Every Mother's Day is about my mother in law: Was I wrong to make this one about me?

He needs to get off him mommy’s mother fucking titty!

Its ur day. U could have (if u wanted) keep kid with u. Its mothers day not grandparents day.


You are not wrong n u deserve some special attention too.


My husband makes a point to make all of us happy me and his mom and that’s what your husband should do

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He wants to see his mom let him .No reason you have too .Celebrate relax do your thing with yourself and your children.Some mother’s think they are still number 1 when their sons get married.Thats not the case, especially if they have children with their wives.My oldest son is going to get married next year and I have only told him his fiance soon to be wife now comes 1st especially when they start to have a family. I’m so tired of hearing mil and Dil can’t or shouldn’t get along .Communication and boundaries need to be respected!!


He needs to realize your his child’s mother and you deserve something as well as his mom honestly it sounds like he is an over grown mommas boy


You should maybe split the weekend up. Spend Saturday doing what his mom wants to do and Mother’s Day doing what you want to do. I feel it’s a good compromise and he’s still seeing his mom for Mother’s Day while taking a day to appreciate you too. My husband had 24 hrs of forced overtime on Mother’s Day so I spent the day with his mom.


No .give him the ultimatum step up or fuck off.

You both deserve to be celebrated on Mother’s Day. Yes, her too, even if she’s had 30 Mother’s Days. She won’t be around forever. I’m not sure if there are issues between you & her. Maybe I’m fortunate bc I like and love my MIL (and I adored and got along very well with my ex-MIL).

But that doesn’t negate the fact that you should have some input on how you’d like to spend the day — whether that be with family or having alone time. (I personally would lean towards the alone time :grimacing::laughing: …spa day, shopping, and brunch with mom friends)

Maybe next year, you and your MIL can plan a nice day together, doing things you both enjoy. You are both so special and loved!

One day she won’t be there and you will in her shoes. Be patient.


Your feelings are valid and I applaud you for taking matters into your own hands since your husband won’t acknowledge your feelings. I love my mother-in-law and sister-in-law to death and we all celebrate Mother’s Day together. However, I’ve been contemplating asking my husband and kids to reserve either the Sunday before or Sunday after Mother’s Day to celebrate JUST ME. It would make me feel more special without taking away from his mom. Maybe something like this could work for you. If he refuses, then moving forward you could plan an all day date with yourself every Mother’s Day. He can go to his mom’s house with the kids, and you can have brunch, a massage, a mani/pedi, a movie, a nap, dinner, and a bath before bedtime. Ahhh.


If you wanted to spend the day with your kids then that is what you should of done. Grandparents day is in September she can see the kids then. He can call his mother on mothers day maybe visit the day before but for mothers day he should be helping his kids acknowledge their mom.


No, you were not wrong. He was an ass! And I’m sorry, MY child would have stayed home with THEIR mother! Hell no.

He’s a freaking jerk. You’re not wrong to feel that way.


You picked your Mother’s Day… and frankly, many mothers do pick to just get time to themselves!

I understand your issue though. Here’s an idea, maybe suggest to your husband that you do Mother’s Day for you the weekend before or after. Remember, his mom won’t be around forever.
You need to find a healthy compromise. And he needs to HEAR you.

Alternate holidays. We use to drive ourselves absolutely bonkers trying to go to all the family’s houses for holidays… I said enough of us getting worn out running all over the world, we’re alternating. So that’s what we do now. Make a schedule like you would if you were sharing joint custody of a kid and stick to it. Mothers day this year he went to her, next year you stay home and it’s for you. Then the following year you go to her. That or combine them - If her bday is close to mothers day, do both on her birthday.

We break up the day. My husband and kiddos make me breakfast and celebrate just me in the morning. Then we go to my moms for lunch and have my MIL over for dinner.

I’m sure that either of our mothers would prefer more time, but it’s fair. Sounds like your husband and your MIL aren’t taking your feelings/needs into consideration.

Hang in there!


It’s an easy fix. From now on tell your husband that the previous weekend to Mother’s Day can be celebrated for his mom. If the brother is married I am sure his wife would be happy with that too. She can still be celebrated as a mom and you can have a nice Mother’s Day too.

Celebrate Saturday doing your Mother’s Day and his mom on Sunday. Doesn’t seem like that would have been worth the fight to me.


Welp, Father’s Day is coming up. You know what you don’t need to do for him. From now on, don’t do anything special for your husband on any “holiday” that would revolve around him. I’m so pissed off for you.


For all of you saying the mother-in-law won’t be around forever who knows this mom could get sick or have a car accident or something and she passes away before her mother-in-law and then she’s never had a mother day celebration. Her point is not that it wasn’t all about her but when she does go to her mother-in-law’s she’s pushed to the background and made to watch all the kids while she’s not paid any attention to our celebrated in anyway


My MIL is a bat! We did 8 years of Mother’s Day for her. She would never speak to me. On the 9th year all kids were finally together… we planned for a dinner out then go to my mother’s grave and celebrate her, clean her grave and plant flowers. I was told in front of my husband I was selfish and that my mother was dead and she wouldn’t know if I didn’t show up on Mother’s Day… she went in to say I was just jealous because her kids had a mother…I looked at my husband who was about to utter something and he is a passive guy. I stood up, walked up to her and told her to go Eff off and to never let the word mother, when it is aimed at me to roll of her spiteful tongue! After a few more eventful get togethers… and almost a divorce, we do not go around his family. It’s been 3 years and not 1 argument. Good for you for sticking up for yourself!


The one day we want to feel appreciated. No you did nothing wrong your hubby needs a boot up the arse :joy:

My mother has passed, my mil is in a rehab. I would have loved to spend the day with either of them, but couldn’t. I get to choose another day to spend as my mother’s day. As my daughter says, it’s a Hallmark holiday and any day we spend together inside a mother’s day, so why sweat it. It’s a day on the calendar. Pick a different day & tell your husband you need a special day all about you! Maybe the Saturday before?


No YOUR feelings are VALID and should be RESPECTED!!! Next year keep the kids and yall do something you want to do while he sees his mom.


Everyone is different. I send my husband and kids to his moms every Mother’s Day. He makes me lunch and leaves for the whole day. My mother in law is in heaven the whole day and so am I. You could ask to alternate. Or celebrate the following weekend.

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I would have kept my kids and done something with them but then again I’m a single Momma and do that all the time but I don’t regret it. If you had just seen her there was no need or urgency to see her again. I wouldn’t have gone. I have now made holidays how I want them. We don’t run all over the place and we stay home for most of them. My mom comes to us. My boys are so much happier and that’s makes me even more happier.

Ummm no you are not wrong… you are the mother of his children… YOU DESERVE THE CELEBRATION TOO!!!Maybe you and MIL can decide together what to do on mother’s day every year?? It’s just a suggestion. Maybe a day in the spa while the men watch the kids ,and then dinner at home ?? Idk… doesn’t seem too complicated as long as you REMIND THEM that you are a mother too and why you can never decide what to do on your day, it isn’t only your MIL’s day.

Maybe y’all can alternate one year with MIL and the next year at home. Or send them to your MIL and have a spa day or do something special that you don’t usually get to do.

It’s crazy how your life sounds just like mine did, my mother in law was hell and highly toxic to my relationship but she has been cut out completely now because she is and always will be toxic and unappreciative of her son and everything he’s done for her. I doubt blame you one bit.

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Until i dont have a mother or MIL anymore, the day will always be about them. I take my girls to see both of them, get them both gifts and either make meals or help or even buy bc they are both our moms and i wouldnt be a mom without either of them. I will have my day to myself one day. My husband still gets me gifts and offers to help pick up/ do whatever id like that day. But to me, why celebrate just myself when i would not be a mom without our moms.


Whats your relationship like with your MIL? If its good, tell her you’d like to share Mothers Day, that you both can pick a restaurant. All the moms in the family should be recognized, just like the dads on Father’s Day.

I always give my mam and mother in law their presents the day before then mothers day my partner gets me things and makes me food! We are all mothers and just because you are with your child all the time doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be appreciated on mothers day

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Respect your elders. Go enjoy time with your family. This comes off very self centered


Girl you are not wrong. I would hate that if I were you too. I always tell my husband how I feel. Even if we do get into arguments. We get mad and then the next day talk about it calmly. If by then he still doesn’t get my point I tell him well that’s that and I’m not changing my mind. (Only when I know I’m not wrong.) It takes hola couple days, but he comes around. Sometimes you have to stand your ground. You’re a mother too. He needs to know how you feel.

Absolutely not. Men who prioritize their mothers over their wives/significant others, especially on holidays, should just be sent back imo


My mothers day didnt go as planned we spent most the day trying to help my momma with depression we spent a bit of time with his mother but I wasnt really in the mood for it we just recently lost my brother who would be 21 soon and had just became a father …OP has every right to have a day to yourself you dont have to be dragged around everywhere for your m.i.l you never know what life will throw at you he shouldn’t be mad about it mothers day is a day to celebrate us mommas who care for our kids day in day out

This is my post I did add more info in a comment further up the thread.

I will add everyone saying I should of kept my child home thats what got the fight going. I told him to go and that I’ll stay home with my child and I’ll take her somewhere for the day. He flipped saying how his mom would be pissed if my child did not show up and that his mom does not deserve to be upset on mother’s day. I will add yes his brother and wife go to the dinners but his mom lives close to them and she goes and watches their 2 kids after dinner every mother’s day so his brother can take out his wife for mother’s day. His mother never once offered to watch our child so we could go out… Also everyone who said I should of just went out to eat no because every single time I do his brothers 2 kids get up and run around the restaurant then my kid wants to because they are and no one watches them. I’m the one who has to watch all the kids and get them back in their seat. I’ve already kept my child in her seat and watched their kids waiting for one of them to get up and get them but no I watched the youngest which is 3 turn the corner and climb under a table as 4 people was trying to enjoy their meal. Watched the other go into the men’s bathroom and no one got up. When I said something 2 years ago about them not paying attention his mother looked at me and said well it is my day and we are having a conversation you do it.


I’ve been in both situations. With my first set of in laws I was always the babysitter and treated like trash. With my set now, I wouldn’t trade my MIL for all the money in the world! I absolutely adore that woman! I personally feel like gifts are overrated. I know my kids and my husband love me, I don’t need random stuff to prove it. I buy what I want pretty much when I want and I love giving people gifts they really love. I don’t expect everyone to be me. All I need is a “happy Mother’s Day” “happy birthday “ . My MIL shows me constantly though my children, that she loves unconditionally, even though they are not blood related! Plus she cooks for me all the time!

He takes you for granted. I know how that feels. I’m sorry. You absolutely do deserve a mother’s day , just as much as the mil does! You are not wrong. He is! PS, you deserve so much better!

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Voice your opinion. Could you not celebrate the day before with your husband and children or do something jointly, go for dinner as a big family etc

Wow that’s crappy of him. Yeah that’s his mother but u are a mother too and NEITHER IS MORE IMPORTANT in the roles they play in their children’s lives. He should make a conscious effort to do something really amazing for u and her. Not just her.

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I mean seriously she could be like son do what your wives wish and if u still come by to see me great. At least that’s what I’d do


Your husband is absolutely ridiculous and if he really cares that much about his mother over you, send his ass back to her :woman_shrugging:t2::rofl:

I think he could/should celebrate you both. Maybe get with your MIL and make plans together. He shouldn’t have to choose between the 2 of you. Coexist!! If you know she wants you to travel to her house for every holiday. Get with her and start making plans for her to travel to your home. Also, I don’t agree with you having to watch everyone’s kids but if you personally didn’t say anything in that moment they probably didn’t know this was an issue for you. For some people it isn’t. I would just communicate with your MIL better and meet each other in the middle. I do the shopping for my MIL on holidays because my husband is terrible at it. I want her to feel loved and special as well. But she’s good to me and always has been.

What about your mom? If you’re not splitting with her then it’s totally not fair. I agree with you, it should be both our about you and they have the night before.

Honestly I think he’s being petty. As far as I read, you didn’t stop him from going to celebrate his Mum. That’s HIS obligation. Whether you join him or not is a complete non-issue. If you do join him then he should be thankful. We stop being thankful for our spouses & how they help us, become complacent & then resentment creeps in on their end (like in this case).


Fathers day go see your dad order your asshole hubby a pizza and go on the beer with dad .see how he likes it

Make sure Father’s Day you do nothing for him no gift , take your kiddo out without him send a pizza to the house see how he likes it . Pure disrespect from mil who clearly never cut the apron strings , your husband is more of a mouse than a man . You do you hun you deserve it , ps you can say no when he tried to take your daughter with him as he said he didn’t want his mum upset but didn’t care if you were all these things are red flags xxx


Absolutely no way are u in the wrong,the neck of him thinking u should spend the one day of the year that mother’s should have to themselves or choose what they wana do because every other day is about the kids,house,partner etc…if they wana go look after their mother let them ,u enjoy and relax but I doubt that as I know us mother’s will still be doing things on mother’s day around the house looking after others…some men are just selfish.

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Okay ur hubby is an arsehole let’s just get that right and if u wanted ur kid on mothers day you should have just done it. … but what gets me is Why does everyone get their knickers In a twist over one bloody day that doesn’t mean Jack shit anyways. Your kids/families should be appreciating you everyday. Not just for one day a year. Get a grip ladies look at the bigger picture here. Stop placing massive expectations and your worth on ridiculous days that were created just to make money. :roll_eyes:

I’m sure she’s had lots of Mother’s Day when her kids where growing up we always get gifts for the miL’s but Mother’s Day or Father’s Day is all about our own household celebrating x


Its a freaking day. If you need a day to celebrate being a mom then…yeah whatever.

Jesus. Id drive 3 or 4 hours to see mine if I could


I’m laughing at all the my husband pampers me. In 20 years I’ve not had a Christmas, birthday, anniversary, valentines, mother day or anything from mine.

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How did that work out for ya? :woman_facepalming:t2: you were alone while everyone else had a good day together…you got what you deserve. Remember this when your child’s SO doesn’t want them ‘wasting’ their Mother’s Day with THEIR MOTHER!

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I feel as a mother- you get to decide what you want to do, sometimes that involves some compromise but clearly you have, and it’s never been returned.

I personally enjoy spending my mother’s day alone to do whatever I want to do, whilst my partner takes the kids out for the day or stays home whilst I go out (after saying good morning and happy Mother’s Day etc)

If your preference is to spend the day with your kids, and not your in laws then that should be acceptable. You’re not in the wrong in my opinion.


I always remember the women who want to be mothers but can’t.

To me personally I don’t really care it’s just another day to me. I have never had anything planned for mothers day and my oldest is turning 15. I have always showed up and done everything for my mom on mother’s day and wouldn’t change it for the world. As far as mother in law she never lived in this country but if she did I would treat them just the same. I would definitely be going and visiting if she was around no questions asked. How would you feel if your husband didn’t want to celebrate Father’s day with your father he wants to do his own thing??? Sounds kind of selfish doesn’t it??? On Mother’s day that day is for every mother and fathers day its for every father. That’s just my opinion.

I always spent Mother’s Day with my mother in law. Sometimes, I kinda wanted one with just my husband and kids. Just one. But you know what, this was our first Mother’s Day since she passed away. I would have given anything for her to be here. When I think about it now. We both had wonderful Mother’s Day’s over the years, because my husband and father in law, always made sure we both did. Maybe that’s the problem, your husband made it more about his mom, than you.

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I would not celebrate him again for a while. No birthday. No Father’s Day. Christmas? Nope. Turnabout is fair play. Let’s see how he likes it. I guarantee you he won’t like it one bit. That is extremely disrespectful. You are a mother as well and deserve to be celebrated. You are the mother of his child. It’s not wrong of him to want to see his mother or spend time with her on Mother’s Day but you should come first. Good luck!

Mother’s Day is always been a day that we spent as a family when my children were younger.and then the following weekend we would go to our mothers to celebrate with them. My husband always put me first.He told his mom that as a father it was his place to honor the mother of his children!

You are in no way in the wrong. I’m sorry you had to go through that! :cry:

What I don’t understand is, why can’t your husband alternate? Why can’t it be 1 year year its spent for you and the other his Mom. Or an all inclusive day, instead of it being just time with or for her. But you also have to speak up a closed mouth don’t get fed. If he gets annoyed go spend Father’s Day with your Dad and see if he gets it. But above all else s]eat your mind, you’re a mother too, your brought his child into this world and t&at deserves love, acknowledgement and praise. I also agree Id have gone for a meal and pedi had some wine and napped girl! But I also get it


Next year let him leave. You and your child plan a fun day together. It’s Mother’s Day, your child should be with you.

Sorry you haven’t had a day :frowning:


How is the relationship with your mother in law? I totally see your point, we as mothers want to celebrate our day and be pampered. Yes, we are mothers everyday but that also includes chores, responsibilities, etc…I get this has been the tradition for several years for him, but it all changes once you get married/have children. I would suggest to maybe have a way of incorporating a celebration where both of you can be celebrated, maybe brunch with his mom and something else with you and your family. Have a conversation with your husband in a calm way without it being confrontational. Men can be clueless sometimes. I don’t see you being in the wrong, it’s not only your husband but also your mother in law for not even considering you and acknowledging you. Maybe If they included you, you would feel different??


If he’s dismissing you as a mother as he also states that you are indeed a hard working mother day in day out and he can’t grasp that you deserve time for just YOU to be acknowledged for the work YOU are actively doing and his mother is not actively doing anymore, then he’s just a big ole mommas boy, forever and ever. I’d take that day and do my own thing from now on. Tell him he had his chances to give you what you needed and he failed. Now it’s your turn to say this day is about ME, not grandma.


So I might be different when it comes to the way I celebrate mothers day. I have two grown kids and they come to my home to celebrate with their significant other. I do all the cooking and cleaning up. My son’s significant other who’s mom passed away a few years ago has two little boys who I love and they loves me as well. I make sure I get her flowers and a gift for mothers day and she does the same for me.
The thing is it wouldn’t bother me one bit if my son decides to celebrate her at his home on mothers day. They do enjoy coming over and spending time with me at my home.


Well, he shouldn’t have taken your kid there on your Mother’s Day in my opinion. If his mother wants HER kids to go over and spend 6 hours planting trees for her, that’s his problem not yours and not your kids. Now in September for grandparents day she wants to have breakfast with all her grandkids around her house, then you know, that’s her day with your kid. Now, if you choose to go and spend 6 hours at her house watching all the kids in the family then by all means go ahead. Idk if you see your mom or not on Mother’s Day but it also sounds like you don’t even get to do something for your own mom on Mother’s Day. If he can’t recognize that you want your time on your day with your child. Reverse the roles this Father’s Day. Tell him you guys are all going over to your dads house and stick him with all the kids in the family while you spend 6-8 hours with your dad and ask him at the end of the day if he really enjoyed his Father’s Day. Don’t forget to not get him anything because you know, he’s not your dad and oh well on what his dad wants cause it’s your dads day.


My opinion is as his wife your feelings should be considered also. He should come up with a way to celebrate you both. It shouldn’t be either or. Good luck!


On Father’s Day don’t do anything and leave it up to his kids and you go enjoy the day-all day. The fact is you shouldn’t be pushed aside after all you do-or let her have Mother’s Day with her kids and you get 2 days off at home. It’s all about compromise😂.


I would plan for next Mother’s Day now. Explain that you are willing to devote any other holiday to his mother, but this one, you want to be pampered for giving birth and raising your children. Also, maybe ask him what they did for his mom when he was a child, and why he doesn’t think that you deserve that?


My brother celebrates his spouse, her mom & our mom on mother’s day :heart::blush: he buys all 3 gifts and supper. Momma raised him right in my books. All 3 are celebrated by him. Wish your situation was better :sleepy:


We always had a dinner & celebrated all moms at the dinner, never was a issue. My mother in law & mom are long gone. And one sister inlaw passed this year, so glad we made the memories, My hubby always took me for a date night , usually Saturday before mothers day to where i wanted to go. I would show my husband love, by respecting his mom on mothers day, BUT asked that the day be for all mothers in attendance, I would have went & enjoyed this special day with extended family. I promise, it won’t always be this way. Life flys by so fast.


She’s his mom not yours. Those are your kids not hers. My hub and I do separate things on mother’s day and my daughter stays with me. Just plan stuff for you and your kids and tell him to plan things for him and his mom on mother’s day.


Since I’m a mom I believe Mothers day is my day off to be spoiled by my family and if my kids have kids I’d except them to do the same. Mom with younger kids need a break and to me Mother’s Day is about spoiling us because of all the work we do all the other day. Mom with adult kids don’t need a break and it’s honestly selfish of her to never consider you. We do something for my mom on Sat but I’m not giving up my day till my kids are older.


It should be for all the mothers not just about one. And now she has grandmother’s day that can be celebrated and all about her then. She needs to share.

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Not wrong at all. And since you already know what every Mother’s Day will be like just start planning your own to do whatever you want for 6 hours! I wouldn’t even say anything else about it since he clearly doesn’t understand where you are coming from.


As the mother of HIS children, he should definitely make you feel loved, appreciated, and celebrated!!! He does have a mother, but he also made YOU one!


So he does absolutely NOTHING for you for Mother’s Day? Or you just don’t want to go spend any of the day with his mom? I am 41 and I always go see my mom for Mother’s Day with my own sons, and my brother and his family come too. I have time with my boys that morning and evening. Even when their dad was alive we did our thing and then seen each of our moms for Mother’s Day. After all…I’m his children’s mother not his mom. He wanted to see his mom too, just like I wanted to see mine. She doesn’t have nearly as many left. And I’m sure he’s thinking that. And I’ll be honest…I doubt very seriously he does absolutely nothing for you for Mother’s Day. If he doesn’t do anything at all for you, then there are bigger problems.

You have a right to feel how you feel, but he does also. I only pray that when my boys have families of their own they still make a little bit of time for me. I mean I wouldn’t expect them to plant trees for six hours…but that’s me lol

I hope things get better and you guys can just talk about how the situation makes you both feel and what you both can do to work through it


It’s your day too. If you want to do something different he should respect that or at least compromise.

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Well you could suggest that maybe do your mother’s Day on Saturday and his mother on Sunday so that way you get your special time and so does she


You’re not wrong! What if you wanted to celebrate your mother? It sounds like it’s all about you in law, but your a new mother and should be celebrated. I would have told him to go alone, unless I wanted the house to myself. But I would have stayed home with or without the kids. I’m sorry you have not had a real Mother’s Day yet.

Just curious, what do you do for Father’s Day? I’d be changing it up this year.


Oh girl you were wrong to let your child go celebrate someone who isn’t his mother next time tell your husband that your in law doesn’t see her kids everyday because they are an adult but if he wants to he can pack up and go live with her also when father’s day comes go to your dad’s house to celebrate bring your kids and leave him behind


MIL has adult children now. Of course she won’t see her children. They flew out the nest as they should! Once you create your own family, that is priority. Not mom. Of course respect thy mother but the family you create comes first. He should’ve organized something for all the mothers in his life. I’m sorry this happened to you. He should’ve handled it differently. You are important and worthy to celebrate YOUR day too.


Look as long as my son wishes my a Happy Mother’s Day I am good. He need to celebrate the mother of his 4 children and your mil needs to grow up.i get my acknowledgement from him and that means the world to me. I got all that stuff when he was little and have kept them. Your child doesn’t stay a child forever and it is you who should bvb e celebrated, imo


Some kind of compromise. One year you are celebrate Saturday and her Sunday then the following year you celebrate her Saturday and you Sunday? We skip both days because we all have birthdays that land on or near mother/father day. So we we get together for our bi-monthly birthdays, we add in Mother’s Day and Father’s Day then, we also celebrate all. Aunts and Uncle who have helped us raise our kids.


Once my children have their own adult lives and children it is their choice and their holidays.
I honestly am fine with a simple text or call. :heart::100:
Every other day is important and as long as I get time with each occasionally, I’m happy. :heart:


No your MIL should understand where you’re coming from. It seems it’s one sided and favors hers and your sons. You have a voice too


I’ve been a mom 8 years now and never got a Mother’s Day either. It’s honestly heart breaking, especially watching every mother around you get a day celebrated for them and you get nothing


Why can’t you and his mom plan something together? Or have him plan something for both of you!? Your both very important people in his life I understand your feelings as a mom but also as a mom to a little boy I hope when he has a family of his own he remembers I’m his mom and we can all celebrate together, I also wouldn’t expect him to drive with his wife and littles and would try to alternate the trip or meet half way but I feel like if you guys communicate it better you guys could find a positive solution for everyone


You handled it just fine, although I would have told husband he is free to go spend Mother’s day with his mom and that you were spending the day with your child plain and simple


I say he’s a mommas boy and that’s Probobly not going to change unless you really put your foot down. My husband was like that too and I had to tell him he needs to put his family above his mom. It took some time but he did it… On Father’s Day tell him you’re going to go spend the day with your dad, uncle or whoever you celebrate with and leave him home alone with the kids. Tell him he’s a dad everyday and doesn’t need the special attention :woman_shrugging:t2:


I don’t think you’re wrong but I don’t think it’s worth the fight! I would take the approach that you would like a day to be devoted to you. Let his mom have Mother’s Day and do that as a family. Make a new tradition and make Mother’s Day eve your day - you get a Saturday of pampering and attention then Sunday your cup will be more full to celebrate others happily!! I guess I’m saying you don’t actually want mother’s day that is the second Sunday in May (or whatever the rotation js) you want a day devoted to you. I feel that you deserve!!


That man sounds like a mommas boy. He needs to stop spending Mother’s Day with his own mother and start celebrating with you, the mother of his child. I’m 25 with my own husband and child and my mom gets a phone call on Mother’s Day now.


He is in the wrong, you deserve a mother day focus on you.


We started doing mothers day with our mom’s the day before so we could have the actual day at home with our kids :smiling_face:


I had the same bd as my mil. Horrible for years. Then I put my foot down. My bd, my way. We celebrated with her either before or after. For my kids sake to learn to honor and respect me, I needed to require it from my husband. Eventually, we divorced. She taught my children she had no love or respect for anybody but her and her children, not them.


Just wait your son will do the same for you we always celebrate my Mother’s it was a big event all cousins play together now she is gone and we all have time to celebrate separate lake they say life is to short let him enjoy his mom

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What you failed to mention is did he buy you a gift for mother’s day
Did he ask the children to gather around you and thank you for what u do for them. Did he thank you? If he did that he has done his duty. Your lives are filled with blessings because of honoring his mother and so your children will do the same for you. Two of you can have a nice dinner together then go to MA. Don’t lose sight of long term rewards

I changed my mindset years ago… Mother’s Day is for my mom not me.