Does your child call you by your first name?

Ignore her… believe me she will call you mama in no time.


My 4 year old didnt even know my first name until maybe last year. He always corrects people though and says no thats mommy but in front of him im always referred to as mommy

Mine only called me by first name in a crowd or if there were many moms and they needed my attention immediately. It worked.

My 2 year old calls me babe :woman_shrugging:t2:

Seems like a minor situation that will change over time.


My oldest daughter ( now 9) called me by my first name from about 2 and a half til 4 yrs old. She would hear her brothers call me by my first name (half brothers). When she started pre k at 4 i guess she heard the other kids saying mom

I have no help, I’m just here to say that if my baby called me by my name I would be feeling the same. My older kids call me mom, and my toddler usually calls me mommy. My toddlers name is Liam, and if he calls me mom, I call him Li till he says mommy :joy: He thinks it’s a joke at this point and we do it at least once a day and laugh. There’s a whole stage of letting go of being called mommy & it’s nowhere near :joy::joy: I hope these ideas everyone is giving helps though, my heart hurts for you

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I wouldn’t let my niece call me by my first name its auntie!


My 2 year old daughter calls my mother in-law mom instead of granny, and calls me mommy or mama. But she hears everyone else call my mother-in-law mom.

My son called me honey, because my husband did.


Ignore her when she says it. Say whos “your name”? My name is Mommy.

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My boyfriend calls my mommy 90% of the time and In laws and my mother does too and same for daddy now I gotta start teaching my son his real name because he only response to bub or bubby🤦 but that’s just how our family is

Its a common stage of development. My oldest used to call my husband “babe” for a while because that is what I call him :rofl:


It’s a phase but one way to help correct it if it bothers you is to not respond to her when she uses your name, respond when she says mommy.


At least she knows your name! That’s very important!!


I would not draw attention to it or react to it in anyway. They’re learning. Refer to yourself as mama when you do things around her, like say “mama needs to go to the bathroom” etc.


My son called me by my first name until he was 6, here and there he would say mommy but that was it. Until 6 he just dropped the habit . Don’t play on it too much, she will forget about it soon enough

I have a 22 year old that calls me Rosa because I never corrected him before. My twins call me mom.

It sounds like way too much confusion to put on the kid. Not sure I would’ve encouraged it that way so your niece would say your name rather than just correcting mom with aunt.
But your lo is still so little I wouldn’t fret about just correct it as happens and let it go.

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My 4 year old calls everyone by their first name :woman_facepalming:t3:

I always refer to my daughters dad as daddy when I’m around her but for some reason she calls him by his first name :woman_shrugging:t3: it kind of bothered him at first but now he’s kind of used to it and I’m sure it’s something she’ll grow out of. She just turned 2 in January

Hahaha! I get called by my first name. I have with all my kids when they were smaller! The second they hear someone else call me Amy they do it right away and think it’s funny for a minute. I thought it was cute and funny cux they went right back to mommy. My guy on the other hand… lol bless him. He get offended! Lol gets on their level, holds their hands, man voice “daddy, only daddy. I’m not mitch.” Lol

This is a completely normal development stage children go through as toddlers! This will change as they get a bit older and better understand what they are saying! Shrug it off momma! Children copy what they hear as this is huge in their learning process! You can help to correct it when child says “name” you can simply respond with, “yes that is my name, but I’m your mommy.”
Do not make your niece call you auntie. Children choose what they call others! This should not be forced!
With all of that said, just breathe, know that this is a normal stage, and use it as a teaching tool.

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My son calls his mum and I by our first names. He alternates between what he’ll call us but we respond to either.

Why are people here acting like it’s a bad thing? Or that you should ignore them if they use your name?

Bet you’d all whinge if your child didn’t respond when you called them by their name.

Its a developmental phase. It passes but still cute!

Honestly it’s very important she knows your name…like if she ever gets lost.

I think it’s good that they know you actually have a name. It will be beneficial in the event they ever get separated from you somewhere. She is still learning, so I wouldn’t be too concerned with it.

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Refer to yourself as mommy.


Maybe don’t respond unless she calls you mommy. When she gets older you can explain why other people call you by your name


I’m not sure what to do to break the habit but one way to look at it in a positive light is that if she ever becomes separated from you she will know your name so when someone comes to help her she won’t just say “mommy”… she’ll have important information that will help her get back to you


She will most likely grow out of it and talk about yourself in 3rd person saying your mommy. Also have anyone else around you refer to you as that. You can even explain why names are used and why mommy and daddy are better words for you and your husband.

Overreacting lol. She needs to know your name, and it’s likely a phase. Just keep calling yourself mommy, and she will again. My kids sometimes call me by my first name, just playing around


Honestly you shouldn’t tell her not to use your name. If she ever gets lost in a store you’ll want her to remember your name to tell the people who find her. I worked retail and when kids didn’t know to talk to the workers or there parents names it was frustrating because you didn’t know who you were releasing the child to. Instead I’d say that’s what other people call mommy but you call me mommy. We make sure our 4 year old knows our names and the grandparents names


They call me mom but they know my name incase of an emergency.

I used to call my mom and dad by their names when I was little. It didn’t last too long.

Yep, especially when she is mad at me. Just remember it’s a phase and later it will be important she knows your name.

I’m teaching my boys my name in case we ever get separated, I’ve got two wild little boys so I tell myself better safe than sorry

All of my kids have gone thru this stage. It doesn’t last long. I liked that they knew what my name was that way of something happened they would be able to tell some one they need help and they would know my name instead of saying my name is mommy.

All my kids have been through this stage but now call me mom mommy. I think its good because then if there’s an emergency she knows ur name

A lot of kids go through this phase it just shows her sassiness she knows who you are just ride it out.

My oldest daughter called me “amy” until she was probably just over 2. I assume it’s because that’s what everyone else did. It irritated me, but she was a baby :woman_shrugging: she eventually outgrew it and just stopped one day.

My 2 year old calls me mom, mommy, Shelly, stinky bum mommy, and honey. Lmao :joy: :woman_shrugging:t4: they grow out of it haha


Ignore her when she calls you by ur name and only respond when she calls you mom…


My daughter is 12 and has been saying it since she was a baby. I honestly don’t care though

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Attach your name with mommy. I’m mommy ____.
Make your husband call u mommy too. Just repeating it all the time. I think its good that she knows your first name. It happened to us, but with my husband. My 1st son just knew him with his first name😅 because that’s what he hears from me. It bothered him too so i just called him daddy with his first name then till they understood better.


No but my daughter knows how to say my first and last name just incase of an emergency.

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It’s a phase. We’ve always called our son bud or buddy so he called me bud for a while then he started calling me babe (my husband never uses my 1st name only babe) but he grew out of it pretty quick. I thought it was cute :woman_shrugging:

It’s a phase she will grow out of it just keep correcting her and don’t answer when she calls u by ur name answer too her when she calls u mama or mommy

My son used to call me by my first name. It seemed to bother everybody except for me. Once he got to preschool he realized his friends had mommas and he started calling me momma. Now he’s 17 and he says bruh. I’m over all of it at this point :weary:


My 6 year old call her dads by their first names around the other. When she is here she calls my husband (her step dad) daddy. And her bdad by his name. And when she is at her bdad she calls him daddy and my husband by his name. When she is around them both she calls the daddy(name]

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Mine started it at 3 years old.
I tried telling him not to call me by my name but he just did it more.

So I wouldn’t answer to him when he called me by name. He picked up momma again pretty quick.

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Its a phase… my kids called me by my name when they were about 2. Its not a big deal…they hear everyone around you call you by your name & are mimicking them.

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My daughter’s father allows her to call him by his name. I don’t think it’s respectful. I don’t like it. She definitely knows not to call my by my name.

My three year old STILL does this lol they do it because they get a reaction out of you from doing it

Kids do this but one way to break it might be to say “if you are talking to me, my name is Mommy/Mama.” And literally not respond until she calls you Mom.

Also…try not to react in any way until she calls you Mom (or whatever term you pick)


My kids never…I made sure that no one called me Kimberly (Kim) when they were little…now they think saying my name is like cursing, lol

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My daughter when thru the same phase she used to call me Mommy Jess :roll_eyes:

My daughter’s also 21 months and I don’t think she even knows my first name

The more you respond the more she will do it especially if you react funny to it. She will stop on her own just ignore it. Call her daughter… Teach her the different things we are to one another. Love and hugs! :purple_heart:

When I have to yell my husbands name over and over cause he is not listening (watching tv) my daughter tries to help out by yelling his name too and then he suddenly is able to hear and gets all upset :laughing:

Ohhhhh Hell No !!! Complete Disrespect!!!


I would probably angry voice say… I am your mommy!! I am not your blank. You call me mommy! My son tried that once and I told him it was rude and he never tried again but he was older.


My thoughts: she is watching you so much and she hears what people call you, so she’s associated you with that name. I know where I’m from, we grow up saying “your mom/mama” or I know my grandparents called each other mama/Daddy all the time so the kids caught on. I actually thought it was normal to call your spouse that :sweat_smile: but just have people refer to you as mommy, like “bring this to mommy” or “go see mommy” etc

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Tell her my name is mommy you call me mommy not X Ignore her whenever she calls you by your name eventually she will stop

My son used to call me Jessica :joy: all my step kids call me Jessica so :woman_shrugging:t3: not much I could do, I just laughed it off
My youngest step kid was 5 at the time and I remember I was talking to my son like “mommas coming.” Or something and the 5 year old literally went “your not mom your Kika.” (What she called me at the time.) i honestly never cared that he called me Jessica so idk if I’m much help
I will say he grew out of it
Now that he watched all his cartoons and they are like “baby dances with his mom.” “Can you spot the mom.” “Ask your mom to help.” He’s really picked up on the word mom. I use the word mom more since it’s me and him all day everyday since the pandemic so it’s a lot of “mom is going to get you a juice.” “Are you hungry should mom make lunch?” And not he calls me mom, mommy, momma”

My son used to call me Bob. I’m assuming he put mom and babe together. He eventually grew out of it. We still laugh about it.

Well I think it’s a good thing she knows your name …if she ever gets separated from you (don’t take this the wrong way)but she can at least say what her mama’s name is… she is still young ,hears other people saying it… she loves you learned your name and putting it to use…if it really bothers you don’t respond to her when she calls you by your name…only act when she calls you mom


Yes it sucks to have you daughter call you by your first name but at the same time it can be beneficial. MOST kids dont know their parents first names because Mommy/Daddy is used for a handful of their life while they’re young so if god forbid she gets lost in a store or anywhere she’ll be able to give your first and hopefully last name to someone who is helping her find you.

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My husband adopted my oldest daughter when she was 8 so she remembers her first legal father before he gave up parental rights. It was a difficult and traumatizing experience for her. She lost the entire side of his family and the only person she called dad. He is the scum of the earth and thankfully lives across country because every time she talks about what happened I want to urrrghhh… words do not even begin to describe. She is 11 and still calls my husband by his first name even though she refers to him to everyone as her dad. She says she’s not comfortable calling him dad yet even though she loves him. I get it. So our toddler will call him by his first name sometimes because sister does. It kind of hurts his feelings. However, the toddler also takes turns calling us babe because that’s what we call each other. I just say I’m not your babe. Lol

I think it’s good that your child knows your name. If they were to get separated from you for any reason, the person they turn to for help can look for you easier.

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When my husband left me for another lady I was so hurt and I used to cry every day. Whenever I could miss him I could just close my bedroom and cry because I never wanted my kids to see me crying. It was tough times to endure the stress and at work, I could not perform well being a nurse I work with on many people but I could be moody and could even lose tempers for small things my colleagues complained and I signed many warnings before the matron.
I tried so much to move on but it was hard I love my husband sometimes I could see him in my dreams wake up thinking he would come but nothing, I used to SMS him but no response calling him he never picked my calls and finally blocked all my numbers not even to support the kids. many times I tried to talk to his family and friends they tried their best but he had completely changed and he regarded everyone as a stranger kept a deaf ear on everyone who tried to talk to him. I resorted to spell casters but not even at one time did I see a change. I started drinking alcohol because I couldn’t handle the stress but as you all know ounce you are drunk you are out of stress it could be worse once the alcohol is out. I can’t forget the day I came back home and our firstborn asked me where is Daddy I miss him a lot why he is no longer coming home I never gave a right answer I went in the bedroom started crying at this time. I thought a lot of bad things but again because I loved my kids I knew I had to be strong because it was my role to play as a mother.
I phoned one family friend she is such a darling to me and she gave me a number of baba khoni +27736826252 she said he had helped her two years ago I had lost all my trust in everyone but she strengthened me and gave me the go-ahead to try baba khoni +27736826252 . I thought about it with all my heart and finally decided to contact baba khoni I made everything known to her and she said that we had a future with my husband and we are compatible but the lady had used something on my man which had diverted his feelings away from not only me but also from the whole family. I was so angry at this point and I asked how it was possible to get him back. baba khoni assured me that I would get my happiness back in three days.
Before I began the prayer with baba khoni and sent him my info with that of my husband I was given the instructions of the prayers we did together over the phone and after the fast day my husband texted me saying ‘‘hi’’ it was not a big message but I was so happy for that small massage I never replied though and after 48 hours of the prayer my husband came home I was not home by that time I was by neighbors I heard the car hooting and rushed to see who was it. He asked me to sit in the car we talked he was so romantic and he asked my forgiveness since then our lives have been progressing both in relationships and finances. I have written my story to tell everyone who may be in tears that I was like that before. CONTACT baba khoni +27736826252

My sons do it some times, they are 5 and 6. But it’s more so when I say something they don’t agree with, I get the “oh really chanelle” lol. I tink it’s funny, but they probably picked it up from my husband, or their step brother. Their the only ones they ever hear say my name.

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My middle daughter will sometimes call her dad Chulo. Lol he just responds hola chula. Lol he loves it!

My best mate and his brothers grew up calling their parents by their first names. Tbh I probably call his mum mum more than he does :joy:
My step son calls me by my first name but still knows I’m his mum, he also calls his bio mum by her name or mummy then her name but that’s because he doesn’t like to call her mum(she’s never been around by her own choice but he still knows that’s his mum and she gave birth to him)
My son will probably grow up calling me mum and sharney because his older brother calls me by my first name
Not fazed by it as both boys will grow up knowing I’m their mother.
My step son calls me mum to his teachers and other people when telling stories other wise it’s sharney

Mine did it for a while. It’s a phase. It’s good tho now they know my first and last name by heart so if anything every happens they know it. It didn’t bother me. Everyone told me why do you let them do that. But once you quit worrying about it they stop. It was no big deal.


My daughter started calling me sissy as that’s what her cousins call me, and I have them just about every day. So every time I heard sissy out her mouth I’d tell her no, I’m mommy. Didn’t take long to break it, but she still calls me sissy when she’s pissed and isn’t allowed to do whatever I stopped her from doing… I’ll give her that :woman_shrugging::rofl:

This is normal she isn’t even 2 yet and still learning how to communicate. My daughter confusing my dad(her pop pop) and her actual dad. Because of how we communicate. Hell one time she called me babe because my fiance does. You just have to correct and talk to the other people around your child and create nicknames and make sure everyone calls the other person their nickname.



My husband said his name is Trevor so the kids can call him by his name. I said I didnt go through pregnancy and labor to be called Tatum, they can bloody call me mum😂

Ignore her when she calls you by your name but remind her everytime what you want her to call you. If you keep letting her do it she will keep doing it…

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Mine tried that because I nanny and the kids I watch call me my first name. I just explained that that’s my name but they can call me “Mom.” Just keep explaining it to her and she’ll learn that you’re Mommy and that you’re also called your name. It’s good for her to know your first name too.

My daughter will be 18 months and refuses to call me mom. She refers to me as “baby”. :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:


It does suck. But it’s mostly a stage… my daughter used to call my husband by his name. For weeks. We just ignored it except to reinforce “daddy” I know it’s frustrating. But it probably wont last long.

All my kids did this at one time or another. I just always responds with yes that is my name. But what am I to you! The answer is always mommy.
It a good thing they know your name

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I completely understand what you’re feeling. There’s something so special about Mommy.

One of my kids had that phase but it only lasted a couple of days. As soon as he would say it we’d correct him and if that didn’t work, I simply didn’t respond because “I’m not Jen to you, I’m mom”. It became boring to him once I ignored it so he stopped :woman_shrugging:t3:

Lol. I have 3 boys. Now 18, 17, and 12. They each called me by my first name at some point in their younger years. I just ignored them, gave them the “look”, and said it’s Mommy. When they spoke to me again and corrected themselves…that’s when I answered but not until they said Mommy. Now they are older…they typically call me Mom but if I’m ignoring them or I’m just plain out not paying attention…they yell BRANDY…lol. It wakes me up pretty quick and I realize they are talking to me. :rofl::joy:
It’s a phase your daughter is going thru but my opinion is correct her, don’t get angry, but ignore her until she says Mommy whenever she speaks to you. Let her know she’s only allowed to call you Mommy…not your actual name. She’ll catch on one day.

My son did this. I just kept reminding him that I’m mommy. And eventually he stopped. I think he kept doing it cuz he saw how much it bothered me and thought it was funny but now he doesn’t do it anymore. eventually she will stop❤️

I think it’s just a phase my daughter did the same for a while because she would here my little brother call me by my name and they’re really close but I just kept having to correct her and say “no it’s mommy” and she stopped… eventually lol

My youngest called me honey from about 18months-4 years because her dad called me that. Her older sister always called me mommy. I miss being called honey.

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Its a good thing that they know their parents full names. She knows your mom. I run a home daycare. My youngest calls me Ms. Samantha m-f from 8-5. She thinks shes funny. Whatever she knows im her mom they hust hear other kids calling you thag so they do.

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My 2 yr old calls me momma but if I ask him my real name he says his toddler version of my name lol but I have to ask what he calls me for him to say momma

Everytime she says your first name. Correct her with Mommy. And have her repeat it v

It happened to me. I asked my friends to refer to me a “mom” as much as possible. “Go ask your mom” “you and your mom are going to…” “I’m helping your mom”

When ever possible where is makes since. That’s what we did after a few weeks it was more routine and he started calling me mom, but he knows my first name that is VERY important nothing worse then a child getting lat and only knowing “mom and dad”…

So that’s a silver lining to look at it. Good luck.

Just keep letting her know that you are her mommy and not _ _
. You can tell her it makes you sad when she calls you by your first name. Thankfully our daughter only called her dad by his first name once…we stopped calling each other by our first names and referred to each other as
Mom and dad after that to avoid her confusion. Ps. This is normal for her to do at that age.

Thats actually a good thing… If something were to happen and the ask her what’s your mommy’s name atleast you know that she knows it a lot of kids dont.
My kids call all of us by our title to them then our name after because we taught them our names

My kids call me Karen so it could be worse. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


My son will likely call me by my first name and im so happy with that. I always called my mom by her first name but that was because of totally different reasons

It will pass, my oldest son did the same until he was about 7 :flushed: and I had my moments where it bothered me… but now he’s 17 and we joke about how he used to call me by my name. It’s a memory of my son and one of my favorites that I’ll cherish forever. It’s not a big deal, things could be much worse so just love your daughter and know that she knows who her mom is no matter what

It’s just a phase and what she hears I have babysat my niece since she was 2 months old she started calling me moma just because I have kids that scream it all day. She has been calling me moma for about a year now I just keep correcting her and telling her moma is at work I’m auntie and she just got it right about a month ago. She will still occasionally call me moma after hearing my kids but once I look at her and tell no she just screams auntie

Amanda Horton “no manda!” :rofl:

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Yes they did lol and, and they would change there name ,