Does your spouse kiss you goodbye?

When leaving and coming home. for almost 45 years!

Haven’t in at least 20 years

My hubby does that everyday

We kiss and say “I love you” everytime we leave each other and each time we reunite again.


Every morning at 4:30 on his way out for work :heart::heart_eyes:

Every time we come and go. Yes.

Everytime my spouse leaves the house i get a kiss, i love you. Little things like this are key for a fulfilling and loving relationship

My hubs will even kiss me if I’m still asleep lol :joy:

Everyday! Even if I’m sleeping or if he forgets and he is late he comes back in the house. He texts me when he gets to work, tells me he loves.

Do you kiss him goodbye? Two way steet

Absolutely! Even when asleep

Absolutely, you never know when it will be the last kiss, so make each one count. Married for 35 years


Yep even if I’m asleep

Everyday morning and evening unless we piss each other off

It’s always a kiss and I love you.

Yes my boyfriend does! N when I leave n he stays home I do! You never know what could happen!!

We kiss and say, “I love you” when we wake up, before we leave, when we return, and before bed.

He used to after 18 years he only does if I’m already awake at 5 am when he leaves if not i get good morning text about 8ish

Yes. Run all the way back inside but sometimes im asleep lol

If I leave, I kiss him. If he leaves, he kisses me. It’s been this way for 17 years❤

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My husband kisses me all the time. When he leaves for work, when he gets home from work, before bed, and in-between all those times.

I give my wife a hug kisses and tell her I love her then I say I see this afternoon

Absolutely eveytime. It’s been 31 years

No. I choose for him to not kiss me because he’s a smoker and I’m allergic so he kisses my hand, also I am pregnant so he’s breath gags me

Always no matter if he Is going down the road to the store always a kiss good bye people who love each other should always we have been together going on 12 years

i always get a hug and kiss before he leaves in the morning for work❤️ i’m hoping it never changes

My hubby kisses me and our kids goodbye every morning when he leaves. He also gives us kisses when he gets home.

Mine used to but he has stopped when he started working out of town and doesn’t come home until Friday. Now that they are back he hasn’t started again

Sometimes. We always say I love you.
Sometimes I’m busy or he’s in a rush so it just depends. :woman_shrugging:

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Tell him what you want.

No, but he’s passed out when I leave for work. Sometimes I kiss his forehead before I leave, but sometimes I don’t.

We been in each other’s life for over 40 years and he still kisses me goodbye. Love him!

Mine hugs and kisses me when I get out of bed, after he has brought me coffee in bed… and when we leave for work, it’s a hug and a kiss after we pray together.

He at least tells me he loves me before leaving. Usually a kiss too

It doesn’t matter what’s “normal” or not. It doesn’t matter if a million other couples do or don’t do something.

If you want/need your spouse to kiss you before leaving for work, then he should do that because it’s important to you.

You shouldn’t have to convince him or prove to him other couples do this.

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So I married a man who didn’t find the importance of it and turns out her never really loved me so it all made sense. Good luck with that.

He always kissed me hello and goodbye, I never went a day that it didn’t happen.

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Almost 25 years and still in love. It’s important

Everyday when he leaves and when he gets home.:heart::heart:

He better, may be his last kiss.

I’ve been married for 13 years, since we were nineteen, and sometimes we kiss goodbye and sometimes we just verbally say it. It’s just what comes organically in the moment. We don’t read into things like that too much because we are always on the same wavelength. We just let our interactions flow and it helps diminish those insecurities and questions. I’m constantly working on not reading into things too much and if I feel compelled to, I just talk to my spouse about it. We suck on many aspects :joy: but communication is a key point in all relationships and it’s what has helped our relationship stay strong. I’d just lay out how you’re feeling and explain why it’s affecting you and why that interaction before he leaves is important to you.

We do. But we also know if anything happened we wouldn’t want anything else to be the last thing we remember.

When he says bye ask him to stop and you kiss him
The say bye
Show him what you want