Does my daughters father have a right to know she started her period?

that’s not any of his business! you as her mother should understand that

Her mother should know. Her father doesn’t need to. It’s a very personal thing she’s going through. It’s her choice who knows, if anyone

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I wouldn’t tell him. She can if she wants…its up to her.

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I told my oldest daughters father because he has her for periods of time so l want him to have his bathrooms stocked with everything she would need. That way they don’t have to have any uncomfortable talks when she starts her period when she’s with him. It’s not been an issue ever. I have given him pads to carry on him just in case too. He doesn’t mind one single bit.

If she was living with her dad…would you want to know?

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I wouldn’t tell him. That is HER personal business. Why would he need to know?

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He needs to know when she’s with him so he can be prepared


It is her body, it is her decision. When she wants or needs to tell him, she will.

You are her mother, her friend and guidance counsellor… Don’t lose that over something avoidable


I think you should tell so he can be prepared when she is there. Maybe ask not to tell her he knows. I was completely comfortable talking to my dad about it. He even taught how to wash out my underwear and had me try tampons cause I always got blood on me with pads. (He had my step mom show me how to use them) but we were always very open.

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I wouldn’t worry about it unless she’s going to be at his house during her period. That’s an extremely private thing to tell and she doesn’t sound very comfortable with it. Give her time to get used to it. Once he catches her pms attitude he might be smart enough to figure it out.

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It’s her body. Just make sure she knows the proper steps to use and dispose of her products, make sure she has some, and leave it at that.


It’s up to her if she wNts him to know

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This is something that everyone will have a different opinion on. I do not think you are breaking your trust by telling her father. It’s a part of life and he should be prepared for it. It’s also something you may want to share with him because that’s your and his little girl growing up. When I had my period for the first time, my mom and step dad took me out to a really nice dinner and got me a small gift to show me it was a special thing, not an embarrassing or gross thing. I personally would tell him and maybe pack a “womens box” for him to leave at his house so he is prepared and can get an idea of what he may want to stock up on when the box gets low or is empty.

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Does she live with him some time of the year if so then yes he needs to know but if not then he don’t need to know.

I cannot believe they misogyny in these comments.

She will need to buy things while she is with him. I’d let him know.

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He does have a right to know but she needs to be the one to tell him whether or not it’s right now. The poor girl literally just started it, give her time to adjust & get used to her body changing before you put her PERSONAL business in places she isn’t ready for it to be yet. I’m really confused why you’re seeming so pushy to tell a man, father or not, a young ladys business when she has clearly asked you not too.

It’s HER period, not yours. If she doesn’t want him to know, that is her choice.


Frankly if she goes over to visit and runs out of pads he will learn the embarrassing way, he does need to know so he can keep a supply for her at his place.

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This is just weird. Nobody needs to know if she doesn’t want to tell it, it’s her business. Why would a father want to know about his daughter’s period anyway? That’s her personal business, and nobody else’s.


Uh… no don’t tell him…
I didn’t go and broadcast it to my dad when I started mine. That’s her own personal business. Let her be. If she wants to tell him she can, it’s her body. You don’t control her periods. Just make sure she’s prepared with things she needs when she goes and sees him. Jesus lord. Some people. :woman_facepalming:t2:


I would tell him only because if she is with him when she starts her period, he’s more prepared to handle the situation.

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What… no he doesn’t have to know if she don’t want him to. That’s not something a teenager wants to tell their dad come on now

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He doesnt need to know if she doesnt want him to. Whats he gonna do, not take her to his house till its done

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If she’s going to spend time nights with him . He’ll have to know in case she needs products. So yes then I’d tell him.

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I wouldn’t say anything her period has nothing to do with him. And it’s embarrassing for a young lady. I started whilst visiting my dad and it scared me for life. If she feels comfortable enough with her dad she will bring it up herself. The dad ain’t stupid he’s a grown up he will figure it out eventually on his own.


If he has joint custody he should know so he can have the correct supplies for her? Like I don’t see why so many people are hating on this person? My dad raised me and he didn’t have anything prepared in the house for when I started because he’s a guy and doesn’t think about it.


If she doesn’t want him knowing, dont be the one to tell him.


Yes so he can stockup and prepare incase she’s with him and it happens

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What’s the big deal it comes with having a daughter he already knows that

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I don’t think he needs to know unless she is visiting him when she has one son he can make sure she has supplies. Respect her in this.


Why does anyone need to know other than the child who’s body it is ?
She’s not in danger. It’s not a medical condition, it’s not any of anyone’s business. When a girl has her period. She can either be responsible and take supplies with her when she goes to his house, or if it happens while she’s there she can choose to tell him about it. But it’s not some huge life changing event that he needs to know about.


Why does he have a right to know?


It’s her body and should be her right to choose who knows about it. There is zero reason he would need to know. She could bring her supplies with her on visits. It’s unnecessary and she has been clear she doesn’t want him to know so why tell him?


honestly I would probably tell him then state please let her tell you yourself. Tell him what she prefers to use and then he is ready for the conversation . He could ease it as well like have stuff at his house then just mention I don’t know if you need it yet but I know you will at some point just wanted you to know it was there .


Honestly this is ridiculous of course he needs to know if she doesn’t tell him now than shes going to get even more embarrassed when shes at his house with no products she needs bleeding on herself. Periods are not always predictable the first year or so for young ladies. I’d encourage her to let him know if she refuses than tell him on down low and give him a box of things to have on hand cause if she likes it or not there will come a time she’s not prepared or forgets about bring products she needs it has happened im sure to every girl or woman at least once.


I don’t think he needs to know unless she’s going to be staying with him.

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Its really not his “right to know.” Unless she needs him to buy tampons or pads I dont see why it matters?


She will bring it up when she feels comfortable. Just tell her no need to be embarrassed. It happens to every girl. Just be honest tell her that daddy needs to know so when she is there she can ask and he can go pick stuff up

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Um you should probably give him a heads up so he can buy pads or tampons for his house lol

What’s the big deal in telling him discreetly? Nothing to be ashamed of. He needs to be prepared for when she visits.

Personally, treating it like it’s some big freakin secret to be embarassed about is what makes young girls so insecure about it. Hes a grown man. I’m sure he can handle it.


I think he does need to know! He will have to buy her supplies! But I’d let her tell him!

Send her with what she needs and.if.she needs to tell him,she can
Its personal. I dont see why he needs to know. I have two girls and didnt specifically tell him.


WHY THE :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: DOES HE NEED TO KNOW???
If your daughter wants to keep it private then she should be able to do so. I’m sure her father is aware of the fact that at some point she’s going to begin puberty. YOUR DAUGHTER WILL LOSE ALL TRUST IN YOU IF YOU START TELLING HER FATHER OR ANYONE ELSE ABOUT HER PERSONAL BUSINESS!!!


Please respect her privacy. When she visits her dad, just make sure she has what she needs. I agree with Sarah. He’ll figure it out.


I understand his right to know as in if she stays with him he should be prepared with the essentials but it is her body and should be her choice if she wants him to know. If she isn’t comfortable with him knowing then don’t tell him. If you’re concerned for her being adequately prepared then you can send her with everything she might need or even go out and buy some things and explain that the time is coming and you thought he should have some of these things.

He doesn’t need to know unless he needs to buy her the essentials. Even then she can just take that stuff with her when she goes to visit. Why does he need to know? This is YOUR thing with your daughter. As it would be his thing if it was a son, talking about the birds and the bees and what not.


He should know if he has to buy supplies and or medication for it. It’s a normal thing that happens so :woman_shrugging:

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It’s not that he has a right to know because it is her body. But if you guys have shared custody it’s something that may be important to know as her body goes through changes.


There is absolutely no reason he needs to know this. It is personal.

It depends on how you guys split custody. If he has her for like say a whole summer he is going to have to know to make sure she has what she needs. If he only gets her for a few days you could respect her wishes and send her with just what she needs and allow her to be the one to tell him when she is ready.


it’s her choice. do not break that trust/bond you have with her

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Honesty neither of you have a right to know. I told my mom because I needed supplies. I never told my dad, not his business :woman_shrugging:t3:


That is her business. Put yourself in her shoes. Would you want your personal business told?

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I really don’t think he will care to know. It’s her body and her decision anyway, and not the huge deal parents make it out to be. Can be quite embarassing for a teenage girl.

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Is this serious? Why does he, or anyone, need to know that she’s menstruating? Lmao he doesn’t have any right to know that. No one does. I can’t believe you think that you need to go out of your way to contact her father to inform him of this.


4 girls and we never let dad know. Give her some privacy.


If he is active in her life, it’s definitely something he “should” know in order to provide her with the things she needs. However, he doesn’t have “a right” to know her very private personal life that she is already embarrassed about. I think you could have chosen better words for arguments sake. A provider needs to know what he’s providing and that is what it comes down to.

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He doesn’t need to know it’s her privacy not his, if she shared with you it’s because your important to her enough to open up about.

:laughing: he’s going to food out when she’s moody and runs out of pads :laughing:

Dont tell him. In time as she grows common sence will tell him

Mind your business it’s not your business to tell it’s a private matter respect her!

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Wtf is wrong with you why does he need to know??? Make sure she brings extra products with her when she’s visiting him he has absolutely no need to know this your a bleeding fruitloop to even think about this #weird


She has the right to her privacy and is probly embarrassed. Send her all the supplies she will need. Thats her buisness and if she wants him to know she will tell him.
If you tell she won’t tell you much else. He will Find out sooner or later through the trash probly.


I’m sure he’ll know and telling him may be helpful with buying the things she needs, but talk to your daughter and you both talk to the dad 🤷

In my opinion, I’ve always taught my daughter, “if it’s not your story, don’t tell it”
Whether it’s a silly thing she did with a friend, or something personal that may be embarrassing or uncomfortable for the person involved, so, if it’s not her story, meaning it’s not HER story to tell, don’t share. Make sense?
My daughter’s father and I are adults, still friends, and ALWAYS respect my daughters choices feelings, ect. … we both have same expectations as far as we want to raise a strong, independent, loyal, decent human being… even if we were together, and my daughter started her period and didn’t want people to know, I would MOST DEFINITELY not share that with him, she is perfectly capable of deciding what she wants to “share” with whomever… I’m her mother, and the person she feels most comfortable confiding in.
If your daughter isn’t is in harm’s way, then my advice to you MOM, IS “ITS NOT YOUR STORY TO TELL”. (My opinion)

If you share custody just make sure to send her with plenty of pads and other essentials. If she wants to tell him she will.


He doesn’t need to know. Unless it is her time of the month. If she chooses to tell him that is her choice. It is not your choice to tell her dad or anyone else for that fact.


Seems weird and creepy to be so gung ho about telling him. Its her business. Send her with extra supplies during visits and respect her privacy and body autonomy.


In my opinion, respect her privacy, nobody is entitled to know that besides her. I think if you break her trust now it will only make things harder as she gets older. Growing up i knew my mom would keep everything I told her to herself and so I told her everything and I honestly believe that I didnt have a lot of the normal " teenage dramas" as my friends and it saved me from alot of bad situations & decisions. If my mom never offered me that safe fully confidential space idk what on would have done. I think this is a great opportunity for you to show your daughter that she has your unconditional trust… good luck


Depending on her age, I was very very young and my mother told my father before we went for the summer because she was worried he would think something was wrong but I didn’t find out until years later he knew. If she is 12 or older it’s her business. Chances are he will see something in the trash and figure it out on his own if so. But if she asked you not too I don’t think you should.

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I’m glad I didn’t have y’all as a mom. My dad knew I got mine and it made life easier. I was taught it was nothing to be ashamed off. Anything can happen during the early years of her period and what if the mom isn’t around? This isn’t about telling her business it’s about making sure that man knows his child’s health history cause her period is her health.


It is her business, but if she is staying at his home for any length of time his house should have the necessities, he doesn’t have to know right away as she is not ready but eventually…

I mean he would need to know to keep supplies on hand when she is over with him. I wouldn’t force the issue but have a talk with her about how her bodily functions are completely normal and nothing to be ashamed of

Nope! There is no reason to tell him unless she was going to be staying with him. Respect her privacy.

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He doesn’t have a right to know but he should know so he can have a heads up for accidents, surprises, and can have supplies ready for her. Tell him but make sure he doesn’t say anything. My stepmom told my dad, I’m sure she did because never have we had that weird conversation and he just knew to buy supplies and to not ask questions if he ever did laundry and there were “accidents”. Yes she deserves her privacy but a parent should also be aware of what’s happening with their child

Has a right to know? Lady. I’m 32 and I’ve still never told any father figure or brother or cousin or any male relative about it.


I’d let him know to start keeping supplies on hand. What does she plan to do during his visitation? Some girls hide it and form gross habits. Idk that there needs to be a celebration about it just a casual hey she needs “whatever her preference of supplies are” and leave it at that.


Why does he need to know other than needing to have padsat his house for her. Most fathers…even in the home don’t really get excited to know about that. Lol. Unless you think she’s out doing stuff she shouldn’t be doing then leave it alone.

I mean, if she goes there for visits he’s gonna need to stock up on stuff for it unless you just want to send her with it.
I didn’t want my dad to know either but my parents were still together.
The exact conversation:
Me: mom, I need pads.
Mom: honey we’ll be back, we’re going to the store.
Dad: what for?

I eventually got to the point of asking him to pick up tampons on his way home from work lol.
It’s a hard and embarrassing change to go through so let her do what she’s comfortable with for now.
You could let him know but tell him to keep on the dl until she’s more used to it.

That is her business to tell him or not. Just make sure she takes her stuff with her when she goes over there. Encourage her to let him know about it so that he can be prepared with extra in case it’s needed or if she would start while she’s there. But ultimately, this is her choice.

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To all who are wondering and questioning WHY this question is being asked:
He should know so he knows what’s changes his child is going through…and also to make sure she has everything she will need when with him.
Next time daughter is heading to her dads, tell her to let him know, just so if she needs anything he can help her out. Its nothing to be embarrassed about, that’s her dad and men know about periods too.
But I would try to have her tell him though…or if u do decide to say it, make it short and sweet. Men wont want details anyway lol.
“So, she got her period. She has stuff in her bag but if she needs more she knows to ask you for help”.
That’s it. And he will cringe lol. He wont ask questions most likely.
People act like periods need to be kept secret. Lol. I dont get it. My mother told my father when I got mine (and when my sister got hers) so that if we needed anything he knew what was happening. He didnt ask anything…ever. we always had everything we needed already, packed from home when we went for a visit. He would have extra treats (the chocolate and chips) on hand which was great lol.


Thats her personal private body, and suuper fricken embarassing to share with ANYONE. please dont make her do it. what purpose does it serve


Wait until she tells him…
Men aren’t stupid, he will figure it out

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You don’t have to tell him just because, but for future visits it is a nice heads up so he is prepared

She doesn’t want him to know. At LEAST give her that kind of autonomy. If you did your job as a parent and she knows how to handle herself with a period, she will be fine. She will speak up if she needs to or she will learn a valuable lesson. My dad was never told because he didn’t need to be told. Until one day my brother and I were on a visit and I realized I forgot to pack my products and I checked the cabinet to find that my step mom only had tampons (which at 12 years old I didn’t use). My step mom wasn’t home so I, however slowly, spit out to my dad that I needed girl stuff. My dad had a freak out. That was hilarious to watch and sit through actually. :joy:

Umm. Some comments are weird. If hes her father & visits him regularly then yes he should know what’s going on as that’s the beginning of her puberty, hormones, emotional changes, etc and he needs to be aware & not surprised when he sees a pad in his trashcan. Then hes gonna call the mom.asking why she didn’t tell. As far as I’m concerned his right to know trump’s her privacy at that age.

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don’t unless he has her on vistz on the time off month

Pffff… what she don’t know won’t hurt her :woman_shrugging:t2: my mom told my dad that night after I told her I’d started. I was a hard core tomboy and an oober daddy’s girl so the whole period thing was mortifying lol she just nonchalantly told him like he’d actually care. I think dads should know in the off chance mom isn’t there to help with what she needs but you don’t have to tell her you just blabbed her new found secret that for girls isn’t much of a secret lol


Why does he need to know? It’s a personal matter not a medical issue. She’ll tell him if she wants. If she visits she’ll have to say something eventually. Your setting yourself up for her to keep things from you in the future if you blab everything to her dad


This is about your daughters body & feelings. I’d leave it totally up to her if & when SHE wants to tell him. I don’t think my father ever knew I had mine. Let her decide.

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So I get everyone saying don’t tell the father just send her with supplies. BUT what about when she bleeds thru and she stains her pants? What about the night she stains the sheets? The father won’t know how to react …: the daughter won’t know how to react either ? So what’s happens in this situation? I think it’s best the father knows for when something like this happens he isn’t surprised or doesn’t know what to do or how to tell the daughter that she had blood stains on her butt. Maybe the mother should encourage the daughter to tell the father and teach her that periods are something normal nothing to be embarrassed about .


leave it alone if she wants her father to know she should be the one to tell him not you don’t know why she has to let him know I would never tell my father

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My mom told my dad i was embarrassed but got over it

You just told the whole world, tag him in this.


Is this a real fucking question :rofl: he dosent need to know it’s her body and that would be weird

That is her personal business and he don’t need to know …so leave it alone

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If he lives out of state & isnt majorly involved in custody then I would say let her tell him. If he has her every other weekend, then all you really need to do is say, but such & such, have it on hand in her bathroom & she’ll discuss it when ready. So he will know to not bring it up till the daughter does. Mine started last week. I texted her dad a pic of the pads she needed and told him she doesn’t want to discuss it. Left it at that.

Ummm he needs to know so he can stock his house up with feminine products… this is a given


… I’m shocked at a lot of these answers. Wow. It’s more than ‘her body, her choice’… he’s her parent too and sorry not sorry, he has a right to know. If she ever visits and she starts, what if she runs out of supplies? What if it’s a really bad period and she’s hurting and in pain, men are stupid, he’s going to call an ambulance… y’all wouldn’t be saying that if the daughter told the dad not to tell her mom… just saying. If this 12 yr old came home with a belly ring… or a tattoo… her body her choice right?! Lol


Its her choice. My dad didn’t know for sure for years but obviously as you grow he will figure it out. Like if he needs to get her supplies while with him.