Does my partner have a right to be upset?

Unless it’s for kids, disabled or elderly family I wouldn’t want it on me either.


If you have been together 12 years & he hasn’t married you yet you need to end it now! You could have been celebrating wedding anniversaries instead of just dating or living together. If he doesn’t want to he tracked he’s doing something wrong!


It is very nice to know where your children are and if you don’t want someone to know where you are pause it!


Mine has absolutely nothing to hide and he don’t like being tracked either. :woman_shrugging: I don’t see a problem.


I have life360 because we have teenagers he can turn his location off and he can’t be tracked.

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Yes your partner has the right to be upset! You noted yourself that he’s never given you a reason not to trust him, so I don’t understand the insecurities you have in your relationship. The fact that you are so insistent on tracking him would be a red flag to me


I’m a firm believer of trusting your partner, but at the same time I believe you should do what you can to help your partner with their insecurities as long as it’s not crossing any lines.

My husband and I have our Google location shared to each other 24/7. It gives us both peace of mind to know the other is safe. We also have nothing to hide :person_shrugging: I feel like the only people against it are ones that are hiding something.


It is anyone’s right to privacy and independence. Why is it they automatically hiding something? If I wanna go cry in the woods it’s nobodies business. I recently lost my mother and I am very healthy. Just grieving…I want to be alone sometimes. I can see why it’d be upsetting to be tracked then assumed guilty of something


So for those suggesting that your partner use a tracking app, the real root cause of your concern is fear. Fear, plain and simple, regardless of how you dress it up. And that fear comes across to your partner as distrust.


Why must we track our partners at all times? I don’t want to be tracked either. I find it sort of intrusive and it’s not because I’m hiding anything but because it’s kinda a form of control. People will do anything to know everything and you simply can’t. It’s great for kids and my ex husband and I use it for our kids. For relationships that’s where communication comes in and is necessary.


I have it in my 85 yr old mom just in case but she doesn’t take her phone a lot so it not helpful

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My husband had a life threatening medical emergency in another state. Life360 helped me get to him when he couldn’t even speak his name. If you have trust issues you have more than Life360 to worry about but if you love someone there’s more to this app and it’s features that’s good than bad. My husband called me while driving and said he’d lost his vision and please help. We were able to get help to him then locate which hospital he’d been taken to Bc he ended up having a stroke.


My travel companion and I both have it/ had it when we were overseas together. I loved it. I knew I would not disappear, nor he either. Neither of us had anything to hide. Still don’t. He’s I. CALI, IM IN Houston.

There would be a reason you’re bringing it up unless they working job or a distance away that would make you fear for their life in some capacity. Otherwise you sound jealous. Most of the time it’s done for families especially because of children that usually white. The parents don’t generally have that on because they tend to trust each other. They do it so they can keep track of their kids to ensure that their kids are safe.


Do you want it for safety reasons, or because you don’t trust him?

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Doe kids yes SO no unless he agrees

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For my family it is for safety.

I’d be pissed to :woman_shrugging: shouldn’t have to be questioned or followed it’s kinda creepy


The biggest issue with it is most people trip out about it just because it’s a gps tracker app. The fear of anyone knowing the exact whereabouts all the time is a fear. Technology these days all phones can be gps tracked regardless of an app or not. In my opinion it’s a preference, would you rather have an unknown individual tracking you or an actual loved one tracking you? Overall that app is a safety app and can help you in the most serious ways. Trust issues or not it’s for safety reasons, regardless or whom it’s connected to, kids/husbands/friends or family.

My husband works in the field. So we have life 360 so that I can always kind of see where hes at just in case anything were to happen. Because not everybody knows where he is as he is constantly moving locations due to the nature of his work.

He wanted the app though and even his job has one for work hours because it simplified things for them.

But that doesn’t mean everyone is comfortable with an app having access to their location. Many of the employees make very certain to deactivate the app in off hours and do not use it outside of work at all. They probably wouldn’t want to use it at work either but they all appreciate the level of safety it brings and not having to be called a lot simply to update their location.

If he hasn’t given you any other reason to be concerned, I’d just try talking to him about it. Explain why you want the app and let him tell you why he has reservations about it.

My fiance is in the military. It was his idea to download life 360 cause he wanted me to know when he was at work or home on deployments. Like now. But we also both like it cause we both come from abusive manipulative past relationships, so it also helps both of our anxieties. Especially with him being gone. I understand his frustration tho, not everyone likes to be tracked. But. If you don’t have a reason to actually use the app, I’d leave it alone. It’s not always great. One time I ruined a surprise he had planned for me cause I checked his location and did the math. He came home and I pretended to be surprised but he knew I knew. :sweat_smile::rofl:

I don’t wanna be tracked. I’m not doing anything wrong… but seems to me the world has gotten carried away with all this technology


I would be offended too like wtf u don’t trust me. It’s Weird n crosses all boundaries. Seems like u have the issues !!!

Sounds like the intention is more to simply track his whereabouts than safety. I have my wife’s location on the iPhone but I don’t track her every second of the day. We have each others for safety purposes only.

I love this app. For trust an for saftey. We have this for each other, an another group for all of our family including our parents an sibilings. You can also pause location on this or set a bubble in a area youll be but wont give you an exact location. We like this because it also has crash detection an notifies 911 which has happened twice now.

Let him know there’s more to the app than just tracking. It has crash detection, driver reports, can dispatch emergency services to you, etc! I got the app with my fiancé just for those reasons because his driving scares me and I wanted to make sure he always got to work safely. Try to assure him you don’t want the app so you can “stalk” him, you just want to know he’s safe

For kids yes. For adults no. I feel that’s more of control thing. You don’t need your eyes on him 24/7 one it’s rude two even he needs an escape once n a while. I would read to much into it or press it unless he’s been lien about stuff you ask him about. If you need to track someone you need to be more worried about why

My husband and I use it, because he wandered off a few years ago. He knows it’s because I don’t trust him and he’s ok with it.

We all have it in my house :woman_shrugging: shouldn’t matter if you want it out of jealousy or for safety reasons. He shouldn’t be so dead set against it.

My family uses it for the safety features. It would bother me too if my husbands reaction was like this.

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As someone who is completely faithful but was tracked and watched in a previous relationship, the entire idea is a huge deal to me. I would’ve had a visceral reaction as well. It isn’t about trust. It’s about trauma. Give it some time and let it cool down so you can find out how to help the wound heal. That’s what partners do.

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Trust your gut. Coming from my own experience with my husband whom I thought was loyal beyond belief, that sort of reaction is a tell.


I don’t need another app tracking me 90% of them do it anyway


If I was your husband I be upset too my wife tried to do this behind my back and it not about trust it about other hacking and see where y’all are at and what y’all are doing so think about it this way no privacy

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Unless both people are OK with it, it’s not a good idea. We use ours for peace of mind. I know where my family is incase something happens and vice versa.

12 year success, don’t track use you’re gut he’s not a child

Never used it for my husband only the kids

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If you need this to feel secure in a relationship, end it. There’s never been a time when we needed to track our significant others and to demand it is just weird.

I had an abusive ex that would track me. It’s weird and it’s controlling.

Why so you need to track your husband?? It seems absolutely mental ro me. You don’t need an app to track your other golf, kids I get but not your partner.