My son always called his dad by his 1st name. I think I just didnt refer to him as daddy all the time
Mine called me Angie about that age lol I HATED it. Esp cuz I ended up visiting my parents (staying with them) for weeks…we call my mom Ma or my dad calls her Mama. Soooo my son starting calling HER ma/mama. While I was still Angie.
I was NOT impressed lol.
But we’d just gently correct him…“no…Mommy!” “No…grandma!”
Not much else you can do. They eventually stop and go back to mommy.
I was the only one he did it for to. It was totally not fair lol
My oldest son called me by my first name because my siblings all did so my mom made everyone start calling me Mama Jacque so he would. It worked great but I’d get weird looks when I’d be out with him and my middle school siblings when I was in my early 20s🙂 Joke was on her though because my siblings all started calling her grandma!
agree! Correct her with Mommy and have her repeat it.
Honey, you want her to know your name so well that if someone asks what her mommy’s name is, she can answer. Both of my kids go through that phase off and on but it is not a bad thing at all. Gentle correction is good. We made it a game.
“What’s my real name?” They answer. “What do you call me?” They answer. We did it with grandparents as well.
They’ll do it forever if you let on that it bothers you
I will not respond to my older daughter (5) when she does this my younger daughter (2) I just correct her
Ignore her when she calls you by your name, unless it’s an emergency of course, you will quickly break the habit when she doesn’t get the reaction/attention she wants.
My kids do it to annoy me. Just ignore it.
Brooklyn Frost Don’t know if any of these girls have suggestions
I call mum by her name mostly coz am used not that I don’t respect her
My girl is 21 months too and started calling me only, by my first name. She calls me brook so it’s easy to say. When she says it I just say “ no! It’s momma” and she corrects herself. Other times if she calls me Brook I just don’t pay attention I her until she says momma then I pay attention so she knows!
my fiance and I were in a store once and someone actually asked if he was ours because of him calling us by our first name
I didn’t really mind it but every person in the family pressured us to correct him until we finally did.
The women serious went so far as to call my fiance “Daddy” one game night to try to reinforce it for our son. Super awkward but I honestly just rolled with it said he’d never felt more objectified in his life
I have twins too. One calls me grandma and the other calls me mammy, occasionally i get called dad, i just think its something they will grow out of
It’s no big deal if your kids call you by your first name because isn’t that who you are, just because they do that, it doesn’t make you any less their mother or father. Our 7 and 4 year old sons call us by our first names but we are still their parents. Our kids starting doing that because my SO and I refer to each other by our given names. How many millions of people are called mummy or daddy?
My son did this, for a good few months I wouldnt answer him if he called me by my first name, I only answered if he called me mummy. Broke the habit within like 2weeks xx
My. 2 year. Old called my sister mum (still does at times) because he spends alot of time with her and her kids when I’m. Working he was hearing her be called mum all the time, this has lasted a year and he slowly growing out of it and refers to her as her name. It was annoying at first but we just kept calling her by her name like we are going to xx house etc… When doing things maybe say to the little one oh can u get that for mummy or can you help mummy, call. Yourself mummy/mum/etc… When ever your doing something and she’s with you
I think it’s a good thing, actually. If she gets lost, she knows your name. Every time she calls you by your name, say, “Yes, my name is___, but I am also your mommy.” My nephew did this with my sister. He did it for a while but then stopped. It’s just something new to call you.
My son does, unless he wants something
My 2 year old does this as well, but she knows McKayla is my real name and Mama/Mommy is what she is allowed to call me. We sorta make a game out of it and she knows the differences! She mainly does it to try to get a reaction from me & when she realizes I’m not falling for it she corrects herself.
Be glad she knows your 1st name!! I got separated from my parents when I was little and all I knew was mommy… Yeah that was helpful… I taught both my kids my ENTIRE name… And it was a phase that they’d only call me by my 1st name… But eventually they went back to calling me mommy…
Have every one refere to you as Mumma, Mummy she will soon do the same,
No! My children are not allowed to call me by my first name. They do know what it is just in case of emergencies but never are they to call me by my first name. I am their Mother and not their friend. It is s sign of respect. You allow this behavior. You should correct this and also correct your niece. Your niece should call you Aunt or give her a nickname to call you.
My daughter did this when she was younger, probably from hearing everybody call me by my first name. It was totally weird haha. Everyone laughed and tried to correct her. It’s one of those good memories I’ll always have.
But you are “insert your name here”. It’s a good thing she knows your name. If she ever gets separated from you, when asked what is her mom or dad’s name she can identify you. I made sure my son knew my whole name, phone number and our address as soon as he could memorize it. My name was easy but the address took a while.
You are over reacting. Your babies not even 2 yet. Shes learning so much likely still uses diapers. Just ignore it. My son has called me Rachel a few times bc of his cousins. But I let it go and he quit. I also refer to myself as “momma” and not “I” when I’m telling him what I want. Maybe that influenced him some, who knows??? But 21 months is so little, I wouldn’t get mad at them at that age.
I’m 34 years old and still call my dad by his first name, because my brother’s did it (he’s their stepdad) and no one corrected me when we were little. It’s not just a phase. It’s great that she has learned your name, but she also needs to learn to call you mommy. And yes, at almost 2 years old she is capable of learning that now. Stop answering to anything but mommy.
Every time you are doing little things like reading a book, changing her diaper/bathing her/ dressing her/ feeding her and so on YOU SAY MAMA or MOMMY bath you, mama dress you…she will eventually catch on. I never had that problem. Good luck!!!
My granddaughter used to call her parents by their names when she was younger because she heard everyone else call them that.
Ur definitely not wrong for feeling that way. Just keep telling her. Same thing happened with my cousins he called his mom aunty because me and my siblings called her aunty and she just corrected him and he stopped
My son is 4 and now and again he will call me by my first name but only in pure jest. He is doing it to be funny. He does it with his dad as well sometimes. I wouldn’t read too much into it. Just reinforce when you’re interacting and talking that you are mommy. I told my son to go to his dad the other day and he told me “it’s not dad, it’s daddy”, made me laugh.
It’s just a phase and will pass but I wouldn’t get frustrated over it
Every once in a while my daughter calls me by my name…when I said “no” am mommy…she replys but that your name…I cant argue…she right…lol…(btw she is autistic and definitely sees things in black/white…no in between)
I never cared when my kids did it…maybe cause my mom got so uptight about it. If this is all you have to worry about you are pretty lucky.
Because you let her. And let it slide the first couple of times. From now on when she calls you by your name don’t answer and tell her I’m mama and until you call me mama I will answer you. She will stop quick. It will make you feel bad but she will finally call you mom or Mami and you won’t feel bad anymore
My stepdaughter calls me my nickname “Shelly” and my son had to learn to call me mommy. We also taught my stepdaughter to say phrases like “go to your mommy” instead of “go to Shelly”. Also don’t respond to your name. If they want something from you they have to say they want it from mommy.
My son used to do this when he was around that age. I just kept reminding him to call me mom and eventually he stopped calling me by my first name.
It’s just a phase. Just keep telling her you’re her mommy and giving her love and everything will work out. I have 3 children and they have all called me by my real name when they first learned it.
Yes I was called by my first name for a year by my oldest and I did the same with my mom cause I was the only child. It not bad they just don’t identify you as mom until the second child comes or when they realize they will say mom knowing your their mom. If anything was to happen she knows your name and get help. Kids are always into something. Be patient Mom
My daughter used to call her dad by his first name for awhile, I’m assuming because she heard me saying it. She eventually stopped just keep reminding her
My niece calls her mom sometimes by her name and accidentally calls me “mommy” sometimes. It’s just because I’m her babysitter so I’m with her most of the time. Ask all your family members to refer to you as “mommy” too. For example I’ll say “look, mommy’s home from work” to reenforce her to call her mom “mommy”
My 15 year old has called me by my first name so long if she calls me mom I tell her “whatever you want you’re not getting it”. No point in getting angry about it.
I remember when I was a young child, my mother took me to the grocery store. Some how I got distracted and could not find my Momma, when I went to an employee because I could not find my mom. They asked me what her name was and I did not know her name, only Momma. Please, do not be offended that she knows you by your given name. It may come handy one day when she gets lost and cannot find you.
Its just a phase mine went thru it to just keep reminding her you’re mommy and honestly it doesn’t hurt for her to know your actual names…my daughter knows the extend family’s first and last names shes 3 …
My daughter did that for a short while … heard my bonus children call me by first name. Then everyone in family would call me mom,mommy. She caught on … and when changing diaper or say mommy change you or mommy help you. Mommy loves you . It will change .
Think of the positive, if she gets lost or something she’ll at least be able to give your name.
I have a grandson who is only 4 months younger than my daughter and they’re right around that age. So things get a little confusing. Whenever my daughter uses the wrong name I just laugh and explain it as simply as possible.
In your situation I would simply say I’m your mommy. I only answer to mommy (mom, momma… whatever you are comfortable with). And then ignore when she uses your name. If she knows it upsets you, it can feel more like a game. The less emotion, interaction with it the better.
My daughter would call me momma til she was about a year ago then she would call me NANA . Lol idk why that stuck til she went to kindergarten and eventually she called me mom again
Both of my kids did this at different ages for a short time. I thought of it as a phase ignored it and they just stopped doing it after while.
My kids have called me by my first name. It really doesn’t bother me. Being called MA bothers me.
It’s called correcting so they understand why they call you by your 1st and not them… When my kids call me Amanda I say that is mommy or mom to you. And if someone else calls me it i explain to them why.
We always called our mom mama because my dad called her mama. until she passed away. They had 16 and no twins
Just ignore her when she calls you your first name then say oh are you talking to me? I’m mommy not whatever your name is.
Everytime you do something with her say stuff like " do u want to do some baking with mummy ? "… " Give mummy a hug " etc she will soon click on
Because everyone else calls you that. Get over it quit being so nit picky.
All my kids went through this stage. It’ll pass
Don’t answer unless she calls u mama.
It’s a phase. She’ll understand when she’s older. My brother and I live together with our SOs and children. My son calls me Cece all the time because that’s what my nephews call me. And he does call his dad “dad” or “daddy”, never Andrew. It’s a phase for sure. Give her time to be able to comprehend the meaning of certain things
This is totally normal. She’s figuring out that you have different identities to different people. It’s helping her understand how relations work and as stated somewhere above, it will help keep her safe in situations where you may be separated.
I made sure to teach my children their father’s and my real names, just in case.
My almost 6 year old is doing it. I’m waiting him out lol
Owen called me “babe” copying his dad for about 6 months
Ignore it… explain every so often that your name is for others, you are her mama. She’ll catch on