Mama’s boy needs to grow up
As a mother of 4 when my children begin their families I hope to share Mothers Day with my 2 daughters and the lovely ladies who will one day marry my sons. We could do things we all enjoy together so that each mother feels appreciated.
Sounds like he shouldvemarried his mother
Your hubby is just not thinking. This is juggled by millions of parents for as long as we’ve had Mother’s Day. Simple: I assume you have at least a 6 year old? That child.should be up with Dad, making Mom breakfast in bed, give you your gifts, that your hubby should have helped your child make or buy. Clean the kitchen. THEN off to Grandma’s house until time to go to other Grandma’s house, then home! For the last 40 years we’ve handled it this way or in some similar order. It doesn’t have to be, and actually shouldn’t be about one Mom. A little flexibility will go a long way. Hope this helps. It’s a long day, but you won’t have spent it steaming. Good Luck.
My mil and i celebrate together part of the day is for me the other part we spent with my in laws. If i had mothers day without the hubs and kiddo i would take a spa day. Love my kid but a day without him is much appreciated. Mil’s arent going to be around forever. You will have many years to yourself.
Hubby you are so wrong period
No, you’re not wrong.
Men are either mommas boys or controling. You wère right
Maybe you should talk to his mom. Maybe you could both be in on it
What a crappy sh** hole of a husband this just made me so upset for you
Mother’s Day is YOUR holiday and he should be honoring you!
Spouse comes FIRST!
Until people actually get this in their heads and all other relatives ex wives ex husband or in laws back off and understand this we would CONTINUE to see 50% divorce rate which is a national EMERGENCY of broken up family units.
She is his mother you are not . Yes he should do something nice for the mother of his child and hopefully he did. If your mother in law is a widow she needs help. You don’t mention your mother what about her? My daughter middle daughter had Mother’s day at her house it was pot luck (guy’s cooked) . All moms were together .But that morning we separately with our individual family celebrated.
Mother’s Day is over-rated!
No I would have done the same exact thing as you, except my babies would have been staying home with me. You have dealt with 6 years of being set aside for his mother. If she can’t at least meet you in the middle then she is just selfish. Next year I would plan a whole day for you and the kids and leave first thing in the morning without him. He can spend his time with his mother, but your kids also deserve to spend mothers at with their mother. We visited my mom for an hour and his mom came to our house Saturday to spend time with us, she needs to start giving the love and attention back that she feels she deserves.
Not at all shame on ur husband
I’ve been a mom for 8 years now, we all still gather at my Granny’s each Mother’s Day morning and stay till around 4 in the afternoon/evening. If it weren’t for her, none of us would be Mothers… then in the evening/night before bed, we celebrate me at home with my little family. (We don’t see my husband’s mother, but thats a whole different story.)
Get rid of the whole husband
I really didn’t celebrate Mother’s Day this year only cause I celebrate it with my mil and my mom. I will have plenty of other Mother’s Day celebrations. I feel that ever since I lost my dad that I want to celebrate with the only parent I have left and so did my husband. It is going to be really hard for me this Father’s Day but, I have an awesome support system of family and friends to get by
Nope…have to do 50/50
The boys should plan something that both ladies would be happy with. Maybe start the day with a special breakfast for his wife, and then they can all do something together later on.
Your husband is being a total ass.
Try doing Saturday with her Sunday with you. Try a week before sunday with her to celebrate mothers day and actually mothers day with you. Try other options. If not say I’m staying home this year. Or I’m staying home and please take the children so your mom sees the children. Plan something while they are gone or plan something with your child just the two of you. Mom and child. It cant always be one way. But if it is try talking about it a month or two before so the day of is not a arguement on your day. But wish you the best and hope you are arguement free next year.
You as the mother of his children deserve to be pampered and honored just like his mother. He needs to learn to do both. Example: my sons honored me but they honor their wives too. So the husbands can do both. Not a big deal!
No you’re not wrong.
Why can’t the day be celebrating both of you. They don’t have to be separate but his mom needs to bend a little and come your way
He is a narcissist!! Wow! How horrible!! I am so sorry for you!!
You have empathy for his mother and have given at your own sacrifice every Mother’s Day for her! You did absolutely NOTHING wrong and he is a complete ass for what he said, how he treated you and how he made you feel!!
You sound like an amazing, wonderful person and I am so sorry this happened to you especially on a day so special as Mother’s Day!
Mother’s day is a greeting card holiday.
Let him go spend the day with his mom he isn’t your mother so plan a girl’s day or spend that day however you would like because when his mom is dead and gone you don’t want him to resent the fact that you “would not let him go” just talk to him about it weeks in advance and if he gets mad that’s on him.
My first question is how do you celebrate Father’s Day? Then take it from there.
No you are not wrong.
We always have a huge get together for mothers day. Its all the moms grandmas ect the men do all the cooking n clean up and the ladies go shopping or just sit around and get to enjoy our day . This way no one feels left out or not appreciated . Come Fathers day the ladies cook n clean up and let our guys do whatever makes them happy
You are not wrong. You are a mom too so he and the kids should do something special for you. Also she is not your kids’ mom so they shouldn’t go either. I’m petty. For Father’s Day take the kids and go visit your dad, granddad, uncle, cousin or friend and just get him a pizza. See how he likes it.
My opinion. I think your husband should teach your children to do something special for you, their mom. They should be taught to celebrate special dates like Mothers Day, mom’s birthday & Christmas. The father is the one who shows his children how special their mom is. It goes the same way for mom’s to teach the children about how special their dad is. Making breakfast for the lo, making hand made cards, purchasing a special little gift. Kids do what they’ve been taught. If the kids are grown now you need to tell them how sad you feel to be forgotten or neglected on special days. I’m pretty sure the kids wouldn’t want to be forgetten. You can always celebrate the special dates during the whole weekend so that everyone can be celebrated.
No, sorry his mom is more important than you being mother of his own kids, shameful on their parts.
Next year you explain you will be spending the day at the spa, all expenses paid lovingly by you children and their father. And spend your day relaxing while he Spends the day with his mother. My feelings would likely be hurt as well, since your children should be celebrating with you not just her. But, when life gives you lemons… so make it the most peaceful and enjoyable as you can. Take full advantage of them being gone for over six hours. Maybe sneak in a nap when you get home from spa day.
Sounds like a bunch of hen pecked husbands !!! All you have is me,me,me,me attitude !!!
Plan something for you & your child to do next year, maybe go visit your mom. Let your husband go see his mom. But let me tell you this, don’t begrudge him if he wants to see her…I lost my mom last year and this was the first Mother’s Day in 43 years that I didn’t get to talk to her.
Number 1. It is your husband mom and he should spend Mother’s Day with his mom and you should spend the day with your mom.
Number 2. The kid needs to spend the day with you.
Number 3. If you and your husband don’t teach your child how to treat mom you most likely be spending quite a few special days alone.
To be completely honest I’m jealous that the mil got her trees planted.
You are the mother of his child. Your husband can show love to his mom and be loving to you too. You should come first now. You are his wife. What about Fathers Day? Your father should be honored but, the father of your child comes first.
EPHESIANS 5:25 Husbands, love your wives,(AN) just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her(AO) 26 to make her holy,(AP) cleansing[b] her by the washing(AQ) with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself(AR) as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.(AS) 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives(AT) as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body.(AU) 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”c 32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife(AW) as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
You could have made it a nice day if you wanted to. I think it’s great that those boys do those nice things for their mom. It’s a great example for your kids. How do you want your kids to treat you when you old and the mother or the mother in law
Grow up. She is older. Take the day before for your self and your kids.
She needs to come yo your house too. Maybe, every other year? Take turns?
Id stay home.
I’ll ask her! Send me the name lol
Pick another Day for Just you
Let him be with his mom. Who cares???
You are entitled to have your mother’s day. So if he wants to spend the day at his mom’s house, let him go. You do what you want, go get a pedicure, watch a movie, read a book, if your mom or sisters are close by, go have lunch.
Why can’t there be a compromise? Like trade off or something. Idk in my family the whole family gets together and spends the day together on ALL holidays.
Hell no! You deserve your day too! Maybe do Mother’s Day for her on the next weekend
I hate mother’s day since my kids hit their teens. I am always forgotten and I buy all the other moms gifts so they do not have to be forgotten. His mom. My mom. My grandma.
You are not wrong at all, except I would have kept my kids home with me.
Nope, for 33 years we always did mothers dad for my husband’s family. When his mother died, he brought his girlfriend to the wake. So, enjoy your day. I never got to.
Watch out for Creepy guy commenting on all the posts. He wants to friends
Clearly hes a mommas boy! And no you weren’t in the wrong and what about your mom?
I think you did the tight thing
Ah remember you will be a MILaw one day. Just saying
My Mother’s Day was: 1 of 2 daughters, my SIL, my oldest grandson. A new nail polishing system. I have 5 other grandkids, and 6 great grands that I didn’t see. I got texts from 1 granddaughter, didn’t see greats. But I’m blessed.
You are all adults. Have a conversation. And if he’s the “you are not my mother” type, then let him go to his mom, and your kids and you can celebrate yours on his dime.
I say suck it up and have it with your Mother in Law and the whole Family. She won’t be around forever. What would you think if your Daughter in Law did that to you. I’m old school Italian…Family is everything. You didn’t say anything about your Mom? Maybe you can do something on Saturday with your kids and Husband? Or maybe make sure part of the day is special for you. Is there a nail place or spa where your Mother in Law lives? Take off for a couple hours and pamper yourself…maybe your Mother in Law might go too? I don’t think you are wrong, but I would try to compromise. You won’t regret that, but you might regret causing bad feelings. BTW…the whole tree planting thing and watching everyone’s kids is bs and you should have said something about it. Maybe it’s a communication thing?
if yor hubby is that whipped then he should “see HIS MOTHER” then you and your child spend the day together.
I’m loss on your a Mom everyday. So is his Mom. Perhaps next year you could invite everyone to come to your house.
A new husband or boyfriend or whatever…
Your husband is in error…and I say this as a mother in law…I raised my son to honor his wife the mother of his children, the gift of marriage that God has blessed them with. Mother’s day and Father’s day are man made holidays with no “rules” that must be followed. There is a reason that the bible tells a man that he is to leave his mother and cling to his wife, because they are not smart enough to figure this out on their own. However if a man doesn’t read the bible and follow the bible they have no idea what that actually means. The bible also tells a man that if he finds a wife he finds a good thing, because once again, he might not be smart enough to figure that one out on his own. Sadly that mother-in-law is also in error in not teaching her sons to honor their wives and the mother of their children and to expect the whole day to be about her and not about the mother of her grandchildren. However, nothing will change unless there is someone to speak into your husband’s life that he respects to remind him what the bible has said. Now if that isn’t going to happen, I suggest that you find bible verses about husbands and wives and stand on them as you pray for your husband and your marriage and get the book the praying wife by Stormie Omarian and pray for your husband. God can teach him where others have failed and heal your broken heart as well.
The problem is your mother in law. She is selfish and I would talk to her nicely letting her know next year your family will have other plans. That her gift is coming by Amazon.
I screen shoted this,I will leave comments tomm
Thats his mother not yours. Send her a card.
And tell.him to kiss your ass.
Your hubbys pretty unfeeling ,YOU are the mother of HIS children…sjould celebrste that with you then maybe to moms next day
What a douche he is time to close down vagina town
Do you ever celebrate with your mother??
You will be old someday hopefully your kids will treat you right.
You go Girl you stand your ground!! You deserve it.
I refuse to see my m.I.l for many many reasons and the fact she only thinks of her self is one of then
Sorry but sounds a little selfish by both of you
I don’t think you’re wrong for not going. You’re a mother as well, can do as you please and deserve to be celebrated as well
I think his mother is the selfish one.
He’s a tail hole! You can tell him i said so!
Return the favor on Fathers Day
You sound immature and selfish.
We are all different according to our individual personalities, but I will share my personal opinion. I could NOT have a happy or good Mother’s Day if my own Mother or my husband’s mother was going to spend their day without their child!! I think your husband was exactly correct in his action and in his response to you. After all, you DID do exactly as YOU wanted!! You are with your husband about every day of the year, while the one who carried him within her womb and gave birth to him is expected to spend HER Mother’s Day without seeing her child??!! I think your decision to stay home and sulk was totally selfish and self- centered!! But, Congratulations! You probably made your husband’s enjoyment & appreciation for his mother a stressful occasion because he knew he had to return home to his sulking wife!
What a selfish Mamas boy he is! OMG! I’m sorry m, but YOU are the Mama!!! His mom deserves a card and flowers (in a vase) and You deserve what every other deserving mom(by their HUSBANDS) a very Special Mother’s Day gift! I would love to kick his pansy ass right now… sorry if you take offense but no real man would even consider this ‘diss’ to you as acceptable!
Sorry but your husband is an idiot
Your husband is an azz.
I think you both make good points on the topic. However, if my partner, when my kids were younger, had bought me a pizza and taken the little people away for 6 hours I’d count that a good Mother’s Day. I was a stay at home mom, free time didn’t come often. I would have had a nice bath, some wine, some good food, and a Grey’s anatomy marathon. But that’s just me. However, we are not the same person and I am not judging. You have a right to your feelings too. I’m sorry it wasn’t the Mother’s Day you wanted and hopefully the 2 of you can come to a resolution that makes everyone happy
Your husband is selfish child that cant stand up to his mother, and never even considers you, why did you let your child go with him
I would have enjoyed a spa day … relaxed in a hot tub … enjoy your Mom’s day how you want. I wonder though about Father’s day … do you plan something for him or is it spent with his dad … and what of your parents?
Not wrong at all. His mother obviously doesn’t appreciate you or her grandchildren if it’s always about her. If they haven’t stopped and decided to come out your way, have her still spend the day with everyone and celebrate what you’re doing as a mother… that is their fault for neglecting you. You are as much a part of the family as she is and your motherhood is just as important. Should be celebrated as such.
If he made you a mother, he should spend a lot more effort on making sure you are valued as the mother to his children.
When my children married and had children of their own I assumed that family celebrations would now center around their families and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
His mother sounds narcissistic. My mother in law have all her kids and family over and all the moms got margaritas and relaxed while the men took care of the kids and food and anything else we needed.
Your not wrong. Every mom deserves this special day. Why wait for others to make it special? How insensitive for your mother in law to hog all the glory every year. Your husband is mean and insensitive. Teach your children to love and respect you. Their grandmother is not their mother. You should have had a sweet mother/son day too.
Honestly mother’s day is always about grandma too. We get together and eat. My mom even gives a gift to her daughter in law. But my brother’s also celebrate mother’s day with their wives and get them a gift. They get taken out and it’s just not on mother’s day. We can always get together for grandma on another outing. Your family’s doing it wrong. Your husband needs get his butt to his mom’s on a different weekend and plant trees.
I usually spend mothers day with my MIL as well. Difference is, I enjoy myself. If u dont then I would hope your husband would respect that in the future. That being said, if u said last minute that u disagreed then I can understand his reaction. Hopefully now that it’s over u guys can sit down like two adults and discuss your feelings so u dont have the same problem next year. It sounds to me like u both reacted without ever really discussing it. Here he is thinking everything is fine and out of no where you’re just like… I’m not going. It blindsided him so his response was just as reactionary… fine then enjoy being alone! U cant expect him to read your mind. If this has been going on and u haven’t said anything just letting it boil up of course u boiled over and he reacted. Now calm down and remember u guys are partners. U picked him for a reason. Talk to him
She is not her mother , he had every right to go but if she didn’t want to this year then I don’t see a problem with that. Now if she wanted her child to stay with her then that should have happened. I think she is up set because he got made she didn’t want to go. Every mother needs some down time.
Yes, grow up. They say the way a man treats his mother is how he will treat his wife. I don’t know why people make such a big fuss over such a simple holiday. You obviously do not care for your mother in law, you need to get over it and try to be friends with her, make it a Mother’s Day weekend, you and your hubby celebrate it the day b4, take the kids to Moms to spend the night, you and hubby get a romantic night out and you visit with his Mom on Mother’s Day. Sometimes you have to be a little flexible. My Mom is 94 yrs old, my brother and SIL allowed their children to cut my mother out of the dinner out we all went out for on Mother’s Day. So every Mother’s Day my zoom and ai spend it alone, while he and his whole family go out to dinner, of which we used to attend also. This has broke my mothers heart, I don’t think I will ever forgive,him for doing this to my mother. Don’t be one of those, it’s cruel.
Your hubby is a good son, your acting like you need a lot of attention & jealous. Your mother in-law’s lifetime is short. You should just join her a have a good time while she is still alert & able to choose where she wants to celebrate. You can suggest a place in a pleasant manner. I’m sure your husband will
Appreciate you more.
I think your husband needs to make time to have 2 days to dedicate to mothers day. I get what you mean, though. I’ve been pooed on on Mothers day before and it isnt a good feeling. And I’ve had mothers days that are wonderful. He needs to find time to celebrate with each of you.
And you are allowing your children to be taught YOU aren’t special or worth honoring…so what kind of husbands or wives will THEY be
He may have the mindset that you are not his mother. So he honors her.
That said he should allow you to have your day if that’s is what you want.
You try to find a middle ground. He loves his mother. Work it out.
For me…Mother’s Day is every day …but for our Moms…well they won’t be around forever…do something special the following Sunday…
I would of said well this yr we are going to see your mom on sat and celebrate an early mother’s day with her and Sunday we are staying home relaxing hanging out with our family going to dinner or what ever and that’s that!
Hellllllll no. We celebrate with our moms the day before Mother’s Day. Actual Mother’s Day is now mine. I’m interested to know-what does Father’s Day look like at your house?
Obviously his mother is a selfish control freak and he hasn’t cut the chains. You did the right thing, in my eyes.
You got the day to yourself, you could have gone to a movie, met up with some friends, and spend the day the way you wanted.
You try to come between a mommas boy and his mommy and it’ll always be a fight. Let it go and enjoy your day off. I’m guessing you don’t get many of them each year.
That’s what I’ve done for nearly 40 years, and I kinda like it.
I think you will to.