Do you and your family use a tracking app like Life360 or something similar… I recently found out about that app in particular and the features it has. I brought it up to my partner and he is super against it and says “he doesn’t want to be tracked” it became a pretty big ordeal about trusting one another and how he is upset because “I don’t trust him” I’ve never had a reason to question him in anyway shape or form but I feel like the reaction to the idea of downloading the app it kind of makes me wonder why someone would be so against it if there is nothing to worry about… it’s been eating away at me for weeks since he’s so against it and is making me question everything moving forward in our relationship (12 years) someone please shed some light on this and tell me I’m not the only one who would feel upset and hurt.
It will cause more problems than you have now. Trust me.
To be honest I would never ask or be on life 360. I will for my children when they’re of age. I definitely feel it is an invasion of privacy and would not do it if my partner asked nor would I ask him to.
Some people just dont like being tracked. Nothing wrong with that.
I would use it for my kids in the future, if need be, but im not tracking a grown ass man
I think apart of a companionship is knowing and understanding they’re not gonna be down with all the things you are down for because they are still their own person although in a relationship.
I only use it myself with my friend because she and I go running at night. But I would never expect my partner to use it. You’re making a big deal out of nothing. If he’s never given you any reason to not trust him, why does it infuriate you that he won’t download the app? You sound very controlling.
If u got to track someone 24/7 why are you with them .
I personally wouldn’t use it on my partner because I do feel like it is an invasion of privacy
We are on life 360, By my husband travels for work and we like to make sure the other one is dads while traveling.
My ex tracked me without my knowledge. The fact that I was being watched in everything I did was infuriating. He never had a reason not to trust me and he wound up being the one cheating. I can absolutely understand why he wouldn’t want to be tracked. It’s a huge violation of privacy.
I’m not a fan of these tracking apps generally, as they can be used to prevent abuse victims from escaping.
That said, they have positive uses for memory-impaired seniors and such.
I understand your husband’s objection. It’s not just you who would be tracking him. There’s a big brother feeling to this. If you want an exercise tracker, stick to something more basic (and cheaper).
So what if he don’t want too be tracked you can’t make him do anything
In my house it’s me and my husband our four kids and my parents live with us. We all have the Life360 app installed on our phone. I had it first and then asked our three older kids who have cell phones to install it in theirs. My husband I wasn’t going to ask because I don’t want him to think I’m trying to track him but as soon as he saw it on my phone he was like send me the link for it I don’t mind. To be honest we’ve had it for 3 months and I only use it for my kids.
I would be upset if my husband would do that to me.
I’ve seen it used to need to know whereabouts at all times. I also know people with spouses in law enforcement that use it for peace of mind that they’re coming home. I guess it depends on the intention.
I use location on my husband because he “forgets” to tell me he has arrived at his location and he travels for work. It was a battle at first but then I started calling thr hotels he was at and when his coworkers found out he doesn’t inform his wife where he is, he was peer pressured to turning on his location
All about control…i wouldn’t allow someone to track me…you’re causing problems that don’t exist.
My partner and I have 360… no secrets no lies… he’s a truck driver, I hardly ever check it because I know where he is… I think it’s a trust thing… ( for me anyway)
I think you can create boundaries and make your intent clear. It’s used for safety cause of a, b, c, that’s happened/happening and is making you worry. But his issue could just be data being sold by the app soo gotta have a sit down discussion. Don’t read into it before doing that.
Okay so hear me out. I’m 100% honest and loyal. I would NEVER ever cheat on someone or do anything disrespectful to a partner.
But if someone wanted me to download the life360 app, I would 100% say no.
The thought of being tracked more than I already am, freaks me out. Our phones track everything on us, and it would be so uncomfortable to me to literally have every movement of mine being tracked.
A lot of people are like this. I just don’t want to feel watched all the time.
I WILL however get something for my son when he’s older just for safety issues. I’m terrified of him being kidnapped.
But as an adult, no I don’t want anyone watching me.
I could care a less if my husband wanted to track me because I have nothing to hide.
I’m with you. If he reacted that badly towards just the idea of it, I’d look into that. It’s one thing to communicate that he felt it was an invasion of privacy, but to be upset over it? That wouldn’t sit well with me. And quite honestly, my partner and I don’t keep anything from each other so we don’t need “privacy”.
If you’re using it for safety reasons, to find each other if you get lost or something, I think it’s fine. To track where he is multiple times a day doesn’t seem healthy. And just because you can see where he is, you can’t tell what’s he’s doing exactly… my husband wouldn’t care if I downloaded it, I would be suspicious if he did.
My husband refuses it as well… we’ve been married 12 years this coming July and I just don’t understand why he wouldn’t want it for safety reasons .
I have it for a couple of girlfriends and myself. Don’t know if I’d have it for a partner. Kids will definitely have it when they start to drive.
If he’s givin you no reason not to trust him then you don’t need to track him!
If you don’t want to be tracked by anything, I would definitely get rid of your cell phone.
Im on his side. I dont want to be tracked either unless one of us is going put of town i wouldnt even consider it.
I have it for my teen daughter but in no way would i want it with my spouse. Not that i have anything to hide i simply dont want my every move tracked.
I wouldn’t want to be tracked either. Feels like a violation of privacy being forced to share that info…partner or not.
We use it …what if I was in a accident or my husband or our kids …
We use it not for a invasion of privacy but to make sure everyone is okay it has alerts on it if one of us was in a accident and things like that my daughter and husband work at night we personally love the app
I wouldn’t want someone to track my every move. Talk about lack of trust and control
We use Google maps tracking. My spouse kid’s brother etc. We have no problem with it.
I wouldn’t allow my partner to track me. It smacks too much of parental control.
My whole family has it
If you feel the need to track your husband with a GPS tracker then I feel like you’re married to the wrong person.
If your children need to be tracked that is fine. When it comes to your partner if you don’t trust him maybe you need to leave the relationship. I agree with him he doesn’t need to be tracked. Just my opinion.
Honestly I wouldn’t want it either. I’m not up to know good or doing anything bad but the thought of my every move being tracked is kinda freaky.
My family is an IPhone family and all of us share our location.
We all think of it as a safety net, not as a trust issue.
God forbid one of us is in an accident (we have a 17 year old driver) and a 9 year old daughter, (can’t trust anyone nowadays)
So I am able to check in from time to time to see where they are, if needed.
They’re hiding something if they don’t want to be tracked. If you’re doing what you say you’re doing you have no reason to even care if your spouse knows your location.
In general, parents use these kinds of apps as a way to keep their kids safe. It gives the kid(s) more freedom and the parents peace of mind.
However, I wouldn’t like having it on my phone and my husband wouldn’t eather. (Nor would I expect him to unless it was for health reasons ect…)It does come across as you don’t trust someone. It’s one thing if they come to you and say “hay, I’m putting this app on my phone because…”
This just dosen’t seam healthy, when I haven’t read a reason for you wanting him to have it.
I know some women might use it as a safety mechanism. Witch is completely different IMO.
I wouldn’t allow myself to be tracked in that manner. I have spent too much of my life being controlled, and I have no desire to appoint someone as my watchdog to track me at their will.
We use it only because my husband is a tow truck driver and allot of people need his location while at work and I can’t be calling him while he’s on the side of the highway.
Although the “wreck” notification did not work for me. It didn’t send anything to anyone. Luckily it wasn’t awful.
I know I’m loyal AF, but if my husband brought this idea up to me, I would be annoyed and be like “whatever but I’m not going to like it.” Why would anyone want to be tracked? I mean honestly, that’s weird.
So many overly controlling insecure folks over here. Wow. I understand tracking your children; they’re kids that need to be protected. But a full-grown adult does not need to be tracked by another full-grown adult spouse. Like I understand why he got upset.
I just brought that app up to my husband a couple days ago. I asked him if we could use it with each other and he said “yeah, sure”
It’s for safety reasons. So if we can’t get ahold of each other we could see that the other is safe. Also I’ll meet him at job sites that he doesn’t know the address to so it’ll help me find him. And if we’re at an event and lose each other we can look on the app.
How about just respect his individual wish on this specific non make or break matter.
Some people are okay with it and other are not.
The End
My husband and I use it. We commute to work 50 miles most days we can ride together but a couple days this winter he has to leave for work at 3am he always worried about me and the kids getting to town ok so this app really helped. It alerts you if someone is in an accident as well. We really don’t pay much attention to the app unless we “need” to
He said he doesn’t want it so use it for the rest of your family and that’s that. You can’t force him to be tracked
My husband has mentioned wanting this app for safety reasons. It wouldn’t bother me to have it.
Nah I wouldn’t let my bf track me and I wouldn’t ask to track him that’s a little far IMO
I wouldn’t mind me being tracked or my kids when they grow up only for the matter of making sure we get home safe or if anything bad ever happened but I wouldn’t do it to my partner because of privacy reasons
We do keep up with each other in my family…I’m in bad health…my husband a truck driver…my daughter works late nights…my SIL is a cop….and none of us have any problems…but I feel safer!!! It DOESN’T control anyone and half the time I forget about it!
I told my fiancé we didn’t need a tracking app. A few of our friends have them. I brought up the fact that I don’t want it and he kinda got puffy. I understand where you’re coming from. Completely. But just from his pov. I don’t want it because I don’t think we need it. Like why do u need to see where I am all the time if I already tell you. I just feel like it’d be because he doesn’t trust me and I ain’t going. Lol. Just my side of it
Not wanting to be tracked doesn’t equal being up to no good!!! I wouldn’t want to do it either.
My husband and I have it just in case of an accident or something. We know where each other is
He’s not a dog who needs to be tracked! I would absolutely loose it if I ever found out I was being tracked it is creepy and illegal in a lot of states
My husband and I both have life 360. Mostly because I have a medical condition and it gives us both peace of mind incase something were to happen to me and he needed to know where I am. Aside from that, it’s not a bad thing to have for any other reason. Emergencies happen all the time and God forbid he needed to locate you and couldnt…he’d wish he had this.
My husband refuses to be in our families Life 360 also. I’ve tried explaining that if he were in an accident it would notify me but he says the same as your husband and refused.
Abusers use tracking to control spouses, that’s why some people don’t like it. It’s a invasion of personal space & some peoples boundaries. If someone needs to monitor me then I don’t need them, seriously what did people do before technology
We’ve been thinking about getting something similar. I have such bad anxiety whenever my SO is late or later than I want to stay up. I wouldn’t be checking every day or to track his every move. But I would have if in case I couldn’t reach him or vice versa. safety over privacy for me.
I have the app for my sister and my daughter. My sister works out of state we can look at it if we haven’t heard from her. It is a safety feature. I would love to use it on my husband! But I respect his wishes
I would never allow that. I am in a faithful committed relationship. I would have reacted the same way. I am not an animal I am human. Nobody will ever track men
I use it for my son and myself. Everyone is tracked one way or another remind him of that. Every time you use your phone it pings and there’s a way to actually see it in your phone too where you’ve been etc. but if you want to use it just to keep tabs on him then you’re in the wrong especially if you’re this upset about n actually thinking not moving forward after 12 years of being together.
We have it for our kids but recently turned the location on for us due to weather. But when Mother Nature stops being bipolar, we will turn ours off again.
Honestly, I wouldnt like this. Not anything to do with cheating… But I dont want my husband to know when I make a secret stop at Wendys lol… Little stupid stuff we do that we dont want broadcasted….
I don’t have life 360 with my husband but we all have iPhones so we use find my iPhone. It’s kind of crazy to me that in the world were living in ppl are not more concerned about their family’s whereabouts.
Your phone is tracking your every move whether you have life 360 or not
I think you’re right, no one likes to feel watched and if you have no reason to be suspicious, I don’t see the point.
If you have a good relationship, don’t look for problems with this technology, which in the event of an accident is just a story, today it is very easy to locate the relatives of accident victims.
I’ve had it for my kids for almost 2 years. Now, my fiancé asked to be added as well. I have him and I in a separate circle, so the kids can’t see us coming lol I find it super convenient! I like knowing when he will be home, so I can be sure to start dinner or whatever. It eleviates a lot of anxiety for me, honestly!
Andre Moore I love it
Yes he has the right to be upset just like he has the right to not be tracked… especially if there is no reason to be.
Yes for children no for adults.
Dammm if you gotta track your partner you may as well just be his shadow
You can be tracked multiple ways on your phone anyway. If someone wants to find you they will. I don’t get the big deal personally, I have nothing to hide. I get it’s not for everyone but as for the situation in the post I’d be a little bit upset depending on the tone of how it was all said. If they simply explained privacy reasons or had a legit other reason then so be it, otherwise I’d question it.
My husband, my adult daughter, and I have our little unit on LIFE360. My daughter actually suggested it, just for peace of mind and safety. We love it.
In my opinion, if my partner asked me I would say “no” (not because I have something to hide but because we trust each other) and if I asked him and that was his reaction, I’d get sus too but then I’d remember what I’d say, yeah? The main part that’s sticking out to me is “I’ve never had a reason to question him in anyway shape or form” unless you have a reason to doubt, let the reasonable part of your thoughts take charge…
I’d feel trapped in a relationship if my partner wanted to track my every move
Honestly they may be hiding something if they had such a reaction like that. I had Life360 on my phone as a teenager because my grandparents made me have it or I wouldn’t have a phone. I’d only freak out about it because I would say I was going somewhere where I wasn’t i also had a bunch of speeding tickets and my family would get on it to make sure I was driving safely. It also has a lot of perks because I believe recently they put on there that it would notify the users in the circle if one of the users were in a car crash. It gives exact location too. I still have it 10 years later. I recently had my phone stolen and was able to locate it on the side of the interstate
We use it for crappy weather and when I go to gym at 11pm but other then that it’s shut off and only on the kids
I refuse to be tracked. Want to know where I am, ask.
My psycho ex tracked me. I wasn’t even working at the time so I would drop the kids off at school, go to the laundromat, pharmacy, grocery store, general errand kinda stuff. He would even compare the damn receipts with the tracking info. One day a receipt didn’t match up. It was exactly one hour off. Common sense would say that their register was wrong,but he said I was lying and I had an hour unaccounted for, so I must’ve been doing something wrong,even though I had a kid with me. It took me too long to realize how awful he was. I will never ever let someone track me again. Ever. No excuse, no reason is good enough. I never did anything wrong ever to him. Guess who had about 5 other girlfriends though ,
As a couple it’s unnecessary. Your phone tracks everything anyway and as long as your GPS is on emergency services can find you pretty easily in an emergency. I just don’t really see the benefits of having something extra track you.
Say your insecure & controlling without saying your insecure & controlling. And don’t give me some crap about “it’s for safety,” if you have to track your partner & you question their loyalty without cause just because they don’t want to be tracked then you are the crap partner-not everyone is hiding something just because they don’t want to be tracked like a parolee. This is controlling no matter how “good” your intentions. And if this were a man saying this to his wife you ladies would be up in arms about his issues
Personally I’m not going to use any of those apps. They can get hacked and a crazy person may track you or your kids down. If it’s an emergency then the phone company can track my phone. I don’t even allow my location to be shared on apps.
Nope would never use it I was in a controlling relationship before and never again the best my wife gets is I text her when I get there and when I’m on Mt way home. So I have to side with your husband and I would have definitely went off
Nope he is too emotional about it track him without his knowledge and find the answer you’re looking for. You can share your location on maps and make sure his location is on.
My husband and younger daughter who’s 18 , and I have had life 360 for over a year. It’s not because me and my husband didn’t trust each other, it was just we thought it would be a good way for him to know where we’re at in case we had an accident or something was going wrong. The only negative side I have seen with this app is that every time I go to Starbucks people start asking me if they can I can pick them up something lol
If you have a great relationship than you should trust each other. Downloading a tracker to keep track of your husband shows you don’t trust him and he has every right to be upset if he’s never done anything. I would never do that to my husband nor find it acceptable to do to myself. We could literally switch our phones and have no problem in our relationship. I put trackers on my kid phones and that’s it
it would piss me off to no end. if my husband did that, he would be an ex-husband. we aren’t talking about people with alzheimer’s or dementia.
We have it due to the kids plus my partner always looses his phone
If you tried tracking me I would get rid of you in a heartbeat. I have nothing to hide but you will not treat me like some kind of animal
I would not be in a relationship that needed the ability to look at my position at anytime during day to feel like we have trust. I wouldn’t even consider an app like this. If you can’t trust me without an app then we have bigger issues.
I would be angry to be completely honest. I’m never anywhere i shouldnt be and he knows what im up to anyways theres no need for it. If I went missing an active mobile/cell can be tracked by authorities anyways. No one not even my other half needs to know exactly where I am 24/7
Personally I would leave if my spouse got upset I told them “no, I don’t want to be tracked”. You blowing it up into a major issue is a major for me. You can’t handle being told no over something so trivial then maybe you should be single
For kids yes. But for adults no
Anyone has the right to be upset about anything. Everyone’s feelings are valid. And also there’s no reason to be tracking each other in my opinion.
But doesn’t Facebook already do that? If I go to our chat on Facebook I can see his location. Or you can go to location in the settings I believe, and see a general area of their location.
My husband and I have the iPhone find my friends and it’s not a problem. He knows when to open the garage and help with groceries after getting the alert on our bank app. let’s me know when he’s almost home when I’m waiting on him so I can go somewhere…. We like it
I had this issue also, my husband was so against it which was weird to me and eventually I found out it was because he was having an affair at the time….