Every Mother's Day is about my mother in law: Was I wrong to make this one about me?

I would stand my ground with this and make sure there is a compromise. You are not wrong mama! Plus, how insensitive and mean for him to say those things when he returned. Where is the love!??

Taking into consideration that she does live far why every year. Most Moms would understand once their sons get married and have children that they would want to celebrate their wife as well as their mother. I just want to see my son on mothers day just pop in and go be with your wife.

He’s not honoring you as the Woman Partner of his choice, his Wife and Mother of his child. He needs to put mom second to you now. His mother has to Adult, stop being selfish, and respect her daughter-in-law as a mother in her own right. Mom is insecure and needed to get her thinking readjusted at their Engagement and Marriage. Husband needs to own up to his lack of prioritizing his wife and keep it straight from now on. Mom will always be his mom. His wife can choose to leave if she doesn’t get the respect she deserves. I truly hope they change properly and become a better, stronger family together rather than divided.

Maybe you can split the day. He can make you breakfast in bed and do something special in the morning hours, maybe lunch with family somewhere special. Then spend rest of day with his mom going out for dinner. If his mom needs work done, that should be done on a different day! All moms should have at least part of that day for themselves, they are not here indefinitely! Love you mom!:kissing_heart:

Id have kept my child home. I can’t say much nice about the man but he 100% acknowledges that I am a good mom and would never ask me to take my son somewhere else for mothers day.

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He put his mother before the mother of his own children. That is wrong in my opinion. You guys could of went to celebrate with her the day before or day after . He should of made it about you too. Sorry ur going through this

Mama’s boy… you aren’t wrong for being upset with this situation.

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You aren’t wrong, he is extremely selfish. She doesn’t see her kids everyday? Of course not because her kids are adults. Stand your ground on this one and when Father’s Day comes, don’t go out of your way to make him feel appreciated.

If Father’s day is about him, Mother’s day should be about you. It works both ways.
Our Mothers day in the UK is usually March, make him celebrate it with you then so you at least get one day for you. Being a mother is hard work xx

Perhaps he needs to celebrate you on the day before mothers day. So you can be happy and ready to put up with the silliness. That way he doesnt have to chose. But youll be celebrated first. We work mothers day but we celebrate it the day after anyways every year.

Next year tell him that he’s not taking your child, he is his mums child not you or your child, we go see my mum and my husbands mum to give a gift but they only live like 10 mins away then we spend the rest of the day just us, he should be making you feel special and showing how much he appreciates you, I get breakfast in bed made by my husband and kids, he could do something for you in a morning then go off to his mums x

Well seems it’s his Mum so he should take the kids to his Mums and you have a weekend planned of facials, massages and dinner with friends . Then everyone’s happy :smiley:
After all it is Mother’s Day and Mums get to do what they want… take a break from kids and husband and mother in law and pamper yourself. Well earnt :heart_eyes::sunny:

I’ve been a mother now for 6 years also, after the first year of not celebrating I haven’t bothered since, I’m gutted every year it kills me that mothers day isn’t celebrated. but I’ve come to terms with it. we don’t celebrate with either side of the family either.
I think that’s down to us all working, yes I make sure to get them all gifts but as for celebrating with family. for us we don’t bother xx

I’m all for family so a lot of the time we do mother’s/father’s day with one of our parents this is my third Mother’s Day as a mom and I did the same thing said I want to spend this Mother’s Day just us but we still arranged a time to spend with both our moms. So I don’t think you did anything wrong at all if you said it as nice as you say and your husband should respect that and should want to celebrate you. How I feel about it is the mom should Choose what Mother’s Day should be like and likewise dad gets to choose Father’s Day, but in my opinion we should take the others feelings into account as well

Where you went wrong was when you allowed your child to go. You were NOT wrong. Maybe compromise every other year.

As a grandma I would just want a card or some flowers. I believe my son/son in law should be spending time with the mother of his children not me. I had my time while raising them :woman_shrugging:t4: but that’s just me. As long as I’m thought of (i. E. Card phone call) I’m cool. :ok_hand:t4:

I don’t know how you should handle it, but I would be PISSED.

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Your not his mom! Just spend that day husband free and either spend it with your child or alone!
I never understood why husbands have to celebrate their wives on Mother’s Day! I mean i kinda get it when the kids are really young. But even then help with the gift no matter big or small for the kids, then if he’s lucky enough to have his mom still then by all means he should go to her! And you do you on your day. All i care about on mother’s day is that my world is at peace. He should go to his mom. This is honestly a day retail made up. I’d do anything to spend the day with my mom. So i get it.

You two both deserve mother’s day celebration. On mother’s day he and your children will go to his mother and you will have your pamper day. Everyone will be happy.

Ong! How thoughtless of your husband. You had his child and he is not teaching yall child anything. You have every right to be hurt and upset and want to be acknowledged on a day sat aside for you. When you guys are calm, you need to tell him how you feel. How hurt you are that he does make you feel special on that day. My husband once told me that I was not his mother, so he does not have to tell me Happy Mother’s Day, but we went to church and he told every woman he saw “Happy Mother’s Day.” Boy was I pissed and hurt. When we got home, I cried and told him how hurt I was. My husband did not understand until I told him. I did not yell at all. He felt really bad and has since made me feel so special. This pass Mother’s Day, he Barbecue me my favorite Ribs and cooked me breakfast. He was not ever that close enough to his mother to celebrate that day. We have been married for 41 years. You have to teach them how to treat you. And communicate your feeling without yelling. Is your mother still alive?. We have 3 grown daughters and they all have men, but they make me a priority, their men go spend a little time with their moms. They’re not very close to them. My girls are very strong opinionated. Teach him how to treat you. Your husband should read Genesis 2:24. You should be first in his life. He can still be there for his mom on Mother’s Day, but you are supposed to be a priority. He should be teaching the children. Marriage is compromising. God Bless you. Read the scriptures on Marriage. 41 years and counting. Prayerfully He will listen and find a compromise

Normally thought you celebrate both you and ml i could be wrong… this year i spent it home with my family … no one got hurt and it was fair

why can’t you both be celebrated the fact your husband does not recognize you is a huge issue. Does he celebrate fathers day if so how about this year you not celebrate him maybe he would understand how it feel but I have a feeling even then he would not realize it. I am sorry you have married a momma’s boy I have a feeling he will ALWAYS put momma first. You need to decide if that is what you want to do about it if anything. how does he treat you every other day. how does he treat the kids. Your not in the wrong in being hurt for not being recognized. I can not say if how you handled it is right or wrong only you can do that. What I can say a dad who takes his kids away from their mom on mothers day is very wrong. FYI if you were divorced he could have them on all Father’s day and you would have them on all mother’s day that is how the courts work it. He would never be able to take them to his mom’s on mothers day because that is how courts order it, He may want to think about that as well every other holiday with out kids. I am not saying to divorce I am just pointing out that even the courts would see what he does as wrong.

This is sad but you can make it memorable next year. Go out with your kids, your mom, your siblings, your single friends and celebrate it with them.

It used to be every ‘special’ day. Mother’s day Father’s day, Christmas, our birthdays. Between us, his family and my family. Always expected to go there! We would do it on the eve at one place, the day at the other but it still felt like we ended up with a lot of driving around, and one side trying to get us to stay on or ‘why do you have to go there?’ Bottom line was us dragging food along to wherever, tired kids and somehow the idea we actually do Christmas or special days for ourselves didnt count “its tradition” we were told - even though I asked just where was OUR tradition. Always somewhere else. So I put my foot down and said alternate years with one of them for the main holidays, and our birthdays at home. Kid’s birthdays at home…set up our own ‘tradition’. Either they came or they didnt - at this stage both sides were retired and furthest away was an hour so quite capable of doing it…their choice. They did it…or didnt.

I would have done something with just me and the child went out to a movie or lunch he can leave.

That’s the mamas boys for ya I have bin a mother for thirteen years an never got celebrated but I celebrate myself

When i was a kid we had lunch with dads parents and dinner with moms.

You’re not wrong at all. We deserve a day too nd honestly I kind of feel this. My moms bday was also on the 9th this year it fell on mother’s day so I got my siblings together nd catered food nd we celebrated her on Saturday, then Sunday we went to my husbands sisters house with his mom nd celebrated together, but I wish I could have had that day with my kids nd husband at home getting pampered but tht didn’t happen, came home to clean the house and bathed 4 kids put them for bed for 2 had school the next morning!

We do a dinner for everyone at our house. My mom, MIL and my grandma. We have the most kids, 5, so it’s easier for everyone to come to us. but this year I worked so we didnt do anything.

Wow that’s so messed up he hasnt done anything for you for 6 years and is all about his mother. It’s great he loves his mom but it really doesnt seem like he loves you or cares how you feel and doesnt do anything for special day that is your day as well your a mother and he doesnt do anything for you on a special day

He should be celebrating mother’s day with you and having flowers and a card delivered to his mom’s house.

Next Mothers day take a trip.
Assume he will have plana with her and make plans of your own.

Leave the kids with him AND his Mother.
Invite a friend. Pay in advance. Buy yourself cute outfits, get your hair done or whatever you like. Have a great mf time.
Come back refreshed :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sooooooo was he like this before y’all got married when it came to his mother?
If so a ring and piece of paper wasn’t going to change that.
Seems like your husband is stuck in his ways and a mamas boy :expressionless:

There’s no contest here. You are his wife, that’s why; " A man will leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife " there’s a reason God made it clear , to cleave to your partner means oneness and to bond. Most partners think about self and not the other person. That’s why a man not a woman must leave to be with his wife. His parents are no longer his priority, his wife and eventually his family are, what part of this isn’t clear. His mom takes second place. If this seems it’s going to cause a problem than make a plan ahead of time with you, your kids and husband a day before Mother’s day. Chose a fun place that you can all have fun together. Make new memories with them. That way you each get a special day it doesn’t have to be on Sunday, you get your day and he gets his with his Mom. Avoid RESENTMENT, VENGEANCE and HATE. Remember, your children are watching and taking this all in every Mother’s DAY. They will react the way both of you do. Choose Respect, resolution and Love. Your kids will learn from this when they see you do the right loving thing. This is what they’ll remember. Do the opposite of what you normally do, to let your husband know that you want to resolve this and you want a special DAY too with him and the kids. Make a plan first , than approach your husband . Only you can decide, I pray the Lord give you wisdom and discernment. Be BLESSED! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray::+1::heart::heart:

Your husband is 100% wrong here.

You got 6 hours. You got your way. Maybe I’m not understanding it but I don’t understand why you’re complaining? Can somebody please explain this to me?

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So u didn’t want to spend Mother’s Day with ur children??

Id plan on next year now and I would keep my child home with me make plans maybe just for the two of you

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Id feel the same way. Your husband should have been more understanding.


Wow! I would be pissed.


Once you become a mother it is your day. She had her day with her kids. Now it’s your time. Stay strong.

Personally I think 6+ hours kid free sounds like a dream. But I also get where you’re coming from. I don’t think my husband, mother, or MIL would have cared if I decided to do mother’s day just for me. But we usually do saturday just us and Sunday with our mothers. HOWEVER, my mother passed April 1st this year. So looking back now, I don’t think I will ever want to skip celebrating with my MIL. But we don’t usually do too big of a thing anyway for mothers day or fathers day. And come to think of it we ALWAYS spend fathers day with FIL , his birthday is always the week of, they love 3 hours away, and he has a BIG birthday party every year, so we usually just spend the weekend. But we don’t typically get to see them for any other holidays. Soooooooo :woman_shrugging:

I celebrate my own mothers day, Jan 13, because thats when I became a mom :slight_smile:

I’ve been a mom for 19 years and have never gotten a Mother’s Day. I feel you pain. It’s too late now as my kids are grown but :woman_shrugging:t6::woman_shrugging:t6::woman_shrugging:t6:

She sounds selfish . You deserve to feel special . Xx

This is ridiculous you do not deserve that. You definitely did nothing wrong.

Simply celebrate her on the weekend prior to… and you the weekend of. Problem solved!

You are the mother to his children, you deserve to be celebrated as such. There is no reason to not celebrate both of you, at the very least. You could alternate years picking places.


6 hours at home alone, no kids…with pizza!?! No, you did everything right! That’s exactly how I’d like to spend a day… any day :joy:


Screw that and them that’s just messed up they did that to you

For me and my husband’s mom…we send a card and a gift bc both live 2 hours away…separate ways. You should get to do whatever you want Mother’s Day. With your kid too. He should send a card and flowers and spend a day with her another day. Maybe spend the weekend before Mother’s Day with her a d Mother’s Day weekend treating you. Honestly, all my husband does is bring home my favorite food and lets me order whatever I want for Mother’s Day with the bank card. Lol. We dont do much but he could take the kid out to get u something or the kid could make a card at least. He needs to realize you are the mother of his kid so deserve something on Mother’s Day as well


You’re far from selfish, splitting holidays with your household/direct family, his family/your family is hard and you’re not wrong for wanting a day at home with your direct family unit.

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Do yours on another day like a lady jeez

Heck yeah, 6 hours to yourself AND a pizza! Girl quit crying.

His the problem. Show him the comments. How selfish it’s fir you as well.

I never made Mothers Day a big deal for myself…my mom, yes…my kids weren’t asked to be born, that was all on me, I did the best I could to give them the wings they needed to fly high and all 5 did

You did right!! Just plan your next Mother’s Day and make sure you enjoy your 6hr piece and quiet!! Maybe on Father’s Day you could repay the favour and take the kids to your dads and stay there for the day?? :woman_shrugging:t3:

Why not celebrate on Saturday? Or even the next week?

Girl book your holiday for next year now get a hotel and everything LOL


Byyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee he is petty & so is his mother … Book a trip & go somewhere … Do a mommy makeover… Spa massage facials Mani and pedi

Yes. You acted very childish and petty.

You aren’t in the wrong, traveling that far all the time can get hectic, you are also a mom so you should be able to celebrate it as well. Maybe talk to him and have a plan figured out for next year or even have a day to celebrate mothers day even after the real day.

There’s no harm in just video calling his mom as well


Sounds like his mother is very selfish. She is only concerned about what she wants and not how much she inconveniences and disregards her own family. You need to sit down and have a conversation with your husband and tell him you deserve better and that you are NOT supposed to come second to his mother. I also would not let him take my child on Mothers day unless you just need a break.

You have a husband problem, not a mil problem. She’s a pita no doubt about that but it wouldn’t matter if your husband handled it and stopped giving in. He needs to grow up and understand that his mommy isn’t the only mom in his life. He’s the reason that you’re a mom and you deserve to be celebrated. I’m not saying he shouldn’t celebrate his mom anymore but he needs to celebrate you too. I waited so long to be a mom and was told I’d never be able to get pregnant so when I did I declared Mother’s Day mine. I text my mom and send her gifts, usually see her a different day but not since Covid, and we do what I want. My husband says he’s the reason I’m a mom and it’s his job to do Mother’s Day for me at least until our daughter is old enough to do it herself. His mother of course hated that he gave me Mother’s Day and didn’t even reply when he texted and also never wished him happy Father’s Day for his first, one of the many reasons she’s cut off.

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You are not wrong. Your husband need to realize that you are a mother too and that you crave and deserve to be celebrated ! It cannot be about his mother all the time I wouldn’t go either .

Janice Wilson

Why cant y’all plan together ? Me my 3 sisters n my mom (only 2 of us are hers ones throu marriage) we talk about it n plan. iv always celebrated with my kids and my mom so thats all i know . i love having the family together. But i do understand what you mean. And he should to . ur still a newish mom U should be able to chose sit down and talk about it if she isnt willing then I would say start doing ur own mothers day then see her another day or when u guys are done

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You did the right thing in staying home. It would have been nice if he at least spent Mothers Day on Sat with his mom and made your day special on Sunday or vice versa.

What is the big deal? Why are people so self centered? I have an invisible illness I’m fine with people doing whatever they want to do. I just want to say it’s one day people, can’t you the following weekend? Share and share alike. Its same with any day or holidays. I’d rather get flowers today just because you care than flowers for Mother’s Day! For your own peace grow up :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray::heart::sunflower: and please don’t waste time after I’m dead :pray:

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I feel like way too many people take mothers/fathers day way too seriously.
Its literally just another day…I never understood this whole "it’s mothers day I deserve everything and anything’’ mindset

You can only decide your own choices. If he wants to spend it with his mom, you have no say. You should have made plans with friends/family and had your own fun.

No you’re not wrong & he sounds like a mommy’s boy who doesn’t know how to stand up for his wife

I agree that you should have Mother’s Day to yourself. As soon as you have a family most days are busy. You have the Mother’s Day but kids come home and it’s back to Mom most times. Too bad your Husband didn’t give you the night off. My kids are grown up and I’m raising my granddaughter and I totally understand. Hopefully your next Mother’s Day is better.

You probably are a tad younger than his mother so either go with your family and make the best of mothers day with them or stay home alone eating pizza having cut your nose off to spite your face. Do you see my point? His mom isn’t going to be around forever so take your place in line and eventually you’ll be at the HEAD of the line. It’s called Seniority dear. The elderly get Seniority. I do think you should be recognized however so tell hubby on the Friday before mother’s day you want YOU HIM AND YOUR KIDS all to go out for dinner for YOUR mother’s day celebration. Don’t be a stickler about it being on THE day! And go buy yourself a nice expensive gift with his credit card and if he complains just say well dear if you do it next year I won’t have to. I’m not saying the set up is ok…I’m just saying the best way to address a problem is come up with solutions. Never present a problem without too presenting a couple solutions. And one of them can be you and your gfs going out for girls night out. He may hate that and take you out instead. You stayed home while he and your kids went to his mother’s on mother’s day. You must have been so hurt and lonely. Don’t do that again. You lose all the way around

He’s selfish AF and so is his mother.

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I say you’re in the right

Your husband is selfish! If he couldn’t acknowledge u the woman that gave birth to his child, I would have a problem with that. Then I paid for ur pizza! Yeah I would let his momma screw him too.

Your husband’s a dick.

When will people understand 2 wrongs don’t make a right. And all these holidays are just made up to make consumers spend money and get bigger corporations rich. Family is about family, it takes hard work and patience to make it. If it was easy everyone would do it. People need to stop posting their problems on Facebook and learn to desl with them inside the walls of their home. Just my opinion.

I’m so glad I’m single.

Your husband is selfish and so is his mother. This mother’s day my husband of 15 years took our daughter’s to go get cards and gifts for me, an air fryer, a brand new cell phone, succulents and cooked steaks on the grill for dinner for me and the kids. You are a mother and deserve a day where you are celebrated. I think anyone who calls you selfish is probably an old b**** like your mother in law obviously is. It sounds like it’s always about her all the time.

Mothers day is a especial day.
1.where it wad trees or cutting the grass be thankful u have a great husband.
2.did she givo u a mothers day present.
3.did he surprise u with one.now I would be hurt
4.no big deal 6 years.
remember this your turn will come when your kids grow up
Be happy and appreciate u can have a mother day.


I don’t understand why you’re husband can’t alternate, I think it’s total Bullshit on his part because Mother’s Day isn’t all about his mom he needs to acknowledge Mother’s Day is about you as well & You should be getting a say on what you want to do or where you want to eat, He should also be Spoiling & Pampering you & making the day about you not just his mom, He sounds like a Selfish asshole who’s a total mama’s boy

I think you’re in the right. Why is it just about HIS mom? You’re important too it’s your day and you haven’t been able to celebrate it once… And then what the kids grow up and still celebrate grandma and not you? Because that’s what it’s always been? I’d be absolutely fucking hurt by this. You do everything every single day for your family his mom’s done had her time it doesn’t mean she cant still be celebrated but it’s not about just her. I think this is where I’d personally retaliate with ignoring father’s day and celebrating it else where so he knows how it feels. You definitely handled it better than I would have so kudos :blush:

Question …
Where is YOUR MOM in this equation ??

PS …
HELL NOOO you are NOT WRONG at all !!! …
If you allow this to continue then the cycle will NEVER be broken …

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Your husband is an ass

He’s an asshole, point blank period.

NOT AHOLE if you are good enough to be the wife and marry you but he can’t celebrate you on mother’s day that’s wrong. I get he has a mom but your his wife the mother of his child and she’s selfish as well. If he can’t put u on a pedestal that day than maybe he should’ve married her. Haven’t been celebrated this holiday for three years by my daughters father. Granted this year were not together but my baby is 19 months and he knows and acknowledged im a great mom I couldn’t even get a card on her behalf or flowers screw u buddy. Than offered dinner. So I celebrated myself bought my own gifts on behalf of both my girls had take out enjoyed a nice quiet day after gping to give my mom her gifts. And I relaxed and then did laundry. Your husband needs to grow the hell up.

Hell no you aren’t wrong. Eat that pizza and enjoy the silence since he took the kid/s…

Nope…fuk her and fuk him.

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Your husband sounds like a jackass .

Oh helllllll naw. My child would have stayed with me on Mother’s Day. :grimacing: so sorry this happens to you.

What a jerk! You poor thing! I am so sorry you are not celebrated as you should be! Next year I would tell hubby he will have the kids and go do something special for yourself! Been there

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That’s just terrible

Girl, go on a whole ass weekend trip next year and tell them to get fucked :joy: Mother’s day is just as much your day as hers, and your hubby can watch his own kids for two days while you enjoy yourself on YOUR mothers day :person_shrugging:t2:

Nooo! Your important too!

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Sweetie, you are NOT wrong!! You are a mother to his child!!! when a man and women get married, they are weaved together as one and the extended parents and family should not hold a higher place then YOU!!! Mother’s Day is about celebrating the mother in your life. If she lives so far away and you just saw her 2 weeks ago, that should have been her bday and Mother’s Day together. However “IF” it had been me… MY child would NOT have went either. I would have been just fine sitting at home with my child/children doing things with them. Even is it meant going to the park and dinner with just me and my child. Every Holiday and/or special occasion is not one side of the family “every” time!!! Seems to me that your husband had forgotten about your feelings and it’s all about his moms feelings. And yes, you are a mother every day who spends every day with your “child”, but when he was a child she spent (or should have) every Mother’s Day with him doing what she wanted to. So now it’s your turn to be doted on by your husband and child as a way of showing his appreciation to you for being the mother of his child. Sorry, but this was just wrong of your husband to be that way and then to act like he did you a favor ordering you a pizza, to me, that was just a slap in the face. SMH, men, they have no clue what they have til it’s gone!!


I don’t think you did it wrong this year. I personally would not have gone once my child was born. Sorry not sorry. You deserve to be pampered, doted on, left to be, or whatever you want on Mother’s Day.


I probably would’ve done the same thing you did.

When I was growing up my mom told us that she wanted Mother’s Day for herself so we stayed away from her. If you choose to stay away from your kids on Mother’s Day that’s your choice. If you choose to spend the entire day with them that’s your choice. Regardless of what you choose to do, it is your day and it is your choice!


You’re in the right, don’t mention father’s day to him at all this year, completely ignore it. He’s a father everyday, right? What’s he need a day for? See how that works guys? No one has ever tried to make mother’s day any kind of special for me except my dad letting my son get me flowers (which I am immensely grateful for because I generally feel like no one gives a crap anyway). I have even had people try to guilt me into going to church after taking them out for lunch on mother’s day, because apparently I don’t deserve to have a good day. :woman_shrugging:t2: So yeah, I’m over making it even remotely about other people. He said it himself, you’re a mother everyday and if he can’t appreciate that but thinks his mother deserves better than he gives you then maybe he should have married his mother. He sounds like a pig who needs to be divorced.