Does my partner have a right to be upset?

There’s no way I would agree to this being tracked I would feel like I was being spied on.i have nothing to hide or distrust and certainly would no my husband would agree with me .

We have it as a family. I choose to leave mine on. My boyfriend does not. I trust him so I don’t care if he leaves it on. Should be a choice. It’s about trust

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I only check it if he is driving in bad weather and I know he cant/doesn’t want to answer or be distracted.

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I have it with my kids, but because they are my children. When they are 18 they can decide whether or not they want to keep it, but I would never agree to my partner wanting to track me as well. I lived with someone who controlled my life and tracked me. Never again will I go through that. My kids and I know where each other is and thats all I need.


Yes… My whole family is pretty much on life 360… But my little family isn’t… I don’t see the bed in being tracked… I wouldn’t take it as anything suspicious … I’m not cheating on my husband and I don’t want to be tracked

Yikes you wanna stalk your husband and because he said no you’re concerned. I wouldn’t mind willingly sharing but if someone says no I understand privacy whether you are doing something shady or no should be extended. The app hella drains your battery as well. You’re coming off controlling

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I think it’s a great app to have for children and teens for their safety and that’s it.


We have it and it’s also incase someone has an accident etc.

To controlling if you ask me! I’d a never ask my husband. Really sounds like a trust issue. I’d be pissed too.


Girl you can track him from his Gmail account. Duh. Should you. No. Life 360 is for kids safety. I used it on all of my boys when they first started driving. Some people just demand privacy. I am one of those people. He may just demand trust. I’m one of those people too. Or he may just demand to not be controlled and refuses to allow himself to get into a controlling relationship. I am one of those people too, so I feel for you SO! No, I couldn’t be with someone like you.

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Being with this person for as long as you’ve been, and knowing him like you do, it’s sounds like you were trying to pick a fight. You knew what his answer would be. It’s the same answer you would give if he wanted you to wear a leash. Trackers are the modern day leash.


Okay so I may be a little on the other side as everyone else here, but hear me out.
I am 34 years old, married 6yrs, together 9 years. We have a 7yr old son.

We have the app life 360, in our circle we have… Me, my husband, my sister, her husband, and my mother.
We all have locations on each other, and we are a super close family.
None of us have anything to hide and all of us think it is great.
We all work 45mins from our houses, its nice to know when we all make it to work etc, especially when the weather is bad. We dont have to call in the middle of them driving we can just look.
Also me husband is super cool about the whole thing, he actually really likes it. I shop for instacart and when I’m out it isnt exactly easy to talk on the phone while shopping/delivering and my husband gets ease of mind when he can see where I’m at, if he hasnt heard from me in a few hours.
The other day my whole family went out to eat, and we were wondering if they have left there house yet, my sister was busy and didnt answer her phone, so I looked at app and seen they were still home.
When my husband works 12+he days he just wants to come home from work (45min drive) and sometimes he dosent let me know, he has an old truck so phone wont connect to it to talk safely… so I can check app and plan dinner accordingly :woman_shrugging:
Also this app alerts everyone in the circle if someone is driving and their car comes to a complete stop quickly (wreck). And all that is without paying for anything for the app.
There are options to pay certain amounts a month for lots more info, but we dont need that. Just all safety reasons. I honestly don’t see a problem.
I think it depends all on the situation your in and who all is in your circle.


We use it. This world is too crazy and his drive to work is long and sometimes sketchy

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My husband put it on my and our son’s phone a while back and took it off 'because you all are boring. Work, school, home everyday." haha.

Nope I don’t see no need to be tracking my husband of 39 years together think if u can’t trust him move on just my opinion :thinking:


I’d say the problem is wanting to track a partner who’s never given you a reason to worry before. I used this on my kids until they were done high-school, but would never consider using this with my partner. He is where he says he is and I don’t have trust issues. Honestly I wouldn’t appreciate if my partner all of a sudden wanted to track me, I’d be pissed too.


I have nothing to hide BUT that doesn’t mean I want to be tracked.


I use it with my stepson but not my fiance :woman_shrugging:

We love it. It is not about trust. It is about safety. We have it because a friend of ours had it with their spouse, when he left for work, he had a bad wreck. This app notified her of the accident


I mean for all the negative comments if you think about it the law could find out where you are, who you are talking to and what your talking about so what’s the difference lmao

What in the world would we do without all this technology whatever is to be wil be can’t change life happening good or bad

My whole in law side brother/sister in law mother in law and husband we all have this app and share our locations with each other but we are all very close and I just feel safe knowing they know where I’m at if I needed them also the app notifies someone if you are in a car accident. I was recently in one with my mother in law and my brother and sister in law where at the accident before the cops even showed up.

I wouldn’t want to be tracked, and I’m doing nothing wrong. Sometimes I go for long drives, to relax or listen to music I like :joy: wouldn’t want anyone coming to find me​:joy: but in an emergency, it would be useful


We use it… but our family is on it… we have 3 teens & we don’t “stalk” or “track” then constantly… but it’s there if I haven’t heard from them or they’re not answering their phone… it gives me a little peace of mind…& vise versa for them… they can see where we are… it’s not a big deal for me or my husband b/c we have nothing to hide…& in today’s world it’s nice to be able to locate my kids… the world is a scary place

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His phone is a tracker it self. Anybody who doesn’t want to be tracked is hiding something. If you have nothing to hide, what’s the problem.


If your location is active on your phone, Google tracks and maps your every move everyday. From location to activities… I don’t have shit to hide but I wouldn’t want to be tracked or track someone. Everything gets hacked these days. It’s a stalker or human traffickers dream. Your everyday patterns basically signed sealed and delivered by some random app. No thanks!

He’s a grown man and doesn’t want to be tracked like a dog there’s nothing wrong with that. If in 12 years he’s never given you a reason to not trust him then why even approach him about this? I imagine he’s feeling very upset and hurt right now and unlike you he has every right to be.


I don’t agree with trackers or camera within our home. We do have 1 indoor camera but I cover it when I’m home alone.

Tracking someone is super invasive and he has every right to say no.


My family uses it and we love it. We use it mostly for the kids when they leave the house. Times are bad and people are crazy. You can never be to safe these days.

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i used it when i had major trust issues with my husband and he was willing to do it to show me i had nothing to worry about…i would be a little llike wtf if there was no reason for it too. plus it drains ur battery quick sooo…

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Some people see it as a control thing. My bf brought it up but we haven’t actually used it but I have no issues with it. I was actually surprised he brought it up because he’s the type that doesn’t want to be controlled and he thinks trust is a big thing. However he wants to be safe because his drive to work is crazy and he gets into accidents with alot of deer and or when the roads get bad. I told him up to him. His drive is nothing but country driving and nothing around.

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I personally don’t like it. I don’t need something else tracking me out my phone. I don’t have a thing to hide. You can already track phones.

My family has Life360 on all of our phones. My husband downloaded it willingly with no issues, same with me. We have 3 children 12,9,6 which all have it on their phones/tablets also. We love the app. I would be worried if he’s making a big deal about it. Obviously he’s trying to hide something. Maybe try counseling bc there’s way bigger issues than just that app.


I think a tracking app is fantastic to have. On anyone’s phone. People bring ther phones everywhere and if they end up lost, lose their phone etc you can see the last place it pinged and it could save their life knowing the last place they were.
I think if he’s so against it, he’s probably hiding something. I don’t need to track my husband and he doesn’t need to track me. We also don’t need to track our kids, but if the need arises where you need to find them, it’s helpful.


We are not hiding anything. We just want to feel like we can have some freedom in life with out being questioned. Don’t look for trouble. I am 75 and don’t like being tracked.


It’s good for safety reasons for these days in time. It’s weird that he was so defensive to the idea, & I’d also tell him how you feel. See if he can explain exactly why he’s so against it.

If he’s that mad, he’s up to no good. I’d tell him I’m out.

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What gives you the right to track him? It’s an invasion of his are his wife not his owner for gods sake. If you have trust issues that’s your problem . No wonder he’s upset.


I’d have the same reaction. He has every right to not want you to track him.


Its not about trust. When I leave home I tell my husband where I’m going. He does the same. Its respect and I don’t see why an app is different. Could save a life? Possibly Accidents happen and If he can’t get to something to answer my call or text back somethings wrong…because he would. Just a scenario. I wouldn’t need an app though. Just saying

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Freedom, you might want to research it, people have died in wars over it, being tracked (by anybody) kinda goes against all that, you aparently think the “trust” discussion was a smokescreen but its still about freedom

Mine doesn’t even carry his phone half the time so it wouldn’t do us any good most days.

My daughter (24) and I have it. It’s a peace of mind thing. She did it willingly so I can check her trip home if it’s late or see that she got to her destination safely.
The other day I couldn’t find my phone and she was able to tell me it was at home. I’d be a bit worried if a partner had such an adverse reaction to the suggestion.


I have absolutely zero to hide and I would not want to be tracked like that. Talk about invading personal space. If somebody wants to know where I am, they can ask and I will tell them. If they can’t trust me to tell them where I am truthfully and feel they need to track me, it’s not somebody I need in my life.


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Maybe because he’s a grown man and doesn’t feel like his every move needs to be tracked, if it makes you uncomfortable maybe you should ask yourself why it’s so important to you to know his every move.


Grandpa & I need that, especially when we travel.

My husband and I have our located shared with each other indefinitely.
It’s not so we can track each other it’s for safety.
My husband has a decent drive for work, so It’s just peace of mine

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He’s hiding something :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I don’t want someone tracking me, that doesn’t mean I’m guilty of anything.


I wouldn’t like to be tracked at all but in these times now it’s a good safety feature to have for a family. Just because you want it doesn’t mean you will use it unless he’s lost or lost his phone. Sit him down and explain to him why you want it and set some ground rules around it. Like if he’s missing more than 8 hours when he said he’d be home at 6 year he’s not answering texts and calls or something similar to that. If you don’t suspect him of anything then you won’t need to track him and him you. I do think he maybe hiding something tho if he’s got majorly upset about it and not even talked it out with you. If you have children just set up there’s on the phones and tablets and set up yours too. He may realise it’s a good idea in the long run.

We love the 360 app. My husband, myself, 18 year old son and mom are all on it. We just use the free version

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I feel like apps like that are for parents trying to keep track of their kids. If you need to track your spouse, you probably shouldn’t be married.


Even if u did track his phone he could always leave it in his vehicle while someone picked him up. Their is always a way if u want to be sneaky

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My husband and I would never get a tracking app.
Massive invasion of privacy. Do you think the people who own the software and store it don’t sell it? Come on.

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I’d like it if I lost my phone or was in an accident

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I don’t use it but I’m also on his side. Why do you need to track your partner’s phone? If you have no reason to distrust him, then this doesn’t need to be an argument. Not everyone feels comfortable, knowing they’re essentially being watched 24/7. Its an invasion of privacy. What if he goes to a bar after work? The questions from you would start - who was he with, how many beers did he have, etc?

From someone who’s EX constantly tracked me I won’t ever allow that on my phone. Not that I’m hiding anything but that it triggers PTSD for me. My BF completely understands this. It’s mainly for parents to keep track of their kids.


If you have nothing to hide then you should have nothing against it. You could have a wreck or medical emergency and that could be the only way to find your loved one.


That’s crazy. Who cares if there’s nothing to hide. Why would anyone want to be low jacked? Geeez.

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I have location sharing on my phone with my fiance, but we don’t actively track each other. That’s weird. We have it in case for some reason one of us goes missing or gets lost or I can’t explain where I am, etc, which has never been a thing.

Why do you want to use a tracking app?

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I mean I’m grown and don’t need another grown ass person tracking my every move. If you feel that you need to track him then maybe it’s YOU that has insecurities that you need to work through but it’d be a hard no for me also!

We use Life 360. … its came in handy a few times!

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I have been with my husband almost 20 years and I have no reason at all to not trust him or him me but we have kuds still at home and 2 grown we both have the app but it’s set to our kids phone so we can see where they are at all times so lieing to ol mom bahah my oldest taught me well how sneaky kids can be bahah but the point is I wouldn’t want to be tracked the government does enough of that shit already so I think it comes down to a more personal feeling about it if you have no reason to doubt him then why track him trust is a 100 percent of a relationship so if you don’t have that you don’t have a truly healthy relationship and my h7sband would be the same way he wouldn’t want me tracking him same as I wouldn’t want it

You need to sit down and have an honest conversation with your partner about your relationship. If you’re feeling insecure and you’re questioning your entire 12 year relationship then you may have bigger issues that you’re not acknowledging.
Ask yourself why you need to know where he is
Ask him why, specifically, he’s against it. Maybe he doesn’t like the idea of an app knowing where he is (I deny most apps that want to track my location.)
Maybe he’s not very good at articulating his thoughts about it.
I had it for my son, (not my husband) until he was 18. I’ve uninstalled it because I found myself checking it every time he left or was a few minutes late. He’s an adult now and we have open conversations about trust and communication.
Just think about why you’re here asking strangers for their opinions.


Is he your partner or is he your child

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Depends on your reasoning for wanting it.

I can see if he’s camping or hiking or traveling that can help if something were to go wrong.

He doesnt have to keep his location on either if you want him to know yours.

I definitely see his side too. He may feel you don’t trust him. I do think it depends on the why you want it and have that conversation with him. If he is throwing a tantrum over it id say that’s a red flag but if he’s just upset because you’re adamant about having it and wont hear him out that’s not a red flag

Some people just don’t like the idea of being “tracked” by anyone. It doesn’t have to be a cheating/untrusted scenario


A tracking app could come in handy if something happened like an emergency ect mabey talk to your spouse about ut

My husband and I use Life360, but he drives around 1 1/2 to 2 hours every day for work and I’m driving constantly for errands and the kids. All the closest stores to us are over 20 minutes away. We live in an area where, especially during inclement weather, people tend to have more wrecks. That’s why we have it. He also can see if I’m home or at the store or my phones dead and if that’s why I’m not answering (I’ve had some health issues). He’s had a questionable past and didn’t blink an eye because it also brings comfort to me knowing that we are past hiding things. So… you already have a gut feeling and should ask him and be forthcoming with how you feel.

What is wrong with just your spouse telling you where he is going? If he hasn’t given any reason for trust issues? I personally wouldn’t want to be tr!cked 24/7, if you can’t trust him after 12 years then why stay? He has a right to his own wishes

unless you are a teenager or a very old person, no one should have a tracker on their phone unless they want it. Your BF has the right to say he doesn’t want it, unless he is or has some sort of brain damage, let it go. if you don’t trust him, you need to let him go !!!


I would be pissed if my guy wanted to track me. I’d be offended, especially if I’ve done nothing to break trust


I’m with you. If your spouse is tracking you who cares? It’s a safety feature. If he’s so against it I would wonder.


I have this app. My mom, dad, , boys, and my self use it. We use it as a way of knowing the other person is safe. My mom has to drive 45min to and from work everyday. And my dad well he’s accident prone. I asked my husband of 20yrs if he wanted it on his phone and he said no. I said ok. He said he doesn’t want the government tracking him. Like this man has siri turned off on his phone. It’s not always more. It sounds to me like he just don’t want to be tracked.

I don’t cheat, I wouldn’t want the app either :woman_shrugging: get it for you kid.


If my husband or I feel the need to track one another I feel like we shouldn’t be together. This is defn a trust problem not a what if one goes missing. Your phone carriers can find your last ping on towers if that were ever the case.

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we have an app like that. It’s me, my husband, our son, and daughter all on it. It’s for safety, because let’s face it this world is not safe anymore. It gives us peace of mind knowing where our teenager is at all times.

We also own our own business. My husband travels all over the state working so, it’s for safety and peace of mind.

Sometimes it has nothing to do with trust. As a mom and wife, I’m a worrier. I’m constantly worrying for the safety of my family in this crazy world. I trust my husband we have been together for ten years but I also worry about him and want to know he’s safe and made it to where he is going.

We have been using it for like four years. And I feel alot comfortable. And I don’t have to call him as much when my husband and kids aren’t home.

My husband didn’t have a problem with it because he is trustworthy and has nothing to hide. So, your spouse reaction is a little alarming to me. Because if he has nothing to hide, then what’s the big deal?!

It’s also good to use for if you lose your phone.


We use 360. Son works late - so can see on bad weather days he made it. hubby and I are on the road continually for work. I can see when hes parked to see if Its safe to phone or not. Kids can see we r ok as well. Hubby lost his phone once and found it by following it when an Amazon driver found it. We use it for safety not TRACKING.

Unless I see hes near a coffee shop - its then my “can you grab me one too”. :joy::joy:


That’s not right to want a tracking app on anyones phone other than a childs for safety! if they’re walking home from school . Not a full grown adult .


We use it because my husband drives alot for work and I work 45 mins from home so we use it mainly for the crash notification. If one of us is in a accident we’d get a notification and know right away. Not because we don’t trust each other. It’s also come in handy when one of us forgets our phone somewhere. Also use it it for our teens. I’ve never used it just to know where he is. We trust each other 100%

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I personally wouldn’t like it.When I found out my 13 year old daughter was tracking me I made here delete it.Not because I’m doing anything wrong but what if I want to sneak to McDonald’s without her just to sit in the parking lot to relax before going home.:laughing:

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My husband and kids all use it due to my husband work travel schedule

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I’d react the exact same way.He’s not your child he’s your partner and unless he’s given you reason not to trust him then why you want to track his every move.It’s insulting.You want to know where he is then ask him.No one will ever be tracking me that’s for sure.Kids are a diff story


Are you willing to throw away all those years and live your life in constant suspicion? Let it go and trust yr partner n be happy. IIIIIIFFFFFF he’s cheating, it will eventually come to light, but why worry about something that, as far as you know, isn’t there?


I thought this was going to be a post about tracking a child🙄 If you trust your SO there is no need to be able to track him, if you feel like you need to track him then you have other problems that need to be addressed.


Theres 100% transperancy in my relationship. We both have nothing to hide. My fiance and I both have iPhones along with our son which automatically features the “find my” app and can be turned on to locate where each device is. We all have it turned on for emergency purposes… accidents… getting lost or losing our devices. Its no big deal to us. We dont use it because its a matter of trust … but a matter of safety… god forbid theres an accident and you or your partner becomes unresponsive, or the car has a flat or breaks down in the middle of nowhere… its a great feature and if theres nothing to hide, I dont see any problem with it.


I hate it but it makes him feel better. Sometimes I just leave my phone at home. I think it is good in many ways but I hate it.


Our family has this app. Kids adults and even some close friends it’s not about tracking each other, our lives our to busy to keep tabs like that, but it helps everyone know that they can be located or found if the occasion arises

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Me husband and I use life360 but we only use to make sure each other is safe as driving a lot is part of our jobs. Just gives us peace of mind.

You sound silly. Questioning 12 yrs of relationship because he doesn’t want to be tracked?


We use this app in our family. We like to make sure our kids are safe. My ex husband had it on his phone also and he still found a way to cheat. :sweat_smile:

He gave u no reason to mistrust him n ur acting like he been unfaithful the whole time. He’s not a convict. He’s not ur child. I wouldn’t want u to either

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I wouldn’t like it either. I had it for my kids, but not my hubby. I don’t need to know where he’s at all the time. I usually just know anyways. If there’s no reason before to not trust him, why worry now? I personally think it’s weird how we can trace someone’s every move now days. :woman_shrugging:

If you know the password or on the same google account this is all you need ,can even check web history even if it’s been deleted from the browser

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I have my gps on on my phone and my daughters. He doesn’t have his on. I don’t care that he doesn’t. I leave mine on in the event something happens they can find me. If he wants to be stuck in a ditch until someone finds him, that’s his choice. If I thought for one second I would track him for suspicion of something, I would just leave… I would not put my self through that chaos.


It’s NOT about tracking your partner. It’s a safety issue. You have peace of mind knowing your loved one made it to and from their destination, it alerts you if a member of your circle is in an accident, the app has an :sos: button if you feel unsafe, road side assistance, towing, and so much more. My entire family has it. Not to “spy” on each other’s whereabouts but to be able to LOCATE one another if need be. My son was in and accident and I was alerted immediately before he ever called. I had exact location to get to him (he was ok! Car was totaled but he walked away unharmed!) and THAT alone is what makes this app so amazing! If you are insecure about your spouse, then no app is needed…no trust=no relationship

Use it as it’s intended and the benefits will pay for itself👍


Ours phones we don’t need any apps we can just go to Google map time lines. He didn’t know where he was and his stuff wouldn’t load so I did through my phone and in a few min back on the road going the right direction.

I can totally understand him being upset, he probably feels like all of a sudden you don’t trust him and want to keep tabs on him. I have the app for my kids, but I’ve never even suggested my husband be on it because I trust him…