My son lives with his grandma, he’s 5 and has a TV. Its good for him.
I would put it in his room.
We don’t do TVs in bedroom’s period
Mine has had one in her room since 3. Shes 5.
We don’t have TVs in any of the bedrooms. We turn off her tv about an hour before her bedtime. She gets overstimulated otherwise. She will come down and turn the tv on in the living room when she wakes up in the morning. We are up with her so she isnt alone. It really just depends on the kid but I know it interrupted my sleep when I was a teen. Even as an adult I can’t have any screens on when I’m ready to wind down for the night.
I have a tv in my 1 and 4 years old but it is only used to play movies like once a week. I dont just run TV for background noise for them. I turn TV shows on for maybe 3 hours of the day on and off. And I still feels like that’s a lot.
My kids are grown now but 30 yrs ago they did too
Playing TV while they fall asleep is a HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HABIT. Even for adults it is. I watch TV u til I get sleep than turn if off. I let the kids watch 1 30 min show before or turn a movie on before I start bedtime routine so as 1 is bathing or brushing rv getting dressed etc they other can watch TV for a few but I turn it off read 1 or 2 books than lights out. Yes they cry but Its our jobs as parents to ensure a health life style
My almost three year old has a tv, blu-ray player, and a dvd collection. It’s been used like three times since I put it in there lmao
Ours got one when she was 7
My kids both have had TVs in their rooms since about day 1. They both know what is and is not allowed, how early/late it can be on…there are rules, and they do get things taken away when they do things they shouldn’t. If you want to do it, do it.
We have a firm no tvs in bedrooms rule. In our living room we have a computer connected to a large TV (acting as a monitor) & another similar setup in our office.
But if this works for your family then do you.
My kids never had one it’s to much for their behaviour with to much screen time
When i fixed a nursery room for our baby a television is the first piece of furniture we put in rhere and our car had one in the back seat
Maybe if parents would get up and fix breakfast for them instead of letting a 4 year old do it ,I don’t think there is anything wrong with a t.v. in a child’s room, I think something is wrong with the parents when the child has to get up and take care of himself, especially a 4 year old
My kid is 9 and isn’t allowed to have a tv in his room. He has a tv in his play room but I don’t need another bed time distraction.
My 4 year old daughter does
It’s fine,
Maybe get him a tablet instead to turn his shows on…my 17 year old has had his own tv for a few years my 12 yr old still doesn’t. Personal opinion TVs don’t belong in the bedroom, and besides he still has to wonder the house to make his breakfast
Don’t think it matters an age if your controlling TV times,but saying that my kids have never got up and gone downstairs themselves once there up I’m up.its each parents choice
My girl always had a tv in her room but she was never really into Tv at all, except for when it came to YouTube lol My boy doesnt have his own room yet, he loves his cartoons, i’d probably put one in his room if we ever moved into a bigger place lol Hes not constantly at the TV but when he is finally in a relaxing mood he likes his cartoons for some down time
My kids are 11 and 7 and they both don’t have a tv in their room. They aren’t allowed to turn on the tv in the living room without asking for permission either.
I don’t see what some people mean by saying a tv in a 4 yrs olds room is ‚good for them‘? As in how? Seriously.
I mean if you decide to let them have one so you can sleep longer, fine, your decision, not judging, but saying it’s good for them? Eh
Call me crazy but, the one television in my home gets used once or twice weekly as a family thing. We watch one or two shows together weekly other than that we do not use the television. We are a music family
A t v in their room is called a baby sitter
Both my little ones have tv dvd players in thier rooms they are 4 and 6 school night 6.30 bed tv off 7.15 weekends 7 bed 8pm tv off
No tv in bedrooms. Kids or adults. Help them get good sleep habits from start.
All my kids have there own tv. Best thing to help fall asleep
My son’s 8 now but we have had TV in room since about 3
My son is 3 and has a small TV dvd player in his room I don’t let him have actual TV shows as I want to know what he’s watching is suitable. But having a it in his room has really helped him settle in his room x
My kids never had a tv in there room at that age if they did they would never go to bed.and still don’t and there 8&9 my youngest ones anyway. My first oldest out 3 had one but still not at that age she was much older.
Good for him making his own breakfast! When I was that age I did the same thing. My mom would leave out a small container of cereal and always have a small container of milk in the fridge. I remember being so proud of myself being able to pour my cereal amd milk without making a mess. My daughter just turned 4 now I’m gonna start doing this for her.
we bought a new TV so I put our other one up on the wall of my child’s room. He was only a year when I did it. Some of these people need to get a life. We honestly never use it right now but it’s up if I choose to use it . Do what you want some of these people need to get themselves a freaking life
My son is 5 & he just got a tv for his room for xmas. We said when he needs a moment away from us & his sister & hes up playing in his room he can put on one of his shows. Or at night he can watch a show before bed sometimes. I had one growing up so i dont see anything wrong with it. My kids literally are outside playing all day & into sports so a little show here & there nothing wrong
My kids both have TVs in their rooms. They watch them to fall asleep at night. My kids sleep great and I have no problems with them having “too much” tv time. My kids play all day long and usually only watch tv at night to fall asleep.
Basically babysit him until you decide to get out of bed and interact with him
Werst thing ever putting cable in the bed room
Mine had to graduate from high school befor they got a tv in their room.
im not sure if i would rather my grandson had an occasional short period of watching tv in his room where hes its likely to be distracted with his toys instead of playing games on his tablet for ages
My little boy is 4 and has had a tv in his room since he was 2.
He can only watch dvds and to be honest he doesn’t really sit in his room and watch TV.
My kids all have TVs in their room and they had them in their rooms before the age of four they come out and play on their games and visit with other people they don’t sit in their room all day we got snow and they went out and played in the snow yesterday
Our kids never had TVs in their rooms. In fact the rule growing up was 30 minutes of electronics a day. Each child chose why they wanted, tv, computer games, electronic toy etc. Of course there were some exceptions but we interacted with all three of them and they with each other.
Electronics are not substitutes for parental responsibilities. There are many parents who use them this way, and many others that do not.
Kids today don’t have the ability to make their own choices- they are constantly told what to do and often placated with electronics.
I get super independent, but come on… he is FOUR YEARS OLD!!! Get up with your kid, sit with him and chat while he eats the breakfast he just made. Watch his shows WITH him.
My daughter has TV in bedroom she has it on but doesn’t really watch it it’s just back ground noice while she plays with her toys as she is only child
My 4 year old does it’s great for mornings where he has smothered me co-sleeping and decides 430am is a great:star2: time to start the day.
And tbh I feel like the ones who are saying no either have angel children, no kids, or their man by the balls
It’s only 6am right now and I’ve pulled out my scary voice twice
Do what YOU think is ok for YOUR family.
Man alive! Look at all these moms competing for the Mom of the Year award! We don’t know her situation. Maybe she works late shifts and having the child get up before her allows her an extra hour of sleep!
It sounds like the child is content in doing this in the mornings. He’s not going to grow up and say, “I wish my mom would’ve woke up and made my cereal every morning” while sitting in jail! It’s fine, he’s fine, and the mom is fine.
Do what works for your family. Give it a try, you can always take it down
Besides having the privilege of a TV in your bedroom can also come with responsibilities. Which, is also a good thing.
My daughter has a TV in her room and has since before she was 2. Shes 6 now. We started with an old box tv and vcr. But after recently upgrading our livingroom tv she ended up with our other 42" with a roku. Its not on all the time. After she quit napping we would still have “chill time” and just lay in bed and watch a movie. Now she gets movies before bed on the weekends and will sometimes turn on music videos or cartoons when her brother is in her room playing with her. I think if you can secure it from falls and trust her not to break it then go for it. Nothing wrong with it at all. I personally limit all screen time in my house, but thats gotta be your call as the parent. My son probably won’t get one in his room for a very long time cause he is all boy and crazy as can be!
My 8 year old doesn’t have a tv in her room and I don’t plan on changing that anytime soon
So are you saying you want him to eat breakfast in his room instead of kitchen
I would say it depends on your child
My 8 year old has never had a tv in her room because she’ll watch it any chance she gets. If she’s in front of a tv at night she won’t fall asleep.
Every kid is different
Everybody complaining about “screen time” it’s not like they give you BOOKS anymore when they go to school…
My son has had a tv in his room since he was 1 or 2 and honestly he hardly uses it except at night to wind down for bed. During the day he doesn’t really just sit and watch tv but it’s always on for background noise.
My 3 year old has a tv in his room and the only time he uses it is nap and bedtime. We use the sleep timer and he gets 30 minutes before it cuts off and he has to go to sleep.
No my son didn’t get a tv until he turned 10… We have rules set up for usage.
My 19 month old and 5 year old share a room and have a smart TV. They watch pbs kids maybe 45 minutes a week total. We are huge on playing outside, with toys, and with each other so electronics have never been a problem.
My four year old has one in his room. It just plays dvdsHe got it a year ago. I grew up with a tv in my room.
My four year old does not. He is super independent and fairly self sufficient, but I’m pretty anti-tv or electronics in bedrooms.
I really don’t think it’s best for such a little one to have a tv in their room ( Just my opinion but I don’t judge anyone who does. Everybody’s different. ) I like a child’s bedroom to be calm , soothing , books and toys and ‘treasures’ . There’s so much noise and distraction everywhere. It’s nice for a child to have a little refuge.
I was always against TVs in bedrooms. We only had the one in the living room when I was growing up. But now, in this day and age, our 5 year old has his own TV with his dads old PS that still works and he has a few games to play on it. I dont see anything wrong with it anymore.
If you want something in your 4 year olds room to entertain him get him some books and leave the tv for grown ups to monitor!
Teach him now to do that. Don’t be wait tell he is older he will not understand.
Mine is 10 and I refuse to put a tv in his room. No need for a 4 yr old to have a tv in their room.
My 3 yr old has one in her room. She uses it during quite time since she doesn’t nap anymore. Other than that she hardly ever used it unless she want music on.
My 5 year old does but it’s only the dvd that works so not actually tv - she can only watch films on there x
Mine did when they were 4
I don’t have TV’s in any of the bedrooms.
My kids are 14. 12. 10 and no TV in there rooms
My older 3 are 18, 13, 9 and all have TV in rooms. My 18yr old watches his, and plays xbox. Other 2 not so fussed. 9yr old likes to fall asleep to a movie so I set timer. I think 4 is a bit young personally but its completely up to you as the parent to set rules and limit screen time.
My kids 3 and 6 have a tv in their room, they share they have toys etc up there. They like to put their movies on and play in their room or the put their Disney cd on and sing along and play. They occasionally have half an hour of tv before bed on a weekend. They don’t turn it on after bed time and they don’t have it on before school. It is monitored how much tv time they get. They love playing and aren’t the kind of kids to just sit and watch tv constantly.
My 3 year old has a tv in her bedroom. She can only watch her movies on it.
Both my kids have TVs in their room and have had them since they were probably 3 or 4
We probably will for bed time movie. Setting a timer.
Nope. Not a tv in bedroom person. We don’t have one in our room. And wouldn’t want our kids to either.
Yes but we control the remote
We have one tv in the entire house… which lives in the lounge room. So yea we don’t even have one in our room.
Doesn’t bother us really is fine as it is
My 5 and almost 2 year old share a room. They have had a tv in their room for almost a year now. Its only hooked up to a dvd player so they can only watch the movies they pick out. There is no cable hooked up to it or anything like that. Its also on my daughters dresser in the closet so we just shut the door when they are not watching it.
My boys at 4 yo had TVs in their rooms
No I would never to young
I be afraid they would turn it off otherwise if u have internet access you can turn it off in their room
I’m 28 and I still dont have a TV in my room… Why would my 6 yr old need one?
If your son is already independent with the TV then no its not a good idea to put one in his room i did this for my 3 year old he will stay up half the night and if we turn the TV off he screams and cries for hours nest advice go to bed when your child goes to bed and wake up when your child wakes up
My daughter is 1 and there’s a tv in her room that we turn on at night because she is used to the light and sound of it to sleep. If you’re monitoring time with it turned on and that’s what he likes then I don’t see why you shouldn’t
Nope. Kids dont need to wake up and immediately sit infront of a TV.
No kids don’t need TVs in the bedroom. Playroom ok but not the bedroom.
6 kids here …all have tv’s…, no shame here… sleep habits are fine, grades are fine … all the parent shaming is horrible, if you have healthy, respectful children, who care how they got there. Tv or no tv, co-sleep or independent, organic or McDonald’s …
My 2 year old does and no problems, she doesn’t have it on at night she goes to bed to sleep but when she wakes in the morning she turns it on and puts a DVD on that she wants to watch x
Yes, she does but she has to ask for us to turn it on.
Tvs in all my bedrooms.
Everyone in this house has a TV in their room. My youngest is 13 and has always had one.
As long as it’s secured so no risk of it falling on him
Who cares what others think? You do what’s going to work for you!
My daughter had a T.V… put in her room a round 5. She was a lot like your son. Very independent. The only issue we had a 1st was she would seek watching T.V. after she was suppose to be sleeping. She would wait till we fell a sleep and turn it on. A few groundings and taking a way her T.V. stopped that. Good luck.
It all comes down to how you feel about it. I mean it’s great to get opinions from others, but at the end of the day you’re still going to be just as confused if not more confused and conflicted. If you want to put a tv in his room go for it. If you’re not comfortable with that then don’t
If there a SO in the picture discuss it with them and see what they think. And you can always limit screen time if you choose to put a tv in his room.
I put one in my kids room when they were 4. Sometimes adults watch t v thats inappropriate for a child. I controlled it but I see no issue letting a child have a t v thier room
All of mine did since toddler age
My almost 3 year old does. Mainly because I got a bigger one for me and had nowhere else to put it. She hardly uses it though
I got my first TV when i was 18. 31 now. We had 1 TV in the living room. Couldnt afford more. My girls got theirs at 6 yrs old. Oldest is 10. Its a privilege to have a TV in my house as well. You screw up i will take it no hesitation. Timers are set to turn TV off and no TV on in rooms after 9pm. Parental control on
My girls share a room they r 7/5 they have a smart tv woth netflix youtube disneyplus wifi shuts off at 9pm