Does my partner have a right to be upset?

I totally understand where your husband is coming from. I think it’s weird you feel the need to track your husband.


I have 360, asked my husband to join on it, he said no. That’s all there is to it. I know he goes to work and to home and if he stops in between he usually let’s me know. If this is stemming from other trust issues in past then those issues probably don’t have to do with the tracker itself.

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I could see where you would want to track your children, but your husband? :laughing: Unless he is traveling a lot, there should be no reason to track him. He has ever right to be upset. That’s insulting.


This is way too hard to answer without knowing the dynamics of your relationship. I think if he’s never given you reason to question him it probably really bothers him you want him to use the app. Truly loyal men take that shit to heart. I personally don’t think you should be upset. And I get why he is.

I feel like I’ve read this before

I use it. My husband is diabetic and will have low bs episodes where he doesn’t know where he is or what he is doing. So yeah we use it.

I asked my ex husband the same thing, if only because he had a tendency to hang out with friends for a few hours after work and not tell me about it. I wanted to make sure he wasn’t in an accident. He had the same reaction as yours and, lo and behold, guess who was cheating?

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If(and that’s a big if) he is cheating he will still find a way to cheat, tracking app or not. I don’t think he is but once you brought up a tracking app he probably thinks that you don’t trust him when he’s probably never done anything to make you not trust him.

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If someone has experienced a toxic and controlling relationship, ever been stalked, or dealt with a jealous and overbearing partner or parent, being asked to be tracked would be a huge trigger and red flag for them.


I refused to get it ,if I need to be tracked you can use my phone as a beacon I’m not putting an app on my phone so that everyone knows where I am at all times I’m a grown up and I don’t need to be watched like a child


My husband suggested it when he got his motorcycle so I’d know he was safe when he was riding. He doesn’t ride anymore and we still have it. Neither one of us really care. We aren’t staring at it all day but its a safety peace of mind thing for us. I agree tho if someone made THAT big of deal just because you suggested it zhats a red flag. Just saying nah is one thing but a huge ordeal seems guilty.


You are aware some people can not legally be tracked by outside forces due to their profession. Police officers, especially undercover ones, military, especially the elite squads, to name a few. To protect them and to protect their family from curiosity causing a larger issue.

Definitely think it depends on the couple we don’t use that app but we share our locations via apple. It’s not about trust so much it’s more about safety and it’s not something either of us live on.

Are you his partner or his warden?! Tracking your kids is one thing as it ties to safety. An adult man doesn’t need to be tracked. I suggest you see a therapist because you obviously have deeper issues to deal with it and are also unable to put yourself in your partner’s shoes. He needs to get a new partner. Someone like you who is so upset that he doesn’t want to be tracked I can totally see trying to find a way to track him without his knowledge or consent.

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I use this app with my children when are they are first starting to drive lol would not expect my spouse to use it. Lol. We don’t need to track each other. We generally know where each other is. If an emergency there are other ways I could find him or vice versa.

I only use Life360 for my kids. I have no desire to have to track my husband. He is a grown man. If I need to know where he is at then something isn’t right in the first place (my opinion)

We use the FindMy app for iPhone. Neither of us had an issue with it.

His reaction sounds a little sketchy, but maybe he just really doesn’t want to feel like he’s being watched. You guys need to talk it through. Good luck x

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my boyfriend and I have eachother on it for both our safety but mainly my own for whenever I leave the house alone , or walking, anything could happen and the app will notify you about it. the app has amazing features that’ll benefit you and him in the long run. there’s nothing wrong with suggesting it for you both , you said you trust him and want it for other reasoning. I don’t see why he wouldn’t be okay with it. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Generally it is used for safety purposes, and usually attractive to parents with tweens or teens to keep track of whereabouts, especially if kids are latch key while parents are working, as well as when driving comes into play. In our experience, cell phones can provide a location if needed. We are not a family that requires anything beyond that, even with our kids away at college. We’ve instilled great communication among us 5, and trust of course is imperative.
Are you and your partner married? I can’t help but wonder why you would feel a need to want to entertain this type of a resource unless you are concerned for your own safety, and would like your partner to keep tabs on you at your request. Anything else, is a bit odd, and off putting for two well adjusted adults in a happy, healthy, relationship.

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Me and my hubby have it. He is a truck driver and if I hear an accident happened with a semi-I can just pop on the app and make sure he wasn’t near the accident. He also can’t get text messages or phone calls while he’s driving a semi. Other than that unless one of us wants something from the store and we are home we don’t use it. And actually it just tracks your phone so if someone wants to cheat they can just leave their phone in their vehicle and they are free to go wherever they choose without being tracked. :joy::joy::joy::joy:.
If someone is being shady an app isn’t going to stop them.


I use it for my daughter an nephew but if I had a partner that’s not a option that is saying I don’t trust in him

People are allowed to set boundaries!! Damn!!

I don’t need to know where my husband is all the time I trust my husband this is ridiculous lmfao grow up


I mean if my boyfriend wanted me to download it I would. But that’s literally just because I’m home 24/7 with 3 kids and don’t care cause I don’t leave besides store and taking one kid to school.
I had it before and when I got with him. My sisters, mom and I were using it just cause my mom was paranoid about my older sister going out on dates from tinder. Me and the younger sister downloaded it so older one didn’t feel singled out. I hated it but I did it till I got pregnant and didn’t wanna tell my mom. I deleted it so she couldn’t see me going to appointments :joy:
It’s a grown man your talking about. One you’ve been with for 12 years. For what reason would you even bring it up unless you don’t trust him? He’s right after 12 years if you wanna track him there’s something wrong and you don’t trust him. Just cause you heard of the app doesn’t mean you need it.

We use it and all are on it. I used to do community mental health so it was a safety issue. But we have it for our kids. We know when they get home and are at school. They walk/drive

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I have it on my phone, my youngest & my middle daughters also… since my oldest moved out i took her out of the group… I have it so I can ensure IF something happens the chances of me knowing are possibly faster vs the cops or someone else contacting me after delay in time… with sex trafficking getting worse & people get stupid…

Me and my man have it for each other

I’m against tracking apps. I keep my location off my phone as well. I just dont feel comfortable being tracked by systems that can be hacked or misuse data.


I’m 100% faithful and I wouldnt want someone tracking me and I wouldnt want to track my husband. He decides to leave work to go get food, then I’m wondering why he left work. It puts more questions in your head than answers. And gods forbid the app malfunctions and says he’s across town or something (it happens, happened with my kids GPS tracker while they were at school once)

You either trust him or you dont. It won’t work in remote areas like hiking mountains or anything dangerous. You can put your numbers on emergency mode numbers so if he were to get in a wreck or something emergency personnel dont have to unlock his phone to get to your number. Also put an incase of emergency phone number list in his wallet and yours.

The fact is this app for spouses is pointless unless you dont trust each other. It doesn’t keep either of you anymore in the loop about emergencies. Even if he got kidnapped or something crazy, you really think the kidnappers are gonna be like, “Bro, I trust you won’t call 911 so you can keep your phone.” For spouses this is nothing more than a spying app. Again, you either trust each other or you don’t :woman_shrugging:


I think you are overreacting and need to respect his wishes not to be tracked like some criminal :woman_shrugging:


Yes. It we are old! Also only when family is traveling a distance they all use it then!

If he’s never given you a reason to mistrust, then why is this such an issue. I personally wouldn’t want someone to track my every move either. Would make me feel stalked. Some people absolutely wouldn’t want it and be defensive, especially if they never gave you any reasons to doubt. If I felt I couldn’t trust my partner because they don’t want stalked, that’s my issues. I would not put that on him. You need to check yourself

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I wouldn’t be happy either. If u suggest it its cause u already dont trust him. I would be upset


When our son (16) wanted to start going places with his friends, parties, just being away from the house in general I told him we would have the Life360 app on our phone’s, period. I sent the link to my husband and he had no issue with putting it on his phone too. Not once did he push back etc. If all is good, he shouldn’t have an issue with it.

Also, another example last year a twin sister found her brother (where he had been murdered and dumped) by tracking his phone on the Life360 app. It’s a very helpful app.

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Mmmm, I personally wouldn’t want to be tracked myself so I’d never ask my husband to.

I share my location through Google to my fiance. But it was my idea because I could easily be taken. Half the time I look like a child

Even if you aren’t doing anything wrong, you are still entitled to some privacy. I don’t like it either. It’s one thing if you’re on a trip or something and you want to check to make sure everything is OK if they haven’t reached their destination but to have every move “watched” is over stepping in my opinion. I might want to take an hour to do nothing but sit… none of your business if I am. Maybe with children? but if you have to know every little place your spouse is on a given day then I do believe it’s a trust issue. I agree with your SO.


His reaction to it means he’s up to something.

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You are definitely overreacting.
People get kidnapped or killed often, because anyone can track you on those things.

What reason could you have besides you wanting to cheat on him for him to install such an invasive thing?


My fiance and I use it, along with my oldest and his oldest. We started using it because I moved to where my fiance was and am HORRIBLE with directions. It was my idea and he agreed, without hesitation. It helps when I get lost, he can see where I’m at and help navigate. LoL as for my daughter, we put her on with us so I know where she’s at when she has weekends with her dad. We don’t check it all the time or even often at all, it’s really just for emergencies. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with using it, but I do feel you should respect his wishes. If you guys have been together 12 years, I don’t see why you would start questioning his whereabouts

Apps are so easy to hack or get data from. These apps are soooo easily manipulated. It’s not just you seeing that info, lots of people could get ahold of that. I hate those apps for that reason alone.

Don’t need to no were he is at all times nor do I want to no :100:… I’m all for it if other person wants it but if not … controlling comes to mind


My man has no problem with me seeing where he is

I use life 360 for my kids but my husband and I don’t use it

I hate life 360 I call it the stalker app.
I use find my friends that comes w/ the iPhone but it’s not a tracker like life 360 it’s for like if there were an emergency.

My family uses it but my husband and I are also bikers. We use it for safety so we know where the other is if we’re out in the bike. My kids have it so they know where their parents are while riding and my best friend has us so she knows too. For us it’s a safety feature as it also has crash detection and has helped in one accident so far

“I brought it up to my partner and he is super against it and says “he doesn’t want to be tracked” it became a pretty big ordeal about trusting one another and how he is upset because “I don’t trust him” I’ve never had a reason to question him in anyway shape or form but I feel like the reaction to the idea of downloading the app it kind of makes me wonder why someone would be so against it if there is nothing to worry about…”

That way of thinking is what every L.O and L.O. supporters use as a defense for carding.


lmao i have a smart tag in my car, on my keys. and on my SO keys. :weary:
Mostly because people like to steal cars where we live and we tend to misplace our keys. but we can also see each others locations. its nit a big deal between us. idk why some people got to make a big deal over it shouldn’t be a big deal to you if he doesn’t want to be tracked you. Because not all people want to be but not being sneaky or anything it’s just how they are :woman_shrugging:t3:

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I had that app and honey half the time it doesn’t even work it said my guy was at a restaurant for 12 hours he told me he was not I went to the place that the app said he was at and it was incorrect I went to the address that he said he was at sure enough he was there the app froze and did not update. My guy was a contractor so he was always at random places And we needed the app in case of emergencies because sometimes he was at a job site alone and if he was on a roof and the ladder fell I would need to know where to get him at. But I just have the app to have it does seem like he kinda don’t trust him

Download it after 2 months and see where his ass is going :woman_shrugging:t4::joy:

We use life360 for us and our 4 kids. My husband has no issue with it at all. It actually has some great features as well, like the crash detection alert.


My boyfriend hated the idea too some of it was concerned I’d"stalk" him or didn’t trust him but the main reason was he is in the tech world and doesn’t trust any app with his location on. He eventually agreed cause he drove often out of state for work, early mornings, late nights, so for safety reasons we’ve used Google location sharing cause he trusts Google more lol I also promised I would not use it to be toxic(I’ve never given a reason to be toxic so this was an easy promise). We’ve had it for almost a year now and the only issue is it is sometimes inaccurate and drains the hell out of your battery. It’s a big trust thing to keep location on even if no one is hiding anything.

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I’m a private person. I’ve been in controlling relationships so if it was just my husband and I and there was no good reason for it I wouldn’t like him wanting a tracking app for me. Lol. I would never cheat on him. I just like to have my privacy. :woman_shrugging:t2:


If there’s no legitimate reason to put it on your spous’ phone other than to know where they are then I understand his reaction. My husband and I use it because I work in people cars and sometimes drop my phone. I’ve lost quite a few phones in other people’s cars, some bring it back some don’t. So we use it so in the situation I lose it in someone’s car we can track it and go get it back. We don’t use it to keep tabs on where one another is. We just communicate with eachother where we’re going and who we’ll be with.

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Because as your partner you have to respect their opinion. You don’t have to agree or like it, but you have to respect it. He doesn’t want to be tracked, it doesn’t mean something sketchy is going on. Did you bring it up in the first place because you already felt he was acting untrustworthy/secretive? That’s different than bringing it up innocently as a form of protection. And he would know that too.
I think the trust comes into play when you understand you can’t invade his privacy and trust your partners decisions without you keeping an eye on them at all times… literally and figuratively. He probably feels like YOU don’t trust him now and feels guarded. Whether he’s actually hiding something or not requires more context because from the sounds of your post I gather that he just felt you were being pushy and acted out against it as a defense and now you’re over thinking it and letting it bother you.

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I use it with all my kids and my husband my older two are at the point where they don’t think they need to be tracked but I know where they’re at so I don’t worry about it I shouldn’t say track it’s just a safety night so if anybody takes their phone and they turn off find my phone you still don’t know where they’re at are the phones at

We have it my fiancee has diabetes and it makes us feel better knowing I would know where he is God forbid there’s a medical issue

Send a message to his phone download it turn it on and then you can put the app on hide on his phone and he won’t know what’s on there

Download it on his phone :joy:. Then hide the app. Let’s see where he’s going why would he be so mad

I wouldn’t want to be tracked. If my hubby wants to know where I am if he calls me, I tell him exactly where. And he does the same. A tracking app is just too much, and even asking your partner can cause them to believe that you don’t trust them. Or that you think something is going on when nothing is. It’s just a whole lot of unwanted drama.


Use 360 just so I know they are safe. Don’t really use it. Had my husband get it because the roads were bad and he works 30 miles away. He didn’t want it and until then didn’t care. I trust him no matter what.

My husband & I used it for myself when I was an active Lyft driver at night. After I stopped driving, we still use it :rofl: sometimes I need him to grab 1 or all 4 kiddos when he’s out if he’s in the area.

I use life360, and my bf at the time didn’t have it until he got stuck out in the country and I started laughing at him on the phone saying “I don’t know where you are so I can’t help, that’s why I said you should get on life360 :rofl:” right after that call he joined my life360 and I found him. :sunglasses:

My husband and I love it. We started using it when I was traveling a lot for work. I also went camping by myself quite a bit. He hikes alone, and once got stuck out after dark and couldn’t figure out his path down mountain. I was able to give S&R exact coordinates to get to him. I use it to see if he’s almost home so I know if I should keep dinner warm or eat without him. We have never had any reason to be suspicious of one another (45 yrs), so being “tracked” doesn’t worry us. It will also give exact location of lost phone aa long as power lasts!


Yeah that’s a no for me. That would be an invasion of my privacy. I share my location with my daughter sometimes so she can know where’s I am. She my kid so that’s different. If my husband asked me I would assume he didn’t trust me for no reason. I never gave him a reason not to trust me. I think it’s weird for adult to do this unless there is a medical reason your you’re at a theme park or something.

Me, my husband and mom and our 8 kids are on 360 it has been a God send to know where we all are at any given time

I can understand not wanting to feel like you’re being tracked. So unless there was another reason such a safety because of work travels or everybody gets involved because you have kids I don’t see the purpose communicate if you can’t trust each other the heck are you doing together in the first place


Life360 doesn’t work at all, it’s only correct 1/2 the time. My husband and I used that years ago before we moved in together. It tried to say he was in Philadelphia at 2am. He was home and even sent me a picture of his bedroom to show me

We use it and have no problems. If you have nothing to hide then you don’t have to hide.


As an adult person I wouldn’t want to be tracked either. I can see it with children maybe.


I wouldn’t worry about him not wanting to be tracked with that app, BUT an exaggerated response is definitely a red flag. I


I am appalled at some of these answers! As I’ve already responded to one, if a guy were to download this app onto his female partners phone WITHOUT HER KNOWLEDGE, someone would have him arrested for being a stalker!! He may just be a private person and not want to be tracked. I wouldn’t want it on mine, just because you never know who’s hands it can get in!


We used it at one time especially once my kids were always gone. Once my youngest started driving he disconnected his, then my oldest and my husband never connected to it. No reason to not trust him. He said I am an adult if I want to take a ride through the country Im gonna do it. I would feel better knowing especially my kids get where they are going. My oldest works in Durham. Everybody has to remember to let me know they got where they are going

He’s a grown man. Let him be.

We have it in my family. We have no problems and it has come in handy many times for us. I don’t see the problem.

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We use it for safety and to just know ETAs etc. his parents and I track eachother too and some of my friends and I do it. It’s nice to know where people are and if they were ever in need of help you know where to go. I have my parents, my sister and brother and my cousin and I have been able to tell my sister and my cousin exactly where there phone was when one lost it on the side of the road and the other lost theirs in Walmart and because of sharing our location I was able to get both their phones back. It’s just nice to have.

Respect boundaries :woman_shrugging:t2: I let my mom track my phone but that’s because I’m a Female and always think the worst will happen :joy: if he doesn’t want tracked you need to leave it be, and you making a huge issue truly does sound like you don’t trust him.


Why should anyone feel the need to know where there partner is 24/7? It’s called trust and also let them breath! Unless they are going hiking or something and it’s for their safety that’s different but other then that no.


My husband and I have it because I am the worst at answering my phone and txts as a mom of a toddler I’m always running around without it. It brings him peace of mind to know where I am and that I’m safe…he’s a firefighter and works 24-48 hrs at a time. I wasn’t against it but it was weird to get used to somebody “tracking” me.

Even if he doesn’t particularly like the idea, if he has nothing to hide, and it is important to you, it should not be an issue. I’m on your side. It feels like he has something to hide with such a dramatic response.

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We use it in our house. My husband is a truck driver and never knows where he is gonna end up so instead of calling and checking in I can just peak at the app and see if hes still moving along and good. And see where he ends up having to stay for the night

The question here really is…why do you feel you need to know the whereabouts of this man 24/7 …why do you feel the need to know if his in the restroom or at the corner bar…I’d be wondering if you’ll be chosing my clothes to wear next week…at some point…you must have trust issues going on in this relationship…you obviously can not trust this man if your wanting to track his every move.and he obviously has something to hide if he isn’t wanting you to know his every move…this move on your part is pretty extreme…


If it became such a big deal, I’d be suspicious.
My husband wouldn’t hesitate to allow me to do something like that if I asked for my peace of mind, but he also agrees that something isn’t right if it became THAT big of a deal…
My question would be: where is he going that he doesn’t want you to know about?..

My husband and I don’t have that particular app but have a similar one and we have no issues keeping track especially if you have medical reasons good thing to have or if you become lost …unless you have something to hide it shouldn’t be an issue

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Yeah no. Why do you even want it? I believe strongly in personal space and privacy. I never used it with my kids, either. Ugh. Tracking anyone is awful. Period.


No I would not want it. I am not an animal to be tracked!!! If you want to know where I am going or where I am, gladly ask and I will gladly tell you. If you dont trust me, then that’s your problem. Now if it’s a child still living in my house and I am still supporting them, and they might be driving my vehicle,then it’s my business. Otherwise reminds me of our government. Controlling. Depends on the reason you want it on your phone.

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We use it but it’s mostly just so we can know where the kids are the crash detection and sos :sos: aspects we’ve never had any trust issues from the start so things like this are simple for us. BUT and it’s a huge BUT this is something everyone involved has to be aware of and agree on!! If one person doesn’t want to be tracked you need to respect that! Period! I definitely can’t say I see a point in it if there’s no kids involved?
Also I do get he might think you don’t trust him on also maybe he’s also thinking you want it to see where he is because you are doing something wrong and want to know how close he is ? It goes both ways.

We have had it for years now. We also got the upgrades that allow for towing and other auto help as well. Its good for many reasons. I would probably feel some type of way if I asked him and he wouldn’t do it. But he found it and asked did I want to do it. I love the app.

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I would say he’s hiding something obviously since it’s such a big deal. My sister lives in a different state than me and she tracks my location. Anything can happen. She mainly uses this when she wants to FaceTime. She checks to see if I’m working before calling :woman_shrugging:t3: there’s many different reasons people would use this that would have nothing to do with trust.

I don’t want that shit on my phone. I don’t need to be tracked, I’m a grown adult. My husband knows I’m trustworthy but will still ask me why I don’t want it. I just don’t, not because I’m hiding anything, I don’t do unsafe things, there’s no reason. I don’t need someone knowing my every move. I also had a job that my clients and my whereabouts were confidential and I was in harms way literally. What if I want to get a surprise for him or surprise him in general? These apps are rediculous to me.

I’d be mad if my husband asked me to use it. If there’s no trust there’s no relationship. I have to agree with your husband


It’s probably a good app to have for your kids but probably not needed for a spouse. But if he’s getting angry about it and refuses it, that’s probably a red flag.

You know you can track someone if you have snapchat but I agree with privacy and trust

I don’t see a problem in using it, we don’t, but my fiancé is military so it would be nice to know he’s ok and where he’s at in case something happens. I’m also pregnant, so in case of a car accident or something where I can’t get to my phone to call him, it would be helpful. I think him getting so defensive about it is a red flag, like maybe he is hiding something, but some people just don’t like to be “watched”

think of it the other way round I’d he knew all the time exactly where u was. would u like it. the crafty cream cake the chat to your best friend st a time that has been difficult after say a row between u would u want him to auto turn up knowing where u are. its good for children and teen perhaps so parents know where they are all the time. especially if u think k your child may be being bullied or u have heard if vans cars going round trying to pure children into cars etc. as unfortunate we had just an incident last few yrs. reported so if I had children then I’d deffo tell them I had them tracked so don’t go anywhere I don’t already know your going. if u decide to go round a friend ring me let me know sort of thing. then if u see then going outta town or several miles away and it snot a said place they told u would be goj g then phone them if u dont get no answer then go and see where they are. that is OK. but for an adult. for me I’d hate to have people know exactly where I am. ai have said routes I go home from best friends etc and if I know I’m gonna have to change like I see a proposed redirection then I’d ring home tell mum I’m going different route for my safety. but if I then decided to go to a different shop etc then I wouldn’t want someone being able to tell I’m at somewhere else . particular if I wanted to surprise someone with a gift . birthday Christmas etc. or I wanted to meet a new boyfriend perhaps. I’d always tell best friend I was gonna meet someone or perhaps mum and dad for my safety but I wouldn’t want my husband to know exact where I was going. but that wouldn’t mean I’m untrustworthy. it would just mean 8 like my privacy. I like to go to.plav3s and not have stone be able to follow my 3very move. in fact I’d see it as part of.control if my husband did that to me. especially if he didn’t tell me upfront. if we decided for safety then yes go ahead but otherwise no. and I wouldn’t do it to him either it would be trust first wverytime. and if I thought I couldn’t trust him and needed to see where he was then I’d ask straight out. to me this app could be a danger if woman is in a domestic abuse case where can’t go anywhere without him her knowing. even if they go

My family uses this app. We started using it when my husband worked out of town so i could help him navigate the area he was in and he would know i was okay if i didn’t answer his calls. He was able to check my location and know oh she’s at the grocery store or at an appt. My children have it also and a friend of mine is in our family circle. We never check it unless we need too it’s not like we sit and watch every move the other makes. We like the features it provides like crash detection, sos calls, towing, tells me when their phone is close to dying if they have that option turned on etc.

No tracking devices Ever!!

My husband & I share our locations with each other on Google Maps. I share my location with my mom & one sister on Life 360. :woman_shrugging: I have no issue with anyone knowing where I am.

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My family has it and have had no issues but we have kids so the main reason we have it but it has helped us numerous times my son left his phone somewhere and the app got us to it! :slight_smile:

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