Does my husband like my old friend?

Leave the zero and find ur self a hero. Good luck.

Get rid of him. He is cheating on you, if not physically, he’s cheating emotionally. You don’t need it.

Stop going to the girls house

Tell him to leave if he’s unhappy with you

My mom and dad had separate relationships she was happier lost weight and became the life of the party for herself. This was because my dad did the same he was not faithful. They were together 20 years . If u feel he’s doing it he is . You can try to make him fall for you again but as my mom put it why bother being something you aren’t. Change anything about you for you not the opposite. My advice is follow your intuition and be honest with yourself how do you want to be treated is it worth all this?

You’re still with him, why.

Mine was like that. Now he is an ex.

First thing is, you mention his reluctance to have sex, not sure what his age is but could there be a medical reason?, next is send the children to a grandparent or other family member for a couple days. During that time put a DO NOT DISTURB sign on the door, except for maybe a door dash order. Spend down time, make no demands except for no electronics. Watch old movies, listen to music, make small talk, you have to get back to yourselves. Take showers together if he’d like but even alone to feel good. When things are calm it’s easier to talk about things. This other women is not a threat, she is a diversion from something that is a constant. You try this, and soon he will open up, as well as you also. Remember no blaming. Just talk. Try this and it’s going to open emotions up so they can be repaired

Run Smells like Sh!!! It is He question u cause he doing wrong

And you want him , why ? Move on

Guilty people act that way when confronted!!!

If you stand up for yourself by honoring your boundaries, calmly laying down the law for him, then separating, it could put the ball back in your court and YOU can decide if you want to take him back. Because that will get his attention. Take charge of your life. But have all your plans for how you’ll survive set first. You have to be ready to follow through on dumping him.

Wow, there seems to be a whole lot of women thinking that destroying a family over a marital problem is that only answer. Your making divorce lawyers rich.

Leave him now before he leaves you with her!!

stop …just get yourself out of this.

Seek professional counseling.

You need to put yourself first for once, 4 kids under 10 is hard and you have probably neglected yourself, he is a huge dickhead and his attitude towards you is making things worse. Your so unhappy, you need to build yourself up and start planning a life for you and your children, you don’t need him, you are already pretty much doing everything yourself like a single mom, and you cant ask him for help or he throws a fit and gets angry. Find a support group to help you, sounds like your marriage is falling apart anyways, and if he is acting like he is towards her then best to cut him out before he does up and cheat. Maybe if you two did separate he would realize what he has lost, or you would see your better off without him. No reason to stay in a marriage where he is verbally abusive, and acting so cold towards you.

Leave and cut both of them out of your life, except for his involvement with kids, IF addiction does not become issue. If so, then deny him access to them as well.
Your “friend “ is perfectly aware she is causing problems, I assure you….

Let him go! Sometimes people become complacent and take their mates for granted. Let him fly, you be confidant and move on, you will meet someone again. He will either realize that he still needs and wants you or its time to just move on. Nothing in life is promising, but you got this! Be strong and dont let yourself be easily accessible especially once you/he moves on. Sometimes couples need that space.

If he is not cheating…he wants to. Sorry. When they start picking at every little thing…you cannot do anything right…it is a sure sign.

Kick that loser to the curb He has issues.

start running and dont stop!!!

I don’t believe that your first reaction should be to go to the divorce lawyer but… to your friend , you said she wasn’t interested in him or the type but you do need more info, share this story , she may be showing you what he is 2. Prepare for the worse case …prepare , like really but then set up a way to still work on it , counselor or discussions 3. Be strong and willing to say goodbye if it all falls apart and as hard as it is …let him know you need honesty because a loveless marriage /relationship is hard to tap back in again but be willing to try if he is …listen and do the work but still be ready to be strong because you matter too

Time to upgrade…don’t let him take you down to his level…

And your still there :persevere:

Attorney, divorce. Live your life

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Talk with a divorce lawyer.

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Drop OuT This RelaTionship

run far and fast! hes an **s

He already hitting that

Just where I would go for advice, Facebook

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Leave. You deserve way better