Don’t any of you women have Mothers of your own? What about them? Not a word!
Where’s YOUR mom? We always saw my husband’s folks for Christmas, a week.
My folks were lucky to get Thanksgiving, if they did.
The only Christmas, in 5 years, I got with my folks was when I was pregnant and couldn’t travel.
From the time my daughter was born till she was 18, I can count on the fingers of 1 hand, the Times they came to see her.
You either live with it or leave.
Yup, mine also said. " your not my mother"
Just remember someday you will be the motherinlaw. And your son or daughter will have to make this decision too. Have 2 mothers day. We celebrate the 2 sunday in May. In Mexico they celebrate May 10th regardless of what day of the week it is. So have mothers day for her and then May10th for you
Next year send yourself flowers, do some kind of special meal ( cooked or take out, BUT NO PIZZA), and do something you want to do.
Cut those apron strings
Nope hes your husband father of your child. His mom can come to you or lump it
Wow! I’ve read these comments ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous IMO. I am a mother, a mother in law and a mother of two daughters (my daughter and my step daughter) who don’t include me AT ALL in the day nor do they include their MOTHERS IN LAW AT ALL. I get a card from them and they get a card from me. I am also a daughter who respected and honored my mother and mother in law by remembering them every mother’s day until they died. Unfortunately I could not afford to travel from over 500 miles to see either one for mother’s day … both in different states from me so I tried to be sure a gift was sent and a call was made. My husband said the very same thing to me my FIRST mother’s day … I was not his mother. Trust me when I tell you he NEVER missed a mother’s day after that. I do not think this young mother is wrong AT ALL … nor do I think the sons are wrong to respect and devote a day to their mother. The smartest person on this page put it PERFECTLY. This young mother deserves her OWN mother’s day while allowing her son to devote his mother HER own day. Im guessing the young mom’s mother must be deceased because I did not see a reference to what is done for HER mother. I treat all holidays the same. I tell my children that it is not important that I see them on Christmas DAY (Christmas is an example) but I need to see them SOMETIME during that period. The same should be done for mother’s day. God bless this young girl. I hope her husband realizes he is wrong to threat his wife who is the mother of his beloved off spring so callously. There is room in his heart to give her at least the same regard he shows his mom.
cross father’s day off the calendar, and replace it with ass day.
The parents will likely die way before you and you’ll have many alone without them.
Why can’t you celebrate on the Saturday for you and Sunday for Mom?
Why not go to his Mom’s the day before, Saturday so that Sunday can be for you?
Set your expectations for everything really really low.
Do your Mother’s Day on the weekend before or after
Your not wrong but neither is he she is his mom you are your sons mom yes he should have brought you flowers or something nice cause the kids only six.
Darrell A. Byes -I never really thought about this.
Maybe next year you should make it about Mary.
I’m a big girl and don’t need to be celebrated.
You should now be your husbands priority!!!
Did you enjoy your day alone?
Another question - is your mother alive ? If so what about her?
Would u feel the same if it were ur mother?
I’m sure you will want your children to do for you what your husband is doing for his mother
Your turn will come
Perhaps your husband could encourage your children to do something nice for you
En primer lugar tú no tienes q esforzarte ella te lleva experiencia x su edad , y ella te tiene q ganar ya q tú eres buena madre
I’ld be saying hallelujah I have house to myself in peace and quiet
Have a great day
He should celebrate his mom as well as his wife
Let him go celebrate with his mother. At the end of the day, that is his mom right? Fine. Let HIM go.
You do what you want with your kid.
Grandparents Day is September 12.
Good for you. Do it again. She sounds like a selfless - - - - -.
Mothers Day is everyday… so if my husband wants to give me a break and take our son to his mothers house…hallelujah… I would truly enjoy my alone time to just do nothing and relax.
You are not wrong. She reminds me of “Marie Barone”!
Maybe next year plan your Mother’s Day on Saturday and honor his mother on Sunday. Planning is the key!
You are NOT wrong, Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. So thankful my husband has placed me first🙏🏻We visit my mom for brunch & his mom for dinner on the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend & Sunday-Mother’s Day-is for me🥰 How does your husband like to be celebrated for Fathers Day? Compromise if possible but he should be more respectful to your wishes!
All mothers present should celebrate together as 1 family
I respect that he loves his mother but you are the mother of his child. Good luck
How about having… Mother of my kids day?
Wifes, mother of my children day?
Soon there will be
No you are absolutely right!
Enough of MIL!!! You’re a mother too!! Celebrate
I think do Saturday with his mom, Sunday for you or vice versa
Love your mom. She’s old and will soon be gone. You’re wrong and selfish. Let your children celebrate you, not your husband. Celebrate your anniversary.
The people saying you’re overreacting She doesn’t deserve to miss her child on Mother’s Day, but you do? What?!
You’ll regret it when she’s gone.
Yes she did kat. And she love d you also. Thank you for all the wonderful yrs and beautiful n precious memories. LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
No you are not wrong. Shame on your husband.
I don’t blame you one bit.
Dear dnt think .I’m married since 20 yrs .I’m a bday .no any ocassion wish.his fly everything will do
So dnt think dnt discuss .keep quite live ur life
Dnt mind such ppl
my husband never even told me happy mothers day!
Nope. You are entitled to a special day just for yourself.
Nope, he needs to get his priorities straight real quick
He needs to learn to respect you as much as he obviously respects his mother
You so realize your mother in law will have less morhers days than you will…I reuly unserstand tho. .best of luck.
He should have included you and honored you as well.
His mother is obviously a manipulative person! Simple solution everyone gets a turn!
Year 1 your mother
Year 2 his mother
Year 3 your day!
Let him honor his mother while she’s here
Let your husband take the kids to his mom and you have a spa day!
I would have handled it the same.
I told my son to spend the day with his wife and pamper her. She is the mother of his children. That was enough for me
a wife should come first not mommey dearest
No, if you are a mom you deserve you own celebration
If you dont take up for yourself you will be ignored the rest of your married life ,at least until she dies.You were right
No, it’s your day, too.
Cancel Father’s Day this year and make it your Mother’s Day
No you are NOT. And shame on your husband !
Get over it. You are not a Queen. It’s just another day.
Your husband is a major douche! Get him straight NOW!
So sorry, but your husband is wrong.
It should be a give and take . One for you and one for her . Shame on him.
Sorry but you are not his mother.
Good for you. I hope you pampered yourself. Now for Fathers day pay for his pizza pickup.
My mother-in-law was awesome, I love her like my own Mother, it was the Girl’s Day and trust me the men knew it. We had so much fun just being together and family!!!
You did the right thing! Take care of yourself for a change.
How do you all handle fathers day
No. You deserve a Mother’s Day.
Hmmm I have mixed feelings
Ummm I wouldn’t have let him take your kid
My mother died 13 years ago, until the day she died Mother’s Day was all about her even though I was a mother and a grandmother, I don’t regret one Mother’s Day, I am still alive and celebrating and now my kids make it special for me
This works for us, the Saturday before we have a Mother’s Day party for all of the moms on my side of the family. My mom, my sister, myself and 3 sisters-in-law. We order food and dessert and the grandkids play together. The next day, actual Mother’s Day, we go to brunch and then my husband takes the kids to see his mother. I still have a fun Mother’s Day, but get some times to just relax while they are visiting my mother -in-law.
You are not wrong!! Your husband is dead wrong.
I don’t think you are wrong! Barb
I think your husband needs to re-think his priorities
Shame on your husband and his mother.
You are not wrong. It’s your day. Tell him to kiss it!
The guy is an ass…start making more days for yourself…
Do yours on Saturday. Let him have his mom time. You don’t know how many you have left with them
No you are not your husband is being selfish.
My husband told me I’m not HIS mother, so after 20 years of him ignoring me because I’m not HIS mother. I leave and go spend mother’s day with my children. We’ve been married for almost 25 years and he finally asked why I didn’t want to go to dinner with him and his mom. I said, I’m not your mother and she isn’t mine, I’m spending it with my kids. Oh, I no longer do anything for him for father’s day, he’s not my father and his daughter can take him out if she chooses.
You did right. Just move on.
Nope. Not wrong at all.
If her birthday was 2 weeks ago, why couldn’t it be celebrated then? And her kids get together the Saturday before to do her yard and then Sunday with their respective families? How do the other daughter in laws/daughters feel? If you don’t go next year keep your child with you to celebrate.
Your husband sounds like a mommy’s boy. He needs to grow up.
That not right ypu are his kuds mother
You are OK!! You deserve a Mother’s Day!
You aren’t wrong, but sometimes you have to pick your battles and weigh the options. Is it exhausting to run to all the other family members houses on holidays? Absolutely. But will you miss them when they aren’t here anymore and will you wish you’d not been so petty about certain things? Who knows. My mom, aunts, cousins, and our kids had lunch every Friday with my grandpa and step- grandmother. Was it inconvenient? Sure it was at times. But I wouldn’t trade that time with them for anything.
You could celebrate Mother’s Day on the Saturday before. Your husband can do all the work, clean the house, make the dinner, & get you a present. Talk it out. Don’t make it turn into something huge.
I hope things change for you for the better.
You deserve a mother’s day of your own
Good for you Dearly. Pizza alone sounds good to me.
You know where your husband’s priorities go.
This is one time I will zipper my mouth .
Do the same for fathers dsy.
You deserve a spa day an$ a nice dinner at a reasturant of your choice
Someday he won’t have her and it’ll be all about you be patient
Wow saying that your wife is not your mother is totally ridiculous no ones said they were. What I want to know is did those mamas boys celebrate and buy their moms gifts as children?? Or did they have an father doing it for them?? It’s nice to share the day or weekend as we do because as well as a MIL I have my own mother and my children want to celebrate me as well.
You should at least be able to celebrate it your way every other year. He is wrong for not understanding how you feel. His mother is being very selfish. When your husband was 6 years old with whom was it celebrated?