all 4 of mine and they are in their teens and still bug me while I’m in the bathroom just lock the door when you go unfortunately mine know how to pick the lock
It’s hard during the pandemic, but socialize your child with as many people as possible. Not sure if letting lots of people hold them & spend time with them from birth made my kids somewhat less clingy & more independent or if that was just their personality. Relinquishing your singular hold on your child will make it easier for both of you to transition to in-person school/daycare/staying with other trusted people without you.
But my firstborn was so mischievous I dared not leave him alone while I was on the toilet. It was worth the cost of half a box of tampons which he found fascinating to know he was not going to destroy something or injure himself while I was on the pot.
No you’re not a bad mom I can relate to this and at times if not most it gets to me what the f stupppes
Idk, if he’s attached then you should probably get over him wanting to go to the potty with you. My son does the same and always has and he’s 3.5 if his dad is home he won’t but if it’s just us he’s goes EVERYWHERE I go. Your not terrible but, pick your battles, life will be easier if you do.
Your not a terrible mum for thinking this, I can totally relate to this!! My 2year old is the exact same, its really annoying I know but I see it as its not forever and they grow up so quickly x
nothing wrong but it sounds like you just need a break.
Your not a bad mum, I have 2 under 2 and going for a pee in peace would be hevean lol, I try and get them eating breakfast then do my morning business , they are occupied and I can have a few minutes to myself, they are even worse if I have a shower, hope it gets better for you xx
We all feel like this sometimes! My son is 2.5 and loves joining me in the bathroom. There is nothing less relaxing then pooping while having a toddler sitting in your lap. You are not alone!
Its ok and recommended that you have some me time. He needs to be able to be free from you for short amounts of time too as long as its done safely. Enjoy your bathroom breaks.
No girl. You are not. It’s is absolutely ok to need some alone time and you have to teach him boundaries especially if it’s going to be you guys. Do not feel bad for needing you time. If I didn’t get my hours away from them a day I could never be a good mom.
Not at all. We all need those few moments to ourselves. I lock my bathroom when I shower or else my 6 year old will stand in the bathroom the whole time. He has even laid on the mat and talked the entire shower. Don’t feel bad. He is with you 24/7 and wanting to use the restroom alone is not what makes anyone a bad parent.
Oh no way mama! I have a 2 year old as well and 4 other children… and sometimes the bathroom is my only escape for a minute
When my kids were that young I took mine to.the bathroom with me .Other wise they would get into everything out in the living room
No I have three boys ages 7,5,4 and the golden rule in our house is mom pees alone mom sleeps alone (no kids in my bed unless they’re not feeling well) and mom eats alone and it does wonders for my state of mind I’m a much calmee mom
Nothing wrong with boundaries momma. I have a 26 year old daughter who still will walk in if she is at my house whether I’m peeing or showering lol gotta love motherhood
no not bad, my 7 yr.old son was like that, when he was 2 and 3 at 3 i learned off the hip tech. you put the kid down and do something like wash a few dishes but when you put him down you say " mommy needs you to go play while mommy does dishes so we can have dinner" yes he will scream, kick, yell, cry but you have to remain strong, don’t pick him up til after he calms, or til he goes to do something else and you are done with what you are doing, give him a hug and say i love you. and of course good boy. it’s a super nanny tech. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNCStA7gwag
My mom never went alone. I remember it was a rite of passage in my home too.
My kids are 10 and 6 and STILL come find me in the bathroom. Does it ever stop? Maybe when they’re a teen? Lol
You are definitely NOT a bad mom - just a tired one. This is a phase that all children go through. Hang in there - it will get better! I would recommend that you find some ME time for yourself…give yourself a much needed break, then the clinginess will be more tolerable. Being a single mom is hard enough without all the guilt. Is there a mom support group in your area, a friend who can help out, a babysitter (even if you are still at home in another room). Prayers for you and your toddler from a mom of five.
Not at all that about the only time us momma get to ourselves.
Get him a chair to sit in while you potty helped with my grandson
No you’re not a bad mom, my grandson 5 does da same thing
It’s a good time to get him a little potty and start trading him
Sounds like you need a break mama
You are not horrible for feeling that way