Literally when read this I wrote “you sound perfect” which the way you’re putting it it does sound it then I deleted it but maybe you need to talk to your partner, also get help. You may need time to yourself, him too! Also a nice family day out or something together. Talk to a doctor though, more you focus on certain things the more it’ll annoy you lol. Communication is key, talk and if that doesn’t work you’ve your options then but talk it through. No one can say here about someone else’s relationship unless they know everything
Unless pregnant I’d ask the doctor about this, maybe you guys are spending too much time together, do you have hobbies of your own or get out of the house ever so often.
Get your hormones checked.
It happens. I’ve been married 35 years. When people ask him how we’ve done it he says we haven’t fallen out of love at the same time.
Take some time away.
Felt this way with my bf for awhile and when we had to spend time apart it really brought us back together
Hope you feel better soon
There is a difference between loving someone and liking someone. Both are important. Take time to like each other again.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Go on a trip away from him. See how you feel.
what if he wasn’t there anymore
I have been feeling like this for weeks too after 8 years I can barely stand him. He’s going on a vacation this weekend and I am staying home then next weekend we will do something together just the 2 of us. A wise women once told me you he may be the love of your life but where now and then some time away will help you see why.
I cant stand to be near my husband while hes eating,oor anyone,cant tolerate loud chewing it drives me nuts(it is a phobia) Can so relate to what you’re saying,been married 50 years… how Im not sure…lol
The way he scrolls his phone:laughing:
Could you be pregnant? Obviously I don’t know you. But I felt this way about my hubs when I was pregnant.
If no, maybe you just need a vacation!
I was in a picture perfect relationship amazing human kind, loyal, lovable and just a stand up amazing man. BUT this happened to me also the smallest thing like chewing and breathing and stupid stuff like that after 7 years use to drive me up the wall and I tended to Pick up the most minor things that was so flipping annoying at the time that I started to hate him. And I left my life. And it wasn’t until years later that I realised it wasn’t him at all, it was me. I had the problem and I needed to work on myself as I didn’t like myself and it was easy to take it out on my man who was really in high and sight a really great person who could of been a great life person. After years of work on myself a bad relationship and single parent from that bad relationship I realised what I had been complaining about was very stupid and not important… Try working in yourself and do you and don’t chuck out a good person for these stupid now annoying things. You can only try and see if it will help before you give up. I’m single and alone but have my beautiful son who is my everything and the once was annoying partner is married with a child and happy. I’m happy that is what he deserves and I just didn’t know what I could do at the time to stop those feelings other than run. Just take a breathe and don’t make any rash decisions
I just lost my husband last year to cancer. We were married 53 years. Had some tough times but we toughed it out. Never once did he ever raise his voice to me in anger. If we had an issue with something, we sat down and talked about it came to a mutual agreement. Don’t give up unless there is abuse. No woman should ever put up with abuse whether physical or mental. Praying helps
You might have ADHD and could be having an overload of him. And of repetitive things. Everything you mentioned is a repetitive action or situation. Do you two spend a lot of time together ? Can you step away for pieces of time to clear your head and regulate yourself ? I wouldn’t speak to him about these dislikes until you consider other possibilities. Good luck.
Normal. I just talk myself out of him being annoying. “Ah he isn’t to bad, he (insert positive behavior here)” retrain your thoughts process. Replace one negative with several positive. Look for the positive.
It’s usually the little things that annoyed the hell outta you that you miss the most when they are gone. Just my experience with long relationships
Covid might be affecting you. I know other people who are feeling this. We all are very stressed out. Now the war isn’t helping. I have s solution…for you pray and talk to God. The power is strong. I will pray for you and your husband.
…I felt like this for a year or more before I gave him the bad news.
I felt this way when I was pregnant, not sure if that’s a possibility for you
Hahahaha normal! Sometimes I wanna slap him while he is eating. Like CLOSE.YOUR.MOUTH!!!
The struggle lol
I don’t understand why men get married at this point…women will tolerate everyone except their husbands
Id look for the deeper reasons. Do you spend too much time together? Not enough? Is he not meeting your needs? Is he not speaking your love language? Have you grown apart? Whats going on with you?
You can get past it. Ask God to help you. You are harboring resentment.
That sounds like resentment tbh. What’s going on that could create that? You should start there.
How old are you could be harmones
Sounds like you need some solid you time. I feel like that when I’m overwhelmed and underappreciated. It’s like this restless and wired feeling. Some time to yourself to think and then a very honest conversation with your husband would do wonders.
Normal sorry for laughing
Some therapy might help you determine if the issue is you or the relationship. You might be feeling stuck in a rut after all these years and the solution might be to switch things up instead of leaving. Only you will be able to figure it out, but it’s difficult to do without an outside voice helping you.
He needs to lose you.
Totally normal…this will pass…
They had this episode on all in the family…Gloria couldn’t stand Mike…funny because it’s true…
Sounds like what I went through for a while and later discovered I was entering into menapause!
Im hearing you same thing
Do you have any resentments toward your husband, very well may have become annoyance. We tend to hold onto things without truly realizing it manifests into other things, always something deeper I find.
Sounds like you have a great husband and lucky that he is still around …… find out why your feeling like this befor it’s too late
DUDE. IM THERE. It’s terrible here. He coughs so fkin loud (he doesn’t even try to remedy or figure out why he’s coughing… Doesn’t take care of himself…) I’ve tried for years to get him help. But he doesn’t want it.
Every 5 min he turns his head upwards towards the ceiling and makes this stupid a$$ “a-hooo” sound afterwards … he gags loudly everytime he brushes his teeth. I can hear it downstairs and it goes straight through my daughters walls. Nice to wakeup to every day…
When he yawns … I think you get the point.
I feel like I wanna throw him in the trash sometimes. Lol. I’m no gem but Good grief!
Everything he does is LOUD and OBNOXIOUS. I can’t stand it.
He also wears the same shirt and shorts to bed. Which is fine but I get what you’re saying. He shares every disgusting bodily function that he has. Just. WHY…? WHYYY!!!
I don’t care what anyone says Because they’re not here every day. This isn’t just me hating how he chews… well I don’t like it but that’s not on the same level. It’s like he needs the focus to be onh him alllll the time.
It is non stop… invasive loud and poking … like it’s fun to p*ss people off. We’re trying to move out and find a place.
This is a really really bad night for me so figured I’d share. I can understand…
Sometimes people love each other but can’t live together.
For some it works. Idk. Lol
…I’m sad… Lol
Have you told him how you feel?
I hate the jerks on this comment thread. “He needs to lose you” “grow up.” Their opinions do not make your feelings any less valid. You just need to FALL in love again. It’s normal. Well, my it wasn’t with my ex because he was a narcissistic turd… but you just need to find that spark again.
Ru going through menopause?
Why is everyone jumping to pregnancy? Sounds like he’s just annoying.
I feel like I could’ve written this myself.
I wish my husband was still around to get on my nerves… Not that he ever actually did. His dirty socks in the floor used to annoy me, his change overflowing on the dresser did too, him pulling shirts out of the closet and wodding them up and sticking them somewhere else in the closet because he changed his mind annoyed me lol… But I’d give anything to pick his dirty socks off the floor, or re hang his clothes up … Cherish your husband. Life can change really quick without warning.
See a doctor! You may have some depression but if you want to save your marriage, get a counselor!!
I 100% feel the same! Chewing, farting, just being in the room annoys me
Girl, you don’t love him. You resent him. You need to figure out why. You probably already know why. Talk it out or leave him.
I used to hear that chewing and it drove me nuts. He left me for his coworker after 26 years. Hope she hears it too.
I start to feel that way when the relationship is over…
Have you ever seen War of the Roses? You should watch it. The wife hates everything about her husband. How he chews. How he laughs. How he breathes😂
I felt like that while going throigh menopause.
It’s just a phase… it will pass!
ebs and flows🤷🏼♀️ i went thru this for awhile (we have been married 14 years) and it was awful. I’m sorry ur going thru it. I can offer u a glimmer of hope, i woke up one day and it had passed and i enjoyed his presence again. Now we are in another honeymoon phase and i think he hung the moon❤️ i can’t tell you why it changed but it did.
I hate his accent. He never wears anything, but work clothes. He never loves on me unless he’s horny but I have to show physical affection. He is always biting his nails. So much more, but I love his annoyance when he leaves. It’s been 4+ years and we worked together everyday for 2+ years.
I have something similar with my daughters father- I die a million deaths each time I see his face. Or hear his voice. I try by all means not to look at his face when he talks to me and I try to keep the convo as short as possible. Why … I don’t know… but all I know is I am not attracted to him even slightly anymore. if anything -I am repelled by everything he does.
Do you remember why you became in love with him?
If you can then work out what’s changed.
If it’s not workable then be open and kind about how your feeling with him.
I know that feeling.especially when we around each too long…for me it maybe pre menopause I am going through…its terrible but I do love my husband…
I’ve seeN many ladies go through this. You probably need to go out with the girls more often lol an important thing to remember is what made you fall in love with him when you first met. Focus on the good not the bad. Be positive not negative it really does help
Following… because SAME
I think it’s a phase as I’ve been there! My husband and I have been together for 20 years, 4 kids, life, farm, work just everything wears you down. But for us we truly do love eachother, so it works and we get through the rough patches.
He has TMJ and I can’t stand loud chewers, now with this, he is so irritating I have to remind myself to be nice I leave the room sometimes
I think a phase it happened to me at 7 years lol I was like wtf is going on love him so much
Grow up and appreciate what you have, change your attitude
Honey, you’re not alone. I was with my ex-husband for 16 years, and in the last two years of us, I was this exact same way… I couldn’t stand the way he walked, the way he chewed his food, to hear him speak, to hear him breath, the way he smelled even straight out the shower, I didn’t want him to be near me!! Needless to say, we have been divorced for almost a year now. Sometimes, people just grow apart!
Its weird girl, u love him or u don’t. But I have found when u truly love someone u don’t even see their flaws, so u need to cut it off now. Why wait for any reason. U obviously don’t love him or these small things wouldn’t matter. These kind of small things make me love my man even harder
Menopause or pregnancy…
My advice. Leave. Take a vacation. Time apart usually sparks that flame again.
I think it’s a phase, but try being nice to him and replacing the objects you can’t stand. Like actively seek to be okay with him.
I don’t understand how after 12 years everything about your partner can suddenly piss you off
Get your hormone levels checked first. Maybe get that addressed if it’s the problem. Could it be peri menopause? Are you suddenly sensitive to sounds, smells, textures? Have you had COVID? Could it be something affecting your brain functioning? Have you started or stopped any meds?
If that doesn’t help, or even if it does, go to therapy and sort out your feelings and why this is all of a sudden, and figure out what you can do to mitigate your annoyance.
Once you’ve made some sense of things, go to therapy together to see if you can work through this “for worse” to get to the “for better.”
Do things to calm yourself down and balance yourself, like massage, meditation, yoga, Tai chi, acupuncture, acupressure, breathing and relaxation techniques. More or slightly different sex might help too! Any kind of exercise helps with mood and health and circulation, so move as much as you can with whatever you find fun and/or doable. Mix it up so you don’t get bored: Zumba, swimming, walks, trampoline park.
In the meantime, wear earplugs when he chews, buy him new nightwear & ask him to wear it. Leave the room when he scrolls his phone. Leave the room or counteract what bugs you. Tell hubs it’s not him, you’re just going through a weird phase and to be patient and indulgent with you.
Change things up. Go on different date nights & do something you normally wouldn’t do. See an avant-garde play, go ice skating, attend a poetry slam, see a rap/jazz/heavy metal/Christian rock/classical/country music performance, learn to speak French/Spanish/Polish/Swahili/Japanese, take skydiving lessons, learn to sail or paint or swing/ballroom/tango/salsa dance, see a movie in a genre you’d normally not pick, or a foreign film with subtitles. Go to a lecture on a weird topic. Take a day trip to a small town with something interesting like the biggest chair on the East/West Coast or Midwest, or tour a factory, historic house, winery, brewery, or battlefield. Try out a new cuisine at a restaurant. Go zip lining or indoor rock climbing or camp out or stay in a yurt or tepee or treehouse or an unusual venue overnight. Maybe it’ll be awful but you’ll have expanded your mind and have great stories.
Pick some things you used to enjoy together but haven’t done in a while. Shower together, wash each other’s hair. Sneak into the garage & have sex in the car or just make out. Read the same book (pick any genre and mix it up—mystery, biography, relationship, how-to, sci-fi, history, graphic novel/anime), then discuss it when you’re both done. Try making a new recipe together a few times a month.
Plan a dream vacation together. Be unrealistic. Then see what elements you CAN make happen. Maybe you can’t afford a Caribbean cruise, but you could do a dinner cruise on a local waterway. Maybe you can’t spend a week at a spa, but you can afford a couples massage. Maybe you can’t go to Paris, but you can eat in a French restaurant, or buy a baguette and some French cheese at the grocery and pick up an affordable bottle of French wine (or any wine & pretend it’s French) and sit in the park. Or make a dish from someplace and watch a travelogue.
Maybe go live elsewhere for a week and see what you miss about him, or see if everybody else annoys you even more! Hope this is a passing phase and you get through it.
I was the exact same way with my ex husband I was with him for 15 years and the last 3 years of our marriage I couldn’t even stand to be around him!!! Everything he did drove me crazy!!! I couldn’t even stand him touching me I finally got to the point I couldn’t do it anymore and we got divorced best decision I ever made.
I think it’s normal, I get like this now and again. And I love him
Imagine your life without him, how’s that look to you? If you guys got a divorce would you be ok with that? You love him but he’s annoying to you… There’s a lot of people that are single who would love to have a good man by their side
It can be hormonal. Even peri-menopausal.
Get out of the house, go on a trip with ur girls
Sounds like its your mental health everything annoyed me my partner did & i had crazy mood changes I didn’t realise myself since on medication everythings got better, theres probably things he doesn’t like that you do to x
You are shallow as hell! The important questions are is he a good husband a good dad a good provider works and comes straight home doesn’t play video games 24-7 doest cheat on you!?! To me this seems like selfish petty b.s! The grass isn’t always greener on the other side! Speaking from someone who has been there!!
Use it to your advantage and hate fuck him sometimes
Best advice I have gotten from a couple celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary…the secret to a happy marriage is to fully understand the meaning of justifiable homicide
Shit… I must be a real big b!tch then cause I literally routinely find myself so annoyed especially when he chews loud , for something as petty as not having my cigarette yet lol.
It passes. Ultimately I do love him more than he bugs me. Plus the main thing is that he puts up with me because I know for sure I’m incredibly awesome at being unpleasant and I will usually get through it by going on a walk , reading or listening to audiobooks with head phones or blast music and clean…
It’s okay for people to annoy you and you them as long as you can each remember that you love each other regardless. If you feel it’s beyond the norm for the average level of annoyance and that it’s overwhelming and unlikely to diminish after a while, it might be something that you would need to look deep to determine and not a single one of us or our dorky advice from the stranger stand point could even begin to understand fully nor have any reason or right to condemn you for your feelings.
That’s how I am at this point, been in a marriage for 15 yrs now, im getting to the point I dont want him to touch me. I wanta get out but when I talk to my best friend about it, she tells me no I gotta stick it out cause God is against divorce. So im basically screwed
Yup, turned out I was pregnant lol
Im that way right now… But im also on my period and hormonal
I got like this with my ex when I was pregnant litterlly even his breathing would really bug me could it be your hormones or are you really tired do you ever have breaks from each other and do your own things ect perhaps or are you maybe falling out of love with him just rem everyone has anoying habits but also try and rem why you fell in love with him in the first place mayve you just don’t feel that way anymore if there’s no obv reason as to why your like it try and go back to basics like date niggts ect then maybe these things wil stop anoying you as much but it sounds like you don’t love him anymore by what your saying or hormone related mayve take a weekend away with friends and time to think
It’s hard to be married, it’s hard to be on your own…. Choose your hard
Poor guy can’t even eat his dinner in peace… He needs to leave you and find a new GF who will smile and find him cute… At least he will get another 12years of happiness before she probably starts moaning about nothing. …
maybe you’re just growing apart. it happens.
It’s normal and it’ll pass, worry not. My condolences this has hit you and I hope it’ll get better soon.
Regardless at what has been commented, go see a dr and have your hormones checked. It could also be menopause and such.
When I was pregnant with my second child, I couldn’t stand the sight of my fiancé. Everything he did infuriated me, even if he breathed too loud is there any chance you could be pregnant? Like other people have said, maybe go and see your doctor and in the mean time, if you know your husband isn’t actually doing anything wrong, try and remind yourself of that
I think it’s a phase . It will pass if you let it
It’s actually a disorder. I’m being dead serious. I have it too, well the chewing his food part at least. Look it up.
Check your hormones and see if they are out of whack. Also, is there something you need to forgive him for? Try counseling for yourself and the two of you as a couple. Unforgiveness can cause you to hate everything about him.
I sure hope he doesn’t pick your idiosyncrasies apart the way you do his.
I’m sure there are things that you do that get on his nerves …. Guys really stay away from drama and silly problems .
If us girls could realize a lot of this stuff is us .
But if it something that bothers you already wait until they retire ….
Have you thought that maybe your husband feels the same way? Maybe you do things he can’t stand about you too. Sit down and communicate
If your husband is a good man do not let him see how you feel … It will hurt him … Buy him a different shirt and try to overlook the petty things that are bothering you … Nobody is perfect … Go see the doctor and make sure you"re ok … Maybe you are depressed … Try to put your efforts into your family … Work on yourself and eventually these feelings will pass and you will be happy again … If your husband is not a good man you are probably falling out of love with him … Everyone has their limits … You need to decide what you want…
Sounds like you need to get a pregnancy test!
My husband is my best friend, and I love him dearly.
But when I was pregnant in the beginning, he repulsed me.
This is totally normal. It means you guys spend to much time together. Get away for a little while. Go on a date. Something special that you guys don’t usually do everyday. Just because you guys have been together for 12 year doesn’t mean you don’t have to Woooo eachother.
Ooh girl if I can’t stand someone like that, I just walk away & stop talking to them in all. Just ask yourself, do you truly love him anymore?
Have him change his shirt maybe you can pick some you like chewing is he doing it with his mouth closed ? And maybe you just need some good sex so you can like him agin lol
Honestly we all see things we dont like after being married for a while