Does my partner have a right to be upset?

Cause you made him think you don’t trust him. Hes probably also wondering now if he can trust you.


I would say talk to him. I use find my iPhone and the only “tracking” I do is when I want to make sure he’s safe at the location he’s going to and when he’s leaving/coming home from work (so I can have dinner ready in time). Just a safety thing for us, especially when one of us has the kids.

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We have it as a family. My jobs requires me to go into peoples homes, so for us it’s more of a safety reason.

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Me and my partner use it. I don’t get what the big deal is if there aren’t any issues. We use it simply because we have a baby and if something happens (like a car accident) the app notifies the other person.

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I actually had this conversation yesterday with a good friend of mine and we both agreed on this. If it’s a parent tracking you then that’s expected but a partner seems weird. Not that someone has something to hide but it’s kind of like stalking and controlling. Nothing is okay about a person wanting to track you if it’s not your parent. I wouldn’t be with anyone that did that. You’re upset and hurt because he don’t want to be stalked. Whatever issues you have, work on that within yourself rather than take those out on him or anyone else.


Let him fuck up, if that’s what he is going to do. No reason to try and prevent him from doing so. You will only hurt yourself more in the end. If you feel you need an app that has his location at all times then there is a huge conversation to be had. But, sometimes you have to let the people hurt you. They will do it anyway.

I use it for safety with my elderly mom and still feel like if I do not answer her calls the first thing she does is look at the app and see’s I’m not at home then tries to figure out who, where, and what … I am doing :face_exhaling:!! It’s a bit intrusive but if you have nothing to hide it’s a great app ! She just doesn’t need to know I crept out my house at 11pm for some :eggplant: and was home at 6am to be ready for work … :face_with_raised_eyebrow::woman_shrugging::wink:


I don’t even have to ask my bf, I already know well enough that he would never want to use something like that. It has nothing to do trust and everything to do with him not wanting anymore invasion of privacy from big companies. He doesn’t use Facebook or Google or Amazon. That’s just who he is. If you don’t know after 12 years why your spouse is not into using something like that, do you even know them?


Your treating him like a kid and its insulting

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I hope he finds peace

My family uses it, even my boyfriend :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I use that for my kids, for safety reasons only. I get alerted when my driving daughter gets to or from work and college. We could check it if one of us didn’t show up somewhere or if she wants to know if I left work yet, if I’m on my way driving home, etc. Some people are just very against someone constantly knowing every step they make and I can understand that. I don’t think it means anything.


I personally don’t want others (children, husband, friends) tracking my whereabouts any time they want. I don’t track others either. Not because there is anything to hide. I just don’t like the idea of it.


No way would I put one on my phone.

Personally I do not use that app but I have connected my husband and I’s Google maps for the purpose that if something happened to me and he could not get ahold me of because something happened then he could find my location. I do it for safety reasons. Google maps however does not notify you about anything so we never actually look at each others location. But if he did look at it I dont care because he would know I’m safe.


My family uses it. And honestly….I think our kids use it to track us more than we use it to keep track them :joy:


It is in a matter of trust I’m not going to be tracked by anyone


We use safe and found. I am a female and he is a diabetic. My phone occasionally gets put on silent. Thank you to my 1yo. So he can still get ahold of me. Also with us having 8 kids if we have an emergency he can ding it and it will still ring even of the phone is on silent.


My family does , my dad and I use so when I get lost he can get me back to where I’m heading. My so thinks it’s weird and doesn’t have it

What the actual :joy::joy: you don’t need to know where your partner is at all times … that was only cool for Mrs. Weasley.


My partner and I have it as well as my kiddos. It’s not about trust. We pay for platinum and I know where my kids are if someone breaks down I can get straight to them etc nothing about trust. We also use the locksmith tow tire change etc on it as well​:heart::woman_shrugging:t3:

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We all have our beliefs and feelings towards things. My husband and I are a perfect example of that. Life 360 I have, mom has, daughter has. My husband won’t put it on his phone. He just doesn’t like it or want it. It’s fine. He’s fine. We are fine.
Covid vaccine. I got it, he won’t. Ever… again, we are fine.
Differences don’t mean you need to start questioning things


My partner is the same but he is just a paranoid person in general like my house is surrounded by cameras, I have all the kids on it but he refuses to be on it.

My husband and I both work an hour away from where we live. We’ve had tracking on our phones for years. So does my mom and his mom as backup.
It’s for safety. If something were to happen and I didn’t know where he was, I’d be sick. Nowadays there’s no reason not to have it. It’s practical and he should realize that. I know in my state it’s illegal to be on your phone and driving.
What if he left work late and you couldn’t get a hold of him.
There are so many scenarios where this could be necessary. It’s peace of mind especially when the world has only gotten crazier.

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Maybe he doesn’t like being treated like a child who isn’t responsible enough to left on his own, geez… does he hebe a need to know where you’re at 24/7?

That’s childish honestly save that app for kids not grown adults

:woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::rofl::rofl: see people come out with all kinds shit I mean dam why not just tie em up to a chair smh like dam no one can have privacy nowadays :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::rofl::rofl::rofl: Foh why not just get a tracker n connect it under his car :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::rofl::rofl:

My family uses this app it’s perfect especially since my boyfriend loses his phone, we got it mainly because of our daughter walking to school by herself. His reaction is a little extreme but maybe just talk to him he may of just took it one way and didn’t see it from your point of view

Honestly, I would be upset too.
Why do you feel the need for him to have an app in the first place?

Trust is everything

My family started using Life360 after my cousin (a oilfield flow back hand) was swept off of the road in a rain storm and not sure where he was when calling for help.
Before our oldest started driving the app came in handy when he was on school trips/activities and I needed to be to the school to pick him up when he returned. Then, once he started driving, it was great peace of mind knowing that he was safe.
Our oldest is now an adult and in college and we all still have the app. Not necessarily for keeping track, but simply peace of mind.


I wouldn’t want to be tracked either i don’t blame your partner for not wanting the app :person_facepalming::person_shrugging:

We use the app when traveling alone for safety. U can turn it off and on.

I mean my gf and I have the tracking app for iPhones along with my sister my son and my gf son. :woman_shrugging:t3: but also some people I know are against it for government reasons

I don’t do anything but go to work and back and I’d be upset my so wants to track me.


I have life 360 on my family. We use it for safety but also helps navigate to places when I’m lost. My husband is law enforcement. My kids are all over 30. If I want to call them. I’ll check to see where they are so not to bother them at work. Or if they are in town and I need something from. The store. May ways this app has helped.


I’m sorry but we don’t “track people”. If you feel the need to do this to your s.o, you’re relationship is already over. If you’ve been together for 12 years and still no trust has been formed, just leave. If my partner wanted to “track me” after that long together, I’d pack my stuff and go. I’m a person, not an animal.


So my parents use it and my husband, daughter and I use it, we originally got it because of some stuff between mine and my husband’s past, for building trust and accountability, but it was a total gift from God when my husband got into a wreck December 26, 2020. Life 360 called to notify me and had already notified the ambulance, police, tow truck, etc. So, my husband didn’t need to do anything. I got ahold of him, and his car had flipped 3 times! And because of life 360, it was a free tow! Now we have it for that, too.
And for everyone commenting you can judge us for having it but you don’t know our past and everything we’ve been through, and what its taken to get to where we are today, but now because of the accident the app is even more worth having.


I also find that you don’t check it as much as you think and they can still turn off location if up to something they don’t want you to know.

We use it when we go out of town on vacation, for example when we took our daughter to Disney World. We use it just in case we get separated or if something else goes wrong. We don’t use to to track each other.


Man, id get it because i get lost,i dont understand directions, i cant follow gps maps,i get anxiety driving places im not familiar with…but im a female.maybe its percieved differently for men?maybe its got nothing to do with trust!


We have 360 on our phones in case anything were to happen. Hasn’t been an issue here. But everyone feels differently about things like that.


Being honest my whole family uses it myom my kids even our kids that live out of state its a safety thing wow sounds like he has something to hide


Maybe he gambles lol

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I have it for my kids and husband , no big deal.

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my fiance, his mother, his sister and I use it. It’s nice to have just for safety reasons. This is a different world we live in now. Also it’s good if you’ve lost your phone. :laughing: We were all out and looked all over the car for his sister’s phone, I finally remembered 360, checked it, it was at her house. :woman_facepalming::laughing:


If your intending to get the app for spying purposes your kinda nutty. Most people get this app for their children’s safety.


My husband would say the same thing. We only have it going for his daughter. Yes we are on there and can see each other too but only if we are concerned like they’ve been gone awhile or we haven’t called to let them know we made it where we are going okay. But whenever we are done with our kids growing then we probably won’t be using this. I get where your husband is coming from but I get where you’re coming from. It’s a tough one

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I can understand using it to keep track of your kids
But not of your hubby
(Unless you think he has something bad to hide)

It sounds a bit stalkish


Trust your instincts

Deep down was that a test? He failed

Don’t track people your not the COPS.


If it was my husband who had that attitude it was so adamant about it I would’ve already had a rental car and followed him everywhere


For little kids because of kidnapping .
But never used it

We have it for general use. Lets me know when hes leaving work. 4o min drive home so i can start on dinner. Also just so we know nothing is wrong.


Maybe it’s in the way you brought it up to him? If it was only as a case of emergency imo no one should have a problem with that. But, I wouldn’t want it if my spouse said hey we should get this because it lets me see wherever you go. That would make me feel they don’t trust me. And I’m assuming by your post that’s probably how you said it. If that’s the case he has all rights to feel like you don’t trust him.

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I mean your saying you trust him but want to use a tracking app that is for TRACKING. if I was him I’d run too. Cus how you gonna say you trust me then wanna track my every move your weird girl. That’s all imma say . You know what you want the damn app for. Ain’t just for kicks n giggles.

We got it so we could track our daughter. My hubby never thought twice about the fact that I could track him. He doesn’t care because he doesn’t have anything to hide.


I’m planning to use the app with my kids once they are old enough to be going out of the house without my supervision.

I guess it depends what you actually want the app for. Is it because you don’t trust him or for emergency reasons only.

I have set up my phone through short cuts to instantly start recording if I say ‘hey Siri I’m in danger’. My phone will send my location to my emergency contacts, it will start recording and also call Police. There are other ways to set up things if you need.


Getting it for your children and mabye elderly parents but why your husband🤷‍♀️ a man would mabye feel week if it’s for his safety do would feel like you don’t trust him…


I have it, I can track my husband, parents and grandpa. It’s nice to have so you can quick to see where your lived one’s are

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He is a grown man why tf are you tracking him like you’re Dog the Bounty Hunter…gurl bye


I’m so glad I’m single


We all have it and my parents use it bc my dad is in bad health. We all have nothing to hide and it’s convenient and great to keep everyone safe. Crash detection alerts all those in Your circle

I found out my partner had downloaded unknowingly to track where we were and at first I was angry and felt like he didn’t trust me do i confronted him about it…because I had nothing to hide and only ever go to my parents house and the shops I let him use it…looking back now it gives me a feeling of added safety if I’m out with our kids and something happens he’ll know where we are and can help us…If your reason for using it is valid then try convince him in the world we live in now it’s a dangerous place whether your alone or not…but if your reason is because you don’t trust your husband then ask yourself why


I’d be upset l8ke your husband is.he is not a child


I use it with my kids. Not because I don’t trust them but because it’s a dangerous world we live in. A girl in my town was heading to her grandparents house not long ago and she slid off the road into a tree…her mom woke up and checked life360 and it showed her in the same place for an hour. She was able to call emergency services and they went to her…might have saved her life. So absolutely yes I use it :purple_heart:


Husband & I have it - can’t be to careful

My husband and I and two kids have it! He is a truck driver if anything happens I know where he is at

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in this day and age why would anyone be upset if you have nothing to hide…, it’s for your safety!! I don’t care if you are a man, woman, or child; old or young…the streets are violent. IF IT’S YOUR FAMILY OR LOVED ONES…WHY NOT! There’s really no reason not to.


Lol my husband and I both have it. Wasn’t an argument or anything. My husbands friends (males) have it because of their girlfriends and I looked into it and was like “why not” and my husband said ok.

It takes away worrying and second guessing for both of us.


I think it’s called freedom.


My whole household has it on their phones. Best, safest app to use. My parents are on my account so I can monitor them bc mom has afib and dad works in another town.

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I wouldn’t say his reaction is weird…unless for medical reasons or your kids or something of that nature, why on EARTH would anyone wanna be tracked? I would have freaked out too and I literally go to work and home and my kids activities :joy:.


There’s a long list of reason TO have it and only one NOT to have it.


I’ve heard about Life360 only in the context of a parent and child. Otherwise, creeeeeeepy


Me and my kids have it my fiance refuses to download it he feels the same and I do not believe he is cheating or anything like that we going on 16 years this March

My fiancé and I both have it. We live in a rural area with horrible roads especially in the winter and even worse cell service. It makes us both feel better knowing where each other is at all times in the event something happened :woman_shrugging:t2:


My boyfriend and his whole family use we all are in the same circle. :woman_shrugging:

My husband and I have it and even have my mom on it. It’s not about “being tracked” for us. It’s about safety if something were to happen and we couldn’t call one another. For instance, a wreck. Stuck somewhere we aren’t comfortable, etc.


I personally think that in this world, you can never be too careful. For reasons of safety, in case of any type of emergency or danger, this could be a really smart thing to have. What if someone got into an accident and the car rolled somewhere out of sight from the road? Had a medical emergency and was passed out or injured somewhere out of sight? Got mugged and hurt, walking on some road at night alone? Was kidnapped? Idk, so many things can happen and I think this could be a really good thing to have, just in case. Better safe than sorry. The fact that he automatically assumed it was for reasons of suspicion and became so immediately defensive and upset over the idea being presented, seems kind of odd. Unless you specifically said you wanted to track him, to make sure he’s not doing anything sketchy, then I don’t see why he would get so upset about it. Maybe explain your reasoning for why you want it and see if he’s still so against it? Lots of people use those with their children/partners, and not for reasons of mistrust, but for an additional measure of safety precaution.


My husband and I have had it for years. It’s not a trust issue. Mutual idea. It’s just to make sure we’re safe to and from work. Girl, He reacted weirdly, so my gut is telling me that He’s hiding something and doesn’t want you to know about it.


My sisters and I used it. One of my sisters was a OTR driver, we felt better knowing where she was if she didn’t answer her phone.

Look it is this simple if he does not want to be tracked then He has something to hide.


My husband & I have it…it’s not a big deal unless you have something to hide. I often call my hubby & tell him to stop speeding & quit eating junk food. I know when he gets to work & often sit & just watch him drive long distances just to know he’s safe & for peace of mind. Those who hide NOTHING have NOTHING to hide! :see_no_evil:


I won’t download it ever again. Even if asked too. I don’t like the idea of someone knowing where I am 24/7. He’s my husband not my bodyguard.
Plus when I had it my teenagers would see that I was close to fast food or something and want me to pick them up stuff all the time, when there was plenty of food at home.

Call me old fashion or whatever, but I’m still aloud to be me with out him and my kids some times.
I don’t cheat and don’t believe on it but am also not ok with being tracked like a dog on a hog hunt.


I want to use it but my boyfriend doesnt but he just dont want anyone knowing he is stopping places playing slot machines.

My husband, children and I use it in the same circle. Really good to keep track on where my children are.

Sounds like he’s got something to hide.


His allowed his own choice .


Damn who hurt y’all? Just because mama doesn’t want someone tracking him 24/7 doesn’t mean he’s hiding something :skull:

might not wanting you to find out hes down the pub playing cards with his mates again


Not ever for me . My spouse doesn’t need to know every move I make and I dont need to know his.


He’s An Adult. He Doesn’t Need A Tracker & You Can’t Force Him To. Choose Your Battles Wisely. If You’re Trying To Do It Bc You’re Insecure, You Don’t Even Need All That Cuz Your Gut Already Knows Wassup.


Okay. I wouldn’t want it on me, and neither would my husband. I don’t know your husband’s (pardon assumption) reason - however, in our household I can say it’s a tracking breach issue. No, we’re not paranoid government conspiracy theorists (well, I’m not…hubby looks suspicious); it’s a matter of I don’t want anyone I don’t know, or can’t control (have some say so with) know my every move.
Granted, we have some family issues and outside “stuff”(no, nothing illegal). I don’t trust app security for a lot of things - identity theft is real and so is cyber-to-life stalking.
I can see his concern. However, if those are issues, he should be able to state that to you in hopes you’d understand.

I wouldn’t want my husband to track me either! We have iPhones our locations are on but to actually track my every move no thank you! I like my secret shopping sprees


I won’t agree to being tracked I think its crazy iv nothing to hide but don’t like the feeling I can’t do anything without someone knowing


Myself and my family are on 360. Mainly for all the kids sakes more than anything else. If my partner can’t get hold of me for some time he will pop on n check if I’m driving or not. My mums also disabled so when she pops to the shops on her scooter we know where she is as she also can’t speak! It’s handy for some situations and if uv nothing to hide why not🤷‍♀️.


He’s a human being not a dog. If you have trust issues then that’s on you.


Me and my husband and our 8 children have it and 2 of the boys girlfriends (one is pregnant and one just had a baby). I also have it on my parents. My father is a long distance truck driver and my mom is 74 and constantly going. Not to mention my husband and oldest son are constantly going out of town for work. It’s nice to have to keep track of everyone but I mainly got is because last year me and my youngest daughter was in a car wreck. I pay extra for the crash detection just to help myself feel better because I was so disoriented I couldn’t tell anybody where I was and it makes me feel better knowing someonewouldbe able to find us. I have severe anxiety and PTSD from the wreck. It’s all in how you use it. It just gives me a piece of mind.


My husband, my children and I use it. It’s a great way to know where your older teens are. We live in Michigan so the weather can be bad. My husband goes to work at 3:30a. I like to check and make sure he made it to work safely. He does the same for me if I’m stuck in traffic or the weather is bad and he knows I don’t text and drive, so he will just check the app. It works for us, but we also have no trust issues, power issues, independence issues etc… For us, it isn’t about control, it’s about safety.